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Imagine yourself as one of the candidates in the pageant, how would you answer the following

1. In your own opinion, what is beauty?

 It's a radiance of spirit, having character, kindness to ourselves and to others, it's
strength and self-confidence to know that with or without makeup the real beauty is

2. How will describe a beautiful person?

 It's someone who appreciates the beauty in other people without any jealousy or
mimicry. A beautiful person can look at you and actually see you, accept you and
recognize the beauty and the divine in you. Their presence makes them beautiful.

3. For you, who is the most beautiful person in the world?

 Everyone is beautiful it depends on how people see it.


List and describe the common secondary sexual male and female characteristics
Male Secondary Description Female Secondary Description
Sexual Sexual
Characteristics Characteristics
voice gets lower or breasts develop and
deeper. get bigger.
penis and testicles hips get wider and
get bigger. body may become
more curvy.
Hair grow on face, start getting
chest, and back. your period.
chest and shoulders Your labia may
get broader. change color and
grow bigger.

1. Based from the activity above, what aspects did you use in describing beauty? Inner
or outer? Why?
 Inner beauty is for more important than outer beauty. Inner beauty simply refers to the
personality of a person, including their mind and characters. Outer beauty means the
look of a person.

2. When do we usually observe the physical changes listed above for the secondary
male and female sexual characteristics?

 Secondary sex characteristics appear at a mean age of 10.5 years in girls and 11.5 to 12
years in boys.

3. Were you able to experience the same changes? When?

 I can say I've already changed but it's a good change. This was when I decided to enter
the dance competition that I had been nervous and afraid to meet a lot of people
before, now I have the confidence I would have before.
 Everything is changing, because change is the only constant thing in this universe, but
just make sure the change is for yourself 's better and best version.
 During puberty the changes in your body are caused by hormones that are chemicals
produced in your body. Such hormones are like chemical signals which trigger other
hormones to be released by the testicles or ovaries. All of these hormones work
together to start changes in puberty.
 First of all I as a person, in comparing us with others, each individual is the same, but in
many ways we are unique. Differences with others may or may not change, but the
individuality of Each of us will still be the same.

4. How does the society shape the sexual behavior of an individual?

 Our culture shapes the way we work and play, and it makes a difference in how
we view ourselves and others. It affects our values—what we consider right and
wrong. This is how the society we live in influences our choices. But our choices
can also influence others and ultimately help shape our society

1. Differentiate natural, artificial methods of contraception and In Vitro

 Natural methods of contraception are considered "natural" because they are

not mechanical and not a result of hormone manipulation while Artificial
contraception can be defined as any product, procedure or practice that uses
artificial or unnatural means to prevent pregnancy

2. Agree or Disagree. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals

and transgender? Why?

 I do Agree. Couples in committed relationships receive financial and social

support from marriage, which has significant positive effects on health. In
average, married men and women enjoy better physical and mental health than
comparable cohabiting couples, according to research. In addition, same-sex
couples who are legally married are more likely to maintain a committed
relationship than those who are not.

Directions: Write down in at least 100 words your realization about physical and
sexual self.

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