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Activity for Unit1B Social Dimensions of Education

1. How does Social Dimensions of Education help you with your future profession? (10)

 As a future educator, I am certain that what children, parents, teachers, and staff
learn in the classroom has an impact on the rest of the community. What is
appropriate at school must also be appropriate in the community, and vice versa.
A teacher should collaborate with their communities to develop activities that
connect students to their society and community members to the school in order
to give the social component relevance.

2. Cite 1 conflict/issue that you experienced in the academic setting. Explain how did you
resolve or overcome the conflict/issue. (15)

 In an academic atmosphere, the most memorable conflict/issue I encountered

was my lack of self-confidence. Every time we have a reporting task in class, I
stumble. I'm nervous of speaking in front of the class since I'm not sure I'm doing
it correctly. I'm still working on it, but I'm confident that with the support of my
family and friends, who are always there to encourage me and give me the
strength to face my anxieties, I'll succeed.

3. Do you agree that social interaction is necessary in the educational system? Explain your
answer (10)

 Learning requires social connection, which has been shown to be advantageous

in peer learning, cooperative learning, and behavior modeling. The way people
act and react to one another is referred to as social interaction. Thus, social
interaction occurs on a regular basis between persons of diverse positions and
statuses and can take the form of both spoken and nonverbal communication.
Because it improves a child's cognitive and social capacities, social involvement
in learning appears to be significant. People work together in groups to achieve
common aims. Learning is dependent on the relationships developed as a result
of social contact.

4. As a future educator, how will you handle your timid (less confident with themselves)
and shy (cannot be able to express themselves) students? (15)

 It may be tough to persuade a child who looks to be deliberately avoiding

speaking up to join. We must ensure that students feel safe contributing in class
when encouraging class involvement. In a culture that celebrates extroversion
both in and out of the classroom, it's challenging to be an observer rather than a
participant. The easiest method to get everyone engaged is to set standards for
all class participation that encourage everyone to try their hardest and include
rules like raising your hand when you have something to say and not calling out.

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