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PAGES 32&33

0Habibur Khan

‘I’d invite a spice seller from one

of the Spice Islands Zanzibar’
with Bombay potatoes. Even though Country Park. It’s a wonderful place grance of cardamom, but hate it Queen singer Freddie Mercury in
By GABY SOUTAR I eat curry twice a day, I can’t get to chill out and enjoy amazing food when I bite into one. the film Bohemian Rhapsody. Mer-
over the taste. In Bangladesh, shat- and service at The Kitchen res- cury was born in Stonetown, Zan-

abibur Khan – the boss kora’s thick fleshy rind is eaten as a taurant. Just like The Radhuni, it’s What starters, main and dessert zibar, where there’s a plaque above
at Loanhead’s Indian- vegetable, while the pulp is usually family-friendly. I love seeing mums would be served at your dream the house where he lived. Also, a
Bangladeshi restaurant discarded because of its bitter-sour and dads teaching their kids about dinner party and who would you female chef, maybe Scotland’s only
The Radhun – answers our food taste. The thick rind is cut into small new foods and flavours. It’s easy for invite? Michelin-starred female chef Lorna
questions. pieces and cooked, either green or youngsters – and their parents – to We’d eat fuchka (panipuri), which McNee from Cail Bruich in Glas-
ripe, in curries. The fruit is also a get into a food rut. Indian-type dish- is often listed as among the tastiest gow. Although we’re firmly focused
What’s your favourite ingredi- main ingredient in pickles. es are NOT boring. street foods in Asia. It’s made from on Indian-Bangladeshi food, we’re
ent? flour, spiced seawater, onions, pota- always looking for inspiration from
Javentry-mace, the dried shell of the Tell us about your first food What would be your last supper? toes and chickpeas. Then we’d have elsewhere. Females are under-rep-
nutmeg, gives the perfect aroma to memory? Curry of some kind. I could write a waffles and ice-cream. I’d invite a resented in top Scottish restaurants.
fried pilau rice. Gosh, it was many years ago, but book about it. spice seller from Zanzibar, which is I’d also ask a senior official from the
with a Bangladeshi background it often referred to as one of the Spice UK Home Office, so I can encourage
Do you have a guilty food pleas- must have been chicken curry and Starter or pudding? Islands. Among its trademarks him/her to make it easier to get visas
ure? rice as part of my first solid food. Both. I love to try out things. Innova- are cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon for expert chefs and front-of-house
I love shatkora chicken, which is tion is one of my keywords. and black pepper. I’d like to chat staff from the Indian sub-continent.
named after the fruit, which tastes What’s your favourite Scottish to them about what more of their It’s a continuing problem.”
a bit like lime. The sauce provides restaurant, deli or cafe? Do you have any food hates? wares we can bring to Scotland.
a contrast to the meat and is great The Restoration Yard in Dalkeith Blue cheese. I also love the fra- I’d ask Rami Malek, who played

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