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Analisis picture book of ketika lilo piknik (2020)

A. ilustrative elements

1. Designing the book

Regarding the designing book, it is very good, the colors used are also not monotonous
so the children will be very enthusiastic about reading. but there are some pictures that
almost look the same on several pages as on page 9 and 13. For the end papers, they are
good, the illustrations are also interesting. the title page is also well written in very
interesting letters, where in the lilo word fragment, the letter I uses an image of a carrot,
and the letter O uses the shape of a carrot that has been sliced round, which is very
interesting for children to look at. see the next pictures in this book

2. picturing figurative language

As for this picture book, the figurative language is on pages 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 17.
Where on pages 9, 13, 14, Lilo is illustrated riding a bicycle. where Lilo's actions are part
of the figurative language, namely personification. while on page 10, it shows Lilo
reading a cookbook, this also includes the figurative language, namely personification.
Likewise, what is illustrated on page 12, uses the personification figurative language
because there Lilo is cooking a carrot tart. classified as personification figure of speech
because Lilo acts like a human, namely, riding a bicycle, reading books and cooking. for
page 17 here using a figurative language metaphor. because on this page a picture of
the cake is displayed which is bigger than Kiko and seems to be depicted falling.

3. Amplyfing the text

In this picture book, what is illustrated (visual illustration) is the same as what is
described. it means the depiction that the illustrator describes supports or strengthens
the existing text. as on pages 20-26.

4. changing the story

for the visual illustration there are some on the page that spoil the meaning of the
illustrated story. it means that the picture that is illustrated does not match the text
that is conveyed. and that makes the meaning in this picture book change the meaning
of the story. as on page 10. where on this page the text displayed does not match the
image illustrated.

B. literary elements

1. Character

a. revelation of character

1) by action

The main character of “ ketika lilo piknik” is Lilo, who had help keli don’t had food
because the food was spilled. We can see on the paper page 24. Lilo is a rabbit very
enthusiastic, and lilo is little indiffrent to this surroundings. it’s like lilo dosent want tp
share his food because he really likesthe cackes he makes.

2). by speech

We can also know the characteristics of lilo by speech. we can see on page 24 where on
page it is shown that lilo wants to give his food to keli. he said "Keli ini buatmu!". So we
can conclude that Lilo has an attitude of giving

3).by appearance

The Ketika lilo piknik illustrated by Evi Shelvia, clearly describe the appearance of the
characters in the story. where we can see Lilo's character here is described as blue, likes
to ride a bicycle, and likes to cook.

4. author comment

We can also know the characteristics of lilo through the authors' comments. we can see
on page 13. here is described lilo very excited to join the party. and on page 18. on this
page it is described that lilo does not want to share his food with others.

b.types of characters

1. round charachter

There is a story “ ketika lilo piknik”, using a round character. especially the character
lilo which I made as the character that I analyzed. why i classify lilo in this type, because
lilo experienced a change in personality which at first he did not want to share. but in
the end he wanted to share too.
2. plot

a. Narative order

in this story use a plot chronological narative order. Because the event that happened
In the story is chronogically.

b. types of conflict

in the story ketika lilo piknik use person against person types of conflict. Because Lilo's
character's wishes conflict with other characters' needs or desires. like Lilo who doesn't
want to share, even though other friends who attended the party shared with each

c. pattern action

The action pattern ketika lilo piknim is a straight horizontal line, which is the suspense in
minimal. The story doesn't have a climax or the highlight of the story. Just flowing, like
lilo running the action that is not so high action
d. types of plot

ketika lilo piknik use progresif types of plot. Because the event that happened in the
storry not hang and do not have the next series. and immediately solve the problem.

3. theme

The theme of ketika lilo piknik has an explicit theme. because in this story the narrator
himself has determined the theme, which is picnic. as shown through the title of the
story and the content of the story as a whole.

4. setting

The setting of ketika lilo piknik has an integral setting. Because the setting fully
described in the whole story.

a. village

in page 4 mention name of the vilage namely Karoten.

b. village field

it mention in page 9. where the village head invites them to attend the harvest party on
Sunday in the village field

5. Point Of You

In this story use a omniscient PoV . Because the author or narathor know all about
character, like what charakter think, and feel.

6. style
a. symbol

1. carrots

Carrots are seen as an aphrodisiac and a symbol of fertility. we can see in the story
when Lilo had a picnic, so many carrots were produced. not because rabbits are
identical to carrots, but carrots also have another meaning, namely fertility.

2. pink and blue colors

blue and pink colors illustrated by the author on the characters lilo and keli. it
symbolizes that lilo is a male rabbit. because blue is synonymous with manly. while pink
itself has a meaning about feminism. which indicates keli is a female rabbit.

b. figurative language

in this story dosent use figurative language. That's what makes this book interesting
and very easy for children who are novice readers. because there are no figurative
words in it.

7. Tone

This story contains an excited thinner. because the farmers can't wait to attend the
harvest Party. especially lilo. It mention on the page 13. Juga this story contains an
happy tone. It we can see on the page 6. Where on this page discribed is farmers really
happy because their harvest is bountiful. This include tone by tone related to the
authors choice of materials.

C. The advantages of picture book

This pictpicture book is perfect for children. because it uses light language that is easy
for children to understand. and in this picture book there is no figurative language.This is
the strength of this book. and the pictures are also very good for children to digest.

D. Mental Health related to picture book

Relate to mental health, in the picture book in the character has good mental health.
Because there are no signs that indicate they have mental health disorders in this story.

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