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Tips for Parents
Here are a few tips that will help your child
get the most out of the worksheets:

~. Let the child set the pace.

~. Provide a quiet place for the child to work.

~. Give the child colourful pencils to make it more fun.

~. Intervene only if the child asks for help.
. Check completed work immediately and provide
Eggs-periencing Air Pressure
The air in the atmosphere is always pressing against everything. You
can,t feel it, but you can see it in action in this experiment. It,s time
to use the incredible power of air pressure.

You will need a. Saucepan

~ - - ~ - - ~ ~,,.-
6. Water
c. One egg
d. Bowl
e. Glass bottle with neck slightly less
than the egg

Ask an adult to boil an egg in

water for atleast 5 minutes.
Cool the egg by putting it in
a bowl of cold water for a
minute. When it is cold
enough to handle, peel off
the shell.

Place the egg on top of the bottle. No
matter how long you leave ifi it won t 1

slide into the bottle.

Ask an adult to strike two

matches. Lift the egg> drop the
matches inside the bottle> and
quickly place the egg back on top.

After a few seconds> the egg will

squeeze down inside the bottle.

\ t~-
- _,,,___

When you drop the burning matches into the bottle, it

heats the air inside. The warm air expands and some of
it escapes out of the bottle. When the matches go out,
the air cools down and the pressure drops. The air
outside the bottle now has a higher pressure, so it
pushes its way in by forcing the egg inside the bottle.

Did you know?

Copper - the bacteria sto~perl

Copper cookware is most highly recommended by
many chefs worldwide. The heating is uniform and
there are no hotspots. Being naturally antibacteriaL
copper inhibits the spread of bacteria in water and
air. Thus, people prefer to drink water from a copper

Food of the Gods
Most of us picture a bar1 an icecream or a bunny at the slightest
sound of the word chocolate. The verb that comes to mind is most
certainly eat and not drink and the most precise aqjective would
seem to be sweet. For most of its history> chocolate was actually
consumed as a bitter beverage rather than a sweet delight also
the sweetness was not as close to the chocolate that we enjoy
today. Yes1 the chocolate was not always sweet! The semi-solid
mass that rejuvenates the taste buds has been through massive
evolution throughout the history of man. Anthropologists have
found evidence that chocolate was produced by pre-olmec
cultures living in present-day Mexico as early as 1900 B.C. The
ancient Mesoamericans who first cultivated cacao plants found in
the tropical rainforests of Central America fermented> roasted
and ground the cacao beans into a paste that they mixed with
water> vanilla> honey> chillL peppers and other spices to brew a
frothy chocolate drink. The people from that era would find it
quite difficult to believe the wonders that this sweet little thing
would create in future.
Food of the Gods
In the contemporary world> chocolate is often labelled as a stress
reliever that stimulates the taste buds> along with this1 it is also
considered as one of the major causes of obesity among kids and
adults across the globe. That 1s heartbreaking right? How can this
wonderfully delightful edible thing be bad for health? There is no
doubt that chocolate is an epitome of comfort food> an escape in
times of stress> a consolation when life has let us down and a
mood-enhancer. But is it at all healthy? Consumption in unregulated
and mockingly large quantities> obviously not. But there is a host of
medically proven ways in which chocolate - good chocolate> which
is to say dark chocolate> with a cocoa percentage of around
seventy percent or more - really is good for us .

- •
Over the years> chocolate has received a lot of negative attention
because of its fat content its consumption getting associated with
high blood pressure> acne> obesity> coronary artery disease> and
diabetes. Chocolate has a high-calorie count containing large
amounts of sugar. Therefore> if an individual is trying to slim down
or maintain their weight it may be a good idea to set a limit on
the chocolate consumption.
Food of the Gods

The large quantity of sugar in most chocolates can also be a cause

of tooth decay. In addition> there is research suggesting that
chocolate might cause poor bone structure and osteoporosis.

There>s another side of the story:

Theobroma Cacao> the Latin name for chocolate> means «Food of

the Gods» for a reason. I t s a heavenly way to lift your

performance. We re not talking about junk chocolate in candy bars


and sweet dessertsi dark chocolate has a long history being used
as a healing plant a mood enhancer. You can indeed use high-quality
chocolate to take delightful control of anatomy.
Food of the Gods
Today, chocolate is lauded for its tremendous antioxidant potential.
The high cocoa content in chocolate has many health benefits and
the less sugar content is good for overall health. Traditional
chocolate is one of the most concentrated sources of natural
antioxidant plant compounds called flavonoids. Cocoa products
account for a major proportion of flavonoid intake.

Flavonoids have been found to improve the mental abilities and

functioning of the brain but they are bitter and astringent. This is
why many companies add sugar and milk fat. Unfortunately, these
additions, along with other processing methods, can inhibit the
absorption of the flavonoids . Cocoa also contains a compound
called pentameric procyanidin, or pentamer, which disrupts cancer
cell s ability to spread. When researchers from the Lombardi

Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University treated

cancer cells with pentamer back in 2005, the proteins necessary
for cancer growth were suppressed and the cells stopped dividing.

Food of the Gods
Apart from its antioxidant contents and cancer suppressing
capabilities, a recent study found that dark chocolate helps
restore flexibility to arteries while also restricting white blood cells
from clinging to the walls of blood vessels - both common causes
of artery clogging. It helps in regulating and maintaining a healthy
cardiovascular system. The antioxidants present in chocolate give
us glowing and healthy skin. The food of gods, chocolate protects
against blood inflammation, reduces the likelihood of a heart
attack and reduces the risk of diabetes. It also lowers cholesterol
and reduces memory decline. Eating chocolate during pregnancy
has benefited fetal growth and development. Chocolate may also
streamline cognitive function .

So, the next time you take a bite of that chocolate, you may not
have to feel overly guilty about it, there are a number of health
benefits associated with this deliciously wonderful food of gods,
and of course, the taste is so great.
Word Meaning

A drink other than water.

Look or feel better younger or more vital.


A person who studies various aspects of humans within
past and present societies.

The comfort received by a person ofter a loss or


Is a disease where increased bone weakness increases the
risk of a broken bone.
r.., r

A substance that inhibits oxidation1 especially one used to
counteract the deterioration of stored food products.

Are a class of plant and fungus secondary metabolites.

Is part of the complex biological response of body tissues to
harmful stimuli1 such as pathogens1 damaged cells1 or irritants
and is a protective response involving immune cells, blood
vessels and molecular mediators.

Metal Facts

Metals are chemical elements that are used in a number of ways.

Read on and learn some interesting facts about metals.

+ Metals are usually solid, good conductors of electricity and heat,

shiny when clean, strong and malleable ( they can be bent and

is shiny and doesn't corrode, this means it is a great

metal for making jewellery.

+ The chemical symbol used for silver is Ag, this comes from the
Latin word for silver, argentum.

+ While aluminium is the most common metal found in the

Earth's crust, the most common metal found on Earth is iron,
mostly because it makes up such a large part of the Earth's

+ Copper is a good conductor of electricity and is often used

for making wires.

+ At room temperature, mercury is

metal that is in liquid form.

+ Aluminium is a good conductor of heat and is

often used to make cooking pots.


Alkali metals such as sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and
francium are extremely reactive elementsi just putting them in
water can result in an explosion! They are carefully stored in oil


to prevent this from happening. B"'~)

(({ ~
C c_ ~ --r
\....~ ~- _J

+ Tungsten has a very high melting point, ofter carbon it has the
second highest melting point of all elements.

+ Metals are strong and are useful for making tools, buildings,
bridges and other structures where strength is important.

+ Steel is an important alloy (combination of

metals) that is created from a mixture of
metals, mostly iron. There are many
different types of steel including stainless
steel, galvanised steel and carbon steel.
Steel is commonly used to make a number
of products including knives, machines,
motors and wires.

Did you know?
1t = -

Amazing Pi d

A circle is the most regular curvilinear figure. But

whether the circle is as small as a pin head or as big
as the earth, the ratio of the circumference to the
diameter is always the same and equal to pi.

I Characteristics of 3-0 9hapes

Use the diagram to determine the number of faces, vertices and

edges of the shapes. 9

Cube Rectangular Pyramid Triangular Prism

1) Faces: Y) Faces: 7) Faces:
2) Vertices: _ __ 5) Vertices: _ __ 8) Vertices: _ __
3) Edges: 6) Edges: 9) Edges:

Sphere Rectangular Prism
10) Which shape has more faces?
A. Sphere
B. Rectangular Prism
C. They both have the same number of faces


,; ... ...
... ...
... ...
... ... ,,
, )---------------

Triangular Prism Rectangular Prism

11) Which shape has more vertices?

A. Triangular Prism
B. Rectangular Prism
C. They both have the same number of vertices


,,, )---------------

Rectangular Prism Sphere

12) Which shape has more edges?
A. Rectangular Prism
B. Sphere
C. They both have the same number of edges

2 Comparing Fractions to Decimals with Number Line

Use the number line to solve each problem.

1) Which number is larger> __:!__ or 0.76?
0 1
I I >

2) Which number is larger> l___ or 0.YB?

0 1
I II 11 I I II I I II II I <

3) Which number is larger> 1____ or 0.IY?

0 1

Y) Which number is larger> 2- or 0.69?

0 1
I II 11 I I II I I II II I <

5) Which number is larger> _]_ or 0.63?

0 1
I II 11 I I II I I II II I >

~;) Which number is largeri _l or 0.13?
0 1
I II I I I >

7) Which number is largeri 2- or 0.63?

0 1

8) Which number is largeri _l or 0.30?

0 1
I I I >

9) Which number is largeri 1____ or 0.22?

0 1
I I I <

10) Which number is largeri _§_ or 0.78?

0 1
I I >

Analyse and compare fradion and decimal numbers. 17



1) A Line
2) A Ray
3) A Segment
Y) Parallel Lines
5) Perpendicular Lines
6) Intersecting Lines

Use the figure shown below to find the following (if possible):


7) Acute Angle
8) Obtuse Angle
9) Right Angle
10) Straight Angle

Know the characteristics of lines, rays, segments and angles. 18

Transparent, Opaque and Translucent Materials

Classify the following objects as transparent, opaque or translucent.

One has been done for you.

Objects Transparent Opaque Trans lucent

Glass ~
Wooden Box
Steel Plate
Oily Paper
Light Bulb
Wax Paper
Vegetable Oil

Learning Outcome
Methods of Separation of Mixtures
Observe the pictures and identify the method of separation
for each of the following mixture:

.. ·, .

Learning Outcome
C Tools and Methods
I) A list of tools is given in Column 1. Select the product extracted
with each tool from the list in Column 2.
r .._ r

Tools Product Extracted

\. .) 'II,,. ~

r .._

Scythe/Sickle ( to cut)
( Grapes
( Chain saw ( to cut)
J ( Watercress


Mussels (attached to
Bag net ( to catch)
J \.
rocks in sea-water)

( Scissors ( to cut)
J ( Shrimps


( to dislodge)
Rice> wheat etc.

Flexible rods ( to shake
creeper vine during

( Tree timber
II) Abida,s mother has given her a basket of grain with chaff and
pieces of straw. She also gave her a winnowing fan (basket). It
is a hot, windless day. There is an electric pedestal fan in the

Abida removes the chaff and straw

from the grain. How did she do it?

Replace the first letter of the word

in each bracket to get a rhyming

t word. Fill in the blanks using these
D t)
words. This will tell you what Abida
I) .. ·" •


Abida ___________ ( twitches) on the _____ _

(pan} She puts the ___________ (brain) in
the winnowing fan (basket) and allows
it to fall from a height so that the
___________ (brain) falls vertically
down in front of the ________ (pan}
The _________ ( freeze) created by the
rotating __________ (glades) of
the ________ (pan) blows away the
___________ (fighter) chaff and straw.

Learning Outcome

Weaving and Knitting
Write down the difference between weaving and knitting using the
hint provided. One has been done for you.

Hint Weaving Knitting

In weaving method, two In kn itting method, one
Sets of Yarn
sets of arn are used . set of arn is used.









Learning Outcome
I Spinning
Read the following steps of spinning process and arrange them
in the correct order.


Incorrect Sequence:
1. Hold some cotton wool in one hand.
2. Now gently start pulling out the cotton with the thumb and forefinger
while continuously twisting the fibres.
3. Yarns are used to make fabric.
Y. Pinch some cotton between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand.
5. Now the fibres from a mass of cotton wool are drawn out and twisted.
6. It brings the fibres together to form a yarn.

Correct Seq,uence

Learning Outcome
9 Earthquake - Word 8earch Puzzle
Find and circle the earthquake related words in the puzzle. Words
can be forward, backward, diagonaL vertical or horizontal.

1. liquefaction
2. oftershock 12. velocity
3. epicenter 13. seismograph
Y. earthquake 8. mercalli scale lY. magnitude
5. foreshock 9. richter scale 15. fault
6. moho 10. tectonic plates 16. tsunami
7. focus 11. mantle 17. energy

Learning Outcome
II Fraction
1. For one of their science experiment students needed 10 1liters 9
of water. If there were 7 groups doing the same experiment
how much water did they need for all of the groups?
------ ----------- -------- ----- ----
--- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- -- ............
-- ---,,,,,

Solution: \

',, ,/
................. , ... ,, ... "
.................. ...,,'
--- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- ---
---------------------------------------------------- -----

2. Before each rainstorm, Ozzie put out rain gauges to measure

how many inches of rain fell. After each of the 6 storms that
month Ozzie collected Y inches of rain. How much rain fell 1
during the storms that month?
------ ----------- -------- ----- ----
--- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- -- ............
-- ---,,,,,

Solution: \

',, ,/
................. ,,,,"'"
.................. ...,,'
------ --- ---
--- --- --- --- ---
---------------------------------------------------- -----

3. Mickela has five packages to mail. Each one weighs 3 ~ pounds.

What is the total weight of all packages?
------ ----------- --------- ----- ----
--- --- --- --- ---
.............. --- --- --- -- ... .........
,,----- -- ----,,,,
Solution: \

',, ,/
................. ,,,,"'"
.................. ...,,'
------ --- ---
--- --- --- --- ---
---------------------------------------------------- -----

Y. Siri was writing a story. She was trying to figure out how long it
would take for her to write it. If she can write 31 pages in one

hour, how many pages will she write in 8 hours?
----------- -------- ----- ----
--- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- -- ............
, ,,----- ----,,,,
Solution: \

',, ,/
',, ________ _ , ... .,,,., ... "

--- --- --- --- --- ... , , '

------------------------------------------------------ ---- --- --- ---

5. Zeke had 12 friends coming to his birthday party. He wanted each

friend to get 11 pounds of candy. How many pounds of candy
should he buy?
----------- -------- ----- ----
--- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- -- ............
,,----- ----,,,,
Solution: \

',, ,/
................. , ... ,, ... "
.................. ...,,'
--- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- ---
------------------------------------------------------ ----

6. Aran was buying fish for his big dinner party. He figured each
guest would eat ~ of a pound of fish. If there were 22 people
coming to his dinner party, how many pounds of fish should he
buy? ___________ _______ _
----- ----
--- --- --- --- --- ---
--- -- ............
-- ---
, ,,----- ----,,,,
Solution: \

',, ,/
................. ,,,, ... "
.................. ...,,'
--- --- --- --- ---
------------------------------------------------------ ---- --- --- ---

Learning Outcome _ _ _ _ __ ...____

To perform add it ion and multiplication in fractions. 27
Answers 8heet

Characteristics of 3-D Shapes

1. 6 2. 8 3. 12 Y. 5 5. 5 6. 8

7. 5 8. 6 9. 9 10. B 11. B 12. A

Comparing Fractions to Decimals with Number Line

1. .i 2. 0.Y8 3. 1._ Y. 0.69 5. 9
10 6
1 7. 2- 8. -1 9.1- 10. 0.78
6. -
3 6 2 5

- - - - - e e
Y. (AD & CF)
e e e e e e e e
5. (AD & DF), (CF & DF) 6. (AD & DF), (CF & DF)


Answers 8heet

Transparent, Opaque, Translucent Materials

Glass - Transaprent Cotton - Opaque Wooden Box - Opaque

Steel Plate - Opaque Oily Paper - Translucent Light Bulb - Transparent

Cardboard - Opaque Magnifier - Transparent Book - Opaque

Wax Paper - Translucent Air - Transparent

Vegetable Oil - Translucent Spectacles - Transparent

l. Threshing 2. Sieving 3. Sedimentation Y. Decantation

5. Filtration 6. Hand Picking 7. Evaporation

I) Sickle - Rice Chain shaw - Tree timber Bag net - Shrimps

Scissors - Watercress Chisel - Mussels Flexible rod - Grapes

II) 1. Switches 2. Fan 3. Grain Y. Grain

5. Fan 6 . Breeze 7. Blades 8. Fan

-·~9_. Lighte~r- - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--;:;-~..,r..~~

Answers 8heet

Hint Weaving Knitting

In weaving> frabics are produced
Knitting is a method that is
by interlacing two different sets
Definition used to produce fabrics) by
of yarn or threads horizontally or
turning yarn into cloth
Egypt at the end of the
Origin Paleolithic era
first millennium AD
Chambray> canvas> Jersey> berberi interlock>
gabardine> denim> etc mesh> towelling> etc.

Can only be stretchable if

Elasticity lycrai elastic or spandex Are stretchable
fibers are woven in the mix

Machinery Looms Knitting needles

Look crisp> doesnot shrink

CasuaL comfortable> easier
Benefits or lose shape> rigid fabric
to wash> inexpensive

Not soft require dry

Limitations cleaning> can wrinkle> Shrink> stretch-out can cling

expensive> does not stretch


Correct Sequence: 1, Y, 2, 5, 6 and 3

Answers 8heet

g a o e
a eve fa
nesjtawap necjpe
er ict I uafp sbbst
C s s r p u i y v w s If o c u sl
C h t d C ·--~.....,...----,------------,------.
j fgauc n
u 0 a 0 U i r chte ek
r C C s n n 0 f CO f
k r f r 0 n p z r u u
tcdcwel t ~----------~

21 1Y7 . 2. 6x2= 27 inches 3. 5x 29 = lYS pounds

1. 7x- = -liters
2 2 2 B B

Y. Bx _§_ = 30 pages 5. 12x - 4 =YB pounds 6. 22x l_ =~pounds

y 3 5 5


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