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Science, Technology, and interpreted in the event of an

alternative hypothesis being accepted.

Human Flourishing
• Several budding theories that lack
• Eudaimonia, literally “good spirited”, a empirical results might be shot down
term coined by Aristotle to describe prematurely, causing slower
the pinnacle of happiness that is innovation and punishing ingenuity of
attainable by humans; has often been newer, novel thoughts.
translated into “human flourishing”.
• This theory completely fails to weed
• Western civilization tends to be more out bogus arguments that explain
focused on the individual; based on an things coincidentally.
individual’s values rather than his
beliefs that the state is greater than Falsification Theory
him. • Karl Popper is the known proponent of
• The east are more community-centric; this view.
community takes the highest regard • Asserts that as long as an ideology is
that the individual should sacrifice not proven to be false and can best
himself for the sake of the society. explain a phenomenon over
• Every discovery, innovation, and alternative theories.
success contributes to our pool of • Allowed emergence of theories
human knowledge; human’s perpetual otherwise rejected by verification
need to locate himself in the world by theory.
finding proofs to trace evolution.
• Encourages research in order to
• The end goals of both science and determine which among the theories
technology and human flourishing are can stand the test of falsification.
related; in that the good is inherently
related to the truth, are two concepts Science as a Social Endeavor
about science which ventures its claim
• A new school of thought on the proper
on truth. demarcation criterion of science
Science as Method and Results emerged.

• Observe • Explores the social dimension of

• Determine the problem science and effectively, technology.
• Formulate hypothesis; reject the null • The new view perpetuates a
hypothesis dimension which generally benefits
• Conduct experiment the society. Sciences cease to belong
• Gather and analyze results solely to gown wearing, bespectacled
• Formulate conclusion and provide scientists at laboratories.

Verification Theory
• The earliest criterion that distinguishes
philosophy and science

• The idea proposes that a discipline is

science if it can be confirmed or
Science and Results Technology as a Way of
People who do not understand science are Revealing
won over when the discipline is able to
produce results. The Human Condition Before Common Era

• In this particular argument, however, • Homo erectus have been using fire to
science is not the only discipline which cook, all the while without realizing
is able to produce results—religion, the laws of friction and heat.
luck, and human randomness are
• Tools from stone and flints marked the
some of its contemporaries in the field.
era of Stone Age, during the advent of
• For some communities without access our very own Homo spiens.
to science, they can turn to divination
• People discovered minerals and began
and superstition and still get the same
forging metalwork.
• Fur clothing and animal skin are
• Science is not entirely foolproof, such
primarily used for comfort against
that it is correct 100% of the time.
harsh winds. They begin to cover
Science as Education themselves up out of necessity.

In the Philippines, a large distribution of • People of the time had also

science high schools can be found, forging painstakingly wrought and hewed said
competition for aspiring students to undergo figures in honor of some deity; initial
rigorous science and mathematics training roster of primitive gods includes
based on specialized curricula. objects they encounter through their
day-to-day lives.
• As students are preconditioned that
the field would later land them high- • Driven by their primal need to survive,
paying jobs and a lucrative career after humans were quick to find ways to
graduation. drive off other megafaunas
• Simply mastering science and threatening a prospective hunting
technology would be inadequate if we spot.
are to, say, socialize with people or • The ongoing extinction of several
ruminate on our inner self. species—both flora and fauna—due to
• A true eudaimon recognizes that human activity.
flourishing requires one to excel in
various dimensions, such as linguistics, • They began to hunt, farm. And
kinetic, artistic, and socio-civic. produce things with prospect of profit.

• When they could not sell products,

they used their skills and got
compensated for it—bringing forth a
specialized group of artisans.

• Physical strength was valued at most,

although there appeared to be as
many intellectually gifted figures just
the same.
The Essence of Technology • Declares that even human
beings are potentialities who
• Modern humans are reliant on aspire for their actuality.
technology in their search for the good • Every action that emanates
life. Humans are reduced into the from a human person is a
amount of productivity they are able function of the purpose (telos)
to render during their lifetime. that the person has.
• By too much reliance on technology, • Every human person,
humans lose track of things that according to Aristotle, aspires
matter, reducing their surroundings to for an end. This end is
their economic value. happiness or human
• Martin Heidegger argued that its • Claims that happiness is the be
essence, or purpose, and being are all and end all of everything we
different from each other. do.
• Technology can either be perceived as • Human flourishing, a kind of
first, a means to achieve man’s end contentment in knowing that
and second, that which constitutes one is getting the best out of
human activity. life.

• The second perspective paints Happiness as the Goal of a Good Life

technology in such a way that each
period reveals a particular character Materialism
regarding man’s being. o The first materialists were the
atomist in Ancient Greece.
Aristotle and How All Aspire for o Democritus and Leucippus
a Good Life beliefs is that the world is
made up of and is controlled
Plato and Aristotle embarked on a different by the tiny indivisible units in
approach in figuring out reality. the worlds called atomos or
Plato thought that things in this world are not
o For Democritus and his
real and are only copies of the real in the world
disciples, the world, including
of forms. Change is so perplexing that it can
human beings, is made up of
only make sense if there two realities: the
world of forms and the world of matter:
o Only material entities matter.
• In the world of matter, things are In terms of human flourishing,
changing and impermanent; matter is whar makes us attain
• In the world of forms, the entities are happiness.
only copies of the ideal and the
models, and the forms are the only
real entities. o The hedonists, for their part,
see the end goal of life in
Aristotle forwarded the idea that there is no
acquiring pleasure.
reality over and above what the senses can
o Life is about obtaining and
perceive, claiming that this world is all there is
indulging in pleasure because
to it and that this world is the only reality we
life is limited.
can all access.
o The mantra of this school of Television Sets, Mobile Phones,
thought is the famous, “Eat,
drink, and be merry for Computers, and Humanity
tomorrow we die”.
People all over the world use these
Stoicism technologies every day to accomplish different
o The idea that to generate
happiness, one must learn to • Television was a product of
distance oneself and be different experiments by
apathetic. various people;

o For stoics, happiness can only • Paul Gottlieb Nipkow’s

be attained by a careful invention was called the
practice of apathy. “electric telescope” that had
18 lines of resolution;
• Alan Archibald Campbell-
o The ultimate basis of Swinton and Boris Rosing
happiness for theists is the experiment gave rise to two
communion with God. types of television systems,
o The world where we are in is namely. Mechanical and
electronic television.
only just temporary reality
where we have to maneuver • On April 3, 1973, Martin
around while waiting for the Cooper, a senior engineer at
ultimate return to the hands of Motorola, made the world’s
God. first mobile phone call;
Humanism • In 1983, Motorola made their
first commercial mobile phone
o The freedom of man to carve
available to the public. It is
his own destiny and to
known as the Motorola
legislate his own laws, free
DynaTAC 8000X.
from the shackles of a God
that monitors and controls. • Charles Babbage who
designed the Analytical Engine
o Humanists see themselves not
which was used as the basic
merely as stewards of the
framework of the computers
creation but as individuals
even until the present time;
who are in control of
themselves and the world • The first design of computer
outside them. was so big that it could occupy
whole floors of buildings;

• The first true portable

computer was released in
April 1981. It was called the
Osborne 1;

• The evolution of laptops

continued until the present
time where various designs Robotics and Humanity
and models are already
available. • A robot is an actuated mechanism
programmable in two or more axes
Roles Played by These Technological with a degree of autonomy, moving
Advancements within its environment, to perform
intended tasks.
• Television is mainly used as a platform
for advertisements and information • A service robot is a robot that performs
disseminations; useful tasks for humans or equipments
excluding industrial automation
• Television also is a good platform for application.
different propagandas and advocacies;
• A personal service robot or a service
• Mobile phones are primarily used for robot for personal use is a service
communication; robot used for a noncommercial task,
• People use their mobile phones to surf usually by laypersons.
the Internet and to take pictures more • A professional service robot or service
than to text or to call people; robot for professional use is a service
• Other applications include music robot used for a commercial task,
player, calendar, radio, television, and usually operated by a properly trained
photo editor, among others. operator.

• Personal computers and laptops can • They are primarily used to ease the
be used to surf the Internet and workload of mankind.
communicate; • They were invented to make life more
• The availability of a mouse or a efficient and less stressful; perform
touchpad made these two activities to entertain people; made to
technological devices easier to serve as toys.
maneuver than mobile phones. • Robots also have their own set of rules
and characteristics that define what a
Ethical Dilemma Faced by These
good robot is:
Technological Advancements
• Law One: A robot may not
• People who are fixated on these
injure a human being or,
technological advancements start and
through inaction, allow a
end their day by using such devices. It
human being come to harm.
causes them to become reclusive,
alienating themselves from other • Law Two: A robot must obey
people. the orders given by human
being excepts where such
• Children who are not capable yet of
orders conflict with Law One.
rationally deciding for themselves
what is right or wrong are freely • Law Three. A robot must
exposed to different things on protect its own existence as
television, mobile phones, laptops, or long as such protection does
computers. not conflict with the First or
Second Law.
Ethical Dilemma/s Faced by Robotics
• Safety. Who should be held
accountable if someone’s safety is
compromised by a robot?

• Emotional Component. What if

robots become sentient should they
be granted robot rights? Should they
have their own set of rights to be
upheld, respected, and protected by

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