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Early-Life Environmental Factors Impacting the

Development of Psychopathology
Ned H. Kalin, M.D.

Our conceptualization of the factors that increase the risk to devastating consequences and profound effects on mental
develop psychiatric illness is broadly focused on gene-by- and general medical health that result from childhood mal-
environment interactions, as the illnesses that we deal with treatment (5). New molecular evidence supports the notion
are both heritable and markedly influenced by experiences that the first 5 years of life may be particularly important as a
and other environmental factors. While heritability estimates period of vulnerability. For example, a study examining the
range from 20%245% for anxiety and depressive disorders to developmental time course of DNA methylation has dem-
75% and greater for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (1), onstrated that the first 5 years of life are the period during
recent research has underscored the genetic complexity which neurons exhibit the greatest epigenetic plasticity,
underlying the heritability of these disorders. Although some suggesting that this could be a mechanism by which envi-
rare genetic variants with large effects have been identified, in ronmental events are especially influential when occurring
general, the heritability of psychiatric illnesses involves a early in life (6).
multitude of interacting common gene variations that each This issue of the Journal, focused on early-life environ-
contribute a very small amount to the risk (2). Nongenetic mental factors that are associated with the development and
factors clearly play an important role and via epigenetic treatment of psychopathology, provides new insights into the
mechanisms (e.g., DNA methylation and histone modification biological, social, and health-related outcomes resulting from
of chromatin) affect gene function by modulating gene ex- adversity and trauma exposure. The review by Lippard and
pression (3). Most of the illnesses that we deal with in psy- Nemeroff (7) is the centerpiece of the issue as it comprehen-
chiatry have neurodevelopmental origins, which underscores sively addresses the re-
the importance of focusing on early life as an age to un- lation between childhood We know from extensive
derstand how nonheritable factors interact with the genome maltreatment and the de- research that early-life
to confer vulnerability. During early life, environmental in- velopment and treat- stress, adversity, and
fluences have the potential to affect the rapid brain devel- ment of mood disorders. especially trauma present
opment that is occurring and that underlies the acquisition While maltreatment is a prominent risks for the
of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive abilities (4). broad risk factor for psy- later development of
When considering the nonheritable factors that are crit- chopathology, this review psychopathology.
ical determinants, we know from extensive research that presents an in-depth ex-
early-life stress, adversity, and especially trauma present amination of abuse and neglect in relation to mood disorders,
prominent risks for the later development of psychopa- discussing sensitive periods, the consequences of different
thology. Not only is it critical to understand the type and the types of abuse, mechanisms conveying risk to develop mood
severity of the adversity that an individual is exposed to, it disorders, and poor treatment outcomes.
is also important to understand how these significant Maier and colleagues (8) shed light on basic factors rel-
environmental exposures interact with different neuro- evant to social dysfunction, interpersonal distance, and re-
developmental stages. During the prenatal period, the sponsiveness to touch in adults with a history of childhood
developing fetus interfaces with the outside world via the abuse. In addition to behavioral testing, structural and
pregnant mother. Depending on the specific circumstances, functional MRI was performed to assess the neural correlates
the fetus might be exposed to the consequences of prenatal of social touch in relation to varying degrees of maltreatment.
depression or other stressful maternal experiences, as well as Overall, the findings suggest alterations in neural responsivity
infections or drug exposure. We also must remember that to sensory stimulation with both fast and slow touch. Of
there is frequently a continuity across the prenatal and particular interest was the finding that severe maltreatment
postnatal periods in relation to stressors and environmental was associated with decreased hippocampal responsivity
exposures, whereas with some environmental exposures, this to slow touch, which tends to be associated with the
may not be the case. Sadly, early-life physical abuse, sexual emotion-relevant, comforting aspects of touch. Dr. Martin
abuse, and neglect are all too common, and extensive re- Teicher from McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
search, as well as our own clinical observations, document the an expert in the relation between childhood trauma and

Am J Psychiatry 177:1, January 2020 1


psychopathology, provides an editorial that further discusses other work, addressing relations among trauma, pituitary-
critical periods during development, the importance of un- adrenal alterations, and PTSD.
derstanding trauma-type selective effects, and the potential Moving to prenatal influences that increase the risk for
adaptive nature of the neural and behavioral changes that developing psychiatric illness, Lee and colleagues (15) pre-
result from early trauma (9). sent data linking bacterial infections during pregnancy to
The study by Esteves et al. (10) is particularly thought psychotic disorders in offspring. Although it is not news that
provoking as it links adversity occurring during the mother’s prenatal infections, especially viral infections such as in-
childhood to her infant’s telomere biology. In their article, the fluenza, are associated with schizophrenia (reviewed in
authors present data that speak to the intergenerational reference 16), this study examined from more than 15,000
transfer of the consequences of trauma by studying the re- pregnancies the influences of prenatal maternal bacterial
lation between a mother’s history of childhood adverse ex- infections. Offspring were followed into adulthood to be-
periences with telomere shortening and the infant’s mental tween ages 32 and 39, and findings demonstrated that lo-
health. Telomeres, located at the end of chromosomes, calized maternal bacterial infections increased the odds of
function to protect against chromosomal damage, and their developing a psychotic disorder by 1.6 times, whereas mul-
physical length has been linked to the aging process as well as tisystemic infections increased the odds by 2.9 times. In-
general medical and mental health (11). Esteves et al. report terestingly, these effects appeared to be sex specific, with the
data demonstrating an association between high levels of effect predominantly occurring in exposed male offspring. In
adversity in mothers when they were children with increased his editorial, Dr. Ken Kendler, a renowned expert in the
externalizing problems and shorter telomere length in their epidemiology and genetics of psychiatric disorders from
offspring. Using statistical methods, the authors suggest that Virginia Commonwealth University, discusses issues related
there is an interaction between maternal childhood adversity to the interpretation of causality as well as the potential
and telomere length on the outcome of externalizing prob- importance of these findings for prevention (17).
lems. Dr. Elissa Epel from the University of California, San Finally, Fornaro et al. (18) alert us to questions regarding
Francisco, a leader in understanding psychological stress and the effects of the medications we use for the treatment of
telomere biology, provides an editorial that discusses these maternal psychiatric illness on the developing neonate. To
findings in the context of other work in the field (12). In her address safety issues related to the use of lithium during
piece, she highlights the potential importance of the reported pregnancy, the authors performed a meta-analysis and found
intergenerational findings and discusses the multiple that the overall risk associated with lithium treatment was
mechanisms that could underlie the linkage between ma- present but low. The odds ratio for lithium to be associated
ternal early-life experience and offspring telomere length. with any congenital abnormality was 1.81, and for cardiac
Michopoulos and colleagues (13) examine immune- anomalies it was 1.86. Mothers with lower lithium levels (less
related predictors for developing posttraumatic stress dis- than 0.64 mEq/L) did not appear to have an increased risk
order (PTSD) in acutely traumatized adults in a unique study for producing offspring with cardiac malformations. Im-
that was performed in the emergency department at Atlanta’s portantly, this analysis confirmed that lithium treatment was
Grady Memorial Hospital. In this study, the researchers used effective in preventing the postpartum relapse of bipolar
a prospective longitudinal design to explore the relation disorder. This article is a valuable in-depth review and
between immune factors that are assessed in close proximity analysis, and the authors conclude by providing impor-
to the trauma with the long-term consequences of the trauma. tant and practical recommendations for the use of lithium
The authors found that decreased levels of the proinflam- treatment during pregnancy.
matory markers tumor necrosis factor a and interferon-g In conclusion, this issue of the Journal provides new and
were predictive of a chronic PTSD course. This result was important insights relating to the treatment of and the risk for
somewhat surprising as much research has suggested that developing psychopathology. Ongoing molecular and neural
increased inflammatory markers are associated with PTSD. circuit–based work has the potential to more specifically
Nevertheless, the experimental design used here, along with elucidate the mechanisms by which environmental events
the findings, highlight the possibility that such measures affect the rapidly developing young brain in ways that in-
collected immediately after a traumatic event may provide crease vulnerability. At the same time, the insights presented
information regarding individuals at greatest risk of de- in this issue regarding early-life environmental factors that
veloping disabling symptoms and who therefore may benefit influence neonatal development have the potential to inform
from early interventions. Dr. Christine Heim, an expert in intervention approaches that would increase resilience by
stress and trauma, professor at the Institute of Medical buffering the heritable genetic factors that confer disease
Psychology of the Charité university hospital in Berlin, and risk.
professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State University,
offers insights into the importance of this finding in her AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
editorial (14). She speculates on the meaning of the finding Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
that the development of chronic PTSD is associated with a and Public Health, Madison.
reduction in proinflammatory markers and relates this to Send correspondence to Dr. Kalin (

2 Am J Psychiatry 177:1, January 2020


Disclosures of Editors’ financial relationships appear in the April 2019 10. Esteves KC, Jones CW, Wade M, et al: Adverse childhood experi-
issue of the Journal. ences: implications for offspring telomere length and psychopa-
Am J Psychiatry 2020; 177:1–3; doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2019.19111181 thology. Am J Psychiatry 2020; 177:47–57
11. Blackburn EH, Epel ES, Lin J: Human telomere biology: a con-
tributory and interactive factor in aging, disease risks, and protection.
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