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Social Marketing Mix

● Product - is heart of marketing mix, sell, offer

○ Understand every part of your product
○ Social marketing - behavior you offer to participants
■ e.g: masks vs importance of wearing a mask
■ How to apply the behavior
○ What is the importance of product to consumers
○ Trialability - can it be tested out
- Continuous adoption before promoting
○ Ease - adaptability of behavior, the impact
○ Risk - understand behavior
○ Image - behavior perceived to be attractive, explain what and why is the need
- is behavior attractive or unattractive
○ Acceptability - socially accepting, opening to change
○ Duration - csr vs social marketing, long term impact
○ Cost - what is the exchange
○ Products developed to support behavior or to utilize
○ What’s in it for the customer to adapt? Why is it necessary? (benefits, satisfying
needs and wants, what will be solved)
○ Designing vs design thinking
■ Designing - Making product attractive
■ Design thinking - Developing product applying soc marketing, how will it
solve/behavior change, sustainability
● Price - economic costs
○ What will make target participants pay/adapt to
○ Monetary or nonmonetary exchange for desired behavior
■ Increase in Nonmonetary - commitment/appreciation/reward system
● E.g: fair play point hockey
■ Decrease monetary costs - discounts etc.
■ Decrease nonmonetary costs - explaining risks, good value they will get
- encouraging changed behavior
■ Increase monetary costs - fines/taxes, influencing policy makers
- protection behavior theory
■ Increase nonmonetary costs - negative public impact
- protection motivation theory
- change in social issue
● Place - distribution, how will product be acquired
○ Which channels with encourage behavior change
○ Develop convenient strategies - how can customers reach
■ Make location closer - accessibility
■ Point of decision making
■ Overcome psychological barriers
○ Must be strategic so customer will be attracted
● Promotion - promote the product
○ Starts with understanding the product
○ Social marketing - what will be the behavior change in exchange
■ Ethical execution
■ Acceptable - readiness of audience
○ Right message using right messengers - creative strategy
■ E.g: adopt dont shop - not about forcing but understanding what happens
if you do
○ Use of image, use of words
● What you want them to know - facts
● What you want them to believe - no misinterpretation
● Make it simple and clear - benefits, solutions, personal
○ Appealing to emotions
○ Revolving around big idea
● Make norms more visible - socially acceptable
○ Real stories real people
○ Psychographic attitudes

● Dove
○ Natural beauty
○ Inclusivity
● Messy Bessy
● Lush
● Human Nature
○ to develop organic farms
○ natural and organic products that are free from
harmful chemicals
● H&M
○ improving the quality of life of the communities
○ Recycling clothing
● Ikea
● Mary Grace/Cinnabon
● Starbucks
○ Ethically sourced
○ Connection, belonging
● Google
○ Accessible information
○ Open culture
● Grab/Angkas
○ Economic empowerment
○ Use for everyday
● Maybelline
● Aveeno
○ selection of natural ingredients, inclusive &
sustainable practices.

● Hydroflask
● Coke
○ Names on bottles
○ Sharing, family, connection

● Extrinsic - physical qualities, tangible

● Intrinsic - more in depth, value, what can you benefit
○ Promote behavior change

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