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The Alchemical state, the science of magnets, the riddles of the Ancient Ones

revealed. The dimensional star gate of Uraeus/Urania. Mental polarity moving the EL-mentals.

The metaphysical, historical, prophetical in scripted dimensionally in the WORD.

Oh Ausar, Oh Auset the time has come to be Born again as Het-Heru and Heru. We

willed unto you the lesson of the Door-Keeper being the MIND. This was the story of MOSES.

Reflect Moses/MIND goes into the Mountain Top to commune with GOD. Let us reflect also

Ezekiel 43:10-12. Verse 12 states “This is the law of the temple: The whole area surrounding

the mountain top is most holy. Behold, this is the law of the Temple”. So the MIND is most

holy. In the truth of Tehuti, “ALL is MIND…Law of Mentalism”. So in this degree the

RUTH/ROOF of the Temple is given, for foundation has been found weighed in BALANCE.

All truths are but half-truths, but to know TRUTH the MIND is set free. To know and not

believe is the KEY to unlock the DOOR. Once the MIND KNOWS, it is prepared/made ready to

SELF initiate, the highest initiation. For ALL is MIND, so MIND communes with the ALL. So let

us raise the RUTH/ROOF, and travel to the Mountain Top.

The Black’s Law Dictionary defines “Diplomatics” as the decoding/deciphering of

ancient text/scripts. Diplomatic is associated with Nationality, Sovereignty, and King/Queen

ship. This is the pillar of BOAZ the Bloodline, the MOTHER-SHIP. By Birthright-Blood-lineage

you are ROYAL but you must be a MASTER of SELF in keeping the TEMPLE to raise the Pillar of

JACHIN (Priesthood). When these two Pillars come together it is SHALOM/ISLAM/PEACE

meaning the MIDDLE PILLAR the Hidden Pillar (AMEN) is revealed, the path of the MESSIAH the

anointed ONE, the CHRIST, the HERU. But Hiram/Hi-RAM constructed these Pillars out of


WORK of the MASTER-Craftsman/Builder, MaSon. The deceiver will make the MIND accept

precept upon precept, but surely ALLAH is the best of all planners. The Bible states in 1John

5:8, “And there are THREE that bear witness on EARTH: the SPIRIT, the WATER, and the BLOOD

and these THREE agree as ONE”. In the Quran man is created from a blood-clot, and in Genesis

the GENE of ISIS, as stated in Laurence Gardner’s ”Starfire Lesson”. Several verses leave the

average seeker confused and made to just accept a precept that it is just not for man to

understand. But to not understand our beginning in the Bible is to not understand our DESTINY


Before we Travel upon this let us view the diagrams below to enter the path to the

Mountain Top:

Diagram A: --Enki = Spirit (Lord/Adon) Diagram B: --Spirit Neutron

3 +Higher
-- EVE -Mind Electron
-Emt Body
- Lower
4 4 -Ast. Body

Matter -Life Force

-Physical Body

Giving birth to Cain the Spirit becomes

Bloodline. Eve received Matter
a man from the Lord.


Diagram C: - Soul
Higher + Science
Adam Enki Of
3 -Mind Enki
Enlil and
-Emot. Body Lower - Enlil.
Matter MIND
4 -Astral Body
Gen. 1:26 -Life Force
“Eve” -Physical

Now we will unto you the truth of the fact that Genesis is a mixture of Sumerian Tablets

(Gilgamesh/Elisha Epics). Now let us cipher so the MIND may reflect. There never was a time

when man was not; Melchizadek, he without father or mother, without beginning or end; Atom

energy that can neither be created nor destroyed. SPIRIT can never die it is GOD. In Genesis

1:26 (diagram C), it shows that Adam=ATOM the energy that when slowed down (put in a deep

sleep) became MATTER=EVE=Mother of all Living things. So our Ancient teachings, from

Abyssinia to Sumer to Olmec, that hold that we came from the PRIMORDIAL WATERS, the

COSMOS, the Abyss, the Spiritual Waters of Chaos and slowly the polarizing vibratory frequency

lowered forming a physical world (body). We still maintained dominion over the physical

(EARTH/WORLD/ASSIAH/ASIA). To have dominion there must be Dominance a Battle. So as

within, so without or as above (mountain), so below. The internal battle of the original

children of the Abyss of the primordial waters (ANU) manifested outwardly. The inevitable!

The higher ones created a Lower one. It is the MIRRORING effect, the reflective cause!

Those of the original vibration (Life Originally Vibrating Equality) prepared for the NEW

AGE, as the ones that would not keep the WAY (VIBRATION) caused the manifested meteorite

shower. Now in the studies of the Manvantara the cyclic process is divided in four Yugas or

Ages. These ages, as explained in “Ancient Future” by Wayne Chandler, are repetitive or (ad

infinitum). Each age is proceeded by a period of transition called Sandhya or twilight, the time

of pruning/purification for the age to follow. Reflect then the Ancient Ones knew of the

changes we faced and the ways were prepared. Now the Ages are reflective of the Kabbalistic

Worlds: Atziluth, Briah, Yetizirah, and Assiah.

In the Krita/Satya Yuga the golden age or age of TRUTH/RUTH/ROOF and Purity is said

to last 1,728,000 years – the Cosmic beings of Pure Light, our first form/body (when we were

neither male nor female). Then the Treta Yuga which lasts 1.296,000 years is the age of purity

but less perfection (vibration changing) – the cosmic force is taking on the (tetra) (4) = TRETA

form, which creates the cycle of Dwapara Yuga that lasts 864,000 years and is characterized

by the emergence of conflicting forces and though the cycle within this age begins

harmonious it eventually exhibits struggle between high and low, good and evil – physical

form brings on gender and a lower vibration/charge (the Battle).

Then in the Kali Yuga which lasts 432,000 years is considered the lowest (lower mind)

point of hue-man the Age of Darkness, the Adam and Eve Fall. This is the cyclic period we are

traveling in, which is Enlil bringing the FLOOD, the LOWER MIND giving life to the Lower Nature.

This is represented in the Biblical Story of Gene-Isis and Gilga-mesh Epic. But it must be viewed

in the two Pillars of the DOORWAY, BOAZ (Kingly) and Jachin (Priestly). For it reveals the

Bloodline and its Birthright, its History and its Metaphysical science of SELF.

In this We reflect on the Diagram (A) it reveals that Cain came from the LORD/Adoni or

ENKI which is a Keeper of the WAY, the One who saved MAN from the Flood. For EVE received

a MAN from the LORD. Now this represents the BLOODLINE of the GODS/ANNUNAKI, children

of the Most High (ANU). This Bloodline is represented in the Sobek Dynasty, the Dragon

Dynasty. This Dynasty can be traced to its roots in the Typhonian (Dragon Dynasty) of

Abyssinia; the people of the ABYSS, the Primordial Water, the NUN of Khemet. Several authors,

such as Drusila Huston, Gerald Massey, and Sheik Anta Diop, have traced the Typhonian (TWA)

people of Ethiopia to be the beginning of the Sumerian Empire. Study to show thyself


Now in ciphering the stories of the “Two Brothers”, such as Enlil and Enki, we reflect

Ausar (Osiris) and Set (Seth). The polarity laws in the Metaphysical meaning; the SAVIOR and

the DESTROYER. Which in the Kali Yuga is the cyclic period of our travels now, the Battle

Ground, the in between, the duat, AMENTA. But reflect upon Diagram B and Diagram C, where

it shows the MIND in Lower (-) and Higher (+) representing Enlil and Enki the sons/suns of ANU

the Most High. Now the Lower Mind changes the original vibration as was in (Krita) Satya Yuga

which, as it lowers into the Kali Yuga, effectuated a meteorite shower. Nature creates the

paradigm of the MIND, so the MIND must overcome self and all its creations. Now there are

the Ancient Ones who went inward to maintain the WAY. There were also those that were

caught in the meteorite shower, they became the FALLEN ONES. For the measurement of a

Man is the Measure of an ANGEL (Rev. 21:17). And I saw an angel fall from Heaven to Earth.

The Measure, the genetic structure of MAN, fell. For the Mutation took place in the caves as

the meteorite shower hit, and those who did not keep the way got trapped in the caves of

darkness. For the meteorite caused explosions that created dust clouds that block out the Sun

for many years causing an Age of Darkness/Ice Age and forced the loss of melanin, due to no

sunlight and no vegetation from the cold. It also forced the Amalgamation of man and animal

as they dwelt in the caves together. Due to these conditions of savage living, a genetic virus, a

mutant being was formed on the Earth. This genetic mutation caused the Pineal and Pituitary

to cease to operate in its Helix spiral as One, so the FALLEN Ones became like Soulless beings

cut off from the Charge (Elec-Tri-City). For they had fallen to merely Carnal Beings. For the Tri

(3) bears witness on Earth of the Elect that shall enter into the City of GOD/New Jerusalem.

(1John 5:8) Spirit (Aleph), Water (Mem), and Blood (Schin). The fallen ones are not of the

Elect, for the BLOOD bears witness.

As held in the Royal Parchment Scrolls of Black Supremacy, InI is before “Adam” and

“Abram” as held in the Bible precepts. For the Royal Lineage is hidden in the Cain-Lineage. It

was hidden from us until this time because the Fallen Ones took over and tried to erase the

Truth of the Bloodline, for the Seals are now open. The Dragon Dynasty of Sumer goes back to

the Typhonian (Kobra/Kebra/Serpent) Dynasty of Abyssinia the King-Priest (Uraeus). Sumer is

created by the Gods Enlil and Enki who are the sons of ANU. Anu is the name of the city of

Heliopolis (On) of Khemet. Khemet is a colony created by AUSAR/OSIRIS who came from the

land of the Mountain of the MOON in Abyssinia, establishing that the root of Sumer is

Khemet/Abyssinia. Study to show thyself approved! In the book Genesis the Holy Grail of Kings

by Laurence Gardner, it is shown that the Dragon Dynasty, “kainship” is the House of Kish/Kush.

From the Cain lineage came the historical Bloodline of Abram and Jesus the Savior lineage.

Because We are not trained in deciphering Ancient text our Nationality or Sovereignty (Kingly

Pillar) is not seen by the MIND. Remember the three must be present for the Anointing, the

King Priest and then the Prophet will bring the WORD. For you are King by Birth/Blood but you

must be a Priest in keeping the temple and then you will be a bringer of the WORD a Prophet,

for the Word is GOD and the Word became Flesh and Blood. So when Cain is placed with Enki

and the lineage is given, with the history of the Fallen Ones coming out of the Caves/Cau-Asian

Mountains attacking Sumer, causing the Bloodline (Dragon Dynasty) to flee from that land.

Representing the story of Ab-Ra-Ham and (Sara) Princess. So now oh Ausar, oh Auset you will

find why the characters of the scriptures are unidentifiable with History, because their true

History is not being told. Half of the story has never been told!! Now let us travel

dimensionally. In Genesis 1:26, it was said “Man was given dominion over the fishes of the sea

(Water), fowls of the air (Air), cattle of the land (Fire), and the creeping things on Earth (Earth)

equaling MATTER or this physical plane (ASSIAH/ASIA). In the book of Genesis it states, “Cain

had dominion over the Earth”. Please read Laurence Gardner’s book Genesis the Holy Grail of

Kings .Now the original man was given Dominion as held in Genesis 1:26. So Cain is, as we will

study to show self, the lineage, the Bloodline that carries the true Jacob Ladder/DNA to not

only come face to face with God in the valley of Pineal, but also has dominion over the EL-

mentals (Matter). We must provide here a ciphering code. In several teaching the name Jacob

is associated with YACUB the Scientist who created the White man in a laboratory. So we first

reflect that Jacob/Yacub wrested with an ANGEL all night until he came face to face with GOD in

the Pineal. But we know the measurements of a Man are the measurements of an Angel, so

Jacob wrestled with self all night and not a ghost/angel. Now Yacub/Jacob learned this from

playing with magnets and learning magnetic fields. These are the Laws of Nature, the craft of

Alchemy. Now remember an Angel fell to Earth, so the measure of the Original Man fell to

Earth. The Original Man Jacob/Yacub created the lower being by the Laws of Attraction/Cause

and Effect/ Vibration/Mentalism/Polarity. Then in the Bible it states that the strong Goats were

made to appear weak and the same was done to the Lambs. The Shabbaka Stone Theory by

Gabriel Oyibo, that shows the 18th Dynasty Family of Amram concept called the Ennead on the

Atum-Re. The forces of the cosmos 1) electromagnetism, 2) gravity, 3) the strong force, 4) the

weak force. The works of Gabriel Oyibo he called the (GAGUT) God Almighty’s Grand Unified

Theorem. This was greatly dealt with also in George James’ Stolen Legacy, so study to show

thyself. So from the stronger DNA, a weaker one was created by the Original Man Jacob? IS-RA-

EL. So the riddle in many lessons leaves people running from the TRUTH.

So we return now to Ab-Ram and Sara (Princess) fleeing UR/SUMER. This is a historical

cover of the lineage of the Dragon Dynasty/Sobek and the Princess is Sobeknefru the Sara.

Whose lineage is Khemet (Hagar) and Midian/Ethiopia (Keturah) as traced through the wives of

Abraham. Father Ra Ham is AB-Ra-Ham. This leads us to father being the Most High=ANU, Ra

of Ham=Kham or Chem/Khemet; for us to rightly divide, no for us to rightly UNITE the Higher

and the Lower, the two Pillars.

In the Bible it states that Cain killed Abel and was driven from Eden or the Presence of

the Lord, to the East of Eden, in the land called Nod. But in Genesis 3:24, a Cherub was placed

at the East of Eden with the Flaming Sword to guard the way to the Tree of Life. In Sumerian

text, Enki led Man to partake of the Tree of Life. So in the Bible how are Cain and the

Cherubim/ANGEL both in the East of Eden with the flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree

of Life? So We know as this cipher is complete you shall be able to answer this. Reflect the

measure of a man is the measurement of ANGEL!

Now Cain and his WIFE have a Son named Enoch and the city Cain builds is called Enoch,

this is Genesis 4:17. In Genesis chapter 5, from the lineage of Seth we find another Enoch and

Lemech with a Cain-an, and Methushael/Methuselah. A polarity of names that are the same,

revealing the metaphysical science and the mixing of History by those who sought to hide the

Dragon Dynasty. Clearly Enoch and Lamech are the keys here. For Lamech= Al-Chem/Alchem

and in studies Enoch is Hermes/TEHUTI the Kham/Ham Dynasty.

So we see Al-Khem=Lamech is the science of TUBAL-CAIN (Craftsman) but also the

father of Noah, the one who saved the people from the flood. Did not Enki save the people

from the flood? Please study to show thyself approved. So the story represents a science of

LIFE but if we study the word Ham/Kham/Khem, he is the father of CUSH and HAVILAH and


EGYPT. Khemet. So these are all the places of Abram. Why is this important? Genesis 2:7-14

speaks of the answer. The history of the HEAVEN (S) and the EARTH. Note some hold the

meaning of Annunaki is Heaven came to Earth. The Lord (Adon)/Enki=Cain the living being, is in

a place called Eden (a garden eastward-inward not outward) and a river flows/flowers out of

Eden to water the garden. From there the river parted and became four river-heads. The name

of the Heads are Pishon/Havilah where there is gold, Gihon/Cush, Hiddekel/Tigris/Assyria and

Euphrates which extends to all the lands of Ham/Kham/Khem, the people of the Abyss, the

primordial waters. The Twa people, the most Ancient people of this world, were called the

“Black Ones”, the Sumerians, the AL-Khem, and the Abyssinians.

In the scriptures the lineage/Bloodline keepers are revealed over and over again in a

Biblical and Quranic Code. Now We are clear Ab-Ra-Ham is not a man, but a representation of

the Dragon/Sobek Dynasty fleeing invasion. This code of Ab-Ram to the Women/Wives as the

Bloodline carriers is very revealing. For the woman being the Holy Grail, the carriers of the

mitochondrial DNA, is expressed in codes of science. Reflect the FALLEN ONES

measurement/DNA mutated, had fallen to EARTH. But Cain rose above the EARTH or kept

dominion, but ABEL (Blood) could be heard from the ground or fell to Earth. So One rose above

and one fell. I saw an Angel fall to Earth. Now is this why Cain is protected by a 7 fold and

Lamech/Alchem is protected by a 70 fold?!?! So We protected the way, by guarding the


In the scriptures, not only does Abram go to Several women representing the Bloodline

of Khem/Ham, but so does JOSEPH the son of IS-RA-EL/Jacob. Before we enter the gate of

Joseph, let us study to show self! We have held that scriptures encode the Bloodline though

the WOMEN attached to characters of spiritual lessons, but they also provide links to Historical

times. The women of AB-Ra-Ham were also given to his son’s lineage through Isaac starting in

Genesis chapter 24. Now the Wives of the Biblical and Quranic characters are always to the

WELL or with Pitchers of WATER when first met. In a Bible story, the servant of Abram was sent

to bring a wife for Isaac from the Bloodline. When the servant arrived at the WELL, outside the

city the daughters of men were coming out to draw water, he saw Rebekah. (Genesis 24:11-15)

There the Servant meets Rebekah/Ra-Ba-Ka, the virgin, the beautiful daughter of Beth-u-el son

of Milcah, the Wife of Nahor. Then Isaac takes Rebekah into his mother’s tent and she later

gives birth to Jacob/Esau. The elements of the story using the WELL represent the science of

Life, but they also represent the carriers of the Pearl/Egg of Ra.

Now in the case of Esau the Marriage of Judith the Daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and

Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite in Genesis 26:34 there is no mention of a well or

water. Is this a negative or a positive, or is it a code? For the Hittite is the land of Ab-Ra-Ham

and Sarah are buried in the Field of Ephron the son of Zohar. So Esau married the

Cain-ite/Canaanite daughters of Ham. The Bloodline!

Next in a work by Rebekah the birthright is given to Jacob, even though it was first

stated that Esau sold his birthright for an Edom (Red-stew). Now the science in this story

represents the Two nations/seeds in Ra-Ba-Ka the Pineal and Pituitary, as will be explained, and

also the REMINDER of the lost WORD/birthright caused by the fallen measure. Then it must be

noted that translations for this context of the story are also incorrect. But again Rebekah being

the Bloodline means this Jacob/Esau story represents the science, the measure of the

Bloodline, and that makes ESAU like Cain the true Historical lineage/Bloodline! The Kingly pillar

and the Priestly pillar is the science. Boaz is Bloodline and Jachin is science, when brought

together in overstanding GOD is. Boaz is knowledge to Know thyself and Jachin is Wisdom to

apply that which you know producing/Generating overstanding of the Operation of Life in

Divineness. (Generate Operate Divineness)

Now when the Bloodline is raised to its Birthright through the Science the Knowledge of

Self, as represented in code JACOB who later seeks the CARRIER of the Waters of LIFE. Jacob

goes to PADAN ARAM to Rebekah’s brother for a WIFE. WHERE he meets Ra-chel at the WELL.

Now the stories from Jacob seeking his WIFE are filled with science of a 14 year Alchemical

Process, and a 14 day Alchemical Process. Now the Polarity is given again in the feminine

principle of Leah and Ra-chel. Jacob from Leah has 6 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,

Issachar, and Zebulan. Note the SIX lead jars of the marriage ceremony and the SIX polarities

of brothers: Cain/Abel, Issac/Ishmael, and Jacob/Esau. Now Far-eye the science in Leah’s sons

and the reason of NAME/Nature.

Reuben- the Lord look on my Affliction-Now my husband will love me

Root chakra seeking to raise the Kundalini, the Love

Simeon- the Lord heard I was unloved, therefore he has given me this Son/SUN
Navel Chakra, Kundalini begins to rise
Levi- my husband will become attached to me because I bore 3 Sons/SUNS
Stomach Chakra, Once desire is overcome attachment to Higher Uraes/Body

Judah- Now I will praise the Lord

The Heart chakra is the Daleth, the entering in or crossing over

Issachar- God has given me my wages

The throat chakra also the Medulla Oblongata

Zebulan- God has ENDOWED me with a good Endowment, now my husband shall dwell with
me, because I bore 6 sons/SUNS
The sixth Chakra-Third eye is the marriage point, the UNION, the SIXTH Lead Jars in
which Water is turned to WINE

So if Leah is 6 chakra science and Ra-chel represents a key to the Bloodline, we must

now look at Joseph and Benjamin; Ra-chel’s two sons. Reflect in the Bible, Genesis 31:30-35

holds that Ra-chel carried with her the Gods of her father Laban. Not since Cain has the older

brother carried the birthright as given to Joseph.

For Joseph is described in 1Chronicles 5:1 as being the Birthright. Even though Reuben

is first in gene-ology it does not reflect Birthright. We will unto you now this important cipher:

The Birthright/Bloodline is with the sons of Joseph. Then in Genesis 48 and 49, the Birthright is

given to Ephraim. Why is this important? Ephraim’s mother is Asenath the daughter of an

Egyptian High Priest in the City of On/Heliopolis/ANU. Reflect ANU is the father of Enki and

Enlil. Also reflect Moses married a daughter of High Priest too!

Now let us reflect on the 18th Dynasty, for it is key here. Ahmose I the husband of

Nefertari rises up to run the Hyksos out of Khemet, during the same time period ascribed to

Moses by the scriptures. But Moses is historically unfounded as a true person. For no Pharaoh

drowned in the Red Sea, as held in the scriptures. So we look at exodus 1:8, “There came a

king who knew not Joseph”. Now this is a very big statement for according to Genesis chapters

48-50, Joseph was known by all of Egypt; who mourned for his father Jacob and he married the

High Priest’s daughter Asenath. Now this is like a president who comes to power and says that

he does not know Michael Jackson. This is clearly someone who came from somewhere else or

invaded the land of Khemet/Egypt.

We must make the link here, for you must reflect back to the time of Ab-Ra-Ham and

Sarah who is Sobek-Nefru , the Dragon Dynasty that fled the wave of invasions by the FALLEN

ONES. The FALLEN ONES come not just out the Cau-Asian mountains, but also from point of

Regeneration centers we created to regenerate /teach them. Overstand now that Sobek-Nefru

is the 12th Dynasty period in UR/Chaldea/Sumer. Now think the Hurrian/FALLEN ONES/Hyksos

attack/invade Sumer and then they later attack/invade Egypt/Khemet in the 13th Dynasty, and

have complete control by the 15th Dynasty, after many battles for power. So the travels of the

Bloodline in the scriptures are the fleeing from the invaders, a coded history. So the Sobek

Dynasty is first called in Hebrew “one who crosses over” under Abram, but this is a science not

a people.

The development of this Hebrew as a people was created later as a misnomer. But the

Hebrew are the Bloodline. For the first thing one must overstand is the Bloodline are keepers

of the WAY and to “cross over” is the science of keeping the WAY. It is the two becoming One,

the higher and lower self, the crossing of the Astral plane to the Crown Glory. So a people of

this nature were regarded in terms that reflected their nature not ethnicity. Remember RACE

is an illusion of today, there are the FALLEN ONES, the Seekers, and the Keepers of the

WAY/Bloodline. Apply this same reasoning to Is-Ra-El, it is a science of Keeping the Way and

later it became the name of a People. The people are the Sobek the Typhonian, the Dragon

Dynasty, the Twa, the people of the Abyss, the primordial Waters. The Heavens came to Earth,

they are the Annuaki, the Abyssinian, the people of Le-muria and Atlantis.

So the Sobek Dynasty flees back to Egypt (Joseph marries Asneath)(Abram marries

Hagar), but the Hyksos/FALLEN ONES come and take over Egypt/Khemet while they are there,

and are trying to reconnect themselves. For many of the Sobek Dynasty did not return to Egypt

but those that did remained in the Delta or the Sinai-region. So Abram/Sobek Dynasty

struggled to maintain the WAY, but they were met by the Ancient Order of

King-Priest/Melchizedek, and were initiated to keep their part of the Bloodline in Order, but

they still had to battle to maintain the way. So when the lineage made it to Egypt it is then

registered under Joseph for Is-Ra-El. Reflect now on the words, “A new King arose who knew

not Joseph”…this is significant to all foundation that we have laid to support this JOSEPH key.

Now in Genesis it always states that Cain knew his wife. So to say knew is a term of shared

lineage/Bloodline. So a King of the Hyksos came into power and he was not of the Bloodline, he

knew not the WAY=Joseph. This Hyksos king began to oppress the Dragon Dynasty, the

children of Cain/Abram/IsraEL/AMRAM. But you must use the Far-Eye now, the invader came

after the family of Abram/Joseph which had been there, so many were re-initiated in the WAY

and prepared to be the ROYAL THRONE holders. These ones came under the title of the AM-

RAM, the title RAM goes to AMUN. Study to show thyself the history of AMUN in Khemet. So

the lineage is prepared for its ROYAL position under RAM=Amun. Then the invader comes! Let

us make clear the preparation of the Royal lineage is done through the Marriage ceremony.

This is the code of Joseph and Asenath. So when the invader takes over, the scripture takes us

to the time of Moses who must free the Bloodline from the Invaders/FALLEN ONES.

Now to take us to Moses, we must align this to the KEY. The children of IsRaEl are the

children of Ab-Ra-Ham but even Abraham met one greater than he who he paid a tenth to and

that is Melchizedek. Now study Genesis 14:18 and see Abram did not pay a tenth of money

from the spoils of the Slaughter of Kings, for Abram only took people with him. What did

Abram pay with? The clue to this is in Isaiah 6:12-13, “but yet a TENTH and they are a tall tree

whose healing is in their SEED”. A portion of the Bloodline was initiated in the Order. In the

Mystical Orders, it is held that the 318 servants of Abram’s House are the initiated code.

Reflect Melchizedek represents the Ancient King-Priests of Khemet/ANU Abyssinia coming to

bring the Knowledge of Self of the science of Life and our true History. So the Bloodline was in

two places Sumer and Khemet/Abyssinia and it is re-united in several stories of Abram to

Joseph to MOSES. The original keepers of the WAY are the King-Priest Dragon Dynasty

Typhonian Sacred Order that was protected for ages in Ethiopia/Abyssinia. Now reflect if

ANU/ON, the city of Heliopolis which is Egypt is a colony of Ethiopia/Abyssinia, then we must

enter Ethiopia/Abyssinia to receive the initiation of science and our history.

We enter there oh Ausar, oh Auset through our travel with Moses and the Book of

Jasher, but remember we are still in the JOSEPH key. In the Bible, book of Exodus 6:20-25, the

name AM-RAM is given to MOSES and Aaron’s father. In the Quran the Family of Amram was

chosen by ALLAH above all nations. Reflect the name AM-RAM is a Khemetian title of royalty.

Which was laid in foundation before, please reflect on the Books of Temple Building 1-5. Now

in the Book of Jasher it is made clear that MOSES received instructions on laws and ordinances

not from Jehovah (Mystery GOD in Mountain), but he received it from Jethro/Reuel the High

Priest of Midian/Ethiopia, the father of Zipporah. We ask you to think now, for according to all

the Bible truth we are taught, is it not strange that JETHRO was a High Priest already and

MOSES and the children of IS-RA-EL had no knowledge of GOD’S law or an ARK, or any religious

rights. So where did Jethro learn to be a High Priest? This Jethro is very important when

aligned with the British Egyptologist Sir William Flinders Petrie’s research for Mt. Sinai or Mt.

Horeb. In this research and exploration it was discovered that there was no Mt. Horeb, but that

HOREB meant desert. So the search for Mt. Horeb led to a great Desert Mountain which was

found to be a Stone Plateau above the plain of Paran, today called “Serabit”. It was also shown

that Sinai was not a foreign land to Egypt, as held by Bible teachers, but actually a part of

Egyptian territory and control.

In Petrie a discovery was made, as beautifully explained by Laurence Gardner, the story

of Moses led to the so-called Mt. Horeb. But it was a Rock Temple called the Temple of Hathor

and it was cut out of natural rock, just like that of the Ethiopian Rock Churches. Within it

Petrie’s findings were relics of the 18th Dynasty Rulers, the GOD of the Mountain Moses spoke

with is the 18th Dynasty. Again the stories led to the 18th Dynasty. But think ISRAEL was held in

slavery by the Hyksos/Invaders the FALLEN ONES for many years, and when Ahmose I rose to

run the Hyksos out of Egypt the children of ISRAEL were found without KNOWLEDGE of the

Truth of them SELF and the Bloodline had been mixed. So the Dragon Dynasty King-Priest,

Jethro=Melchizedek Order, had to provide them with laws and ordinances and the Knowledge

of Self.

We move you to study in the Quran “The Cave” Surah—Moses Travels in Search of

Knowledge versus 60-82, (Maulana Muhammad Ali translation and commentary). In the

footnotes 1511 and 1512, it describes Moses as traveling to the junction of two rivers, the

Nile at Khartoum. This journey is not found in the Bible, but Rabbinical and Hellenistic

literature agree that Moses went to Ethiopia. According to one of these Rabbinical accounts

(Jewish encyclopedia), Moses became king of Ethiopia by reason of his great prowess in

having defeated an ENEMY, and he marries the king’s widow. (Numbers 12:1) This journey by

Moses was made in search of knowledge “…Moses meets Al-Khadir=Melchizedek, a Kohane

(King-Priest) of Abyssinia/Ethiopia. (Jethro) The two rivers are also symbolic of Human and

Divine Knowledge. (Bloodline and Science)

Now in the findings of Petrie it showed the Temple to be an Alchemical School/Temple.

So now we place this key which was revealed before, MOSES is the 18 th Dynasty symbol, he in

one instance represents Akhenaton=Amenhotep the son of Ahmoses I and Nefertari. So the

historical keys are again mixed with the science of self. Have you ever wondered why the

lineage of JESUS never showed Moses or Aaron? They actually do, for AM-RAM is RAM and

Ram is the father of AMMINADAB. In the Quran, the Family of AMRAM is the people of the

BOOK. It is made clear with the Quran in Surah 19 the Mystery Number, for Maryam the

Mother of ISA/JESUS went into the Temple behind the Veil, an easterly direction. Then in

Surah 66:12 it states that MARYAM is the daughter of AMRAM. This changes everything

about the scriptures, if Mary/Maryam is an AMRAM, then who is her SON Jesus? Study to show

thyself approved, for in Surah 19:28 it states Maryam is Aaron’s sister, not Moses. So let us

travel further in this Mountain Top to overstand MARYAM, but remember we are still in the

JOSEPH key. Now Moses the son of Am-Ram grew up in the Pharaoh’s house, and was drawn

from the WATERS, the ABYSS. Please note: the Bloodline is Cain and Ham, the Canaanites.

Now Moses only led the people so far, but Joshua son of Nun leads the people into the

Promise Land. In Khemet, Nun is the primordial waters, the abyss (Was not Moses drawn

from the WATERS). Now to cipher this we must note, with emphasis, that JOSHUA is an

EPHRAIMITE. Taking us back to 1Chronicles 5:1… the birthright is given to the Sons of Joseph.

So then Joseph became the key to the Bloodline, which was encode in his son EPHRAIM, son

of ASENATH a Dragon Dynasty daughter. Remember the women carry the Pearl/Egg of RA the

mitochondrial DNA, the Birthright. Before we go too deep in Joshua, let us build this cipher. The

Biblical and Quranic characters are a polarity/dimension lesson of our history and science.

Abraham is Sobek Dynasty, the history of the Bloodline of Sobeknefru. But Abraham enters back

into Khemet and into Ethiopia, just as Joseph and Moses do.




These characters represent their (ISRAEL) plight to reconnect with the lineage and teachings of life.

The listed name shows a triune of the History and science, when ciphered it provides a removal of the

veil, a path into Mt. Hira. When we use the term character it is meant to show that these are signs and

symbols of the two/three pillars, the History (BOAZ) and the Science (JACHIN).

We move you to reflect the DOORWAY guarded by MIND and your very own plight to re-connect. For

the Door is the two Pillars (BOAZ) and (JACHIN), but the 3rd pillar is Hidden until the other two come

together in PEACE/HARMONY. See diagram below:


(Key Stones)

The stories are encoded

history and science that
opens a state of Mind that
Generate Operate Generates the Way of Life, in
which you Operate
King Priest
producing Divineness.
(MIND) (Way of Life) (G.O.D.)

16 13

This is the Bloodline and the science; historical code

Issac Ishmael and birthright/metaphysical.
Moses Aaron
Ephraim Manasseh

Some may find it hard to cipher the name on this level, but think in another 200 years

people will speak of the “Family of UNCLE SAM”, but there is no MAN named UNCLE SAM. It

merely represents a government and a time period. Think now Uncle Sam’s family is the United

States, America, and his Semitic line African American. Some may even say Uncle Sam is

George Washington, or his family is the presidents on the Money. But it is a misnomer caused

by misunderstanding history!

We pray this made the history cipher more clear. Now let us reflect that JOSEPH/AB-

RAM is the Bloodline, but it is given to his son Ephraim by his father JACOB. Now back to

JOSHUA who is an EPHRAIMITE, the leader of the people, vizier to MOSES. Even in Exodus

24:13, Joshua goes to the Mountain to speak with GOD/JETHRO, the High Priest-King of

Ethiopia the 18th Dynasty. Now according to Petrie’s findings, Mt. Horeb, the Mountain of God,

was a Temple of Hathor (Hagar) kept by the 18th Dynasty.

So we come to the historical key of Amenhotep, son of Ahmose I, being Joshua and

Moses being Ahmose I. For Ahmose I married the Ethiopian Nefertari/Zipporah. When

Ahmoses I took over Khemet/Egypt from the HYKSOS/FALLEN ONES he continued to seize

control of the Palestine-Syria areas as well. So then the Biblical historians hold that when the

Hyksos were dispelled out of Egypt, the House of JOSEPH moved into Palestine from Egypt.

Now think the invader took over Egypt and the mixing of the Bloodline takes place in Egypt, but

a chosen few are preserved and they are JOSEPH’S family, the AM-RAM. So when the

INVADERS are run out the sacred Orders from Nubia and Abyssinia move the mixed breed, and

guide the EPHRAIMITE son of JOSEPH to rule them in the Palestine areas up to Syria. The

Ephraimites became known as the Ahmosean Dynast, the Hasmonean Dynasty. This ruling

Dynasty was of the 18th Dynasty lineage. When you study to show thyself approved, it will be

seen that the Ephraimite land was where SHILOH was, and where the ARK was located. Beth-EL

is also Ephraim the House of EL/GOD. It was the hidden history of Israel that it was really

Ephraim, for Jerobam I was and Ephraim, King Ahab the 7th king was an Ephraim, and the Kingly

throne was led by the work of SAMUEL the Ephraimite under the orders of the LORD.

Now we give another Key to the House of Joseph is Ephraim, so if JOSHUA is Ephraim

so if JOSHUA is Ephraim then JOSEPH his father is also. Let us reflect Temple Building, for

Yahshua/Yashua when written in English, not Hebrew/Aramaic, it is translated to JOSHUA

and not JESUS. So JOSHUA is JESUS? Let us cipher of JOSHUA is Ephraim then JOSEPH his

father is also. IS NOT JESUS THE SON OF JOSEPH THE CARPENTER? Was not Jesus the Isa the

son of MARYAM the daughter of AMRAM? Is not AMRAM in the time of MOSES and JOSHUA?

Did the Bible and the Quran both take Khemetic Dragon Dynasty history and science and veil it

in religious dogma for control? Then JOSHUA/Jesus is a Hasmonean, an 18 th Dynasty King

fighting the Invaders/FALLEN ONES. But this is the secret of the TEMPLE of MAN revealed to

the MIND. The 18 missing years of Jesus/Joshua’s life represents the 18 th Dynasty.

But this cipher is far from finished. We pray you have thought about JOSEPH and then

wondered about JOSEPH being a carpenter. But this is a mistranslation, for in the original

Gospels in Greek he is a “hotekton” the Semitic term “NAGGAR”/Nigger which means


TEMPLE BUILDERS OF A SACRED ORDER. Reflect the Keeping of the Way is the Bloodline, the

Craft. Remember that JOSEPH is code for the Birthright/Bloodline, as held in 1Chronicles 5:1.

Then this means the DNA (measurement) is with Joseph and the measurement of Man is the

Measure of an Angel. So an Angel came to Marium/Mary/Maryam/Merriamun/Beloved of

AMUN, 144 cubits the WALL, the ONE that guards the WAY! An Al-Khadir and MOSES rebuilt

the WALL. To guard the WAY you must be a Keeper of the CRAFT a MASTER (13 = Priestly Pillar)

CRAFTMAN, a MA-Son, Keeper of the Two Pillars, the Doorway, One who comes through the

Order of Melchizedek (KING-PRIEST), the BLOODLINE!

Oh Abyssinians of Khemet, of Sumer, of Turtle Island, of the World come, know

Thyself and thy True History as GODS and GODESSES!

The truth of your Bloodline/Birthright has been written throughout history, veiled

before the World. Religions have deceived you. What were they hiding? The Original Keepers

of the Way did not have religion; they were walking Religion, a spiritual way of Life- The Craft!

The Craft of the One True Creator!

We know Oh seeker, Oh Ausar, Oh Auset you ask now what the Craft is still. But let us

reflect first on the MIND being the most Holy, the Mountain Top, the Moses that the Bloodline

must go into, in order to communicate with GOD. To know the scriptures as it really reflects to

you your TRUTH, is to begin allowing the MIND its LIBERATION from the carnal illusions. So

meditate on what has been revealed about Religions. For that means your JESUS represents

the BLOODLINE’S truth, a Priestly work-science. Now ISLAM, meaning Peace, comes as an

almost Ancient form in which a spiritual way of Life became LAW=WALL, the guard. But both

were encoded with a hidden, veiled Ancient Truth to be ciphered. In “Reparations=WAR” by

Dr. Ali of the International Society of Indigenous Sovereigns (I.S.I.S.), he beautifully shows how

the Bloodline was being attacked even in the Islamic History of the Prophet. He also

demonstrates how the lineage of the Prophet is also of the 18th Dynasty.

Reflect to cipher is a DIPLOMATIC work, diplomatic is Nationality/Sovereignty, the

Royal/Kingly Pillar taken from the Indigenous/Black/Abyssinian/Moor/Afu-Ra through invasions

and slavery. Someone stole our Birthright!!

The 18th Dynasty Hasmoneans, Essenes, Gnostic, NAZAREANS of Judea were murdered

because of they were the Keepers of the Bloodline/Birthright and even then the Ahlut Bait

House of Allah the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) family were also attacked and killed for being

of this 18th Dynasty Bloodline and revealing the veiled history/craft. In every advent of invasion

the Bloodline sent groups here to the Western land to preserve the Bloodline, additionally,

before Pangaea they were already set upon every land. So the history of the Bloodline extends

to even the WASHITA of America (Turtle Island) as the Indigenous/Black Indians.

The killers of the Mater Craftmen/Master Builders took the blueprint of the Temple

measurements and created religions to hold the people captive. While they sought to learn the

CRAFT! We have spoken of the CRAFT in every book it is TEMPLE BUILDING!

Ye are TEMPLES of the MOST HIGH! “The temple of the Most High begins with the

human body, which houses our life, the essence of our existence. Africans are in bondage

today because they approach spirituality through religion provided by Foreign INVADERS and


Haile Selassie I, the Dragon Dynasty (Kebra Negast).

So what is the craft? A spiritual WORK, for faith without WORKS is DEAD! My GOD is a

GOD of living WORKS!

The Body is the TEMPLE possessor of the DOORWAY the two Pillars and the veil that the

Ark (Glory of GOD) is kept behind in the Holy of Holy. But the temple has been torn down, but I

will rebuild it in 3 days in RUTH/ROOF, the HIGHER MIND. For the Glory of God is

the GLORY of KINGS (Kebra Negast). The Abyssinians are the Serpent/Dragon Kings and

Queens, possessors of the Uraeus Crowns the Far-Eye. This is the craft, the AL-chemical work,

for reflect AL-KHEM is BLACK GOD or BLACK DOT, the Pineal Gland-6 th Chakra opening to gain

access to the Crown Chakra, the KETHER, the SHALOM, the Peace, the Rest (7)th Heaven.

There is a Bloodline that carries the GENETIC measure of LAMECH/AL-CHEM to enter the veil

of Isis the physical nature of man (feminine principle). Reflect the physical/MATTER is the

SPIRITUAL/ATOM/ATON/ADON. This sacred Bloodline kept the MARRIAGE ceremonies to

reflect the inner works of LAMECH/AL-CHEM children Tubal-Cain (Pineal) and Naamah

(Pituitary). The land of Milk and Honey, the land of GOLD. The Annauki created Man to mine

GOLD. John Hawkins tricked them for they thought they could find Gold elsewhere.


To enter this degree we ask you Oh Ausar, Oh Auset to reflect all your Temple Building

Lessons, for Heightened Awareness (Far-I Vision) is now the frequency need for this plane of

dimensional travel. The 5th Dimension is the place of the War in the Heavens. The War for the

Body of MOSES=MIND. For the Angel MichaEL/Melchizedek fought for the body of Moses in

the Book of Jude. The MIND being the 5th Body, the 5th Dimension, the “Field” of Battle, the

STAR WARS. Now we provide you Far-I warriors with your Life-Savior = Flaming Sword and

Space-CRAFT, for you have traveled the path of a true FAR-I, and now we shall prepare you to

become a member of the Galactic Cosmic Force, keepers of the STAR GATES. Oh Ausar, Oh

Auset vibrational travels. Would not the GODS be able to overcome the Lower planes/realms?

Once this travel is, then they shall enter into the higher dimensional travels, the Galactic

Dimensional planes the STAR GATEWAYS. (MERKABAH)


The adept language is star light encodes that FAR-I we enter in this degree. The (13) the

Pillar of Priest is only known by the WARRIOR, for the Priest is the WARRIOR the defender of

the WAY. Master your chi because the Enemy can take your energy and use it against thee.

The arts of Temple Building strengthen the MIND, but the outer challenges are the raiser of

strength. Mundane warfare must be Mastered in its elemental use against the Bloodline.

Frequency projections through commercializing mechanics. Turning the masses into

COMMERCIAL commodities. The BIO-LOGIC war must be fought in every EL-mental form.

What is the LOGISITICS of this WAR? Mental = Metal, the ore of the Body the oracle. The Body

is a feminine principle an oracle, a oracular Word of the WOMB its pregnant and it will release

the WORD of the GOD, the JUDGE-MENTAL. Metallurgist separating metals from their ORE, a

newer form of a Hidden form of ALCHEMY, the transforming of metal is what is said of Alchemy

today. But FAR-I cipher now. You are an ELECTROLYTIC CELL converting electricity into chem-

ical energy, and converting chem-ical energy into ELec-tri-city. Your combat training begins in

mastering the knowledge of the CHI = ELec-tri-city. Study its movements, its science and you

learn the FORCE, oh FAR-I. Feel the FORCE flow within. The chi is flowing the Force is Flowering

it is the Lilith, the Lilly of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon. For you to see this we provide now a

few definitions of study.

Electromagnetic Field- A property of SPACE caused by motion of an electric charge. A

stationary charge only produces an electric field in surrounding space. If charge is moving a

magnetic field is produced.

Electromagnetic Radiation- energy that is propagated through free space or through a

material medium in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, gamma rays, x-

rays…etc. (emission and transmission)

Electrolytic Cell- any device in which electrical energy is converted to chemical energy.

Electro-chemistry- branch of chemistry concerned with relation between electricity and

chemical change. (electrolysis)

Electrical Impedance- **Measure of the total opposition. Impedance= RESISTANCE and


FAR-I the vessel/body is an Electrical device. Failure to understand the workings of the

vessel/CRAFT can cause a loss on the BATTLE FIELD = Magnetic Field. (Electron)

In science there are machines that measure the electrical impulses in the BRAIN,

MUSCLES, and HEART proving the BODY is an ELECTRICAL vehicle. We stress this point for the

One who seeks the truth of the CRAFT will study to show themselves approved.

In grip with the elements energy harnessed to defend, our hands becoming burst of

electrical force, our body adjusts like water; our movement is like the wind. The defender is the

WARRIOR of the Art, is MARTIAL Art, but it is MARITAL=MARRIAGE. It is the MASTER of the

lower nature, the two becoming ONE, the THIRD EYE movements. Learn to not only walk on

water, but to turn WATER into wine, this is the DRUNKEN MASTER technique.

The molecular transforming movement is a MASTERY of every CELL, for it is the key to

the KHEM/CHEMICAL change needed to turn the WATER to wine. Eat to LIVE is a resurrection

term, for to have died you must fight to Live, and if you are dying you must fight to Live.

Remember we are FAR-I Warriors defenders of the WAY. Thoughts produce CHEMICAL

reactance which could be IMPEDANCE to obtaining the CHARGE. So just as in the 1930’s-1970’s

the Movement was called RESISTANCE, everything was not allowed access to the

TEMPLE/vehicle and resistance training was the key to survival of the NATION. The degree of

RESISTANCE is like a TYLER at the DOOR, a guard to keep the WAY. Removal of food that poison

the physical, for they produce impedance/opposition to the ELECTRICAL flow. Organic ITAL

eating is a science of ALCHEMY/AL-KHEM. This aligned with oxygenation/BREATHING

techniques produces a CHEMICAL change that produces an ELECTRICAL charge to transform

metals. With a base Tai Chi mastery to align Chakras and begin turning 6 lead jars of water into

WINE. Those that produce the BIO-LOGIC that what we eat does not matter to our SPIRITUAL

development are surely the same ones we must put up a resistance to, for they are attacking us

for the BODY of MOSE/MIND. Do they not know ALCHEM/Lamech for he who kills him shall

receive a 70 fold punishment? AL- KHEM being the Black Dot the Opening of the THIRD-EYE, the

FAR-I. So they do not want you to be a FAR-I warrior. They are trying to remove the defender

of the WAY. To produce a charge you must have a proper mental chemistry and physical

chemistry (FOOD WE EAT), and then the OPERATION of raising the KUNDALINI begins. In the

story of Elijah= Eli/Raise JAH told Elisha do not stop and talk to anyone or you will lose the

charge, take this STAFF and lay it on the dead and they will LIVE. The staff of MOSES was a

SERPENT, the Kundalini energy. But this energy can be (-) or (+) it depends on the ELECTRON-

MIND. Reflect the Higher is SPIRIT= Energy that can neither be Created-ATOM/ATON nor

destroyed. But it is the ATOM/ATON that makes up MATTER the physical WORLD/ASSIAH/ASIA.

So the energy of our very own Temple can either be DIVINE or a DEMON. In Alchemy, the

process of drawing LIGHT out of DARRKNESS. So the knowledge of DARKNESS=KHEM has been

hidden, for the ENEMY never wanted the return of the FAR-I WARRIORS keepers of the WAY.

For then the Star gates would be opened and the ANCIENT of DAYS, the ever RETURNING ONES

would come. Dimensional travel is done in light degrees, but the Light VESSELS had no access

to the PORTALS due to improper access codes. But now we gain access through DIPLOMATIC

efforts of learning to decode. The DNA is the CODE it is HYDROGEN meaning a SOLAR, but yet

the vessel is a LUNAR formula. This is why the MOTHER is always considered LUNAR, she is

MATTER the DARK ONE, but LIGHT/DNA/hydrogen is drawn out of DARKNESS, this is ALCHEMY.

The pituitary is symbolized by the Crescent MOON and it produces the HONEY the GOLDEN

substance, the GOLDEN CHILD, the BUDDHA the enlightened ONE. In “Ancient Future” a book

by Wayne Chandler, Chandler explains and proves that the book of I-CHING was given by the

Ancient Sumerians the Dragon Dynasty, so who is BUDDHA the son of MAYA, and then the



In transforming, the CODE is entered and ACCESS is given to the PORTAL and the vehicle

of LIGHT/LIFE is ready for TRAVEL, your space—C R A F T. (Electromagnetic Radiation)


There in the East of Eden was place a Cherub and a Flaming Sword to keep every way to

the TREE of LIFE. In this 5th Dimensional War, this STAR WARS you must be armed with your

Life-Savior, FAR-I Warriors. It is given to all FAR-I Masters. It moves with the Force , it is the

CHI. In Temple Building Book 1, we laid a foundation on the Lower self being a 9, the Divine

MIND, the PETER or the ROCK which the Church/TEMPLE is built upon. We will use this word

ROCK to align this degree of defense. We move you FAR-I to first remember

RUTH/ROOF=TRUTH, for her in this physical plane we only see half of the TRUTH, so all TRUTH

are but half TRUTHS. But to the FAR-I vision is given to see, RUTH lays at the FEET of BOAZ and

a MARRIAGE takes place. RUTH is a MOABITE, a child of LOT the Sumerian/DRAGON DYNASTY.

So RUTH represents the code of the Bloodline. The MOABITE becomes BOAZ the ROYAL

lineage. Now the Dragon Dynasty was also encoded in a Celtic Mythology of KING/BOAZ

ARTHUR. In the story of King Arthur, he is the son of Uther Pendragon the Celtic DRAGON

DYNASTY. The Camelot stories are the KHAM-LOT and in this Arthurian Legend, a story is told

of the Uther Pendragon Throne being passed on to only the One who can DRAW the SWORD-

EXCALIBUR from the ROCK, the STONE. The sword drawn from the ROCK of self. The ROCK, the

LEAD that when ALCHEMICALLY transformed becomes a GOLDEN FLAME, and when raised can

defend a NATION. It is the MARK of the Cainite of the ROYAL Bloodline. It is the real sword of

ISLAM=PEACE, for when the Kundalini is raised from the TOMB=ROCK=DEAD, it is the travel in

the MIDDLE PILLAR, the path of the MESSIAHS, it is the PILLAR of MELCHI, and the PILLAR of

ZEDEK coming together at the KEYSTONE called SHALOM/PEACE/KETHER.

See diagram below:

1 1
Shalom = Kether

3 2

3 2
5 4 5 4
6 6
8 7 8 7
9 9
10 10 Middle Pillar
EXCALIBUR 1 + 6 + 9 + 10 = 26

Y = 10


26 Vertebrate 1 Brain V=6 26

Crown Chakra

Root Chakra

26 Vertebrate

Stairway to Heaven

This SWORD is your Life-Savior, Oh FAR-I Warrior in this War in Heaven, STAR WARS.

The middle pillar is represented by the number 26, for it is the Sephoric Spheres of the Middle

Pillar and the 26 vertebrates, the passage of the Chakras. This is the passage, the middle path

that the Kundalini rises through, the Serpent/URAEUS is Raised. For just as MOSES raised the

SERPENT in the Desert, so must the SUN/HYDROGEN of MAN be Raised. This Kundalini is the

FLAME the SCHIN. Reflect, remember SCHIN is added to Y-H-V-H and becomes Y-H-Sch-V-H =

Yahshua. So the SCHIN comes in the FATHER’S name, meaning the SCHIN=FIRE/FLAME

travels the Middle PILLAR for YHVH=26 just like GOD=26. So the FLAMING SWORD=WORD

that became flesh. Oh FAR-I as a WARRIOR a keeper of the WAY the entire make-up of your

being is the SWORD the DEFENDER of the HEAVENS of the TREE of LIFE, the access codes to the

STAR gate PORTALS. In the basis of mundane plane, the DARKNESS, the MATTER=MOTHER, the

MELANIN is charged through an Alchemical process using the tetra-hydrogen-gamma-bread,

also called MARIJUANA/Mary’s son. For Marijuana charges the melanin causing the

chemical/Alkhem to charge, raising the SCHIN to spark the PINEAL to unite with the PITUITARY;

causing the production of the MILK and HONEY, the Promise Land. So when the use of herbal

methods are invoked it must be overstood in its Alchemical workings. For the one that draws

the SWORD from the ROCK is the possessor of the LIFE-SAVIOR (J=10 A=1 H=8/JAH=19 SELF

SAVIOR). The sword of the FAR-I must be protected, for the enemy can use it against thee. So

many untrained MINDS use the marijuana opening extra-sensory perception, but only to intake

IMPEDANCE substance/incorrect mental food and physical food. So the ELEC-TRI-CITY is unable

to create the FLAMING SWORD, and instead one becomes a HOST not for the Most HIGH, but of

BIO-LOGIC infections deep within one’s core/ore. The LIFE-SAVIOR, the weapon of FAR-I

Warriors, defenders of Star gate Portals.

InI have swung the Flaming LIFE-SAVIOR and cut off the head of the DEMON

RAKTAVIJA and KALI, the Black GODESS, takes her tongue and drinks his blood to prevent the

drops of Blood from becoming a duplicate copy of the DEMON. Now Kali dances the rhythm

of Nyahbinghi, the vibrational instruments of JUSTICE used by MELCHIZEDEK.

Oh Ausar, Oh Auset true FAR-I Warriors, we know many will try and keep you plugged

into the MATRIX’S BIO-LOGICS, but study to show thyself approved. A cipher of hidden codes

has been unsealed and given to you, in this time. Even in the World of Science the Earth is

revealing the Hidden Truth, for they have recently discovered the fossils of “ARDI”, who is an

up-right 4.4 million year old skeleton. This upright position of “ARDI” has scientists perplexed

because they claim he is upright before the so-called split between MAN and APES. So the

evolutionary belief of MAN is now in reverse. But those of FAR-I knowledge know that we were

before the CAVE-MAN. The discovery of ARDI is just one of many to come, revealing the true

history of the Gods and Goddesses here on Earth. Many will debate if such a mutation can take

place in the DNA to create a mutant strand, but DNA is not destiny. All through the Bible they

speak of Blood sacrifices to GOD, but now we see that the stories of the BIBLE are codes of a

Higher science and a hidden history, so what do you think is the meaning behind the BLOOD

offerings. We have decoded all through this Temple Building, it is the KEEPERS of the WAY ,

the protectors of the BLOOD. For the BLOOD is reflective of the measurement, it is the

WITNESS here on EARTH. Why was the SIN of MAN removed with a BLOOD offering, but it had

to be a purified ONE, a CHRIST. See Oh Ausar, Oh Auset the works of Building the temple is a

B L O O D Offering, the mining of GOLD. In an article by Ethan Waters called “DNA is not

DESTINY”, it is shown how the BIO-LOGIIICS of this MATRIX can deny us the ability to make a

true BLOOD Offering. So Oh Ausar, Oh Auset FAR-I Warriors study to show thyself approved,

the KNOWLEDGE of SELF. For the Measurement of a Man is the Measurement of an Angel.







For His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen/Melanin/AMEN are the

reflective LIGHT the HEAD CREATOR/GOD HEAD in ETERNAL time – (the BLACK MAN and

WOMAN). The overstanding of the GODHEAD has been given to you by Eurocentric

Metaphysical Intruders/Invaders. The GOD-Head is the PSYCHIC FREQUENCY on which the

EARTH plane GENERATES. Their GENERATIVE energy is their GENETIC reflectiveness from the

COSMIC forces beyond the overstanding of this psychic sealed plane. LOOK what

DIMENSIONAL writings are saying, “the masses of PEOPLE generate a MENTAL field based on

their thoughts and uttered words. These things manifest in physical form, but the MENTAL field

created is ELECTRIFIED by the GENETIC transmitters and receivers. So genetically, the UNI-

VERSE is a DARK MATTER cosmic FLUID an expression that had dimensions within itself. The

physical plane manifests this COSMIC truth in beings, the Children of the Most High. Creative

FORCE-word became FLESH manifested. MAN, WOMBMAN, and CHILD. It is InI cosmic

beginning as Spiritual beings and InI never ending as Spiritual Beings.

Overstanding InI as there never was a time when InI/man was naught. As Melchizedek,

he without father, he without mother, without beginning, without END. It is the Divine

transcending of the Cosmic Being, the return of InI dimension SEEING. To SEE and TO KNOW


the Serpent Kings (Kebra Negast)(Kobra)Throne which became in Asia the Dragon Throne

representing the Kundalini force, the Chakral opening, the opening of the SEVEN SEALS. The

original Cosmic Beings the Third Eye Kundalini possessors, the Reptilian People are BLACK

PEOPLE the Father and Mother of ALL RACES. The land where the Gods LOVE to be.

The Land symbolized by the Milk and Honey is the Pineal and Pituitary, becoming One,

the Marriage Ceremony, the Opening of the FAR-I, the Land of Canaan, the great Anointing.

This is the Original Estate of Black People before the FALLEN ONES took over this Plane. They

haven’t taken SPIRIT they have just made InI forget I-self and operate in their BIO-LOGICS, that

is their POWER over InI. Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari is not another plantation religion

theology, it is the CROWN, the remembrance of BLACK TRUTH that is SPIRITUAL TRUTH, it is the


IT IS THE POINT OF UNIFICATION not DIE-VISION not the showing of who is wrong.

The plantation Preacher always bases his sermon on who is wrong and is taught to stay away

from them African/Indigenous Heathens.

InI Jah Rastafari only come to JUSTIFY. IT is the JUSTICE, it is the Knowledge of thy

Cipher (10), thy existence. It is your Birth-RIGHT. In the beginning, the Laws of Creation

expressed itself becoming a polarized infinite expression, thus individualized, the spiraling of

constant BIRTH, but yet it is the unborn that which always was and is. The manifesting energy

of the spiraling creates MAGNETIC fields that create dimensions or PLANET-arial PLANES. In this

reflective manifesting individualized beings came into this plane, but they are only reflective of

that which always was. Spiraling Wave forms, the spirit on the water. Drawn from the waters

is a LAW GIVER, the physical TEMPLE. InI leave this plane of thought to bring InI to the fact that

overstanding the Meteorite Shower and the birth of the fallen ones is the key to SEEING. Only

the single EYE can see this WAY. FAR-I Warriors REMEMBER thy DIVINE beginnings. For the

FALLEN ONES have invaded for AGES and in every time an AWAKENING ONE would find a way

within the CULTURAL or TRIBAL traditions to leave a MESSAGE of BLACK LIBERATION is








Oh Cosmic Ones, travelers of the path of Victory, you have now reflected upon thy

journey of life and have been given the missing link to Ourstory, and now you have Knowledge

of how to regenerate our Glory. Our World is changing, the Great Mother is preparing for Birth

again, the frequencies and the magnetic fields are changing. Our Time has come.


O N E L. O. V. E.


RAS Lazarus AzarEL Nazari-Imoye



Alexander the Great
Persia 332 BC
Ezekiel Attacks Caesar “Islam”
350 BC- Lose visits
632 AD
Zerubbabel 343 BC- Win
47 BC Idumean
Tachos Cleopatra VII Hyksos Arab
26th Dynasty Ahmoses II (Dgeho) 52 BC Rule of Arabia.
570-526 BC Invades Enslavement of
Demotic Palestine Blacks
Script Persia 365-360 BC
Writing Attacks Rulers
Nebuchadnezzar Invades Ptolemy XIII
373 BC- Lose
Jerusalem Killed Christians Jewish
586 BC of Byzantine. Himyarite
Rule of Rome
Solomon Loses Power to 80 BC Persians come King
Nepherites II
Temple Nectanebo I Ptolemy XII to remove Yusut Asar Yathar
Psmatik I Palestine Son of Achoris
Destroyed 380-362 BC Ethiopian 517 AD
Necho II Syria 30th Dynasty Ruler
655-595 BC Egypt
540 AD
(Hasmoneans) “Christian Era”
21 st Plankh General of Athens
Period Revolt
Dynasty Sheshonk I enter Chabrias & Achoris
Palestine 936 BC stop Persians
Ephraim Lost Philometer’s
Solomon Tribe 933 BC Arabic Language
Brother betrays
Amenemope Rome To Rome-Ptolemy VII is
998-936 BC Death of Orders 155 BC Nabataens Council of
Ramses XI Antiochus Nicaea
MIX-BREED RULE 29th Dynasty to leave
325 AD
Mended Achoris Egypt
393-380 BC
(Greek Army)
Seleucid Maccabean
19th Dynasty Antiochus VI 170 BC war with 66 AD
Ramses Syria invades Palestine Romans
Horemheb 28th Amyrtaeus Egypt Herod & John Baptist
1319? BC 404-399 BC Crucifixion
Son of Cleopatra I 33 AD
Amenhotep IV Ptolemy VI who dies 176 BC
Abdi Hiba Darius II Philometor
Adidiah 424-404 BC 180 BC

Artaxerxes I Jesus
menhotep II 465-424 BC Qumran
6 BC
Saul Ptolemic “Maccabee Fighting”
Persian Power
Hatepshut Victory Roman & Byzantine
Falls to Athenians
Tijhutmoses Palestine Egypt
490 BC Ptolemy II
Amenhotep over
IV Seleucids
Xerxes – Killed Died-246 BC
Naashon 217 BC
Joshua 465 BC Pentateuch
Amenhotep Judah translated
to Greek
Ptolemaic Mark Anthony Emperor
Elisheba & Cleopatra VII Augustus
Levi Darius I Suicide Octavian
Amram 305 BC
Moses 522-486 BC Perdiccas
18th Dynasty Zipporali Euclid 30 BC 27 BC
Ahmose I 1290 BC
Nefetari But is against
1550 BCVizier
Persian Power Cambyses II 321 BC Caesar
Azar 1620 BC
Ausar 525 BC Assassination
Abram the Great
Yuya 44 BC
& dies
Sobeknefra Sara
332 BC
1780 BC

Time Line from the Abram & Sara - Islam

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