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Phan 3: Cau Héi Handout Part 1: Translation: English - Vietnamese 1. Our company was established on 28 February 2020 which is our first class of basic of entrepreneurship. Céng ty ching t6i duge thanh lap vio ngay 28 thang 2 nam 2020, day 14 lp hoc co ban dau tién cia ching t6i ve tinh than kinh doanh. 2. ... is a healthy food with complete nutrients. It has an attractive appearance and is prepared upon orders so itis in a fresh condition. . 1 mot loai thye pham lanh manh véi day dui cdc chat dinh duéng. N6 c6 mét vé ngoai hap dan va duge chudn bj theo don dat hang nén né 6 trong tinh trang méi. 3. We will be taking orders before preparing them and delivering them to our customers doorsteps so our customers can enjoy the fresh and best quality sandwich. Ching t6i sé nin don dat hang trwée khi chuan bj va giao dén tin nha cho khach hang dé khach hang c6 thé thudng thite nhimg chiéc banh mi tuoi ngon va chat long nhit. 4. Here, we promise a wide selection of products at very affordable prices to meet customers’ demands. Tai day, ching t6i htta hen sé c6 nhiéu Iya chon sin phim véi gid ca rét phai ching, dip (mg nhu cau ciia khach hing. 5. We will be doing preorders and providing a delivery service that is available at. Ching ti sé tién hanh dat hang trudc va cung cp dich vy giao hang cé sin tai... Part 2: Translation: Vietnamese - English 1 in phim phai cé kha ning mang lai loi nhudn cho céng ty. N6 dura trén chi phi sin xudt véi vige cng thém tl 15 dén 30% ty sudt loi nhudn. The price of the products must be able to give profits to the company. It is based on the cost of production with an addition of 15 to 30% of the profit margin, bao sy hai long cia khdch hang, chiing t6i 48 thio lugn véi nhau vé vige cung cip nio la tét nhat trong vige cung cip cho ching t6i nguén nguyén ligu chat lurgng cao véi gid ca phai chang. To ensure the satisfaction of our customers, we have discussed among ourselves on which supplier is the best in providing us with high-quality raw materials at affordable prices. 3. M6t nhém van hanh dim nhan mét sé hoat dng lign tue edn thiét cho vi cp hang héa hode dich vu. ung An operational team undertakes some ongoing activities that are required for the provision of goods or services. 4. Cac khiéu nai lién quan dén dich vy khéng dit ndng lye va van dé chua duge giai quyét. Complaints were related to incompetent servicing and unresolved issue. 5. Dé béo cdo céc khiéu nai nhan duge lién quan dén dich vu sau ban hang kém cla .. bai. To report the complaints received concerning poor after-sales services of by... Part 3: Gaps Filling According to CBRE Vietnam, the total number of apartments ...(launched) in Hanoi during 2021 has decreased by 7% year over year. However, the take-up rate remained high, suggesting that housing demand was not seriously ...(affeeted) by the pandemic. Projects in eastern Hanoi continued to ...(account) for the largest number of new apartments ...(launched) in 2021, with 44% of the housing supply. In Ho Chi Minh City, housing supply was limited, given the impacts of the fourth wave of Covid-19 and licensing issues. The total number of apartment units launched was only about 14.3 thousand, down 22% compared to 2020, and equivalent to the number of sold units in the period. In the low-rise housing ...(segment), the supply increased slightly in Hanoi compared to 2020 and dropped to its lowest since 2015 in Ho Chi Minh City.

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