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Final Test Review Exercises

Mixed Tenses & Grammar
Exercises may include the following structures:

● Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Simple Past, Past
Continuous, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Will, Future Going to, Future
Continuous, Future Perfect
● Conditionals Zero, First Type, Second Type, ● Had Better
Third Type ● to inf/ing
● Structures After Wish ● Passive Voice
● Used to ● Reporting Verbs
● Would Rather

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1. I will pass (pass) my exams easily, if I focus (focus) on my revision timetable. I will next time.
2. Paul’s parents had to sell their house. They wouldn`t be (not be) in such financial difficulties if they
had saved (save) more wisely.
3. If I had (have) a younger brother or sister, I wouldn`t get (not get) so much pressure from my parents.
It’s not easy being an only child.

4. If you had taken (take) the car into the garage when I suggested, it would have been repaired (repair) last
5. It’s no use _ . (wait) for Jim – he’s going to be hours yet
6. You’re not worried about missing (miss) the train, are you? We’ve got tons of time.
7. What do you think about the idea of having (have) the party at the new hotel?
8. Pete’s not confident about (take) the oral exam this afternoon. He doesn’t think he’s ready.
9. It’s nice to see (see)that Pam and Joe are back together again after all this time.
10. How many CDs _ do_ you _have_ (have) in you collection?

11. Betty isn’t very good at DIY, so last year she had her house decorated (decorate) by a painter.
12. I’m upset because Agatha isn’t here yet and I have been waiting(wait) for two hours.
13. Karl (be) given a new job in marketing.
14. _ _ he _ (have to) start work at 7:00?
15. I was watching TV when I heard (hear) a strange noise outside in the yard.
16. You don`t have (not have) time to go to the movies tonight – you need to study.
17. James have worked (work) for the company for 20 years when he finally received a pay raise.
18. It is said (say) that getting enough sleep is a very important part of staying healthy.
19. I wish I knew (know) how to help you, but I’m afraid I don’t know how to fix computers.
20. There are thought _to be (be) tribes living in the Amazon that no one has ever contacted.
21. While my brother was riding (ride) his bike to school, he had a minor accident.
22. Would you rather we had (have) Chinese food tonight?
23. If only Ian was (be) a little happier. It makes me sad to know that he doesn’t like his new school.
24. If only you don’t forget_ (not forget) to close the windows, the rain wouldn’t have come in.
25. The weather _is expected_ (expect) to be mild and rainy this summer.
26. We’d rather you didn’t borrow_ (not borrow) money for college. We’re happy to pay for you to go.
27. We’ve arranged for the tour _ (be) finished at 9:30.

28. Sheila advised me _ _ (contact) the manufacturer. They may be able to repair the laptop.
29. I dislike people talking (talk) while I’m giving a presentation.
30. We would hate you if you think (think) we don’t want to come to your concert.
31. Ivan’s waiting for the telephone _ _ (ring). Bart said he’d call us as soon as he got some news.
32. If you _had_ (have) a bit more money to spend, you could buy a bigger TV.
33. By next Friday I hope you will have had_ (have) finished this project and started something new.
34. It’s no use __ (ask) Barry to help this weekend. He’s going to be away until Monday.
35. He’s tired of _ _ (be) given presents he can’t use. He says he’d rather have money.
36. Would you rather gave(give) me the blue hat and kept the red one for yourself? We can trade, if you’d like


Complete the sentences with the correct form of a to infinitive or a gerund
1. We can’t afford going_ (go) on vacation this year.
2. My new job involves _ _ (deal) with customer complaints.
3. We managed _ _ (clean) the whole house before my parents arrived home.
4. Please don’t make me to listen (listen) to that song again!
5. I know you’re very tired, but please try to concentrate (concentrate).
6. My bedroom needs _tidy_(tidy). It’s a terrible mess.
7. I used to(used to) play video games every day, but now I only play them on weekends.
8. Remember _ calling_ (call) the electrician this afternoon.
9. I’d rather _get_ (get) the bus than go by train tomorrow.
10. Sally can’t help crying_ (cry) when she watches romantic movies.
11. I used to(used to) meet friends for coffee on Saturday mornings.
12. Try _to turn_ (turn) your laptop off and then on again. That might fix the problem.
13. I’ll never forget _seeing_ (see) your face when you heard you’d won the lottery!
14. Erik promised to study_ (study) harder and to try to get into college.
15. I can’t stand listening (listen) to people talking on their mobile phones.
16. I don’t mind _missing (miss) the film. I’ve seen it before.
17. I remember _ (visit) my grandparents by the sea when I was a child.
18. We’d better (get) up early tomorrow if we’re going to catch the early train.
19. I tried to learn(learn) all the vocabulary for the test, but I couldn’t remember it all.
20. I can’t wait _ (go) on holiday with my friends in the summer.
21. I started playing_ (play) the guitar when I was about 11.
22. My brother’s teachers make him work(work) very hard at his school.
23. I’ll never forget _seeing_ (see) The Pyramids for the first time.


Underline the correct form
1. The new operating system is quite different, but you’ll soon get used/ get used to/ used to it.
2. I watch a lot of foreign movies so I used to/ get used/ ’m used to reading subtitles.
3. Zoe wasn’t used to/ didn’t use to/ ’m used to be good at tennis, but now she plays really well.
4. My parents used make/ making/ to make me do my homework before I could watch TV.
5. When I was young, I would/ used to/ was used to have a lot of toys.
6. We can’t get used live/ to live/ to living in a bungalow. We keep wanting to go upstairs!
7. After a year in the US I’ve finally gotten used to/ been used to/ used to driving on the right.
8. I used to / ’m used to eat a lot of sweets and cakes, but now I only eat healthy food.
9. I wasn’t used to / didn’t use to like fish, but now I eat it two or three times a week.
10. Ricky usually / used to walks to school, but today he’s getting the bus.
11. I used to play / playing the piano, but now I play the drums.
12. I’m not used to / I didn’t used to swimming in the sea. I usually swim in a pool.
13. My boyfriend moved away last summer and I can’t get used to / be used to being without him.
14. When we go on holiday, we usually / use rent a house on the beach.

Circle the correct form
Your honor, my client admits to be/being at the scene of the crime, but he denies to have/ having anything to
do with the crime.
Yes, but you’re going to have to explain what the accused was doing there, with a weapon and $200000 cash.
And she will also have to explain why her client refused to explain/ explaining his presence, the weapon, or the
money, to the police.
My client is accused to steal/of stealing this money, but I will ask you that you wait/to wait until you have
heard all the evidence. The evidence will convince you to release/of releasing him as an innocent man. It is
true that I advised my client not to say/not say anything until I arrived at the police station. But that is his legal
I apologize for interrupting/interrupting you Ms Beal, would you mind beginning your defense now?
Thank you, your honor. Now My Dykes, let’s go back to the morning of the crime. Your girlfriend suggested to
buy/buying a new house that she had seen, did she not?
Yes, she’s been trying to persuade me getting/to get an apartment in a better neighborhood…

Complete the sentences with the form of the verb in parenthesis

1. I promise not to tell_ (not tell) anyone your secret.
2. I would never encourage to work (work) night shifts.
3. I can’t believe you’re blaming me _ for inviting (invite) him to the party.
4. I suggest having (have) a break before we discuss the next point.
5. My boss has refused to let_ (let) me have the day off for my birthday.
6. Stephen admitted stealing_ (steal) the money.
7. I’m so glad you persuaded to go_ (persuade/ go) to that talk – apparently it was really boring.
8. I would recommend visiting (visit) the castle and the museum.
9. We advised our daughter _to do(do) the trip alone.
10. He regretted _not studying (not study) literature in college.
11. Robert has been accused _of hacking (hack) into people’s computers.

Choose the correct option
1. Vinegar _ _ good for cleaning windows.
is said to be/ says it is/ is saying to be
2. I can’t stand waiting on the phone.
to be kept/ being kept/ keeping
3. I don’t think criminals should _ _ shorter sentences for pleading guilty.
be given/ give/ be giving
4. It ___ that the hijacked plane is now heading for Venezuela.
is believing/ is believed/ believes
5. Two million dollars’ worth of jewelry _ _ from a city jewelers last night.
is being stolen/ was stolen/ has been stolen
6. The local bank twice this year.
has been robbed/ is robbed/ has robbed
7. The thieves are thought paintings worth several million dollars.
to have taken/ to take/ that they have taken
8. A peaceful protest _ _ when the police broke it up with tear gas.
is being held/ was being held/ was held
9. They won’t allow the movie
by anyone until its official release date.
be seen/ being seen/ to be seen


Select the correct option to complete the sentences

1. _ _ it rained, we had a great time.

A Even though B However C In spite of
2. I went to the Tourist Information office ask for a map.
A for B to C in order
3. The company is expanding _ increase their market share.
A for B so that C in order to
4. _ _ it being pretty cold, we decided to have a picnic on the beach!
A In spite of B Although C Even though
5. The company is opening overseas offices _ _ they can access the global market.
A for B so that C in order
6. I booked the tickets online _ _ I could get a cheaper price.
A so as B so that C for
7. _ _ the mosquitoes, we had a good night’s sleep.
A Although B In spite of C Even though
8. _ _ we went in Sweden, everyone spoke really good English!
A Wherever B Whatever C Whoever
9. _ _ that I’m not fond of ice-skating, I really enjoyed myself.
A Despite the fact B Although C Even though
10. I like reading books on philosophy _ I sometimes find them difficult.
A in spite of B though C despite
11. Gary came into college at nine o’clock a meeting with his tutor.
A for B so as to C to
12. _ _ cleaned this kitchen deserves a medal!
A Whatever B However C Whoever
13. Tina left work slightly early _ miss the start of the talk.
A to not B so as not to C in order not
14. The beach resort was a bit disappointing, but our accommodations very good.
A are B were C was

1. _ _ interested in the festival, so you can have the tickets.

A None of us are B None is C No-one of us is
2. Mark _
_ swims nor runs – he doesn’t do any exercise at all.
A either B neither C
3. You can have both
you want to eat, and it doesn’t cost anything.
A anything B nothing C all
4. _ _ in the painting class is really nice.
A All B Everybody C All the people
5. Helen and Alice play badminton very well.
A either B neither C both
6. He’s eaten _ !
A all B all of the biscuits C all
7. I’ve got _ _ work to do this morning!
A none B no C any
8. A Is there coffee left?
B No, there _
A is no B isn’t any C isn’t none
9. I’m hoping to study Geology or Engineering in college.
A neither B both C either
Complete the sentences with words from the box
genre sleeping oversleep snores pillo burglary
pills w
sentence acquitted questioning commentat reviews censored
d or
1. I went straight to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
2. The judge _ sentenced each member of the gang to three years in prison.
3. Both of the defendants were _ acquitted and walked out of the court free men.
4. I really can’t _ _ tomorrow morning – I’ve got an early flight.
5. Two men were arrested for _ burglary_.
6. Nobody has been arrested for the crime, but the police are questioning three boys.
7. This article has definitely been censored_. There’s lots of key information missing.
8. The doctor gave me sleeping pills to help me sleep.
9. I flew from New York to San Francisco yesterday and I’m still _.
10. A 17-year-old boy has been _ with drug dealing.
11. I didn’t go to see the movie because it had such bad __ reviews_ in my newspaper
12. Country and western isn’t my favorite musical genre.
13. I often listen to football on the radio – I really like their _commentator.
14. I never share a room with my brother – he snores so loudly during the night!

Choose the coorect option to complete the sentences:

1. It’s an instrument you play by blowing into it.
A a violin B a flute C a cello
2. It’s a person who writes music.
A conductor B composer C performer
3. It’s a woman who sings with a very high-pitched voice.
A soprano B choir C chorus
4. It’s a musical instrument that you hit with sticks.
A piano B drums C trumpet
5. It’s a large group of people who sing together.
A chorus B choir C orchestra
6. It’s the extra piece that performers do when the audience asks them to come back.
A genre B concerto C encore
7. It’s somebody who sings or plays an instrument on their own.
A solo artist B cellist C conductor

1. My dad often has a in the afternoon and is always wide awake after it.
A yawn B nap C nightmare
2. Don’t forget to your alarm clock – we’ve got an early start tomorrow.
A do B set C put
3. The bed was so comfortable that I slept like a _.
A stone B horse C log
4. If I drink coffee too late I find it difficult to _ asleep.
A keep B drop C fall
5. I like to sleep under a thick _ in winter.
A pillow B sheet C duvet

1. _ _ smashed windows in the town center last night.
A Murderers B Witnesses C Vandals
2. _ _ take people by force and often ask for money to release them.
A Kidnappers B Smugglers C Burglars
3. _ _ attack people in the street and steal their money.
A Vandals B Terrorists C Muggers
4. _ _ set off bombs in public places.
A Hijackers B Terrorists C Blackmailers
5. _ _ follow people everywhere and try to make contact with them.
A Fraudsters B Blackmailers C Stalkers
6. _ _ threaten to release information that someone wants to keep secret.
A Hijackers B Terrorists C Blackmailers

1. The decided to change the front page of the newspaper at the last minute.
A reporter B editor C presenter
2. If you want to be a _ _, you have to be well-dressed and comfortable on TV.
A newsreader B commentator C photographer
3. The magazine article wasn’t – I spotted a lot of mistakes.
A biased B accurate C sensational
4. Dan’s a _ _ reporter so he works for different newspapers.
A biased B paparazzi C freelance
5. They use such ridiculously strong and _ language in this newspaper.
A sensational B accurate C objective
1. sell something using advertising
A launch B export C market
2. to recommend and promote a product as a celebrity
A campaign B market C endorse
3. to give people the wrong idea and make them believe something that’s not true
A mislead B airbrush C retouch
4. someone who receives a professional service
A owner B client C colleague
5. a number of stores in different locations owned by the same company
A chain B branch C multinational
6. the group of people that work for a company
A directors B staff C customers
7. a person you work with
A employer B client C colleague
8. a business agreement between two people or companies
A decision B profit C deal
9. to buy materials / products from other countries
A import B expand C manufacture
10. an office or shop that is part of a larger organization
A branch B chain C firm
11. the main office of a company
A first office B head office C top office

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