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by Şaragov Ecaterina
What skills do you need:
1)You should like biology or simply understand
it because this type of job is
based on medicine and tacking care of animals.
2) Speaking about school objects you must
understant alsow chemistry and math

3)If we talk about quqlites that you need

to achieve certain goals like you must be understanding,
willing to help in every situation to be patient and calm is
very important to be always calm with this patients
What are the advantaces and
disatvantages: 1)
1)The advantage of working in this sfere is
socialasing with defferent types of animals
starting with cats ,dogs,hamsters and
ending with snakes parrots

At the second advantage that I notice at working

vet is the rather high salary ofered for help and
cary animals

The bigest disadvantage of working vet

is the pain you feel when you lose a
Benefits of society:
The biggest benefit that this
service has once in the fact that
we can help animals that today
need medical help we can offer
difrent surgerys because medicine
is evolving more and more and the
second benefit is that people don't
lose their pets their closest friend

Buster Llouyd-Jones
Known as one of histori's most
compassionate veterinarians.
Dr.William opened his home to all manner of
creaturesduring World War II.Familes werwe forced
to leave their pets behind as they evacuated, so Dr
Lloyd-Jones purcased an estate to house all of them
His veterinary practice was incredible successful at
this time.
My opinion about this job and why i
chosed it like a future job
I thinck that this job is importante I like animals
and I want to have their always near me, to have
they always healthy I has a dog (Luky) and it
can't be saved at the time I decided that i wold
like to be a veterinary to save ours animals and I
see this job in future.
For listening

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