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The first exercise in the practice section involves fixing the errors in a basic sample

business report.
1. Executive Summary
Our company which is Wanpaku Sandwich is the new business that started from Basic
Entrepreneurship (MGM 3180) class in University Putra Malaysia. This sandwich is
originated from Japan and it started to become popular in 2016 until now. The reason
why we choose to sell this Wanpaku sandwich is because we want to introduce the
sandwich that is healthy but also delicious at the same time to our customers. Wanpaku
sandwich is the only food that we sell as we want to focus more on the quality of
the food rather than the quantity as we only want the best for our customers. We
are sure that our sandwich will be loved by many people as it is not only healthy and
delicious but it is also convenient to eat. Our focus is to make sure those who are busy
and doesn’t have enough time to have heavy meals can still eat something to fill their
stomach by having this sandwich.
1.1 Vision Statement
To build a high standard food sandwich company in UPM and make Wanpaku
Sandwich as the first choice to go for light, simple and tasty food in UPM.

1.2 Mission Statement

We are dedicated to accomplish our objective of delivering quality products and
services to customers at UPM and we are committed to make simple, fair price and
tasty sandwich to suit the local tastes of customers so they will choose Wanpaku
Sandwich as their first choice at UPM.
1.3 Key to Success
The keys to success for Wanpaku Sandwich include:
a) Reputation: Every customer will recommend us ASAP to their friends and
family about the quality, how it tastes, and the reasonable price, as word of mouth
marketing will be a powerful ally for our business.
b) Superior Customer Service: We provide the best service with the ability to
understand the needs of customers, the ability to take care of customers in
harmony and friendliness with them.
c) Location: In UPM, We use Cash on Delivery service to provide customers with
greater convenience in a short period of time. 
d) Product: Offer delicious sandwiches with a variety of toppings, ensuring to
satisfy customers' taste in a reasonable price range.
Phần Sửa Lỗi Của Phần Executive Summary

1. In the Executive Summary section, the author has provided an overview of the
company and outlined the upcoming business strategies, but in this part, it lacks an
overview of the report's structure. Errors here are called structural errors, making
the report not clear or fluent in terms of purpose and content.
This can be corrected by adding a brief overview of the report's structure such
- This business report is divided into six major parts. To summarize this
report, they are mostly the ….

2. We can see in a sentence or in the "Vision Statement" section that the style of the
text is different from the others, or we can say this is a font error in which the font
is not consistent in the report. People should remember to carefully check and
correct when writing business reports because this problem is usually not difficult
to identify when thoroughly reviewed. 

3. We can see that the Ideas in the "Key to Success" section are presented in an
incoherent, long manner, while the "Executive Summary" section needs to follow
to the requirement for being brief but comprehensive. In sentence A, the style
shown is not in accordance with the format of the report (ASAP), and you can see
a spelling error in the word "powerful". The majority of these mistakes are
grammatical, typographical, and formatting errors, so we need to make sure that
the report is professional and true to the purpose of each section.

In this part, we can correct it by:

A -> Every consumer will suggest us to their friends and family, which will be a
powerful ally for our firm in terms of word of mouth marketing.
B -> Knowledgeable, friendly to each customer
C -> Cash on delivery service in UPM.
D -> Deliver high-quality sandwiches for a reasonable price.

Hết Phần Sửa Lỗi Của Phần Executive Summary

2. Company Summary
Company’s Logo
After some discussion, we did some minor alterations to our company’s logo.
The font type and colour of our company’s logo was altered because
customers could not see the clearly since the font colour was yellow which is a
bit bright. The font types we used previously was in calligraphy form.
Therefore, to make the logo clearer to our customers and more attractive, we
decided to change the font type and colour.
Wanpaku Sandwich in the middle represent our company’s name while the
two sandwiches represent clearly the product we sell. For the stall icon, it
means our company is ready to serve and provide good quality products to
our customers.
2.1 Company Background
Our company was established on 28 February 2020 which is our first class of basic
of entrepreneurship (MGM 3180). Our lecturer asking us to form 3 group which
consist 10 to 11 students per group. We were forming group that consist 10
students that are very talented to run the business. After that, we are given 1 week
to decide the type of product that we want to sell. We decided to sell one type of
sandwich. We have decided and came out with a unique company name Wanpaku
2.2 Company Overview
Company name: Wanpaku Sandwich
Date of establishment: 28 February 2020
Location/ selling area: UPM Area
Type of business: Partnership
Start-up capital: RM 220.00
Main activities: Manufacturing product, selling product and provide delivery
Number of staff:
2.3 Introduction of Product
It has an attractive appearance and is prepared upon orders so it is in a fresh
condition. Moreover, Wanpaku Sandwich is a food with an affordable price for
2.4 Service
We will be taking orders before preparing it and delivering it to our customer
doorsteps so our
customers can enjoy the fresh and best quality sandwich.
Phần Sửa Lỗi Của Phần Company Summary

- In section ‘’ company logo’’, the font was error, inconsistent with the entire
report. Đây chỉ ví dụ thêm về lỗi font chữ mà chúng ta cần phải cân nhắc kỹ
càng khi viết business report

- In section 2.2 ‘’company overview’’ they didn’t specify the part ‘’Number
of staff’’ and ‘’product‘’ which makes the report incomplete and unclear. In
this case, we need to make sure the components are fully informed, or we
can leave out the parts of which we are not sure or do not have enough
evidence, so that the business report will become professional and

- In section 2.3 ‘’ introduction of Product ’’, they just talked about

appearance but have no mention about the quality of the sandwich. We
should add some information about quality like: Wanpaku Sandwich is a
healthy sandwich with complete nutrients and prepared upon orders so it is
in a fresh condition.

Hết Phần Sửa Lỗi Của Phần Company Summary

3.1 Market and Research Analysis
from a survey we did using Google Form, we are able to get a number of 76 respondents
from the residence of Seventeenth College. The results of the survey show that a lot of
people are interested to buy our sandwich.
3.2 Competitors
the company admits that there is one stall that sells product almost like us. For instance,
kiosk at student plaza. However, our company is a bit different because he sells tuna egg
sandwich while our sandwich uses chicken, bigger in size, healthier and mouth-watering.
3.3 Marketing Plan
3.3.1 Pricing Policy
Our company has set up a policy in pricing our products to ensure that the company will
be able to gain profits from our sales products. Below are the pricing policies.
1. The products are charged to all customers at the same price based on type of product.
2. Price of the products must be able to give profits to the company. It is based on the cost
of production with additional of 15 to 30% of profit margin.
3. The price may change depending on customer demands on the products or if the
or if the products are having promotion.
4. The price must be affordable for the customers and able to compete with other sellers.
3.4 SWOT Analysis
● Good communication skills
● Aspiration and determination to succeed
● Perseverance in handling stress and failure
● Ability to deliver product
● Some of the members lack experience in handling business
● Time restriction
● Lack of capital
● Wide marketing target
● High demand
● Unique vendor
● Slow internet connection
● Consumer preference
● Price of the sandwich might fluctuate
Phần Sửa Lỗi Market and Research Analysis
Sửa lỗi:
1. In sections 3.1 and 3.2, the first letter of a paragraph is not capitalized.
2. In the section “Pricing policy”, the writer made a mistake in punctuation. If we
want to list something, we should put a colon.
3. In section 4 SWOT analysis, we should draw a table to make clear the

Hết Phần Sửa Lỗi Market and Research Analysis

Phần 2: Gaps Filling

This research was ...(conducted) by questionnaire and …(investigated) UniLab staff

members’ attitudes to the use of mobile phones in staff/team meetings. A total of 412
questionnaires were distributed with employees' fortnightly pay slips. The questionnaire
used Likert scales to assess social attitudes to mobile phone usage and provided
open-ended responses for additional comments. (Survey)… collection boxes were
located in every …(branch) for a four-week period. No personal information was
…(collected); the survey was voluntary and anonymous.

Business Success is a program for growing successful businesses in rural Pottawattamie

County, Iowa. This economic development initiative …(began) in January 2012 with
major …(funding) from the Iowa West Foundation. From January through June of 2012,
work focused on designing and …(organizing) a team, hiring a (business)… coach and
building the Business Success Program. By mid-summer of 2012, work with rural
communities and businesses in Pottawattamie County began in earnest. This …(report)
effectively covers the impacts achieved by Business Success from June 2012 through
September 2013.
Phần 3: Câu Hỏi Handout

Part 1: Translation: English - Vietnamese 

1. Our company was established on 28 February 2020 which is our first class of basic
of entrepreneurship.

⮚ Công ty chúng tôi được thành lập vào ngày 28 tháng 2 năm 2020, đây là lớp
học cơ bản đầu tiên của chúng tôi về tinh thần kinh doanh.

2. … is a healthy food with complete nutrients. It has an attractive appearance and is

prepared upon orders so it is in a fresh condition.

⮚ … là một loại thực phẩm lành mạnh với đầy đủ các chất dinh dưỡng. Nó có
một vẻ ngoài hấp dẫn và được chuẩn bị theo đơn đặt hàng nên nó ở trong
tình trạng mới.

3. We will be taking orders before preparing them and delivering them to our
customers doorsteps so our customers can enjoy the fresh and best quality

⮚ Chúng tôi sẽ nhận đơn đặt hàng trước khi chuẩn bị và giao đến tận nhà cho
khách hàng để khách hàng có thể thưởng thức những chiếc bánh mì tươi
ngon và chất lượng nhất.

4. Here, we promise a wide selection of products at very affordable prices to meet

customers' demands.

⮚ Tại đây, chúng tôi hứa hẹn sẽ có nhiều lựa chọn sản phẩm với giá cả rất
phải chăng, đáp ứng nhu cầu của khách hàng.

5. We will be doing preorders and providing a delivery service that is available at…
⮚ Chúng tôi sẽ tiến hành đặt hàng trước và cung cấp dịch vụ giao hàng có sẵn

Part 2: Translation: Vietnamese - English

1. Giá của sản phẩm phải có khả năng mang lại lợi nhuận cho công ty. Nó dựa trên
chi phí sản xuất với việc cộng thêm từ 15 đến 30% tỷ suất lợi nhuận.

⮚ The price of the products must be able to give profits to the company. It is
based on the cost of production with an addition of 15 to 30% of the profit
2. Để đảm bảo sự hài lòng của khách hàng, chúng tôi đã thảo luận với nhau về việc
nhà cung cấp nào là tốt nhất trong việc cung cấp cho chúng tôi nguồn nguyên liệu
chất lượng cao với giá cả phải chăng.

⮚ To ensure the satisfaction of our customers, we have discussed among

ourselves on which supplier is the best in providing us with high-quality
raw materials at affordable prices.

3. Một nhóm vận hành đảm nhận một số hoạt động liên tục cần thiết cho việc cung
cấp hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ.

⮚ An operational team undertakes some ongoing activities that are required

for the provision of goods or services.

4. Các khiếu nại liên quan đến dịch vụ không đủ năng lực và vấn đề chưa được giải

⮚ Complaints were related to incompetent servicing and unresolved issue.

5. Để báo cáo các khiếu nại nhận được liên quan đến dịch vụ sau bán hàng kém của
... bởi …

⮚ To report the complaints received concerning poor after-sales services of ...

by …

Part 3: Gaps Filling

According to CBRE Vietnam, the total number of apartments …(launched) in
Hanoi during 2021 has decreased by 7% year over year. However, the take-up rate
remained high,  suggesting that housing demand was not seriously …(affected) by
the pandemic. Projects in eastern  Hanoi continued to …(account) for the largest
number of new apartments …(launched) in  2021,  with  44%  of the housing
supply.  In  Ho  Chi  Minh  City,  housing supply was limited,  given the impacts
of the fourth wave of  Covid-19  and licensing issues.  The total number of
apartment units launched was only about 14.3 thousand, down 22%  compared to 
2020,  and equivalent to the number of sold units in the period.  In the low-rise
housing …(segment),  the supply increased slightly in  Hanoi compared to  2020
and dropped to its lowest since 2015 in Ho Chi Minh City.

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