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The Internet friend or foe

In my opinion, the internet may or may not be beneficial for people,

it all depends on how and where we use it, but last but not least it also
matters who uses it.

One method of using the internet is the phone, which can be used
as a means of communication between people through telephone
conversations, messages that are transmitted between people from
different parts of the world instantly, or even video calls but can also be
harmful depending on how much time each of us spends standing in
front of screens that are harmful to our eyes.

Social media are the order of the day by anyone, and in recent years
they have become places you can't get out of easily because of the
addictive content posted on them. Through social media you can follow
people you are interested in, for example I follow Dwayne Johnson on
Instagram, or better known under the label "The Rock" because I like
the work he has done throughout his life and the way his being, but
especially the healthy life he leads and his clothing style.

In the end, the internet can have both good and bad parts, but we
each have the power to choose the purpose for which we use it.

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