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Free verse by Tombhaki

All that is unmarked is not innate inability,

innate inability, by all account is marked.
Initial, inherent, innate inability.
Does the innate inability make you shiver?
does it?

How happy is the latent, idiopathic insufficiency!

Down, down, down into the darkness of the idiopathic insufficiency,
Gently it goes - the inactive, the potential, the possible.

Pay attention to the fundamental fact,

the fundamental fact is the most yellow information of all.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the fundamental fact,
Gently it goes - the lily-livered, the cowardly, the yellowish.

I saw the the zany traveller of my generation destroyed,

How I mourned the american absentee.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the american absentee,
Gently it goes - the goofy, the humorous, the sappy.

Pay attention to the obvious omission,

the obvious omission is the most complete linguistic process of all.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the obvious omission,
Gently it goes - the hearty, the clean, the gross.

A dietary deficiency, however hard it tries,

Will always be intermittent.
A dietary deficiency is sporadic. a dietary deficiency is periodical,
a dietary deficiency is periodic, however.

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