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On Isla Nublar, located near Costa Rica, an employee of InGen (International

Genetic Technologies, Inc., for its acronym in English) is attacked by a mysterious
and lethal animal, which he intended to free from its box in its future habitat in the
recent zoo under construction. His death causes a conflict between the family of
the murdered employee and InGen. As a consequence, its manager John
Hammond is pressured by the investors of the project, to allow a safe investigation
by experts on the island, before the opening of the park. Hammond visits the
paleontologist Alan Grant and the paleo botanist Ellie Sattler, at their
archaeological camp and offers them to finance their studies for a few years in
exchange for being part of the evaluation committee, which is how they end up
traveling to the island in the company of the mathematician Ian Malcolm and the
investor representative Donald Genaro.

Upon entering the park, the researchers meet a specimen of a Brachiosaurus,

revealing only at this moment the true nature of the park; while inside the
laboratories they are informed about the technique used by scientists to recreate
the different species of dinosaurs. InGen created the dinosaurs by genetically
cloning fossil material found in prehistoric mosquitoes that fed on the blood of
dinosaurs during the Jurassic era, preserved in amber through the ages. The DNA
of these specimens was finished with the addition of genetic segments from frogs,
in order to replace the original sections damaged by the passage of time. During
the process, only sterile female dinosaurs were created to prevent their procreation
and a possible uncontrolled overpopulation of dinosaurs on the island, they were
also designed with an endocrine failure that makes them unable to generate lysine,
so if they do not consume it in their food in hours will fall into a coma and die, in
this way it has been thought possible to avoid a successful escape
Malcolm and Sattler did not fully agree with the InGen project, calling it chaotic.
This is not reported to anyone, since it is only part of a conversation between the
two while Grant, although he is fascinated with the park's dinosaurs, also does not
hide his disagreement with the project, especially after learning that they breed
velociraptors and that they have discovered that these hunt in packs and have
highly developed intelligence. After the interactive explanation of InGen, the
researchers are taken to tour the park, to see each of the complex's facilities.
There they also meet the manager's grandchildren, Lex and Tim Murphy, who
accompany them on the vehicle tour. A tropical cyclone begins to form on a
perimeter near Isla Nublar, causing most of the employees to leave the facility,
except for the manager, Officer Robert Muldoon, engineer Ray Arnold, and
programmer Dennis Nerdy. Arnold convinces Hammond to pause the investigative
tour, to carry it out the next day; At the same time, the old man argues with Nerdy,
who is dissatisfied with the great work demand that has been entrusted to him,
correcting against the clock the failures in the island's computer network, for which
he considers that he has been paid less than he deserved.

Taking advantage of the situation, Nerdy had been hired by InGen's rival company,
Byosin, to steal some dinosaur embryos; For this reason, he blocks the security
system of the park to be able to infiltrate the laboratories, leaving most of the
facilities without any protection in their fences, after stealing them and fleeing, he
gets lost in the jungle where he is killed by one of the released dinosaurs,
a Dilophosaurus.

The Tyrannosaurus rex facility is one of those that remain unprotected, so its
specimen, after escaping, attacks the two vehicles on the route that remained
static in front of that facility at the time the electricity supply was cut off; he wounds
Malcolm and Hammond's grandchildren, and devours Genaro. Dr. Grant and the
children manage to flee from him and when they reach a leafy tree, they decide to
climb it until they reach the top to rest and sleep during the night. Meanwhile,
Malcolm is helped by Dr. Sattler and taken to a safe place for recovery. The next
day, Grant and the kids find wild dinosaur nests, discovering that some species
have been breeding; Doctor Grant concludes that the genetic segment of the frogs
was responsible for this, since some species of frogs are known to change sex
sporadically when found in a unisexual environment.

From the control room, Arnold attempts to unlock the security systems locked
down by Nerdy. Finally, the only way to do it is by restarting the park's systems,
which would cause all sectors and facilities to be completely inactive until manually
reactivated from the electrical distribution barracks. After rebooting the systems,
Arnold goes to the barracks to manually activate the electrical power switches,
however he does not return. Ellie and Muldoon go to the barracks, discovering on
the way that the velociraptors have escaped from their facility - which, in turn, was
on a perimeter adjacent to the barracks. Muldoon advises Ellie to separate, while
he would take care of hunting the velociraptors that, in his assumption, were
stalking them at that moment. After following a velociraptor, Muldoon uses his hat
as a decoy to ambush and kill it, however, he is surprised by another velociraptor
hidden in the vegetation, since they actually set a trap for him and thus end
up devouring him.
Ellie manages to restore power, but must escape from another velociraptor that
was in the barracks, there she also finds Arnold's remains, while Alan, Lex and
Timmy try to reach the complex by crossing the deactivated gates, however, when
activated by Ellie, Timmy almost dies electrocuted, after this Alan leaves the
children in the dining rooms and goes in search of survivors. Ellie manages to
leave the complex and manages to meet Grant, with whom she returns to the
control room, where Hammond and Malcolm are safe. Upon learning of the
velociraptors escaping, Grant prepares with weapons to ward off them. Suddenly,
the velociraptors sneak into the kitchen—where they almost get Lex and Tim—and
then into the control room. Lex restores the computerized systems that control the
park's locks to prevent velociraptors from entering the room. In doing so, Ellie calls
for help over the phone. However, the velociraptors break the glass of the
electromagnetic doors, causing the team to scale and enter the ceiling of the room,
eventually leading them to the park's visitor center. In that room, a skeleton of a
Tyrannosaurus specimen is exposed. Noticing the presence of the velociraptors in
the visitor center, the team descends from the roof via the skeleton to try to
escape, though help arrives when the real Tyrannosaurus appears in the visitor
center and kills both velociraptors, unintentionally saving to Grant, Ellie, Lex and
Tim in their timely appearance.
Hammond, Ellie, Grant, Malcolm and the kids hop into a jeep to get to the spot
where a helicopter is waiting for them to leave the island. Grant mentions,
ironically, that he will not support the park, a decision that Hammond now shares
as well. On board the aircraft, the children fall asleep next to Grant, who
contemplates the birds flying nearby - one of the evolved species that survived the
dinosaurs, which have now been recreated and have taken control of the island
where the failed project would reside.


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