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Znt. J.

Cancer: 31, 309-314 (1983)


Stephen A. S T O H L M A N ' ~ ~Peter
, R. BRAYTC",~,Richard C. I-IARMON~, Douglas STEVENSON*,
Roland G. GANGES'S~ and Glenn K. MATSUSHIMA'~~
Departments of Neurology' and Microbiology2, University of Southern California, School of Medicine,
2025 Zonal Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90033, USA.

The ability of the JHM' strain of mouse hepatitis virus cently, however, the role of interferon as a modulator
(MHV) to induce natural killer (NK) cells was examined. of the immune system has been appreciated, partially
Infection of C57BU6 (86) mice with this virus resulted in because murine NK activity is particularly subject to
the augmentation of natural cytotoxicity against YAC-I augmentation by interferon and interferon inducers
target cells in the absence of a detectable interferon re-
sponse. The cells responsible for this increased cytotoxici- (Gidlund et al., 1978). Viruses, for example lym-
ty were sensitive to complement-mediated lysis with an phocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), are among
anti-Q-5 reagent but not with a Thy 1.2 antiserum, indi- the most effective inducers of both interferon and
cating that they possess an NK-like surface phenotype. augmented NK activity (Welsh, 1981). We have been
Although variation in the N K response of individual B6 interested in the pathogenesis of members of the
mice following JHM virus infection was found, even the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) group. The JHM strain
animal with the most responsive N K cell population had (JHMV) causes acute encephalomyelitis with both
no detectable interferon in the spleen. This finding con- acute and chronic demyelination (Stohlman and
trasted with observations with an unrelated virus (lym-
phocytic choriomeningitis virus) and a serologically re- Weiner, 1981). The MHV-3 strain, on the other hand,
lated strain of MHV. Infection with both of these viruses causes fulminant hepatitis in susceptible mice and
induced augmented N K cell activity and interferon re- chronic neurological disease in semi-susceptible hosts
sponses. In addition, we found that neither the ability to (Virelizier et al., 1975). In this report, we have ex-
mount an augmented N K cell response nor preferential amined the ability to these serologically related strains
lysis of virus-infected targets correlated with resistance or of MHV to induce NK-mediated cytotoxicity in a sus-
susceptibility to JHM virus infection. ceptible strain of mice. This is of particular interest
because MHV-3 induces NK activity and interferon,
Natural killer (NK) cells are a subpopulation of which plays a role in pathogenesis (Schindler et al.,
lymphocytes, present in normal animals, which are 1982), while JHMV does not appear to induce inter-
cytolytic for certain tumor or normal cell targets in feron (Stohlman et al., 1978). In addition, we have
vitro (Herberman and Holden, 1978; Kiessling and attempted to correlate the ability of a virus to elicit
Wigzell, 1979; Clark and Harmon, 1980). Although NK-mediated cytolysis with the well-established gene-
the physiological role of NK cells is not known, they tic control of host resistance to JHMV (Stohlman and
play a protective role against some malignancies in Frelinger, 1978). Finally, we attempted to correlate
vivo (Kasai et al., 1979; Cheever et al., 1980; Kawase such resistance with the ability to preferentially lyse
et al., 1982). Cold target inhibition (Herberman et al., JHMV-infected targets.
1975; Kiessling et al., 1975; Herberman and Holden,
1978) and monolayer adsorption (Herberman and
Ortaldo, 1980) experiments have indicated that NK-
mediated target cell lysis involves the specific recogni- Animals
tion of cell-surface determinants; however, very little C57BL/6 (B6), C3H and SJL strains were purchased
is known concerning the NK cell receptor or the deter- from Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME, at 5
minants which they recognize. weeks of age. All mice were used between 6 and 8
One potential class of target antigens, viral-spe- weeks of age, except for the 12-week-old SJL which
cified cell-surface determinants, has been studied in were purchased at 5 weeks of age and held locally.
particular detail. An early study (Herberman et al.,
1975) indicated that effective cold target inhibition of Viruses
NK activity was associated with the expression of re- The Armstrong strain of lymphocytic choriomenin-
trovirus cell surface antigens. Subsequently Lee and gitis virus (LCMV) was propagated and plaque assay-
Ihle (1977) showed that NK activity against AKR lym- ed in L-2 cell monolayers as previously described (Om
phoma cells could be blocked by murine leukemia et al., 1982). The DS variant of the JHM (JHMV)
virus gp 70. In contrast, other studies have failed to strain of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) and the type-3
show a correlation between the expression of target strain of MHV (MHV-3) were propagated and plaque
cell viral antigens and sensitivity to NK-mediated lysis assayed on DBT cells as previously described (Stohl-
(Becker et al., 1976; Kiessling et al., 1978). Roder et man and Weiner, 1978). Mice were injected with 100
al. (1979) have characterizedpotential target molecules PFU of LCMV and MHV-3 (approximately 100 LD,,)
from an NK-sensitive target cell line, YAC-1. These
molecules were not found to possess determinants in 3Abbreviutions: NK, natural killer; LCMV, lymphocytic
common with retroviral antigens. choriomeningitis virus; MHV, mouse hepatitis virus; i.c., in-
Viral infections induce a number of both specific tracranial; i.p., intraperitoneal; B6, C57BL/6; JHMV, JHM
and non-specific defense systems. One of the non- strain of MHV; MHV-3, the type-3 MHV.
specific defense systems is the synthesis of interferon
which directly interferes with virus replication. Re- Received: December 28, 1982.

via the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route and with 1,000PFU cells were gently resuspended in a 1:lO dilution of
(approximately 1-5 LD50)of JHMV via the intracra- rabbit serum as a source of C'. This serum was previ-
nial (i.c.) or i.p. routes. Control animals were injected ously shown to have no anti-mouse thymocyte cy-
with an equivalent volume of diluent. Spleen cell sus- totoxic activity. The plates were subsequently incu-
pensions for cytotoxicity assays were prepared from bated for another 30 min at 37°C and centrifuged at
animals 72 h post infection. 300 g for 10 min, then the supernatants were aspi-
rated. The pelleted cells were resuspended in 0.10 ml
Natural killer cell cytotoxicity of medium and an equal volume containing lo4 W r -
YAC-1 cells were grown in RPMI 1640 supple- labelled YAC-1 cells was added for an effector:target
mented with 10% fetal calf serum, 10mM glutamine, ratio of 5O:l. Following 4 h at 37°C the cells were
1 0 m HEPES buffer, and 100 pg/ml kanamycin (com- centrifuged, and the percentage YAC-1 cytolysis was
plete RPMI). Before use, the cells were washed twice determined as described above.
in complete RPMI, resuspended to l o7 cells/ml and
labelled with 100 @i of N a W r (1 mCi/ml; New En- Virus-infected targets
gland Nuclear, Boston, MA) for 1h at 37°C. The cells The effect of NK cells on JHMV-infected targets
were washed twice, allowed to rest on ice for 1 h, was examined using DBT cells and the F-10 passage
washed twice more and resuspended to 5 X 105/mlfor of B16 melanoma cells (Stohlman and Weiner, 1978;
use. Single-cell suspensions were pooled from three to Fidler, 1975). Cells were propagated in suspension
five spleens, washed thrice, and resuspended in com- culture, prepared for use as targets, and assayed as
plete RPMI. Spleen cells and 5 X lo4 51Cr-labelled described above except that one portion of the cells
YAC-1 cells were mixed in triplicate or quadruplicate
in 96-well "V" bottomed plates (Linbro ScientificCo.,
Hamden, CT) at various effector to target ratios in a TABLE I - NATURAL KILLER ACMVlTY OF INFECTED
total volume of 0.2 ml and incubated for 4 h at 37°C.
The plates were centrifuged at 300 g for 1min and 100 Percentage Interferon
,uJ of each supernatant removed. Total releasable Strain Infection E T ratio' cytotoxicity U/ml
counts were determined by the addition of Triton
XlOO to a final concentration of 0.05%. Percentage C3H None 100 63.551.7
cytotoxicity was determined using the following for- 50 56.5k2.4
mula: 25 42.7k1.5
12.5 23.0k1.4
Percentage of cytotoxicity =
B6 None 100 25.8k0.5 524
sample cpm - spontaneous release cpm 50 26.8k1.0
x 100 25 26.0k2.2
TXlOO lysate - spontaneous release 12.5 11.5k1.7
Results are presented as the mean 51Cr release k LCM 100 82.3k2.6 256
SD. 50 78.8k3.3
25 76.5k1.7
Interferon assay 12.5 58.823.2
To determine the interferon level, spleens were JHMV3 100 47.7 k1.6 12
placed in complete RPMI at the ratio of 1.0 ml of 50 44.2k4.2
medium per spleen. The spleens were teased apart 25 28.052.1
and a cell-free supernatant was prepared by centrifu- SJL-6 weeks None 100 1.4k0.5 12
gation at 1,000 g for 10 min. These supernatants were 50 1.6k0.2
frozen at -70°C until assayed while the cell pellet was 25 1.4k0.3
resuspended and processed as described above for NK 12.5 1.2k0.6
effectors. Interferon preparations were assayed on LCM 100 48.6k4.2 256
mouse L929 cells in 0.2-ml volumes in Falcon microt- 50 35.0k1.9
est I1 plates. The cells were challenged with 100 25 23.2k0.6
TCID,,, of vesicular stomatitis virus and the interferon 12.5 14.220.2
titer determined as described by Sakaguchi et al. JHMV3 100 1.150.7 12
(1982). In this system, 1 unit of N1 AID reference 50 1.4k0.2
mouse interferon has a titer of 1-3 U. 25 0.7k0.4
SJL-12 weeks None 100 1.2k0.4 52
Antibody cytolysis of spleen cells 50 0.6k0.4
A two-step complement ((2)-dependent lysis of 25 0.7k0.3
spleen cells was used. Equal volumes (0.01 ml) of anti- 12.5 0.3k0.3
serum and 5 X lo5 spleen cells were mixed in wells of LCM2 100 30.0k1.4 256
a 96-well plate and incubated at 37°C for 30\min. 50 20.8k 1.3
Monoclonal anti-Thy 1.2 (F7D5), anti-Qa-4, and anti- 25 12.5k0.6
Qa-5 were generously supplied by Dr. Edward Clark, 12.5 7.7k0.5
Genetic Systems Corporation, Seattle, WA. The anti- JHMV 100 1.5k1.0 1 2
Qa-4 and Qa-5 reagents have been described previ- 50 0.8k0.4
ously (Koo et al., 1980). The anti-Thy 1.2 serum was 25 0.950.7
supplied by Dr. Jeffery Frelinger of this institution.
Following incubation, the plate was centrifuged at 300 'Effector to target ratio. - '100 LDwinoculated i.p. 72 h prior to assay. -
'1,ooO PFU inoculated i.c. 72 b prior to assay. No detectable interferon. -
g for 10 min at 4°C and the supernatant aspirated. The 'No detectable interferon.
was infected with JHMV at a multiplicity of infection was detected following treatment at pH 2.0 to inacti-
of 2-5 during the Wr-labelling period. Both cell lines vate any residual virus. This is similar to the in vitro
express viral cell surface antigens at 5 h post infection results we previously reported (Stohlman et al., 1978).
and destruction of a monolayer prepared in this man- This indicates that residual JHMV is not inhibiting
ner is complete at 12-13 h post infection. cellular RNA and protein synthesis during the assay
(data not shown). No response was detectable in SJL
mice infected with JHMV regardless of age. In addi-
tion, no NK activity was found in SJL mice tested 2,4,
Natural killer response during J H W infection 5 and 6 days post infection (data not shown). Thus,
The endogenous NK activity of splenic lymphocytes following JHMV infection, elevated NK activity did
from three inbred strains of mice was examined. Table not correlate with either detectable interferon produc-
I shows that, using the YAC-I cell line as target, the tion or JHMV susceptibility.
activity oflymphocytesfrom these strains comesponds To ensure that the cytotoxic cells elicited in B6 mice
to the designations “high” (C3H), “intermediate” by JHMv infection in the absence of detectable in-
@@, and ‘‘10W’’ (SJL) (Herberman et a1.p 1977). terferon possessed a cell surface phenotype charac-
Table I also shows that both strains tested, €36 and teristic of NK cells, splenic effector cells were de-
SJL, exhibit significantly increased NK activity 3 days pleted using antisera or monoclonal antibodies di-
after LCMV infection and that this increase COlTeS- rected against Thy 1.2, Qa-4, and Qa-5 as described
Ponds to the Presence of in~e.rfemnin the spleen. by Clark et ul. (1981). Table I1 shows the results of
LYmPhocfies from K2-Week-old SJL mice were also such an experiment. The anti-Thy 1.2 antiserum had
augmented following LCMV infection; however, the no effect on the cytotoxic activity while depletion us-
level of the increased response was lower than that ing the anti-my 1.2 monoclonal F7D5 plus C‘ reduced
found in identically treated 6-week-old SJL mice. the cytotoxicity by approximately 39 %. Treatment
with anti-Qa-4 monoclonal antibody plus C‘ slightly
TABLE n - NATURALC~TOTOXICIT~ OF B6 FOLLOWING decreased the cytotoxicity while treatment with an
DEPLETION BY SPECIFIC ANTlSERA anti-Qa-5 monoclonal antibody plus C‘ eliminated ap-
proximately 70 % of the JHMV-induced response.
Percentage cytotoxicity’ This pattern is consistent with the previously de-
Infected mice2 Ufifectd mice scribed reactivity for these antisera (Clark et d., 1981)
and indicates that the cytotoxic effectors are indeed
None 54.4 14.6 NK cells.
Complement (C‘) only 55.6 13.1
Anti-Thy 1.2 sera C‘ + 57.8 17.6 Interferon response to M H V infection
Anti-Thy 1.2 monoclonal + C‘ 33.7 ND To ensure that JHMV did not induce a highly vari-
Anti-Qa-4 c‘ + 44.7 ND
Anti-Qa-5 C‘ + 17.5 ND able response and that a low but detectable amount of
interferon was not masked by pooling, the NK re-
lEffector to target ratio = 50:1, - 2~~ inoculated with 1,000 pFU sponse and interferon synthesis in individual B6 mice
JHMV i.p. 72 h prior to assay. - ’ND = not tested. infected with JHMV were tested. At an E:T ratio of
50: 1, the cytotoxicity for the five infected mice ranged
from 28.5 to 68.8 %, with an average of 48.5 % (Table
We have previouS’y reported that interferon is not 111). The values of cytotoxicity for the sham-infected
induced by JHMV9a neurotropic strain Of mice ranged from 11.8% to 34.3% with an average
(Stohlman et a1*7 1978)* We therefore examined fhe cflotoxicity of 23.4%. No interferon was detected in
ability of this virus to elicit an NK response. NK activi- the spleens of any of the individual mice, which indi-
ty was examined after infection of both JHMV-sus-
ceptible mice (B6 and 6-week-old sJL) and JHMV- cates that pooling the spleen-cell suspensions had not
resistant mice (12-week-old SJL) (Stohlman et al., diluted a minimally detectable interferon response to
1980; Stohlman and Weiner, 1981). Table I shows a an response’
significant increase in NK activity in the pooled B6 Our inability to detect interferon in the spleens of
spleen cell population from mice inoculated i.c. with B6 mice concomitant with enhanced NK activity fol-
JHMV when compared to uninfected controls and lowing JHMV infection prompted tests with MHV-3,
that there was not detectable interferon associated a strain that induces both interferon and NK cells
with the increased response. In addition, no interferon (Schindler et al., 1982). Table IV shows that MHV-3,


~~ ~

Percentage cytotoxicity
Infected mice ’ Uninfected mice
E:T ratio2 1 2 3 4 5 Average 1 2 3 4 Average
~ ~ ~~~ ~

50:l 32.3 67.8 45.3 68.8 28.5 48.5 11.8 26.3 21.5 34.3 23.4
25: 1 9.8 37.8 20.7 60.5 8.5 27.5 6.8 0.0 11.5 11.8 7.5
12.5:l 3.8 25.8 12.7 46.3 5.8 18.8 1.0 9.5 6.0 2.5 4.8
Interferon 523 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 12
‘Mice inoculated with 1,ooO PFU i.c. 72 h prior to assay. - 2Effector to target ratio equal to 5 0 1 . - ’No interferon detectable.
312 S T O H L W ET AL.


Route of Expriment I Experiment I1 Experiment 111

Mouse strain V i S
% cvtotoxicitv' Intederon % cvtotoxicitv Interferon % cvtotoxicitv Interferon

B6 None 21.2k1.1 S24 13.8f1.3 52' 30.3k2.1 52'

MHV-3' i.p. 67.5 f 1.3 16 47.8k2.5 16 70.352.1 32
JHMV3 1.c. 47.8f1.6 52 42.5k2.4 52 61.854.6 52
i.p. ND ND 33.0f1.6 52 65.3f2.2 52
SJL None 0.6f0.3 12 1.0k0.2 52 ND ND
MHV-3 ' i.p. 2.5f0.8 52 3.150.4 52 ND ND
JHMV3 1.p. ND ND 2.720.2 12 ND ND
IYAC-1 targets, effector to target ratio = 501. - 2Mice infected with 100 PFU 72 h prior to assay. -'Mice infected with 1,ooO PFU 72 h prior to
assay. -'No interferon detectable. - 5ND= Not detennined.

an hepatotropic strain of MI-IV, induces both NK ac- and the minimal cytotoxicity was only demonstrable
tivity and detectable interferon in B6 mice. M W - 3 during a short-term assay. Lymphocytes from both
induced little or no detectable NK response or inter- susceptible 6-week-old and resistant 12-week-old SJL
feron in SJL following i.p. infection, and this resem- mice failed to lyse either target, irrespective of
bles the results following infection with JHMV (Table whether the target was infected or not. The increased
I). Table IV also shows that i.p. infection of JHMV spontaneous release from the infected cell lines paral-
elicits a vigorous NK response without detectable in- lels the appearance of virally induced cytopathology.


DBT targets2 F-10 targets2

Hours post infection Mouse strain
Control Infected Control Infected

4 B6 27.7k3.2 27.0f1.0 3.7f 0.6 3.0kO.O

C3H 20.3f1.2 15.7+ 1.2 1.0+ 1.0 2.7k1.5
SJL-6 weeks 03 1.7f0.6 2.7k 0.6 2.0f2.0
SJL-12 weeks 0 0 2.0k 2.0 3.3f2.1
7 B6 31.750.6 31.7k2.3 0 0
C3H 23.3f2.1 24.0k1.7 0 0
SJG6 1.320.6 1.750.6 0 0
SJL-12 weeks 1.3f1.5 0 0 0
10 86 21.7k3.2 24.0k1.7 0 0
C3H 5.3f2.3 6.3k2.3 0 0
SJL-6 weeks 0 0 0 0
SJL-12 weeks 0 0 0 0
% Spontaneous release 4 h 16.0f1.7 13.0kO.O 12.7k 0.6 11.350.6
7h 18.3f4.2 19.7f0.6 31.7k12.9 39.0k3.6
10 h 25.5 f 3 . 5 41.0k3.0 30.3k15.3 62.0f8.9
IEffector to target ratio = 1OO:l.- 2Percentagecytotoxicity. - 'Release of 5'Cr less than or equal to spontaneous release.

terferon, indicating that the route of viral infection is DISCUSSION

not critical in eliciting an augmented NK response in
the absence of a detectable interferon response. In the past few years, it has become apparent that
NK activity is greatly augmented during viral infection
N K activity against infected targets (Welsh, 1981), including augmentation during MHV
Pooled spleen cells from C3H, B6, and both 6- and infection (Herberman et al., 1977; Schindler et al.,
12-week-old SJL mice were tested for their ability to 1982). Non-specific cellular cytotoxicity following vi-
lyse two target cells infected with JHMV. Viral cell- ral infection was first ascribed to non-specific T-cell
surface antigen is expressed at approximately 5 h post activation or cytolytic macrophages (Blanden and
infection in both these cell lines and complete destruc- Gardner, 1976; Rodda and White, 1976); it is now
tion of the cell sheet occurs by 12 h post infection. clear, however, that this activity is due to NK cells
Table V shows that splenic lymphocytes from both (Welsh, 1981). It appears prior to the virus-specific T-
C3H and B6 mice lyse DBT target cells and that this cell response and is generally believed to be due to the
cell line was moderately susceptible to spontaneous ability of virally induced interferon to increase NK
cytotoxicity. However, there was no differential kill- activity. It has been reported that NK-cell activity was
ing of JHMV-infected over uninfected targets. Lym- not increased over control values during Newcastle
phocytes from C3H and B6 mice showed only mini- disease virus infection in mice treated with anti-inter-
mally detectable levels of cytotoxicity against the F-10 feron antibody (Gidlund et al., 1978) and that mice
cell line. Again there was no difference between their chronically infected with LCMV show no augmenta-
ability to lyse JHMV-infected versus uninfected cells, tion of NK cell activity or interferon (Hansson et al.,
1980). However, it has recently been demonstrated duced interferon and augmented NK activity. JHMV
that NK activity can be augmented by lectins in the infection was less efficient at augmenting NK activity,
absence of a detectable interferon response (Brunda et but still resulted in clearly enhanced activity in the
al., 1982). To gain a clearer understanding of the role absence of interferon. These results confirm that there
of NK cells during viral infection, we have examined is augmented NK activity in mice infected with a virus
the role of NK cell augmentation in the pathogenesis that elicits an interferon response (Welsh, 1981).
of JHMV infection, a virus that does not induce in- However, it is clear from the data that NK cell activity
terferon in vitro (Stohlman et al., 1978). We first con- can also be augmented during infection that does not
firmed that there is an augmentation of NK activity elicit a detectable interferon response and that this
during LCMV infection that can be demonstrated us- result is not dependent upon the route of infection.
ing the YAC-I target and that this augmentation is One mechanism whereby NK cells could play a role
concomitant with a detectable amount of interferon in in resistance to viral infection would be the recogni-
the spleens of infected mice. Augmentation occurs in tion of virus-infected cells in deference to uninfected
SJL mice even though they express very low to unde- cells. In general, virus-infected cells are not more sen-
tectable levels of endogenous NK activity at E:T ratios sitive to NK cell lysis than uninfected cells (Santoli et
of less than 1OO:l. This probably results from the pre- al., 1978) and, in some cases, have been found to be
sence of suppressor cells (Riccardi et al., 1981). more resistant to cytolysis than uninfected cells (San-
The data presented show that the ability to exhibit toli et al., 1978; Welsh and Hallenbeck, 1980). It has
augmented NK cytotoxicity does not correspond with been suggested, however, that MHV-infected targets
resistance to viral infection. Both B6 and 6-week-old have increased sensitivity to NK-cell-mediated cytoly-
SJL are susceptible to JHMV, while 12-week-old SJL sis and, therefore, that NK cells may have a direct
are resistant (Stohlman et al., 1980; Stohlman and effector function during MHV infections (Welsh,
Weiner, 1981). Although B6 mice respond with aug- 1981). To test this hypothesis we compared high,
mented NK activity, neither age group of SJL mice medium, and low NK responder mouse strains for
was responsive following JHMV infection. Recently, their ability to lyse infected and uninfected cells. In
it has been shown that there was an inverse correlation addition, we tested lymphocytes from SJL mice at two
between host resistance and both the interferon and ages, of which one is susceptible to JHMV, while the
NK responses of mice to MHV-3 infection (Schindler other is resistant (Stohlman et al., 1980). Although
et al., 1982). Both the data of Schindler et al. (1982) only two target cell lines were tested, there was no
and the data presented here are in contrast to reports preferential lysis of infected cells over control cells by
that resistance to herpes viruses correlates with NK splenic lymphocytes.
cell activity (Armerding and Rossiter, 1981; Bancroft The data in this paper contain two interesting obser-
et al., 1981). vations. First, it is clear that normal splenic lympho-
Infection with JHMV resulted in the augmentation cytes do not have the capacity to preferentially lyse
of NK activity in B6 mice in the absence of a detect- JHMV-infected targets when compared to uninfected
able interferon response. Although our method of de- targets. This finding held true irrespective of whether
tecting interferon has excellent sensitivity, it was pos- the NK cells were derived from susceptible or from
sible that individual animals responded with a mini- resistant mice. Second, it is clear that JHMV is able to
mally detectable interferon response which was augment NK activity in the absence of a detectable
masked by dilution in the pooled spleen preparations interferon response, independent of the route of infec-
due to unresponsive individuals. To exclude this possi- tion. This may indicate that the augmentation of NK
bility, we examined the NK activity and interferon activity following viral infection can proceed without
levels in individual mice. No interferon response was obligate interferon induction. However, these studies
detected in the individual animals tested even though indicates that NK activity does not play a major role in
the average NK activity of both the infected and sham- host survival following JHMV infection.
infected groups approximated the data obtained from
the pooled samples. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The augmentation of NK activity by two strains of We wish to thank Mr. Raymond L. Mitchell I1 for
MHV, one that has been reported to induce interferon his excellent assistance with the manuscript. This work
and NK activity (MHV-3), and one that does not in- was supported in part by grants NS 07149, NS 12967,
duce interferon in vitro (JHMV), was compared. In NS 15079 and A1 3874 from the National Institutes of
three separate experiments, we found that MHV-3 in- Health.

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