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NAME: ……………………………………… CLASS:……………………….. TIME:1hr 15 mins

1. Answer all questions in the provided ANSWER sheet.

Part 1
Questions 1 – 8
Read the text carefully on each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark the
correct answer A, B or Con your answer sheet.


Stay with us from 1 to 31 October and get all your meals


Go to to book a room.

One room costs RM110

1. Marigold Inn is
A offering free accommodation if you enter an online contest.
B urging people to book online to save money
C announcing a new promotion for October

Tina :A friend I met online ask me to meet up with him tomorrow after school.
What should I do?
Cora: You should not agree to meet up with him. You don’t know him well.
Tina: What if he insists?
Cora: Then it’s time to remove him from your internet friend list.

2. Tina is
A asking for advice
B making a suggestion
C asking for permission

3. Mazita and Kashini are going to the Science Fair
A. on Friday
B on Sunday
C on Saturday

4. The poster reminds us that

A trees are essential to life.
B trees can only be saved by our hands.
C trees and our hands save us from all dangers.

5. The mother in the above picture, is…
A ordering her son to collect the tickets.
B reminding her son to collect the tickets.
C suggesting to her son to collect the tickets.

6. The notice above is about

A a competition in making robots
B becoming a member in Petrolsains
C a competition for geniuses in Science

7. The advertisement is meant for parents to

A be present at Pintar kindergarten till 1.00 p.m.
B open a kindergarten at the address mentioned.
C register their children aged 5 and 6 at Pintar Kindergarten.

Future Technology

Paypal founder Elon Musk is turning his attention back to the Internet. He’s
awaiting permission to send almost 4000 small satellites into low-Earth orbit that
would beam back a high-speed wireless signal to everyone on the planet.

8. Should Elon Musk’s plan work, we will have

A worldwide Wifi.
B personal satellites.
C opportunities to go to space.
[8 marks]
Part 2

Questions 9 -16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

A Trip to Ulu Yam Waterfall

During the last school holidays, my friends (0) but I went on a trip to Ulu Yam Waterfall. We gathered
at the bus station (9)earlier in the morning. The journey there took (10)a hour and a half. It was my
first trip together with my friends. Everyone (11)were so excited. We brought some snacks and drinks
from home. Upon our (12)arrived, we were captivated by the beautiful view of the hills and forests. It
was truly breathtaking. The chirping (13)by the birds and the sound of the waterfall made us feel so
peaceful. Ulu Yam Waterfall is famous for (14)it’s beautiful recreational park. As we were swimming
at the waterfall, it started to rain. We (15)run to find a safe shelter. After an hour, the rain subsided.
We (16)have a picnic near the waterfall. Before we headed home, we cleared up our things and left
the area as we found it. It was a fun and educational trip.
[8 marks]
Example :
0 and

Part 3

Questions 17 -24
Read the text below and answer questions 17-24
Animal-themed Gift Shop

A new gift shop is opened along Jalan Parit. It is located beside a florist. It has garnered a lot of
attention through social media because of the unique products it offers.

All it’s animal-themed products are cute and useful, not merely decorative objects. The shop’s
owner. Ms Jackee, has a hand designing all of the products you see in the shop. Among the products
sold are T-shirts, bags, mugs, stationery and cutlery. Importantly, all the products are made using
recycled material.

According to Ms. Jackee, her love for flora and fauna as well as wanting to preserve the
environment for future generations, got her thinking of designing animal-themed products. She knew
it would be an effective way of reminding people of the beauty of life and living things.

Ms. Jackee is hopeful and encouraged by the support that the shop has received since operating
10 months ago. Her only mode of advertising at the moment is through social media platforms where
she informs customers about new products, gives price updates and offers weekend-only deals.

The positive feedback and reviews from satisfied customers have encouraged Ms. Jackee to add
new products. She hopes they will appeal to existing customers and attract new ones,

You can visit ‘Wild, Wild World Gift Shop’ from Tuesdays to Sundays from 10.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
visitors are encouraged to bring their own shopping-bag. For only the month of November, the first
200 customers will receive a limited-edition fridge magnet to celebrate the shop’s one-year

Questions 17-24
Complete the following table.
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer. Write your answers
on the answer sheet provided.
Animal-themed Gift Shop
Location of shop 17.____________________________________________
Special feature of product 18. _____________________________________________
Products made from 19. ____________________________________________
Time in operation 20. ____________________________________________
Operating hours 21. ____________________________________________
Closed on 22. _____________________________________________
One-year anniversary gift Limited-edition 23. _______________________________
Number of gifts to be distributed 24. ___________________________________________

[8 marks]

Part 4
Read the text and answer questions 25-34


If you want to visit one of the most beautiful places on earth, then head to Dingle Peninsula in
Ireland to walk along the Dingle Way. Dingle Way is a long-distance trail around the Dingle
Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. The trail is 170 km long which starts and ends in Tralee. Tralee is
the capital of Kerry.

The trail takes you along a picturesque route. You will see the foothills of Slieve Mish, the waves
of the Atlantic Ocean crashing against the shore at Slea Head as well as the farmland and beaches
around Castle Gregory. There are also archaeological sites to explore along the route.

If you are a part-time hiker who enjoys walking, taking photos, meeting locals and enjoying
picnics, then sign-up for a gentle hiking tour. This type of tour requires you to walk between 16 km
and 18 km per day. This is about 4 to 6 hours of walking per day.

On day 1, you need to to get to Annascaul. This is where your hiking begins. You start walking on
Day 2. You will walk 22 km to get to Dingle Town. The town is famous for its culture, music and a
bottle nose dolphin, Fungi, that has been greeting visitors at the Dingle harbour since 1984.

On the morning of Day 3, you will be taken to Ventry by vehicle so you hike to Slea Head. The
Ventry to Slea Head stretches 11km long. You will see ancient historical forts that are more than 2500
years old and breathtaking cliff-top views. You will remember this hike as the one that transports you
to old Ireland.

Day 4 takes you down from Slea Head to Ballyferriter. It is 16 km walk along the coastline of the
Atlantic Ocean. You will see the most secluded beaches here. There will be plenty of time to take
photos. The following day, you will walk for 16 km to Cuas. The entire walk on Day 5 is along the
cliff top. Looming in the background is Mount Brandon. On the sixth and final day, you will be driven
to Dingle Town in the morning.

A gentle hiking tour costs RM2000. It includes accommodation at several towns along the route,
transportation, snacks during the walk and guide fees.

Questions 25-32

Answer the questions below.

Choose no more than five words and/ or a number from the text for each answer. Write your answers in
the answer sheet provided.

25. There are ……………………………………….. in the village of Castle Gregory.

26. Hikers are expected to walk between ……………………………. Hours daily.

27. The gentle hiking tour starts ………………………… and ends at Cuas.

28. Hikers will be greeted by Fungi, a bottle nose dolphin in Dingle harbor on ………………………..
of their hike.

29. The longest distance the hikers have to walk on in a day is from …………………………………..

30. Hikers will remember …………………………….. as they hike from Ventry to Slea Head.

31. Hikers will be able to see ……………………………when they walk along the cliff top to Cuas.

32. The entire tour lasts …………………………….

[8 marks]

Questions 33-34

Complete the table with a word from the text. Then write your answers in the answer sheet provided.

Meaning Word
33. appearance is attractive
34. to spread over a large distance

[2 marks]
Part 5

Questions 35-40

You are going to read an article about water.

Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-H) to fit the gap (35-
40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Water is a colourless liquid without taste or smell. It consists of two elements: hydrogen and
oxygen. If the water is pure, that is, if it contains no other substance, it is transparent. Next to air,
water is the most important sustainer of all life, be it human , animal or plant.

[35]….. An ordinary man can live more than twenty days without food but he cannot live for a
week without water. It is surprising to know that each of us usually take in about three pints of water
daily in one form or another. [36]……. Without water, they would wither or die.

Besides for drinking, we use water every day for washing, cleaning, bathing and for other
purposes. [37]……… In the industrial world, all manners of engines depend on water power in one
form or another. [38]…… Running on stream, trains have hauled tons of goods and ships have sailed
around the world.

Three quarters of our planet’s surface is covered with water. [39]…… The water evaporated by the
sun rises onto the sky forming clouds. When these clouds meet cooler winds, they fall to the earth as
rain. [40]……. Animals, including man, depend on plants for food, medicine and building materials.

A For instance, factories, blast furnaces, boilers and motors run on cheap water power which could
converted to electricity.

B Rainfall keeps the temperature of the lands low and vegetables and forest luxuriant and dense.

C The oceans keep the land mass cool and habitable.

D Farmers irrigate their crops from lakes, rivers or springs.

E Plants also consume a great deal of water to keep themselves alive and active.

F Contaminated water brings sicknesses such as vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea

G. More than seventy per cent of the human body is made up of water

H Water makes up seventy one per cent of the Earth’s surface

[6 marks]

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ END OF QUESTION PAPER@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Prepared by, Checked by,

Rahimah binti Moktar Sharon Selvarani Selladurai
F3 English Language Teacher, F3 English Language Teacher,
SMK Rawang SMK Rawang

Checked by, Verified by,


Head of English Language Panel, Head of Language Department,
SMK Rawang SMK Rawang


NAME:......................................................... CLASS:.........................................

No. Blacken your answer (Part 1) No Write your answer (Part 3)

1 A B C
2 A B C 18
3 A B C
4 A B C
5 A B C 20
6 A B C
7 A B C 21
8 A B C

No Write your answer (Part 2)

10 Write your answer (Part 4)



Part 5 34

35 A B C D E F G H Marks
36 A B C D E F G H Part 1
37 A B C D E F G H Part 2
38 A B C D E F G H Part 3
39 A B C D E F G H Part 4
40 A B C D E F G H Part 5

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