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NAME:________________________________________ DATE:__________________


I. Answer the following questions.

____________________1. Where has long been believed as the site of the first mass?

_____________________ 2-3. What are the two primary sources that historians refer to in order to
identify the first mass in the country?

_____________________4. According to Albo’s Log, where did they planted a cross on a mountain top?

_____________________5. It has the same location with limasawa as stated in Albo’s account.

_____________________6. He was one of the 18 men out of 240 who returned Spain in 1522.

_____________________7. When was the first mass held?

_____________________8. When did Pigafetta’s group landed on Mazaua?

_____________________9. Who officiated the first mass in the Philippines?

_____________________10. It is popularly known as the birthplace of the church in the Philippines.

_____________________11.What association in the Philippines sustained findings that the Limasawa

Island in Southern Leyte was the site of the fisrt mass?

_____________________12. Who provided a more detailed description of their week-long stay at


_____________________13. Who sent a priest ashore with some men to prepare on a mass?

_____________________14. What is Mazaua called today?

_____________________15. How many days did Pigafetta and Albo stayed at Mazaua?

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