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King Justin A. Domacena.



5 Factors that I personally considered Vital in building the I-SAVE Foundation

1. Plan in advance
I will make plans in ahead, which for more modern organizations covers the next three to five
years. I can exercise more choice and control over what occurs in the future if I do this.
2. Consider the past
- I'll think about what has and hasn't worked well in terms of how my organization or teams
3. Build organizational structure
- At this point, my priorities should be on creating the best possible workflow, meeting
organizational objectives, and providing services to my intended clientele.
4.Fill in the people
- I'll assess a current employee's inherent aptitude for the crucial and difficult role that needs to
be filled. As an employee might not exactly suit a function as they did in the past, I will make
sure to determine the new competences needed.
5. Balance authority and responsibility
- Regardless of their position on the organizational ladder, I will grant all of my personnel the
same levels of power and responsibility. In the absence of that, there is a chance that my staff
members may feel restrained, angry, and uninterested.
Attach herein is an RRL about Organizational Structure

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