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COD. 1.117.527.748


INGLES III – 90121-A_1144
2 OCTUBRE 2022
Task 2 Writing task
 Step 3: After reading the text, in the forum, you must answer the following questions
related it:
1. How was the town at the beginning?
2. How is it now? 3. How is it predicted to be in the future?
4. A fable is a story with a lesson; so, in your opinion, what is the lesson that this fable
1. How was the town at the beginning?
In its beginnings, the city was harmony between people and nature. It had beautiful forests,
large ferns, wild flowers, diversity of animals and streams. Everything was very peaceful and
pleasant, since people could enjoy prosperous farms, huge grain fields and other natural
resources from which they could subsist.

2. How is it now?
Now, the city is gray and silent. The vegetation is withered and lifeless, the animals ceased
to appear (the birds do not sing or are dying), the trees stopped being born and are deserted,
the beautiful streams became swamps and lacked any life. Everything wild and harmonious
began to disappear, as well as the pleasant daily life of the people in that city.

3. How is it predicted to be in the future?

I think that in the future, the city will be deserted, neither the animals, nor the vegetation, nor
the people will be there. Since people will see that their natural resources (with which they
subsisted) have disappeared, they will decide to go elsewhere to seek the comfort they once
had. While the animals, not having a healthy and pleasant ecosystem where they can live,
will also leave.

4. A fable is a story with a lesson; so, in your opinion, what is the lesson that this fable
teaches? (One or two lines)
In my opinion, the lesson that this fable teaches is that human beings are too ambitious. In
spite of having everything (a beautiful city that provided them with natural resources), they
decide to overexploit what they have in order to seek more benefits for that moment. People
do not take into account the possible consequences of their actions, not only for themselves
but also for the ecosystem that surrounds them.
 Step 4-Brainstorm: “A Fable for tomorrow” shows how people intervention or
settlements have caused irremediable consequences in a town; nowadays,
overpopulation and consumerism has accelerated the development of factories that
pollute and overexploit non-renewable natural resources, causing irreparable
damage to our environment.

Title Closer to being a cruel myth

Mining company.
Characters Company's employees.
Company shareholders.

Setting Amazon region of Colombia


In recent years, the mining company "Hocol

S.A.", of foreign origin, has been mining in
the Amazon region of Colombia. Extracting
in a continuous (no rest for the environment)
Conflict and absurd way (they do not stop until they
do not leave a single element in space)
minerals such as gold, metals of different
categories, phosphoric rock, potassium and
magnesium salts, and coal.

The Amazon region was one of the most

beautiful that Colombia had at the time.
Animals and vegetation coexisted in a
healthy way, while some conga ants ate the
fruits of some trees, squirrels forget where
they left their seeds and so they grow more

The way your región, town or city was The trees were gigantic, you could not
before. compare the size of a human with the trunk
of this one. Their leaves were shiny and
large, and the textures were amazingly
smooth. There was a diversity of birds,
which ranged from colorful to opaque (that
feature helps camouflage them). Insects
were everywhere, of different sizes and
species. In this region you can find animals
not scientifically studied or rare.

The way it is now.

Now, the Amazon region of Colombia lost
some of its beauty; the animals that lived
there fled to other places to survive because
some people kill them for their skins or the
environment isn’t longer suitable for them,
only part of the trunk of the trees remains
since they’re cut to extract raw material
(thus decreasing the oxygen that brought
this beautiful vegetation).

The view now was no longer colorful, but

only gray tones and in addition, only
humans and machinery are seen extracting
not only minerals (which was supposed to
be their job) but also taking advantage to
obtain elements that can benefit them in the
future (bark, animals, medicinal plants and

I think that if this exploitation by the mining

company "Hocol S.A." doesn’t stop, the
Amazon region will become a dead space,
because all its life will be extinguished and
no new animals, vegetation or minerals that
inhabit it will be born.
Preditions how it will be in the future.
The beautiful and pure image that at some
point could have had the Amazon will be
only a cruel myth of the Colombians, who
will remember with pain those beautiful
views and the ecosystem that was part of

 Step 5-Composition: According to the information above, you must write a fable
with the following conditions:
1. The fable must have three paragraphs where you explain how
overharvesting or industrialization have affected the region where you live.
2. Use pictures to illustrate your fable (you can take as example the text “a fable
for tomorrow”).
3. The fable must have a teaching at the end of it.
Closer to being a cruel myth
The Amazon region of Colombia is a unique environment for anyone who visits it or lives
directly in it, the natural scenes are so beautiful that captivate everyone; the giant trees that
shine when the light hits them, the birds of different colors that go from one side to another
singing and playing with each other, the insects that accompany you in every step you take
through this environment, the flowers and fruits of the trees that are exposed to be exposed
to the view, the other animals that watch you and show their natural beauty. This region
reflected the life of an entire country, the oxygen that you breathe there is so pure that it can
never be compared to others and finally, the elements that make up this environment always
stand out for their beautiful rarity, complementing each other.

However, one day a being attacked that no one knew, with its large metal bodies and
extravagant roars that echoed throughout the jungle, and also, it was surrounded by humans.
This horrible being began to extract the minerals of the region, not leaving a single element
of where they originally belonged, and then disappeared with them. The animals (be they
birds, rodents, insects or reptiles) were, little by little, disappearing from that environment;
since they observed that they could no longer live there due to the lack of characteristics that
were desirable for them, or also, that the humans that accompanied that being captured them
to benefit from them. The trees were no longer gigantic as in their golden age, now they were
only small cut stems and their wood disappeared at the convenience of the humans. The metal
being and humans not only extracted their mines, but with them they took away the life and
brightness of the Amazon region of Colombia.

The Colombians, in spite of being aware of this problem, never spoke out or tried to stop this
activity and when they observed that their beloved land was disappearing, they cried for not
having intervened before. They began to consider that their actions (in this case null) were
also responsible for the deterioration of the Amazon, since by not doing anything to help the
environment despite seeing the consequences that were generating this overexploitation, they
became passive actors who only thought about their welfare and forgot the land that gave
them everything so they could survive in this world.
 Consejo Británico. (Dakota del Norte). Presente perfecto . Aprende

 Gramática inglesa en línea. (Dakota del Norte). Pasado Simple – Presente Perfecto
Simple .

 pagina en ingles. (Dakota del Norte). Presente perfecto


 Rosas, JL (2021). Presente Perfecto, Usos y

Estructuras . [Objeto_virtual_de_aprendizaje_OVA]. Repositorio Institucional

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