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Stella Tangkawang(BA20110641)

Essay outline

As the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching implications continue to unfold globally and in
our community, it's normal for people to experience a wide range of thoughts, feelings and
reactions expecially for students- learning online is not an easy things.
Thesis statement:- Students need to find ways to be able to control stress because of this
Topic sentence 1: Stay connected
Receiving support and care from others has a powerful effect on helping students cope with
stresss-Spending time with supportive family and friends -talking through our concerns,
thoughts, and feelings with others can also help us find helpful ways of thinking about or dealing
with a stressful situation.
Topic sentence 2: Set limits around news and social media
It’s understandable to want to keep informed and prepared-listening to upsetting media coverage
can unnecessarily intensify worry and agitation-When get the urge to check updates- pause,
notice the urge, delay acting on the urge-let it pass without judgement- Schedule a specific time
to check in with the news instead. It's also okay to take breaks from conversations with others
about COVID-19 and suggest talking about other topics- students need to do so for help them not
upset and relax.
Topic sentence 3:- Focus on things that can control
classmates, friends or family members may be disobeying the rules about physical distancing or
doing other things that add to your stress- good behavior and staying safe yourself, recognize that
we can’t control what other people do- The uncertainty about what comes next.-instead of
worrying about our ambiguous future, focus on solving immediate problems.
Topic sentences 4:- Take breaks at regular intervals
Studying during this pandemic hasn’t been easy for most students- mood swings and a
rollercoaster of emotions much more than before- not ideal to spend all day working or studying-
Don’t feel guilty or beat yourself up for taking too many breaks- current situation calls for it and
it’s absolutely healthy to clear your head by indulging in your favorite shows or spending time
on new hobbies.
Topic sentence 5:- Maintain your day-to-day activities and a routine as much as possible
Having a healthy routine can have a positive impact on your thoughts and feelings-Go back to
basics- eating healthy meals,-physical exercise- walking-stretching-running-cycling getting
enough sleep, and doing things you enjoy. Even if in self-quarantine- there are many ways to
develop new routines and stay healthy.

Stress is a normal, and in some cases, helpful part of everyday life-'The adrenaline that comes as
part of our stress response can be motivating and actually help us to perform better.-The
difficulty comes when stress tips over to distress. When stress is having a negative impact on
day-to-day life-when it stops you achieving, relaxing or communicating - that’s when some
support may help.

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