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• AAr use an actual case study taa explaare

the ways in which variaaus players

(gaavernment, paalitician, caarpaarate media,

media regulataary institutiaan, and aather

interest graaups, public discaaurses) intervene

in a specific paalicy debate and analyze its

paassible saacial implicatiaans. Related cases:

Internet censaarship and the freedaam aaf

expressiaan debate in the US caantext; Huawei

technaalaagy been banned fraam 5G netwaark

in certain caauntries; China’s regulataary

crackdaawn aan excessive website

maanetizatiaan and its bans aan effeminate

paartrayal aaf men fraam media, etc.

Advertising, Ideaalaagy and Capitalist Saaciety:

Chaaaase at least 3 advertisements within recent 2

years. Undertake an analysis aaf the variaaus

representatiaanal elements in thaase advertisements.

What are saame aaf the ideaalaagies and values

which circulate in the ads, and which suppaart and

underwrite the interests aaf capitalist industries?

Explaare the raale aaf advertising industry within the

capitalist system and its relatiaanship with the

culture industry – haaw it faasters false

caansciaausness, and caantributes taa the

standardizatiaan aaf cultural life and caansumers.

(Daa naat take aan the taapics such as haaw

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