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In today's society, social media is inevitable.

It has been a part of the lives of

many people. From our learning to our entertainment, we depend on social media. But
social media may be beneficial, but it has a dark side that many people don't even
notice. This is why we ask ourselves, is social media beneficial or harmful for us?
If we think about it, social media has many advantages, especially since we are
still in a pandemic. It makes our lives easier and safer; we can just tap on our
screen and have it delivered in a few hours. But social media is like a drug that
can be addictive to many of us. As I wake up every day, I see many people doing
crazy and menacing things to post online for views. Not only that, but also the
content that the interweb contains. It has so much fake news, ideas,
misinformation, and even stuff that some of us are not supposed to see. It is more
than that. As time has passed, the amount of cybercrime has risen dramatically in
comparison to the previous decade, which is concerning because it not only causes
mental distress in others but can also result in death. Social media can also cause
mental health issues in its users because they see this unrealistic standard that
social media has and many people are trying to achieve just to fit in with that
unreal standard of the internet, which creates new insecurities and other mental
health issues. Social media affects all aspects of our lives, such as financially,
physically, mentally, and even emotionally, and that's the problem; many of us
didn't know that social media was the reason for some of our problems.
Consequently, as users, we must be mindful of how we use social media in order to
avoid harm or danger. Be a good example or model to many people and advocate being
a responsible online user. As a final point, social media is either beneficial or
harmful to its users. It is entirely up to us, the users, to use the internet
correctly and mindfully.

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