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Insight 10º Grade – Unit 10 Test

Can technology save the environment?

In a world of 9 billion expected by 2050 – including 3 billion new middle-class consumers – the challenges of
expanding supply to meet future demand are unprecedented. The World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) and the Global Footprint Network estimate that we have far exceeded the Earth’s capacity
to sustain our current levels of consumption and that in the very short term we are on track to consume the
equivalent of more than twice what our planet can regenerate; the United States is consuming up to five times that
In agriculture and food production the opportunity is enormous, both economically and morally. One -third
of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted before it is eaten, the UN’s Food and Agricultural
Organization estimates that this equals to $750 billion. In the US, 40% of all produce is not eaten – and it’s projected
that it also generates up to 10% of all greenhouse gases. Just in Europe 100 million tonnes are thrown away each
year. This is not only an economic issue, but also an insult to humanity when over 840 million people go hungry
each year.
Relying on efficiency gains alone will not be enough to meet global demand: the context calls for systemic
changes, and in that respect the switch from a linear to a regenerative circular economy provides interesting
options. The circular economy aims to eradicate waste – not just from manufacturing processes, as lean
management aspires to do, but systematically, throughout the life cycles and uses of products and their
Within this economic model, designing durable goods to be restorative will keep components and products
in use for longer, while ensuring that biological materials can re-enter the biosphere at the end of their life will
contribute to safeguarding soil productivity.
In a circular economy, the goal for durable components, such as metals and most plastics is to reuse or
upgrade them for other productive applications through as many cycles as possible. This approach contrasts
sharply with the linear mindset embedded in most of today’s industrial operations. Even their terminology – value
chain, supply chain, end user – expresses a linear take–make–dispose view. Ultimately, the circular economy could
decouple economic growth from resource consumption.
If we believe half of Peter Diamandis predictions about an abundant world and that exponentially growing
technologies will enable us to make greater gains in the next two decades than we have in the previous 200 years,
we could soon have the power to exceed the basic needs of humankind.
Abundance for all could be within our grasp: Dean Kamen’s “Slingshot”, a technology which can transform
polluted water, salt water or even raw sewage into high-quality drinking water for less than one cent a liter; the
Qualcomm Tricorder which promises a low-cost, handheld medical device that allows anyone to diagnose
themselves better than a board certified doctor; Despommier’s “vertical farms” which replaces traditional
agriculture with a system that uses 80%less land, 90% less water, zero pesticides and transportation costs. And
other emergent technologies such as Machine-2-Machine Communication, mobile technology, advances in
nanotechnology, life and material sciences all provide an array of options for optimizing our production
technologies to minimize waste.
Clearly, continuing down the path we are in is not an option our planet can sustain. We must mitigate and
restore the capabilities of our environment to sustain us and future generations. In how fast, widespread and
effectively these new business models and technologies are deployed lies much of the answer to the challenge. And
whether this is cause for optimism I am in no position to say.
Leo Schlesinger, Chief Executive Officer of MASISA México
Group I – Reading Comprehension

1. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

1.1. “it” ________________________________________________________________________________
1.2. “their” _____________________________________________________________________________
1.3. “this”______________________________________________________________________________
1.4. “them”_____________________________________________________________________________

2. Find synonyms in the text for the following words:

2.1. Developing ________________________________________
2.2. Protecting _________________________________________
2.3. Guess _____________________________________________
2.4. Made _____________________________________________

3.1. Why can’t our planet regenerate?


3.2. Why is the consumption of food insulting?


3.3. How does the circular economy model intend to reduce waste?

Group II – Vocabulary

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.

1.1. I didn’t have any money, but I enjoyed ______________________ the shop to see the clothes.
1.2. It’s so hot! Can you turn on the ________________________, please?
1.3. In order to make paper, companies _____________________ lots of trees.
1.4. Sorry, I don’t have more jeans to sell. They’re ____________________.
1.5. How can I ____________________ Greenpeace? I want to help.
1.6. Breathing smoke in very _________________ for your health.
1.7. You can ___________________ in the changing rooms.
1.8. How much does it cost? It doesn’t have a ______________________.
1.9. The use of drugs is ________________ in most countries.
1.10. In Japanese homes you have to ______________________ your shoes before you come in.
1.11. The human race won’t _______________________ if the planet keeps getting worse.
1.12. ________________________ your jackets in the wardrobe! Your room is a mess!
1.13. We need to _____________________ our spendings. We’re broke.
1.14. You’re not going to buy more hair gel until you ____________________ this one.

Group III – Grammar

1. Change the following sentences into passive or active sentences.

1.1 Will they publish her new book next month?

1.2. Do they grow coffee in Brazil?
1.3. Gerry has fed the cat this morning.
1.4. Students don't speak English in class.
1.5. Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb in 1867.
1.6. My wallet was taken by a thief.
1.7. The boys offered the girls some help.
1.8. Cricket is not played in America.
1.9. My students have given me a cherry tree for my garden.
1.10. Global warming will affect specific regions in different ways.
1.11. Pollution is going to contaminate all our drinking water.
Group IV – Writing

Write an opinion essay expressing your thoughts on the following question: “Is technology a cure or a

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