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Lesson: The 4 Seasons, months, and

Time: 30 min


1) Students will be able to distinguish which characteristics of the weather are

associated with each month.
2) Students will be able to determine which season certain activities are limited to.
3) Students will be able to determine which months fall under each season.
4) Students will be recognizing and match the clothes depend with the season.

5) The students will be able to write the name of the seasons

Target Vocab: spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold, picnic, beach, walk,
snow, January, February, march, April, may, June, July, august, September, October,
November, December.


1. Introduction: beginning by finding out what my students already know about the
four seasons, (do they know how many seasons there are, what the names of the
seasons are, about when they fall, what is characteristic of each?) depending on the
depth of the responses I receive, I’ll present accurate information to the class with a
presentation. Introduce the topic: the four seasons,months, and temperature with

2. Discuss what season each month falls in, how the temperature/weather changes, and
what activities tend to take place during the season.

3. Once this has been covered, I’ll ask students to play a game with me. I’ll think of a
season and children will ask me questions to try to find out what season it is.
4. Do "Season objects writing" activity
5. Your students are going to write the words for the pictures they have just drawn, so
this is a great activity if your students are at a high enough level to write words (even
with spelling mistakes). If not (for younger students), skip this activity and go on to
point 4. Take the boxes with pictures inside and give the pictures out randomly to
each group. Model by holding up one of the pictures (e.g. a flower) and elicit the
word. Then turn over the piece of paper and write "flower" on the back.
6. Give a time limit (say 5 minutes) and get each group to write words on the back of as
many pictures as they can, using the one pen (again, so they will have to work as a
team). If a team does not know the word, they can send one person up to the
teacher with the picture to ask what it is – but the teacher will only say the word and
will refuse to spell it – the students will have to try their best to spell each word.

7. When the timer goes off, tell everyone to stop writing. On the board draw two
intersecting lines so the board is divided into four equal squares. Write a season in
each of the squares. Go around the class asking for the words they have written and
write the words on the board – for each correct spelling the team wins a point (also,
make sure they correct their spelling mistakes on the back of the pictures). At the
end total up the points and award a prize to the winning team.
8. Play "Season – months- temperature Bingo"
9. Keep the same groups together. Get each team to deal out the pictures of seasons
and 4 months name. The class is going to play "Season-months- temperature Bingo"
with the pictures. The teacher says a season and any students holding that picture
and month, temperature next to it can put it in the middle of
their table. (e.g. "summer – July- hot") Keep going until one student has discarded
his/her last card and shouted "Bingo!". Play a few rounds for fun.
10. Give presents.


11. Sing "Autumn leave are falling down"

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