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A Comparison of Personality Theories

Theory Psychologists Criticisms

Psychoanalytic / Psychodynamic: Sigmund Freud – 3 part personality (Id, Ego, Superego) in constant conflict Not falsifiable (can’t prove it wrong) –
5 Psychosexual stages (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital) unscientific.
Emphasize unconscious motives and the Sexual & Aggressive drives form personality
importance of early childhood experiences in Defense Mechanisms protect personality from anxiety Generalize from a few case studies to entire
shaping personality. population (faulty).
Carl Jung – Collective Unconscious is primary drive of personality development
Houses “Archetypes” – common symbols across cultures Study troubled people, not healthy.

Alfred Adler – Inferiority Complex & Birth Order were main factors influencing personality Study adult patients, not children.

Neo-Freudians: changed & renovated original Karen Horney – Security and parental relationship are major influences on personality.
theory to focus on social & cognitive factors Took issue with sexist beliefs of penis envy, women as submissive & dependent

Erik Erikson – Psychosocial Stages of Personality Dvpt

Behavioral / Social-Cognitive: B.F. Skinner - Personality arises from person’s history of behavior reinforcement/punishment Generalize animal studies to human beings.

B: Personality is a result of interaction between Underestimate biological and cognitive factors

the individual and the environment Albert Bandura – Personality arises from watching others; thinking & reasoning are important in (free will?).
S-C: Personality is shaped by environmental Underestimate importance of personality
conditions, cognitive factors, and behavior. traits.

Humanistic: Abraham Maslow – Studied healthy personalities and described characteristics of the self- Too optimistic, fail to explore negative side of
actualizing personality. human nature.
Personality is result of inherent desire to reach
our true potential. Cannot be easily tested.
Carl Rogers – Self-concept is the most important feature of personality.
Emphasize capacity for personal growth, Concepts vague and subjective.
development of potential, and freedom to
choose our destiny.
Trait: Raymond Cattell – 16 basic dimensions of personality; 16 clusters of traits More than 5 needed to account for wide
variety of people.
Personality depends on combinations of basic Big Five Traits – All personality traits derive from five basic: OCEAN
traits; consistent, long-lasting behaviors & Five too many – three will do
Word lists used in factor analysis were
arbitrary, different words = different results.

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