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races of obsidan twilight



standard races: Nazgrad
Nazgrand was one of the lesser dwarven cities but its king,

AKA: The Lost, The Lorn, The Doomed-Folk.
Naigar Stonecunning, was known as a master crafter with no
equal on Abaddon. Nazgrand was renown as the strongest
dwarven city, a fortress of granite burrowed into a single,
enormous lump of rock. Legend has it that Nazgrand was
The vaults and tunnels of the dwarves were all but anni- buried, its people spared the plague and many have sought it
hilated during the cataclysm, the earth was shattered and beneath the earth but its legend has roughly the same status
reformed by the impact and the vaulted cities that lay as Atlantis. A myth with no convincing evidence.
beneath the earth got the worst of it. What should have

been safe shelters from the impact were split asunder as the
earth cracked deep. Ancient and dormant volcanoes blew
their tops and took the dwarven forts with them. Built close
Dwarves are a beaten people but they share that sense
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to the living, liquid rock other dwarven settlements were of loss with most other races of Abaddon and that gives
flooded with searing lava and their populace burned alive them a common bond with other peoples. It’s humans that
and buried in the liquid stone. dwarves consider to be their natural successors and who
they have struggled to pass their secrets on to, though they
Those few dwarves who survived, the surface dwellers and
are frequently disappointed.
those few who made it out of the cities weren’t spared. As a
long lived species full of life-energy they somehow caught
the worst of the plagues of the pandemic of ash and huge
numbers of the survivors perished, the remainder rendered
With the demise of their people the dwarven viewpoint has
sterile by the terrible disease as it tore its course through been shattered into a million pieces. In putting themselves
their bodies. back together the survivors have rebuilt their psyches
in a multitude of different ways; dwarves are found
The very youngest dwarves are a hundred years old and no across all alignments and change their alignment relatively
more have been born since the meteor fell. The dwarves are frequently.
a scattered, broken people existing in small bands, hopeless
and resigned – largely – to their fate as a dwindling people.
They wander in squat, armored wagons, a shiftless, home-
less people, trading their crafting skills, taking trustworthy
Dwarven Lands
The dwarven kingdoms are gone, consumed by rock and
mortal apprentices to preserve their skills or squandering fire – though rumors persist of Nazgrand surviving beneath
their lives in battle, seeking a ‘good death’.

Dwarves have become dour and fatalistic, melancholy and
serious. Everything they try to do has a hint of pointless-
ness to it since there are no children to carry on. Some kill
themselves, some wander to try and find some hope in the
world, others lash out blindly at the universe. Some few still
cling to the hope that a cure can be found and that their race
can be restored.

Physical Description
Dwarves are short and stocky, about a foot shorter than most
humans. They have broad, compact, burly bodies. Dwarves
are universally bald, having shorn their hair in mourning for
their lost people, a ritual of observance to their ancestors
that is observed in all but the most dire of circumstances.
Many have woven bone beads into their beards as a further
act, marking those that they have known who have died
since the cataclysm, female dwarves do the same – only
with earrings. The death-sworn dwarves seeking a glorious
demise have gone the step further of shaving their beards as
a signal to others of their madness and pain.
the earth, trapped – and so they have nowhere to call home. • Hatred: Dwarves receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls
Forced onto the surface the dwarves call their caravans against undead due to learned hatred of the damned
home, that or the free human settlements and even the following the cataclysm. Enmity with goblinoids has
newly dug vaults of the Osirians. been all but forgotten, they are – after all – still alive.
• Hardy: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving
Unusually for a people so badly treated by events the
throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
• Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their
Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush
dwarves still honor the old gods. Even more than that
or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
though they worship their ancestors and swear oaths upon
• Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on
their names. With so many dead this worship has become
Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stone-
a more nebulous concept than specific, heroic ancestors.
work, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone
‘By the dead’ being the most common dwarven oath and
walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such
features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them,

Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven.
whether or not they are actively looking.
• Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with
battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat
Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a
the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and martial weapon.

Dwarves have harsh sounding first names, making use of a
AKA: The Broken, Deadwoods,
lot of consonants and z’s. Their last names usually describe The Rotten-People

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some notable trait about them and often change throughout The elves were spared some of the worst of the initial
their long lives. cataclysm , their lands were some of the furthest from the
Male Names: Azar, Kalgon, Bran, Tzanda, Hjorn, Garash, impact point though, of course, many great forests were
Zalin flattened by the impact and the shockwave. What really
affected the elves was not the meteor directly but rather the
Female Names: Agath, Bryny, Zarianne, Kyat, Trysta, Cold Black Winter the followed. Ash fell, the sky turned
Gazara dark and without sunlight the forests began to yellow, the
leaves began to fall and it all began to die around them.
Worn Names: Rockbreaker, Forgehammer, Redbeard,
Where the dwarves were all but destroyed in a single catas-
Broadbeam, Gutbelly, Proudnose.
trophe, the elves had to endure watching and feeling their
Adventurers: Dwarven adventurers are those seeking whole world starve and die around them.
something, whether they be fatalistic – seeking a good
Still, some clung on, maintaining their groves through great
death, or optimistic – seeking Nazgrand or a cure to their
sacrifices of magic and through sheer tenacity and hope. It
condition. The dwarves have little left to lose either way
was not enough once the Pandemic of Ash took hold and
and are far more willing than most to entertain ‘crazy
the undead armies began to march. The elves were left with
nothing of their old lives and they began to change.
• +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Dwarves
The elves of the plains became the Ash Elves, wandering
are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff.
the frozen deserts in loose tribal bands, doing what they
• Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and have no
had to in order to survive, becoming cold and barren like
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
the wastes themselves, merciless and distant.
• Slow and Steady: Dwarves have a base speed of 20
feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or In the rotting forests the surviving elves began to bond with
encumbrance. the only life that was flourishing after the cataclysm, the
• Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 mushrooms and toadstools. From the rotting remains of the
feet. old arboreal fortresses new forms of life began to spring
• Defensive Training: Dwarves get a +4 dodge bonus to and the Myconian Elves have become the keepers of these
AC against monsters of the giant subtype. strange, new forests of fibers and caps, of rot and damp.
• Wary Appraisal: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus
on Sense Motive skill checks as they’ve had to learn Some few elves refused to admit defeat and have retained
quickly how to assess people and whether they’re trust- their old powers and affinities, buoyed up by apocryphal
worthy. tales of a surviving forest, far to the south and west. Tales
told by Elthorien, a wandering preacher and his cult of
Weald Elves who keep the faith alive, nurture living plants
where they can and pursue more stories of the distant forest
even as they spread the faith in its existence.
Physical Description
The elves have retained their height and their pointed ears.
Otherwise their description differs according to their type.
Ash Elves are distant and cold, a people of few words
Weald Elves retain their appearance from before the cata-
clysm and make it a point to dress in the old style and to
whose focus is survival and who prefer to disappear into keep the old ways as best they can. Without the natural
the background and then strike – or comment – without resources to make the old clothing they have been forced,
warning. despite their best efforts, to use human-made cloth and the
The Myconian Elves are obsessive, strange, creepy and imitate and replicate the natural clothing of old.

somewhat ‘still’. Very little seems to provoke them and they Ash Elves have pale, ivory skin and long ash-grey hair with
tend to stare, unblinking, for long periods without realizing eyes like burning coals. They are taller and thinner than
that what they are doing is upsetting anyone. normal elves and wear tight clothing that emphasizes their
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The Weald Elves chatter incessantly about the forest and painfully thin, almost anorexic bodies, hiding this all away
about the words of Elthorien, constantly trying to spread beneath tightly bound cloaks that protect them from the
the faith. They smile too much and too often considering the cutting wind.
state of the world and have an unshakable faith in Elthorien Myconian Elves dress in clothing made from leather and
and The Weald that refuses to be quenched. Like the true the shells of the giant insects that now feast upon the
members of any faith this makes them hard to be around for rotting forests. Their skin is grey and their eyes a milky
those who do not share their beliefs. white-in-white with long, straggly, greasy black hair that
clings, limply, to their bodies. There’s something almost
amphibious about them and they are cold and clammy with
a smooth, slick, almost oily cadence to their motions.

The elves are all grieving but the Ash
Elves and the Myconians have become one
with the new world, have come to terms with
how things have changed and how they have
changed. They are more accepting and while the
Ash Elves can be hard on travelers within their terri-
tory they and the Myconians are part of the new world
that is emerging and deal with it as it is.
The Weald Elves on the other hand want to, paradoxically,
both preserve things as they were and to change them, to
force them to be as they were. They evangelize and they
send their converts out into the world to seek The Weald,
clashing with many – undead and mortal – as they do so,
always questing for new converts.

Elves retain their strong emotions and capricious nature,
even the Ash Elves who merely hide these qualities beneath
a veneer of aloofness. Weald Elves tend to the Chaotic Good
while Ash Elves and the Myconian Elves tend towards the

Elven Lands
The Ash Elves call the wastelands their home and have
small settlements scattered throughout them, living in
places that others might not even consider habitable, using
magic and hard won survival skills to wrest an existence
from them.
The Myconian Elves claim the rotting forests for their own, • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Elves
living amongst the giant insects and mushrooms that are are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is
sprouting there in the rot and ruin, carving their home into frail.
the caps and casting webs and bridges between them to • Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and have no
form new, aerial cities amongst the ruins of the old. bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
Weald Elves are wanders, their spiritual home is the distant
• Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as
Weald or wherever their leader Elthorien is currently
humans in conditions of dim light. See Additional
ensconced. Otherwise the road is their home, spreading the
word of The Weald.
• Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep

The Weald Elves have rejected the old elven pantheon for
effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against
enchantment spells and effects.
• Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster
their worship of The Weald and Elthorien as its prophet, level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In
something of a blasphemy in the eyes of the other elves. addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft
The Ash Elves maintain their worship of the old gods skill checks made to identify the properties of magic
though day-to-day survival removes much of the impetus items.
from their worship. In the dead forests the Myconian Elves • Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on
have given the old gods new names and replaced their Perception skill checks.
icons with those suiting their new settings, gods of poison, • Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with long-
disease, rot, hallucination and growth from death. bows (including composite longbows), longswords,
rapiers, and shortbows (including composite short-
Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with
bows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in
its name as a martial weapon.

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high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: These statistics are for Weald Elves who resemble the elves
Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and from before the cataclysm.
• Ash Elves replace their Constitution penalty with a

Elves retain their old style of names with male and female
Charisma penalty.
• Myconian Elves replace their +2 racial saving throw
bonus against enchantment spells and effects with a +2
names alike tending to be rolling, soft, liquid sounds. Young racial bonus to saves against poisons and diseases.
Ash Elves tend to be given more sibilant names like the
whisper of wind and sand and Myconian Elves have altered
their last names to reflect that modern state of the forests.
Male Names: Shalarass, Dorien, Gildamar, Eloias,
AKA: Osses, Scurriers.
Hallender Gnomes survived the cataclysm better than the dwarves,
their delvings were shallower and did not suffer the same
Female Names: Sarwane, Goloria, Elthshar, Syrene,
catastrophic damage as the deeper cities. They were also
sheltered from the worst of the Cold Black Winter and the
Family Names: Strongbark, Leafgreen, Longstride, Pandemic of Ash as their cities and towns has survived
Spearshaft, Fareye. almost intact and had more stores set aside than many other
Myconian Family Names: Rottenbough, Bogbank,
Sporeshower, Barkfilth, Stinkhorn. During the aftermath the gnomes hunkered down and
looked after their own, refusing – on the whole – to help
Weald Elves sometimes break with the cult becoming apos-
refugees and survivors, barring and even killing those who
came to them seeking help, determined to survive on their
own. This has earned them a deep sense of hatred and
tates, trying to find their own ways of restoring the green
distrust that has only been compounded with their favored
and looking for a place they can feel as fulfilled and satis-
servitude to the undead lords.
fied as they did while they were a part of the cult. The Ash
Elves wander beyond the wastelands as outcasts or driven When the undead armies came marching the gnomes rolled
to seek something better and more fulfilling than mere over almost instantly with little resistance to Calix Sabinus
survival. The Myconian Elves come out of the rotten forests and, in his chains, took to providing for his armies, crafting
in search of trade and to lend their capabilities as assassins their weapons and armor and, worst of all, creating the
and poisoners to those who will pay the price.
chains and necromantic materials that have bound the
slaves for a generation. Alignment
Gnomes have had to learn to force down their natural
The gnomes are favored pets of the undead lords, placed
in charge of other slaves, given tasks that normal slaves tendency towards tricks and playfulness and this repressed
cannot be trusted with, allowed in the castles as servants desire has tended to make them cruel. They have grown
and crafters and because of this favor, as much as anything, numb to the suffering of others and far too focused on their
the gnomes are largely distrusted by other slaves and survi- own survival and needs and, as a result, most gnomes have
vors. slowly swung to become Lawful Evil.

So deep does this hatred run that gnomes are called osses
(bones in old elvish) for their closeness to the undead or
Gnomish Lands

The gnomish lands that survived the cataclysm are all under
scurriers, because they’re always scurrying about their
the sway of the undead lords and only a very few retain
master’s business. So bad has the gnomish reputation
anything like nominal independence though they are taxed
become that the very word ‘gnome’ is used as a substitute
to the point of starvation and poverty and are little more
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for ‘traitor’ amongst survivors and slaves.

than working slums. Even so they’re better places to live

Personality than most settlements under the sway of the dead.

Gnomes tend to be tight lipped and self-contained. They

weather insults without reaction and grovel obsequiously
Most gnomes retain their worship of their old gods and
to their undead masters or anyone they think might have
credit them with guiding them and allowing them to survive
power over them. Subservience and patience are all but bred
in such numbers. A few particularly toadying gnome slaves
into gnomish society in this time and it’s the rare gnome
have adopted the gods of the dead and offer them worship
that breaks free from that conditioning and stereotype.
and thanks for their protection.

Physical Description
The gnomes of Abaddon stand
Gnomes begin play speaking Common,
around three feet in height with
Gnome, and Sylvan. Gnomes with high
shocks of hair rising from their
Intelligence scores can choose from the
heads, usually bleached white, jet
following: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven,
black, bilious green or blood red,
Giant, Goblin, and Orc.
though other colors have been known
to appear. Their skin tends to be
striking in color as well, browns
that are almost black, pale hues
Gnomes tend to have short, punchy first
that are almost pure white and names with more descriptive family
other pale tones with hints of other colors names that describe the family business, these
like green or blue. Gnomes tend to have are slow to change and a new reputation must
outsize facial features like noses, eyes be established strongly to displace the tradi-
or ears, something which can be a tion of centuries.
little unsettling.
Male names: Adrek, Calman, Britak, Farrow,

Gnomes are favored by the masters
Female names: Leilei, Terai, Joola, Nesta, Fluri.
that have the power of life and death Family names: Fallburrow, Cooper, Smith,
over them which is all the gnomes Chandler, Tinker.
particularly care about. Even then their
masters do not particularly like them;
they simply find them useful or amusing Adventurers
There are few gnomish adventurers, those that do
to have around. The other races all but
universally dislike and resent the gnomes join the life tend to be those who have rebelled and
and this often spills over into racial as a consequence have been cast out by their own
violence. family and clan. Despite this stand that they’ve taken
gnomes are still not trusted, whatever their story and
life as a gnomish adventurer on Abaddon is a difficult
• +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Gnomes and ruin and filth, wallowing in refuse and bones, finding
are physically weak but surprisingly hardy, and their their new place in the post cataclysm world as humanoid
attitude makes them naturally agreeable. vermin.
• Small: Gnomes are Small creatures and gain a +1 size
Their corpse-eating ways have persisted and they still lurk
bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1
in the shadows of the cities, in the necropoli, gnawing on
penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat
bones, rooting in the town and city trash heaps for scraps,
Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth
iron stomachs and filed teeth all they need to eke out a
living under the sight of most, regarded as pests to be put
• Slow Speed: Gnomes have a base speed of 20 feet.
down or, since so many of them become ghouls and ghasts,
• Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice as far as
a genuine danger to be destroyed.
humans in conditions of dim light. See Additional
• Defensive Training: Gnomes get a +4 dodge bonus to
AC against monsters of the giant type.
Halflings are but barely civilized, if indeed they are at
• Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any all. They are savage animal-men with perverse appetites,
saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. strange ways and arcane dominance games, twitchy and
Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the flighty, quick to anger, like cornered rats.
following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights,
ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals.
The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s
Physical Description
Halflings are barely three feet tall, most are somewhat
level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the
smaller especially since they tend to hunch over. They are
spell’s level + the gnome’s Charisma modifier.
ropey knots of muscle with round pot bellies and pale,
• Intimacy: Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls
clammy flesh that puts one in mind of
against undead due to their close relationship with and
a maggot. Most are bald, having lost

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understanding of these creatures.
their hair down the genera-
• Illusion Resistance: Gnomes get a +2 racial saving
tions, and have wide staring,
throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
limpid eyes, suited for grub-
• Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on
bing around in the dark and
Perception skill checks.
the filth. Most have their teeth
• Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a
filed down into points, better for
Craft or Profession skill of their choice.
chewing and ripping at raw flesh
• Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat any weapon with
and cracking open bones.
the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.

Halflings Relations
Most other races no longer regard
AKA: Rat-Kin, Maggot Folk,Corpse- Halflings as fully sentient and
consider them to be little better
Breath, Vermin. than animals. They hold a
Of all the races of Abaddon the Halflings fell the furthest. similar status in many minds to
From a position of safety, security and shelter, shielded by that of kobolds and goblins, a
the human kingdoms and living in idyllic rural bliss they dangerous, intelligent pest.
were thrust into a daily fight for survival and a time of
hunger that was too much for most of them to cope with.
Everything that the Halflings regarded as civilization was
Halflings are one step away from
torn away, crops, farms, safety, security, all of it. They were animals and are rarely concerned
reduced almost instantly to the status of animals, tearing with much more than their own
at each other over the merest scraps of food, fighting, safety, shelter and the source
squabbling, murdering each other over so much as a single of the next meal. Almost all
turnip. are Neutral and those that are
Things only got worse as time wore on and the Halflings not have usually had access to
lost almost every semblance of civilization that they ever some civilizing influence.
had, they almost even lost language. Soon the only thing
left to live upon were the corpses of the dead and the rot of
those others who had survived. In order to live the Halflings
became eaters of the dead, living ghouls, gnawers on rot
Halfling Lands
Halflings live in the shadow of settlements and have no
• Squirmy: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on
Escapology and Acrobatics skill checks.
• Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with
real place to call their own. In the larger cities the grave- slings and treat any weapon with the word ‘halfling’ in
yards and the spoil heaps are all but given over to them and its name as a martial weapon.
they’re left to gorge on the dead and the trash as they will,
a seemingly useful purpose for them so long as they do not
get out of hand. New Races:
Religion Exalted

If the Halflings retain any religion it is not that of their

ancestors and appears to have regressed to an animistic, The Exalted are the direct offspring of angelic outsiders,
tribal worship of the other vermin that share their disgusting mated with humans on Abaddon. The unique circumstances
habitant with them, Mother Rat being chief amongst this of Abaddon make this a more common event than it might
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new pantheon. otherwise be in other parts of the multiverse. The angels

here are thrust into closer contact with mortals than they are

Halflings barely speak Halfling and Common, often with
used to, cut off from the gods and entities that they serve
and forced to make a new life for themselves.

a strong patois and atrocious grammar and pronunciation. Exalted are fair-skinned humanoids with a heavenly aura
Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the and glow of peace and natural grace, something that exists
following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin, overheard in direct opposition to the nature of the changed world that
and picked up in dribs and drabs. surrounds them. In a world such as Abaddon – even more
so than in other violent and sinful worlds – the Exalted

Halflings have lost the art of naming of old and no longer
understand that they are fighting for a lost cause and all
they can do is to delay the inevitable and provide some last
shreds of hope.
know their lineages. They call each other by nicknames,
typically to do with some deed or trait that makes them Most Exalted are the direct offspring of angels and mortals
known or recognizable. though some are the result of the union of two Exalted or
from bloodlines that include Exalted blood in their past.
Halfling Names: Longtooth, Bonecracker, Many-Child, Regardless of their origin all Exalted consider themselves to
Bloodletter, Knife. be children of Zebediah, the greatest angel to walk Abaddon
and the one who gave rise to the existence of the Exalted
Some few Halflings, typically those of higher intelligence,
through his love for mortal women, the one who gave
purpose and direction to the angels who found themselves
have some dim inkling of their greater purpose and destiny stranded in Abaddon.
and find ways to leave the heaps and take up with adven- Some say that the Exalted are an indication of the sheer
turing parties. They are disgusting and vicious vermin, but desperation of the forces of good and law on Abaddon.
they have their uses when adventuring. Mating with humanity to bolster their numbers and increase
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Halflings the number of agents for rightness and morality is regarded
are nimble and strong-willed, but their small stature with contempt by the forces of evil. Propaganda accuses
makes them weaker than other races. Zebediah’s followers of deception and even rape to dissemi-
• Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size nate their divine spark amongst humanity. What is even
bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 worse is that, in some instances, there may well be some
penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat truth to this.
Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth Goodness can be arrogant, judgmental and uncompro-
checks. mising. In the cause of good and the name of the law,
• Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet. especially in incredibly dire circumstances, ends can justify
• Cast Iron Stomach: Halflings receive a +2 racial many means and the Exalted are not always the faultless
bonus on all saving throws against poison or disease. paragons of virtue that they aspire to be.
This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling
luck. Like so many other races and groups throughout Abaddon
• Filed Teeth: Halflings receive a 1d3 bite as a secondary the Exalted find themselves rootless, wandering in small
attack. groups or individually, trying to make what positive differ-
• Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on ences they can, when they can, where they can. It can be a
Perception skill checks. lonely life.
The Exalted project an aura of defiance and desperation. By
Most Exalted are Lawful in nature and do not veer from
the very nature of what they are, they exist in opposition that position. Most are also Good. An Exalted inherits
to Abaddon’s status quo and the whole world rejects them. a powerful moral compass from their divine aspect and
Many blame the gods for the current state of affairs and, usually has a defined and absolute sense of right and wrong
unable to strike at the gods or their messengers, they strike that they are powerless to alter. Eventually the sheer grind
at the Exalted, twice removed from the target of blame but of living day to day in the desperate situation of Abaddon
the only ones an angry populace can turn their revenge chip away at the edges of this, but they are markedly more
upon. devoted to their particular alignment than most of Abaddon.
While all too many Exalted fall to evil, an Exalted falling to
Exalted tend to be thoughtful and long-suffering with many
Chaos is unheard of.
developing a martyr complex over time, feeling unappreci-
ated by, even turning upon, the people they have tried to
help but who seem to be ungrateful at best. No matter how
many setbacks there are or how often they’re disappointed,
Exalted Lands
There is no homeland for the Exalted. They can be found
they always seem able to pick themselves back up and carry scattered around the world, avoiding each other more than
on. they seek to come together. Exalted in numbers attract too
much attention from the undead and the forces of chaos
While they strive to be open, to care, to understand the state so the Exalted spread themselves out rather than gathering
of the world and the problems of the people in it, this leaves where they can easily be crushed.
them open to being exploited, which they are. It is difficult,
even for the most determined of Exalted, to maintain a face Older Exalted take Exalted children into their care once
of calm, peace and goodness but even when it breaks down they reach their teenage years, teaching them of their birth-
some small seed of their nature remains to manifest itself right and their history before releasing them to wander the

- Page 9 -
once more in trust and belief in the essential goodness of lands alone. This is where the Exalted get their sense of
man. racial oneness, without it they would be nothing more than
singular, isolated, freaks of nature.
The Exalted are considered to be beau-
tiful by mortal standards. Typical Exalted are of medium
height and build, with light skin ranging from milky
white to a glowing tan. For some reason all Exalted, male
and female alike, are bald and are unable to grow hair upon
their heads.
The divine blood from their angelic side reacts with the
inherent sin of their mortal body to produce swirling
patterns on their skin like tribal tattoos. None are born
without these marks but those Exalted who slip from their
high moral expectations can expect to find themselves
marked more as their divine blood reacts with the
unavoidable blasphemy of living day to day in the
realities of Abaddon.

Due to their angelic nature many others in
Abaddon will recoil from developing any relations with
an Exalted, fearing retribution from the great powers.
Exalted, by their nature, are open, caring and understanding
but many forces in the world have foolishly taken this as a
weakness. Those who have failed to fully control an Exalted
in such a way have come to know what the term ‘divine
fury’ truly means.
While there’s no particular place that the Exalted call home individuals can be. Unlike true outsiders, Exalted
there are places that they make pilgrimages to which they need to eat and sleep.
consider holy. There is the ground where Zebadiah first set • Exalted have lawful alignments; however, if their
foot upon Abaddon, the stained land where Gabriel fought alignments change, they still retain the lawful
Calix Sabinus and the sites of various martyrdoms, all of subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment
which are stopping and meeting points on their endless affects an Exalted as if they have a lawful align-
journeys across the world. ment, no matter what its alignment actually is. An
Exalted also suffers effects according to its actual
The Majority of Exalted hold a pious belief in a deity
alignment. An Exalted overcomes damage reduc-
tion as if its natural weapons and any weapons it
wields were lawful-aligned.
despite Abaddon’s perceived abandonment. Of the rest,

• Darkvision 90 feet.
most hold to a cultist worship of their founder Zebadiah,
• +2 Charisma: Exalted are very welcoming, open and
turning to him as their new ‘god’ in the absence of the old
charming people.
gods. Zebadiah has done what he can to discourage this
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

• Medium: As Medium creatures, Exalted have no

belief but it continues to grow.
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

The Exalted have developed a unique language derived
• Exalted base land speed is 30 feet.
• Racial Bonus: +2 racial bonus on saving throws
against Glamer or Phantasm sub-schools of magic.
from the structure of the Celestial tongue but with their • Soulsword (Su): Three times a day as a standard
own terminology derived from Common and their own action, an Exalted is able to create a 3-foot-long, beam
history, stories and points of reference. Exalted only speak of bright white light made, partially, of a piece of their
this language to other Exalted and don’t acknowledge soul and wield it as if it were a short sword. Attacks
non-Exalted who speak it. Exalted also speak the Common with the soulsword are melee touch attacks and the
tongue and the Celestial language in its pure form. soulsword deals 1d6 points of damage +1 point per
level (maximum +10). Since the blade is immaterial,
All Exalted share the same family name of ‘Al Zebadiah’
Strength modifiers do not apply to the damage. To
undead, evil or chaotic creatures, the soulsword deals
1d8 points of damage +2 point per level (maximum
as a mark of respect to their spiritual father. All Exalted are
+20). The soulsword lasts 1 minute per level.
named on the seventh day after their birth by their divine
• Divine Powers (Su): Exalted may pick any one of the
parent, though they may also carry a separate, mortal
following divine powers at Character creation and they
can use it three times per day with a power level equal
Family Names: Al Zebadiah to their level.
• Cause Fear (Su): As the spell, Cause Fear.
Male Names: Amon, Chiram, Darnass, Esdras, Itai, Lemuel,
• Charm Person (Su): As the spell Charm Person.
Matyas, Taneli, Xyphon, Zuriel
• Detect Magic (Su): As the spell Detect Magic.
Female Names: Abra, Brachah, Elisavet, Hephzibah, • Disguise Self (Su): As the spell, Disguise Self.
Kefira, Matea, Ora, Parash, Yona, Zapheth. • Hold Portal (Su): As the spell, Hold Portal.
• Mage Hand (Su): As the spell, Mage Hand.
Exalted cannot help but be thrust into a life of adventure.
• Purify Food and Drink (Su): As the spell, Purify
Food and Drink.
• Read Magic (Su): As the spell, Read Magic
If they are found they will be hunted and even if they try • Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial and
to hide their over-developed sense of right and wrong will Exalted. Bonus Languages: Any.
soon have them putting themselves in harm’s way. Exalted
are doomed to be adventurers and it is the only way of life
that can give them real purpose and a chance of survival. Exalted Feats
Winged Soul [Exalted]
Exalted Racial Traits
• Lawful Native Outsider: Due to their mixed human
A pair of faint wings, composed of nothing but light, erupt
from the back of the Exalted and beat, lifting them up into
and angelic heritage the Exalted are considered to the air.
be lawful native outsiders. Which gives them the Prerequisites: Exalted, Lawful Good Alignment.
following abilities:
• Exalted have mortal ancestors or a strong connec- Benefit: By using up one of their soulsword summoning the
tion to the Material Plane and can be raised, Exalted can, instead, sprout wings from their back and fly,
reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living at a speed of 30 ft. with good ability. They cannot summon
their soulsword at the same time they are flying and the
effect lasts for one minute per level.

A Piece of Heaven [Exalted] Genesai are the direct result of demonic outsiders mating
Reaching deep into themselves the Exalted is able to, in with angelic outsiders in defiance of all that both sides of
some small way, for some short time, redress the balance the eternal conflict between good and evil consider invio-
between good and evil, dark and light. late. In other worlds and other planes of existence this might
be all but unthinkable but the nature of Abaddon as a planar
Prerequisites: Exalted, Wisdom 12+
‘trap’ throws these opposites together far more often than in
Benefit: At the expenditure of a hundred silver pieces other places and whatever else there might be between the
worth of silver the Exalted can cleanse a small area or agents of good and evil they at least have a commonality
pool of water of necromantic or evil taint, at least until the as outsiders and, to an extent, can become stuck, mired in
creeping taint of Abaddon overcomes it once again. Plants Abaddon as much as any other planar traveler.
may sprout here for a season, the water might be cool and
Outcasts from the moment they are born the Genesai are
refreshing for a time but, inevitably, the taint of the whole
almost always abandoned by their parents immediately
world will return. The silver is blackened and destroyed in
following their birth, either to be raised by mortals who
the process, crumbling into stinking black dust.
take pity on the child, to perish in the wilderness or – very
Divine Wrath [Exalted] rarely – to be raised by sympathetic animals such as wolves.
Some very few can survive being abandoned simply due to
Sometimes an Exalted is overcome by anger and rage and
their unnatural physiology and capabilities and grow up,
regret over the state of Abaddon and enters a powerful
feral, in the blasted landscape. Despite this disparate scat-
frenzy during which little can stand before their righteous
tering Genesai have a tendency to find each other and form
communities, bands, tribes and clans that become their real

- Page 11 -
Prerequisites: Exalted, Base Attack Bonus +5 families, adopting Genesai that they find and raising them
into what little heritage and secrets that they have.
Benefit: The Exalted enters a rage that increases their
attack scores by +2 and their damage by +2 while reducing Genesai are unique in appearance, tanned a red-gold hue
their AC by -2. They also gain a number of temporary hit with an aura of unnatural ‘wrongness’ that surrounds them
points equal to half their level rounded up. This rage last and unnerves animals and people alike, disconcerting them
for the duration of the entire fight and can be called up only and tending to make them unconsciously mumble blessings
once per day. to themselves or recoil in disgust on pure reaction. Most
Genesai also have physical markers of their unnatural birth,
Suppress the Divine [Exalted] two small horns that protrude from their forehead and a
It is wise, sometimes, to hide one’s divine origins from the supernatural mark, branded in the middle of their forehead
view of others and many Exalted have learned the trick of by their clan as part of their induction into the ‘family’.
doing so.
The Genesai are hunted by almost all forces and factions to
Prerequisites: Exalted, Wisdom 12+, 4 or more ranks in be found on Abaddon which tends to make them consum-
Bluff. mate survivors, skilled at evasion or combat, capable of
defending themselves and possessed of a siege mentality
Benefit: The Exalted is able to suppress its divine nature, that binds them strongly to their clan. The Genesai under-
pushing it down deep inside so that to any observers, even stand that they are a constant reminder of all that is wrong in
magical, the Exalted appears to be a normal human. The the shattered and broken world and that people cannot help
Exalted cannot use their soulsword or divine powers while but be hostile to that, some accept that and hate the world
suppressed. back while others struggle to right wrongs and to make a
place of acceptance for their people by heroic deeds and
Zebadiah`s Blood [Exalted] leading by example. When push comes to shove a Genesai
Directly of the lineage of Zebadiah the Exalted has much will do whatever is necessary to survive.
more powerful angelic blood flowing through their veins.
Prerequisites: Exalted, may only be taken at character
As outcasts and victims of intense hatred and scrutiny the
Benefit: The Exalted can use their divine power and souls- Genesai tend to be extremely slow to trust but extremely
word an extra time per day and their blood acts like holy loyal to those they do regard as their friends, holding little
water against the undead with 1d4 hit points of blood loss distinction between friend and family, the two largely
being enough to fill a vial, though it solidifies and turns considered to be the same. In a similar way anyone who
useless within a day. isn’t ‘family’ is considered with all the suspicion and
hostility one might normally reserve for an out-and-out
enemy that one is forced, by circumstance, to negotiate
with. The Genesai are born pessimists, they tend to expect
the worst out of any situation and, therefore, to prepare for
Genesai Lands
Though they are a new race to the world of Abaddon, the
it. This is a behavior which can make them seem dour and Genesai have done their best to fit into a world that just
unfriendly, but which contributes greatly to their survival. wants to destroy them. They have no true homeland and live
Genesai humor tends to be cynical and scathing, centered a very nomadic existence at the margins of what civilization
around irony, sarcasm and schadenfreude. there is. Occasionally they settle, as a clan, within a defen-
sible position such as a cave system, ruin or fortress, or
Physical Description
Genesai are humanoid in appearance, albeit a fairly ideal-
mingled amongst a population they have befriended, hidden
or integrated. The Genesai as a people have no real lands to
ized human form, slightly taller than the human average, call home, though some of the larger and more successful

slightly more fit and beautiful looking – regardless of their clans are looking for a homeland.
actual capability. Their skin is a red-gold, deep tan that
almost seems to glow and their other-worldly origin is also Religion
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

betrayed by the stubby horns that many of them sprout from As the offspring of agents of eternal powers and concepts
their temples. Where the offspring of outsiders and mortals combined the Genesai do not agonize over the existence or
often display their origin more ostentatiously, the hints of a
Genesai’s origin tend to be a little more subtle – other than
the brandings that they give themselves. It may be present
in a forked tongue or an unnatural color of eyes or hair,
something that one would actively need to look for and
try to pick out. Their short horns can even be hidden by
suitably styled and grown hair and, apart from their brand,
they can almost pass for human in many circumstances.

Due to their dual nature many others in the world of Abaddon
will shun the Genesai or recoil from developing any sort
of relationship with them. Due to their unnatural nature
they often draw fire from Exalted looking to purge
their evil and unnatural being from the world or
from Infernals who are seeking to control and
use them to their own ends. The undead view
them as potentially dangerous rivals and also
err on the side of destroying them where they
can. Genesai tend to only have positive rela-
tions with other unsettled peoples or with
particular communities where, through
dint of effort and sacrifice, they have
carved a niche of understanding and
loyalty between themselves and the
local people.

The typical Genesai is True Neutral, due to the
balance of opposites in their basic nature. They
do not often veer from that position, particularly not into
Good or Evil though they may find themselves leaning
towards either Chaos or Law depending how they have
been raised and what experiences that they find themselves
involved in. The Genesai nature itself is one of strange
possibility and so they tend to find it difficult to stand in
judgment over actions that others would unquestionably
call good or evil. They’ve seen for themselves the extremi-
ties to which one side or the other can go and find such
hard-line opinions distasteful.
non-existence of deities, though they sometimes argue over • Genesai base land speed is 30 feet.
what claimed deities and their servants actually are, since • Shattersoul Blade (Su): Three times plus their
this relates directly to their own existence. As such Genesai Constitution modifier (at least +1) a day, as a standard
do not tend to worship any gods though they may offer action a Genesai is able to summon a 3-foot-long, scin-
thanks to fate, luck or destiny as disembodied concepts tillating shard, made partially out of a piece of their
when something goes well for them and, equally, curse unnatural soul. They can wield this “shattersoul blade”
these same ideas when something goes wrong. as if it were a short sword. Attacks with the shattersoul
are melee touch attacks and the shattersoul blade deals
Genesai speak common and either Celestial or Infernal as
1d6 points of damage +1 point per level (to a maximum
of +10). Since the blade is immaterial their Strength
modifier does not affect to the damage. To lawful or
native languages, with additional languages either Celestial
chaotic creatures, the shattersoul blade deals 1d8 points
or Infernal must be their first pick to fill out the first three
of damage +2 point per level (to a maximum of +20).
tongues spoken, after that they are free to pick up any
The shattersoul blade lasts 1 minute per level and can
language, thanks to their wandering.
manifest as any elemental or luminous force, though

Due to their traumatic join between good and evil, Genesai
each Genesai typically can only manifest one form, fire
is most usual.
• Unnatural Aura: Animals become uneasy around
normally name themselves in a very unusual way, The name Genesai due to their dual nature. Dogs will bark and
of their Exalted parent is reversed and adopted as their horses will become unruly, even people feel uneasy.
surname while their first name is the reversed name of their Genesai receive a –2 racial penalty to Ride checks and
Infernal parent. a –4 penalty to Handle Animal checks.
• Immunity to charm/compulsion spells: The Genesai
Family Names: Leimar, Lok, Rusiuodra, Dazay, Tathsra,
is impossible to charm or compel under any circum-

- Page 13 -
Leiru, Muorahc, Anid, Sacrof, Tewil.
stances. Any spell or psionic power with the (Charm)
First Names: Tamait, Nogrog, Imanazi, Imoy, Etaceh, descriptor has no effect upon a Genesai.
Ragiba, Dada, Nihtab, Noyreg, Tides. • Planar Anomaly: Genesai gain a +1 racial bonus to hit
and to their damage against outsiders, including each
Genesai adventurers are often drawn from amongst those
other, due to their unique insight into the failings and
weaknesses of outsiders.
• Not of this World: Genesai gain a +4 dodge bonus
who have, tragically, lost their clans or those who have
against outsiders, including each other, due to their
been cast out for breaking the few, inviolate laws of these
anomalous nature putting them out of phase with the
‘familial’ clans. Other Genesai are not scooped up by their
clans and are raised to adulthood by their adoptive parents
and, restless despite these – hopefully loving – homes go
out to seek their fortune and, perhaps, others of their kind. Feats for Genesai
Still others leave as agents of the clan, seeking riches and
weaponry to help defend the clan and to help them carve out
Shattersoul Sabre [Genesai]
Through practice and force of will the Genesai is able to
some sort of life for themselves in a harsh and unforgiving concentrate their soul into a more powerful sword with
world. which to strike down their enemies.

Genesai Racial Traits

• +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Genesai
Prerequisites: Genesai, Wisdom 12+
Benefit: The Genesai’s shattersoul blade’s damage advances
are quite study and wise but can be uncomfortable a die-type so the default damage is now d8 and the damage
around others. against lawful or chaotic creatures is now d10. The blade
• Native Outsider: Due to their mixed angelic and can also now be summoned for twice its normal duration.
demonic heritage, Genesai are considered to be native
outsiders. This gives them the following abilities: Soul Strike [Genesai]
Genesai have a strong connection to the Material The Genesai reaches deep into their soul and casts out with
Plane and can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected their mind, striking with the essence of their unnatural
just as other living individuals can be and unlike true being at a distance.
outsiders. Genesai do need to eat and sleep unlike true
Prerequisites: Genesai, Wisdom 14+
outsiders, which require neither.
• Darkvision 120 feet. Benefit: The Genesai can reach out with their shattersoul
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Genesai have no blade to strike at a distance. This uses up one of their sword
special bonuses or penalties due to their size. summonings for the day and strikes for d10 damage, plus
their usual bonus, d12 plus bonus against lawful or chaotic lusts, not all are the result of vampire lords and ladies exer-
creatures. This attack has a range of 60 ft and is conducted cising their rights and pleasures over their mortal subjects
as a ranged touch attack. other, more horrifying instances can produce Harrowed just
as easily from organized defilement and punishments for
Fade Out [Genesai] resistance, meted out through undead armies to children
Belonging to neither good nor evil, the material nor the conceived while one partner or the other was possessed,
planar realms, the Genesai is able to fade from existence all the way through to the unnatural magical experiments
momentarily, rendering them immune to harm. performed by Liches.
Prerequisites: Genesai, Wisdom 16+ How a Harrowed is treated by their parents and the powers
in control of Abaddon depends very much on the circum-
Benefit: The Genesai selects a spot within their normal

stances of their birth. If they were deliberately conceived by

move distance and they vanish from existence, this taking
an undead lord then they hold a position much like that of
up all their actions for this turn. At the end of the turn
an illegitimate child in any noble family, they might receive
following this one, they reappear at the selected spot.
money and even be treated as a minor noble themselves,
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

During the time they have vanished they do not exist, at all,
they may even rise in the ranks of their sire or dam’s house
and cannot be harmed in any way. This uses up a shattersoul
to become a trusted lieutenant – if never a true leader.
blade summon and can be attempted, reflexively, to avoid
incoming damage, traps, explosions and so on replacing the If they are the result of a punishment or a chance embarrass-
normal results of a reflex save against the source of harm. ment then they are treated no better than any other mortal
peon, though the general populace will likely still resent
Bane of Law & Chaos [Genesai] them for being a reminder of their subjugation and because
As crossbreeds, despite their neutrality, the Gensai embody of their perceived privilege, even if it is not genuine.
the axis of good/evil and are antithetical to creatures that
Harrowed do exist in large numbers now, especially in the
exist on the law/chaos axis, tearing them apart at a spiritual
cities controlled by the undead and in freshly conquered
lands, their existence part of a tactic of subjugation and
Prerequisites: Genesai, base attack bonus 3+ conversion, a ‘mingling’ of populations such as happens on
other worlds in occupations. While the Harrowed nobility
Benefit: The Genesai gets a +1 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus
are far smaller in number and exist on a rarefied level the
to damage against creatures of law or chaos.
‘common’ Harrowed have tended to band together and to
Realign Item [Item Creation, Genesai] form their own communities and ghettoes within the cities,
increasing their security – but also their alienation from the
The Genesai’s burning soul strips back the preconceived
other peoples who surround them.
notions around magical items, liberating them for the use
of anyone.
Prerequisites: Genesai, appropriate item creation feat.
Harrowed inherit a detached viewpoint from their undead
Benefit: The Genesai can bath an item in their shattersoul, heritage, a separation in outlook from the material and
using up a use of that ability for the day, stripping away the mortal realm but this is accompanied by many of the
alignment requirements of an item and making it ‘neutral’, drives and desires of humanity. This detachment and lack
able to be used by anyone. This does not negate any of the of empathy, coupled with mortal desires – albeit dimmed
other powers of the item and costs one tenth of the normal – makes the Harrowed passionate and ambitious as well as
cost of the item in gemstones which are burned up in the being more than a little selfish, to the point that they often
process. verge on the sociopathic. Despite all this the Harrowed do
form relationships with those who are persistent or those

One of the most despised and feared races of Abaddon is
in whom they take an interest of their own. Those who
prove themselves useful or necessary to a Harrowed are
most likely to receive their loyalty and another trait inher-
ited from their undead parents, a dislike of abrupt change,
that of the Harrowed. They are no less than the result of the means that they’re likely to maintain that loyalty.
unholy and abominable union between a mortal humanoid
and the foul undead. The very existence of the Harrowed is
a constant reminder to a subjugated populace of the undead
overlords who have taken over the world of Abaddon,
Physical Description
Harrowed are varied in appearance but normally have a
royal bastards neither fully mortal nor fully undead, caught inhuman coloration of their skin which is either chalk white
between the two worlds. or has an unhealthy grey pallor to it. Some other Harrowed’s
skin turns slightly translucent, revealing the musculature
While the origin of some of the Harrowed is all too under- beneath, others take on a slight, oily, rainbow sheen or
standable, some undead have mortal along with immortal
darken like spoiled meat. Otherwise the Harrowed tend to all it is as good an idea to appease a dangerous god as it is
look like any normal person, save for a higher tendency to to worship an altruistic one.
have white hair and red, or black, eyes.

Relations Language
The Harrowed speak common and learn the languages
Whatever their social status or position the Harrowed are of their surroundings, if they bother to learn any other
generally seen as part of the ruling classes simply due to languages at all.
their nature. This tends to make them resented and hated
by the subjugated humanoids, at best they might be grudg-
ingly accepted based on their personal, individual conduct.
Bastard Harrowed take their family name from their sire or
The Harrowed tend to feel a common cause with the other
dam, their first names conforming with the naming conven-
half-breed races of Abaddon who, like them, tend to be
tions of the people or culture upon whom they were foisted.
caught between two worlds and share that experience of
Their last name is prefaced by ‘Sir’ or ‘Dam’ indicating the
being disjointed and rejected. The exceptions to this are the
gender of their undead progenitor. Thus a typical Bastard
Khymer, who regard themselves as truly undead and the
Harrowed name might be something like Aran Sir Drakul,
Exalted, who regard the Harrowed as a terrible abomina-
which would read as Aran, son of Lord Drakul. Common
tion and an injustice wrought upon the helpless population.
Harrowed have mortal names like any other, but tend to
The Lykians tend to regard the Harrowed as unnatural,
only go by their first names in all dealings.
complaining that they have ‘no scent’ and that this is wrong,
as wrong to a Lykian as being invisible or incorporeal
would be to another race.


- Page 15 -
Harrowed are typically pulled in two directions by their
heritage, the detachment of their undead taint leads them
towards neutrality while their mortal desires coupled with
their diminished conscience pulls them down the path of
Chaos. Harrowed of all alignments are known, some seek to
bind their churning desires within a cage of Lawful beliefs
and some are swayed to the causes of either Good or Evil,
though the Harrowed bastards tend to fall in line with the
evil designs of their sires and dams.

Harrowed Lands
The Harrowed live either as individuals within the houses
of the ruling undead classes or in the Harrowed ghettoes
– colloquially known as ‘graveyards’ – within the human
settlements, when they’re not mingled with the general
populace. These areas often conform only to their own,
internal laws and are considered a special case, apart from
the rest of the town or city though they are still subject to
the lord’s oversight and discipline. The Harrowed within
make their money and maintain their district largely
through hiring on as sell-swords, through fine crafting or as
adventurers, bringing wealth back to their homes.

The Harrowed typically pay only lip service to any reli-
gion, tending to be self-interested they also tend to see little
mileage in devotion to a god, this being especially true
in Abaddon. Where they do worship a god it will tend to
be whichever god is worshipped by the population as a
whole or by their sire or dam, these will tend to be gods
of evil, death and shadow, even if the Harrowed does not
conform to that alignment or definition themselves – after
Family Names: Sir Drakul, Dam Orien, Sir Lykas, Dam to their level, fading from vision and becoming a ghostly,
Abraxiel, Sir Xaddan. incorporeal figure. While incorporeal they gain all the usual
benefits associated with that special quality, but may still
Male Names: Determined by mortal parent culture.
strike from ‘beyond’ with magical weapons or spells, just
Female Names: Determined by mortal parent culture. as they can be attacked with such abilities, though these do
half damage in both directions.
The Harrowed often become adventurers, the bastards
Ghoul Blooded [harrowed]
The Harrowed is descended from a ghoul bloodline and has
because they have something to prove or because their some greater measure of that line’s power than most.
ambitions are frustrated, the commoners because adven-

turing is often the only way to pick themselves up out of Prerequisites: Harrowed, must be taken at character
their squalor and carve themselves a place of respect and creation.
power in the world. Abaddon is a dead and dying world
Benefit: The Harrowed has stubby claws on the ends of
and so it seems fitting and appropriate that the Harrowed,
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

their fingers that resemble brittle and broken, overgrown

a half dead people, should pick over its bones for things of
nails. These are a natural weapon doing 1d4 damage and
value and use.
they also carry the paralysis of a full ghoul’s touch. The DC

Harrowed Racial Traits

• Living Dead: Harrowed are a very unique race which
to resist this paralysis is 10 + the Harrowed’s level. Elves,
undead and constructs are immune to this effect which lasts
1d4 rounds.
is said to be somewhere between life and death. This
gives them the following abilities: Lich Made [harrowed]
• Darkvision 60 ft. The Harrowed was created through the foul experiments of
• Resistances: +4 to save poison, disease, death a Lich, its true father is magic, necromancy itself.
magic and paralysis.
• Death-tainted Soul: All healing with positive magic Prerequisites: Harrowed, must be taken at character
only heals at 50% of its strength creation.
• Spells that deal damage only to undead deal half Benefit: The Harrowed is born of magic and is inherently
damage to Hallowed. Spells that deal double magical. Their body counts as being a magical weapon
damage to undead deal 50% more damage to though it has no bonus and they can strike incorporeal
Hallowed than to a normal creature. beings and other creatures, normally immune to non-
• Harrowed only need to eat, sleep, and breathe half magical weapons using their body. Should some other effect
as much as a normal being of similar size. further enchant their flesh the conferred bonus is considered
• Harrowed can hold their breath for a number of to be one higher. In addition the Harrowed gains a +1 bonus
turns equal to their Con multiplied by four. to any and all saving throws made against any magical
• +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: Harrowed effects.
are quite resilient and study while lacking at social
manners and graces.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Harrowed have no
Wight Blooded [harrowed]
The Harrowed is descended from a wight bloodline and has
special bonuses or penalties due to their size. some greater measure of that line’s power than most.
• Harrowed base land speed is 30 feet.
• Undead Killer: Thanks to their familiarity with the Prerequisites: Harrowed, must be taken at character
undead the Harrowed gain a +1 racial bonus to weapon creation.
damage and to hit against Undead. Benefit: The Harrowed can attempt an energy drain against
• Automatic Languages: Common. an enemy as a touch attack, if successful the target must

Harrowed Feats make a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 + (Level divided

by 2, round down) + Charisma modifier or they’re sickened
Ghost Blooded [harrowed] and the Harrowed heals 5 hit points up to their normal
The Harrowed is the offspring of a ghost, possessing their
father or mother at the time of conception, they have a
measure of that being’s power.
Vampire Blooded [harrowed]
The Harrowed is descended from a vampire bloodline and
Prerequisites: Harrowed, must be taken at character has some greater measure of that line’s power than most.
Prerequisites: Harrowed, must be taken at character
Benefit: The Harrowed can invoke the power of their creation.
unnatural parent once per day for a number of turns equal
Benefit: The Harrowed has small, pointed fangs, no use the populace. Ironically the ‘demon children’ are, perhaps,
as a normal melee weapon but which they can use to drain Abaddon’s best hope against the domination of the undead
blood and life force. A vampire-blooded Harrowed can though it remains to be seen whether rule by those of demon
feed upon a grappled opponent; if the Harrowed establishes blood would be any better than rule by the legions of the
or maintains a pin, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of dead.
Constitution damage. The Harrowed heals 5 hit points up
to its normal, full hit points. This continues as long as the
target remains pinned.
Infernals present a wry, sarcastic, scathing outer mask to
Zombie Born [harrowed] the world, making light of the most horrific situations with
gallows humor and a keen sense of irony. They are intensely
The Harrowed is the result of a ‘punishment’ meted out
loyal to those they consider their brothers in arms, compen-
upon a resistant community by an undead lord, visiting the
sating for what is often an extremely fractured and difficult
horrors of undead flesh upon the people in order to teach
childhood and parental situation – outside the Infernal
them not to be defiant.
enclaves. The ‘devil may care’ attitude has become a racial
Prerequisites: Harrowed, must be taken at character
Benefit: While this is, perhaps, the very lowest caste of
Harrowed that can exist and they are always commoners,
the Zombie-Born gain damage reduction 5/Slashing,
making them extremely resilient and sought after
as mercenaries and guards.


- Page 17 -
Infernals are the offspring of matings
between demonic outsiders and humanity
upon Abaddon or the result of a tainted
bloodline throwing up a child that bears
the mark of a past transgression of natural
law. Infernals are relatively common on
Abaddon, given the nature of the world,
its status as a planar ‘trap’ and the
natural proclivities of the demons who
find themselves here, trapped, frus-
trated and with only limited playthings
to assuage their boredom.
Infernals are the cast-off offspring of
these bored demons and succubi and
there are a great many of them, perpet-
uating their numbers through their
own intermarriage and the strength of
demonic blood that has now entered
the mainstream bloodlines of many
mortal communities. Self-reliant and
cynical the Infernals are often shapers,
doers, makers, ambitious and defiant,
channeling the rebellion and strength of
their demonic heritage to force their way up and
out and to make their mark upon the world.
Infernals define defiance in the face of adversity
and despite their dual nature fit into the fractured
world of Abaddon as neatly as a jigsaw piece, thriving
– often – while others are ground under despite the dubious
status of their birth and the suspicions of a great deal of
stereotype for them and one that they both consciously try organized religion – temples and tithes and formal prayers
to live up to and try to confound in equal measure. – entirely. They do not reject religion completely however
and do engage in personal, private worship, typically of
Physical Description
Infernals have red skin and horns, arching back over their
trickster gods, those of thieves, assassins and others at the
edges and margins of society, those they regard as being the
‘true’ gods that are behind the scam as a whole. Deities of
heads from their brow, sometimes pronounced, sometimes
luck are often a popular second choice to these as Infernals
more subtle. Infernals have sharp, elongated nails which
recognize the necessity of having luck on your side, what-
can be extended into claws and often have pronounced
ever it is you might do.
canines and incisors or forked tongues as well as other,
subtle, demonic traits such as lightly glowing or unnaturally
colored eyes and equally unnatural – or deep black – hair. Language

Some even have tail stubs or long, pointed tails that are Infernals speak Common and Abyssal as their starting
useful for expressing themselves, but useless for anything languages and tend to learn Celestial as a third language,
else. Infernals tend to stand taller than normal humans if only so they can insult Exalted effectively on their occa-
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

and to bear themselves arrogantly, dressing and holding sional meetings.

themselves in such a way as to capitalize on their unnatural
beauty or ugliness, derived from their demonic parent.
Infernals try to be gregarious and are to be found across
Infernals name themselves with a single word, typically
chosen to be as tongue-twisting and difficult for those who
do not know the Abyssal tongue or who lack the teeth and
Abaddon in all kinds of company, whether they’re welcome fork necessary for proper pronunciation. Last names are
there or not. Infernals can be grating to be around if one only used outside their home cities to identify where they
takes oneself too seriously as they can rarely resist pricking are from, such as Xykon al-Moab.
at an inflated ego when they encounter one and the Exalted
Male Names: Xykon, Korax, Xazarian, Stien, Qa.
– when they’re met – are favored targets for such sniping.
Otherwise the Infernals are distrusted, but tolerated, practi- Female Names: Karybdis, Shakalar, Pheniak, Cerys,
cally everywhere and by all the other races. Only the ruling Gwynnea.
undead find reason to loathe them but the hatred that the
Infernals return to the undead lords may simply be a func-
tion of their position as rulers rather than any inherent racial Adventurers
Infernal rebellion often puts them at odds with the estab-
lished order and a swift exit is sometimes called for. The

Infernals tend to be creatures of Chaos, disliking order and,
rootless, shiftless nature of an adventurer’s life is perfect
for avoiding the sorts of entanglements that end up in
imprisonment or execution as an adventurer has often
save where they find common cause with each other for moved on before their ‘crimes’ are found out and they’re
something like survival, squabbling over the tiniest differ- put in a difficult position. Infernals are not averse to seeking
ence in opinion. Other than this, one will find Infernals wealth for themselves and while they don’t necessarily try
across the full spectrum of alignment from reluctant heroes to better their people they will tend to prefer to do business
to spiteful villains and all things in between. with other Infernals, which increases the wealth, status
and power of their people as a whole regardless of their
Infernal Lands
Infernals integrate themselves into existing communities
intention. Infernals are also curious about their past and
their demonic bloodlines, a curiosity that leads them to
and, unlike many other races, rarely ghettoize themselves investigate the doings of demons and lore of the planes and
preferring to remain relatively gregarious and intermingled they also seek ways to throw off the shackles of the undead
with other peoples. The Infernals have founded their own lords, an aim much hastened by the acquisition of powerful
city, Moab, burrowed into, onto and around harsh and artifacts and ancient magics.
uncompromising mountains, a chaotic city in constant
flux with no cohesive rulership and spared conquest only
because of its location and its relative lack of worth to any
Infernal Racial Traits
• Chaotic Native Outsider: Due to their mixed humans
would be conqueror. If it could unite it might be a genuine and demons heritage, Infernal are considered to
force in Abaddon and a Mecca for Infernals everywhere. be chaotic native outsiders. Which gives them the
following abilities:
Infernals tend to regard the whole establishment of religion
o Infernals have mortal ancestors or a strong connec-
tion to the Material Plane and can be raised,
as a sort of elaborate scam and means of control and reject reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living
individuals can be. Unlike true outsiders, Infernal would normally take fire damage, that damage is
need to eat and sleep. reduced by 5.
o Infernals have chaotic alignments; however, if their o Natural armor: This Infernal has a scaly, metallic,
alignments change, they still retain the chaotic rubbery, or otherwise tough hide, which gives him
subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment a racial natural armor bonus of +1.
affects an Infernal as if they have a chaotic align- o Poison resistance: Like her fiendish ancestor, this
ment, no matter what its alignment actually is. Infernal has little to fear from poisons. The char-
Infernal also suffers effects according to its actual acter receives a racial bonus of +4 on all saving
alignment. An Infernal overcomes damage reduc- throws versus poison.
tion as if its natural weapons and any weapons it • Racial Bonus: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
wields were chaotic -aligned. Summoning or Teleportation subschools of magic.
o Darkvision 120 ft. • Natural Claw Attack: 1d4 damage
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Infernal have no • Infernal Powers (Su): Pick any one of the following
special bonuses or penalties due to their size. divine power at character creation and they can use
• Infernal base land speed is 30 feet. three times a day, equal to their level.
• +2 Con: Infernal are quite study and resilient. o Acid Splash (Su): As the spell, Acid Splash
• Unnatural Aura: Animals become uneasy around o Charm Person (Su): As the spell Charm Person
Infernal. Dogs will bark and horses become unruly. o Detect Magic (Su): As the spell Detect Magic
Infernal receive a –2 penalty to Ride checks and a –4 o Disguise Self (Su): As the spell, Disguise Self
penalty to Handle Animals checks. o Hold Portal (Su): As the spell, Hold Portal
• Infernal Taint: An Infernal character may choose o Inflict Minor Wounds (Su): As the spell, Inflict
two special abilities from the list below to reflect the Minor Wounds
specific effects of their demonic tainted blood. Unless o Mage Hand (Su): As the spell, Mage Hand.
otherwise specified, no specific ability may be taken o Read Magic (Su): As the spell, Read Magic

- Page 19 -
more than once. • Automatic Languages: Common and Infernal.
o Acid resistance: Acid runs off this Infernal’s flesh
like water. Each time that the character would
normally take acid damage, that damage is reduced
by 5.
Infernal Feats
o Barbed flesh: The character’s skin is studded with Prehensile Tail [Infernal]
sharp barbs. The character is always considered to The Infernal sprouts a long tail with enough dexterity to be
be wearing armor spikes, and may (at her discre- used as an extra arm.
tion) do regular damage instead of subdual damage
Prerequisites: Infernal, Dex 14+
with unarmed attacks. However, any armor worn
by the character must be specially made and costs Benefit: The Infernal’s tail is strong and limber enough
twice the normal price. to act as an additional off-hand allowing for a third attack
o Cold resistance: This Infernal’s tainted blood gripping a light weapon – such as a dagger – with the char-
keeps her warm from within. Each time that the acter’s usual off-hand penalty. The tail is dexterous enough
character would normally take cold damage, that to open and close doors but not for delicate operations like
damage is reduced by 5. picking locks, loading crossbows or similar actions.
o Electricity resistance: Lightning holds no fear for
this Infernal. Each time that the character would Bat Wings [Infernal]
normally take electrical damage, that damage is The Infernal has a pair of neatly folded bat wings on their
reduced by 5. back which can be extended and, thereby, allow the Infernal
o Fiendish anatomy: This character’s internal organs to fly for short periods of time.
are located in different places than those of normal
humanoids. When this character suffers a critical Prerequisites: Infernal, must be taken at character
hit, he may make a Fortitude save (DC 15+oppo- creation.
nent’s Base Attack Bonus). On a successful save, Benefit: The wings are weak and not fully formed but allow
the critical hit is treated as a normal hit. This ability the Infernal to fly for brief periods (a number of turns equal
has no effect on sneak attacks. Unfortunately, the to their level plus their Constitution modifier) up to three
character’s strange internal architecture also makes times a day at a speed of 30 ft.
it more difficult to treat his wounds. Heal checks
made on this character suffer a –5 penalty.
o Fire resistance: This Infernal could endure any
Wicked Tongue [Infernal]
The tongue of the Infernal is forked – or barbed – literally
intensity of flames. Each time that the character as well as metaphorically.
Prerequisites: Infernal, Charisma 12+ distasteful as it might be, the Khymer use of dead bodies is
purely a matter of necessity and they are no more inherently
Benefit: The Infernal gains a +2 racial bonus to two of the
good or evil than any particular given human, unfortunately
following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Perform
they are all tarred with the same brush.
(act, comedy, oratory, sing). This feat may be taken multiple
times but may not be applied to the same skills. The Khymer crave to return to their original physicality
and to find a cure for the necromantic radiation which has
Infernal Power [Infernal] reduced them to this foul, toxic liquid and damned them to
The demonic blood within the Infernal’s veins manifests as a life of bodilessness, jumping from corpse to corpse for all
access to additional demonic powers. eternity. Many of the Khymer are the remnants of minds
from the time of the impact and it’s their memories and
Prerequisites: Infernal.

body forms that urge the Khymer on, decade after decade,
Benefit: The Infernal gains access to an additional Infernal in their quest for a cure for their condition.
Power from their racial power list.
Their long memories and psionic prowess make them
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

Ignite [Infernal] valued as viziers, tutors and advisors to many throughout

Abaddon though they are rarely fully trusted and are usually
The Infernal can wreathe their body in unnatural black
watched to ensure that the legends and stories about them
flame to protect them from their enemies and to sear their
as a people are lies.
Prerequisites: Infernal, Base Attack Bonus 5+, Constitution
The Khymer are introspective, quiet, somewhat fatalistic
Benefit: The Infernal can ignite their body, once a day, for a and disciplined as a people and are largely unified, within
number of turns equal to their level. This doesn’t harm their each “pool” that exists for the Khymer people and retain
armor, weapons or gear but anyone striking them in close an overall loyalty as a people despite the divisions that do
combat will take 1d4 damage and anyone grappling them exist between their factions. The Khymer are acutely aware
– or grappled by them – will take 4d4 damage. that they seem alien to “solid” humanoids and that they are,
indeed, becoming more alien in form and psychology as

The Khymer are descended from those killed, or at least phys-
time goes on.

Physical Description
ically destroyed, when the negative energy infused meteor In their natural form, Khymer appear as pools of dark
struck Abaddon. The necromantic radiation emanating from colored blood with a slight, unnatural glow to them, a slight
the blast had many long lasting effects on Abaddon and pain to the eyes of the observers, like staring into a source
its people but for the people of one city it meant liquefac- of strong ultraviolet light. They radiate a combination of
tion before the ravening light of negative energy, breaking negative and psionic energy that, unshielded by a host
down, losing their bodies and becoming a mingled pool of body, makes other beings around them uncomfortable. In
liquid, infused with negative energy and the latent remnants their blood form they can ooze around and solidify into a
of that people’s native psionic abilities. jelly-like substance capable of extending pseudopods and
performing basic physical actions but nothing with any
The Khymer are a people reduced to a pool of alien blood, finesse.
powerfully infused with psionic energy but dependent
upon the corpses of the dead to provide vessels for them In their physical form they invade a host corpse and reshape
to travel, vulnerable as they are without bodies, exposed to it into an idealized physical form of themselves as they
extremes of heat and cold and unable to hold weapons or imagine or remember their bodies. The body is reanimated
wear armor. while it is infected and is considered alive when it comes
to matters such as breathing and eating with the Khymer
In order to survive the Khymer find freshly killed bodies very much tied into the body – though they can choose to
and ooze into them, reshaping them into a familiar, ideal- abandon it. The skin is somewhat ruddy thanks to the pres-
ized form from within, filling their veins and flesh with ence of the Khymer and their presence may also be betrayed
their own fluids and inhabiting the body as a meat puppet by pink or bloodshot eyes.
for their own purposes before it inevitably breaks down and
falls apart from trying to contain the Khymer’s psionic and
necromantic energies. Relations
The Khymer are respected, but not trusted, by almost all the
The normal reaction to a Khymer is disgust and all sorts factions and forces at play on Abaddon. They are known to
of folk tales portray them as body snatchers, taking people be scholars and powerful psionicists and this makes them
over and making them do things against their will but, useful but their unnatural physiology and requirement for
and powers normally associated with a god in other cultures
New Khymer? and refer to it as the Noö.
Khymer do “breed” after a fashion. A Khymer may,
instead of infecting a body as a host for themselves,
“infect” its fluids with a touch of their own blood
The Khymer speak Common and Khymer, a unique psionic
and that of another Khymer blood partner, of either language that can only be spoken and understood between
gender, and allow it to grow into the body over the Khymer in the form of short range telepathy that only
course of two days. The newborn Khymer is a blend carries as far as a normal humanoid voice.
of the parental personality and blood and grows into
its own form, drawing power and consciousness from
the psionic field of Abaddon as it becomes its own,
fully grown Khymer. Khymer may only breed like this
The Khymer always refer to themselves as “We” or “Us”
a handful of times over their long, long lifespan and but do carry individual names split by the gender of
Khymer as a whole only consider it valid as a way to their body-forms, though how they come to decide what
maintain – not to increase – their numbers. gender they are is anyone’s guess. Similarly they do form

a constant flow of dead bodies makes them sinister and in

many eyes untrustworthy. The undead do not mind so much,
already being dead and using the bodies of the dead them-
selves they see nothing so terrible about what the Khymer
do but the Khymer’s insatiable curiosity and constant
“poking” at ancient magic, psionics and lore makes them
nervous. Other than with adventuring parties the Khymer
usually find themselves alone in a crowd and with only

- Page 21 -
each other to turn to for company, should they
desire it.

The Khymer are almost all neutral and
their alignment outside of that deter-
mines to which “pool” they owe their
fealty and loyalty. Those of Monad are
true Neutral while those of Quiddity are
Neutral Good and those of Rubicund are
Neutral Evil, each pool differing in how far
they are willing to go and what tactics they
are willing to assume in order to cure the Khymer
condition. Those of other alignments are singletons,
wanderers cut off or self-exiled from the pools.

Khymer Lands
The Khymer claim three lands as their own dominions, each
is a lake infused with the necromantic energy of the meteor
and the psionic energy of many departed souls. Monad is
the site of their once great city, now submerged in a sea
of blood, Quiddity was once a natural lake, corrupted by a
fragment of meteor that fell into it and Rubicund is the site
of one of the last great battles between the mortal kingdoms
and the rise of the undead.

The Khymer hold a reverent and religious respect for the
psionic field of Abaddon itself, made up of the thoughts and
feelings of every living and unliving being on and beneath
its surface. They accredit this overmind with all the abilities
family names and lines, with the offspring choosing which • Toxic Blood: A Khymer blood and blood form is
parent to take their family line name from. highly toxic and poisonous to living and undead.
Any creature that attempts a bite attack, swallow
Family Names: Angeni, Fala, Istas, Lomasi, Satinka,
whole or blood drain will know of their toxic blood
and will be unwilling and unable to use that attack
Male Names: Ahote, Kanti, Nadie, Sinopa, Wakiza, Yahto against that Khymer. Any that persist in doing
so or which are forced to swallow any Khymer
Female Names: Elsu, Hinto, Kitchi, Lansa, Maka, Shiriki, blood must make a Fortitude Save against a DC
Tasunke of 15 + the Khymer’s level or suffer the loss of

1d6 strength, every turn until the Khymer blood is

Khymer are driven as a people with a thirst for a cure to • Medium: As Medium creatures, Khymer have no
their body-swapping ways and the negative radiation that special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
infuses their whole being. This need has become a more • Khymer base land speed is 30 feet.
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

general hunger, a ravening need to know, to understand, to • +2 to Wisdom: The Khymer are highly introspective.
comprehend that has lead them to search out knowledge • Immunity: A Khymer is immune to disease, magical or
of all kinds from all across Abaddon, not only to find their non-magical.
cure but merely to sate this desire. Many Khymer become • Naturally Psionic: Khymer gain 1 bonus power point
adventurers as a way of delving into Abaddon’s past and of at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability
learning secrets that they simply can’t let go. to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through
another source, such as levels in a psionic class.

khymer Racial Traits

• Aberration Type: Khymer have no humanoid form
• Enhanced Psionics: At will, a Khymer can enhance
their natural psionic powers and abilities beyond the
levels of normal psions. Any time a Khymer enhances
and are best described as parasitic, sentient, psionic their abilities they must make a Fortitude save (DC
blood. Due to the impact of the negative energy infused 25). If the Khymer succeeds on the Fortitude save, they
meteor, the Khymer’s humanoid form has broken down lose 2 hours from their body vessel time limit. If the
to a sentient blood like substance with their already Khymer fails on the Fortitude save, they lose 10 hours
enhanced psionic abilities. Khymer in this new blood from their body vessel time limit. Only a maximum
form discovered they could invade bodies of deceased of two effects can be used at the same time, rolling a
humanoid corpses and by some unknown means could Fortitude save for each effect. These has various effects
genetically reconstruct these “vessels” to the original that the Khymer can perform with their enhanced abili-
humanoid Khymer form for a limited time. The vessels ties:
will normally last a few days until the Khymer cause • A Khymer can expand their power point total at
the vessel to “burn out”, causing the Khymer to revert the expense of your body vessel. A Khymer can
to their blood form and need another corpse to invade recover 5 power points in this fashion. These
to become its newest vessel. Which gives them the recovered points are added to the Khymer’s power
following abilities: point reserve as if you had gained them by resting
• Darkvision 60 feet overnight.
• Khymer are not subject to spells or effects that • A Khymer can manifest powers to greater effect.
affect humanoids only, such as charm person or All variable, numeric effects of an empowered
dominate person. power are increased by one-half. An empow-
• Body Vessel: Due to their unusual nature, Khymer ered power deals half again as much damage
have a 100 hour time limit before they will have as normal, cures half again as many hit points,
to divest themselves from their current body for affects half again as many targets, and so forth,
another one that is dead, no matter the age of the as appropriate. Augmented powers can also be
deceased body. If a Khymer is at 10% or less of empowered (multiply 1½ times the damage total
their total HP or the time limit on the current body of the augmented power). Saving throws and
vessel is within 2 hours of expiring, the Khymer opposed checks (such as the one you make when
can willing diverge themselves from their current you manifest dispel psionics) are not affected, nor
body. When Khymer reach they time limit their are powers without random variables. Using this
body vessel, will fall to pieces into dust with the ability does not increase the power point cost of
Khymer reverting into their natural blood state. the power.
In their natural blood form, outside of a body a • A Khymer can manifest powers farther than normal.
Khymer can only survive 2D12+Con modifier in You can alter a power with a range of close,
rounds or they will coagulate, congeal and die. medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. An
enlarged power with a range of close has a range
of 50 feet + 5 feet per level, a medium-range power Prerequisites: Khymer, Strength 14+, Dex 13+.
has a range of 200 feet + 20 feet per level, and a
Benefit: The Khymer can hock a stream of their own bodily
long-range power has a range of 800 feet + 80 feet
fluid at a target within fifteen feet at the cost of 1d4 hit
per level. Powers whose ranges are not defined by
points, doing a poison attack as if their substance had been
distance, as well as powers whose ranges are not
close, medium, or long, are not affected. Using this
ability does not increase the power point cost of
the power.
Erupt [Khymer]
As a desperate measure the Khymer can concentrate their
• A Khymer can manifest powers that last longer
form inside their host and burst it asunder in a toxic explo-
than normal. An extended power lasts twice as long as
neous, or permanent is not affected by this ability. Prerequisites: Khymer, Strength 14+, Base Attack 3+
• Vulnerability to Dehydration: 100% extra damage.
• Vulnerability to Fire and Cold: 50% extra damage. Benefit: As a last ditch measure or on the point of death
• Automatic Languages: Common and Khymer. the Khymer can explode their host body, rupturing it and
scattering their substance – and that of their host – over

Khymer Feats a wide area. Everything, friend or foe, within fifteen feet
of the Khymer takes 4d4 damage and the effects of the
Liquid Survival [Khymer] Khymer’s toxin. The Khymer itself takes 1d6 damage and
takes the same number of turns to reform their liquid body,
Through force of will and manipulation of their personal
substance the Khymer is able to last longer without a during which they may take no actions and are vulnerable
body. to attack.

Prerequisites: Khymer, Con 12+


- Page 23 -
Benefit: The Khymer is able to last for minutes instead of
turns without a body or indefinitely if they can get into a Abaddon Werewolf Lycanthropes, most commonly called
sealed container such as an amphora or barrel. Lykians, are one of the most unusual residents of the
world. Unlike the standard lycanthrope, Lykians are born
Scab Armor [Khymer] as lycanthropes and do not suffer from the lycanthropic
The thick substance of the Khymer’s blood can be forced disease but are considered to be a separate humanoid race
through the skin to encrust the flesh and cover the body in with the shapechanger subtype. Before the apocalypse there
thick, leathery scabs. were many that carried the curse of lycanthropy but due to
unknown, powerful, magical forces, the curse has taken on
Prerequisites: Khymer, Con 12+, Armor Proficiency
a new form which the Lykians have evolved directly from.
Lykians, unlike lycanthropes, have only one physical form,
Benefit: By sacrificing five hit points the Khymer can give despite their shapechanger subtype. They are considered by
their host body a natural armor bonus of +1, for ten hit many to be extremely bestial, hostile and brutish in nature
points this can be raised to +2 and for twenty hit points +3. – like their canine lineage. Their primal nature will often
The armor lasts for a day before flaking and breaking off. usurp and control their cognitive and reasoning abilities.
This can be combined with other armor but removing that
All Lykians have primal, animalistic, wolf-life traits and
armor also breaks off the scabs and removes the natural
features, which makes Lykian and lycanthrope werewolves
armor bonus as well.
virtually indistinguishable by all but a few. This makes
Host`s Form [Khymer] both equally persecuted and hunted by human and undead
alike. Lykians are organized in a rigid clan structure with
The Khymer can rein in its ability to reform flesh into its
the more powerful families dominating the weaker and
own self image and retain the form of the person whose
smaller clans. Whether this dominance is exerted and main-
body it has possessed.
tained through brute force, political pressure, or by some
Prerequisites: Khymer, Wisdom 12+, Disguise 4+ other means varies from one clan to the next. The various
types of Lykians get along against outsiders, seeing them-
Benefit: The Khymer can take over a fresh body and retain selves as united in bloodline.
the physical appearance – though not the capabilities or
statistics – of that form, essentially gaining a near-perfect Nomadic Lykians form up their entire clan into a wandering
disguise if they want to pass themselves off as that person. bands, most of which carry what they need on their backs
and move in foot from temporary settlement to temporary
Toxic Spray [Khymer] settlement, staying until the prey gets scarce and then
With a gurgling roar the Khymer can spit a stream of its moving along to the next camp along their route. Only
own toxic substance at an enemy. wealthy and successful clans build or purchase caravans
Birth of a Lykian Lykians & Cannibalism
Lykians are fertile amongst their own people and these Lykians do not shy away from devouring any flesh,
unisons bring about the birth of new Lykians, typi- intelligent, humanoid or otherwise. This is, for most,
cally in ‘litters’ of two to three young. Lykians can a matter of survival and necessity, if there is other fare
also crossbreed with humanoids, though the product on offer they will eat that, only resorting to this more
of such a liason is always a Lykian and only medium- dangerous and objectionable prey if there is nothing
sized humanoids are physically tough enough to bring a else to be had.
Lykian litter to term.
Some roaming bands of Lykians in the harder areas
The origin of the Lykians still plays out across Abaddon to live, like the ash sea or the burning deserts, more

where more traditional Lycanthropes have children. The readily turn to cannibalism, ritualize it, enjoy it and
result of any Lycanthrope/humanoid crossbreedings are become twisted with a desire for the flesh, becoming
Lykians and this can be a means by which the small, renegade packs and tribes, driven by their desire to feast
mortal communities root out Lycanthropes hiding in though most burn themselves out throwing themselves
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

their midst. at armed and intelligent enemies until they’re reduced

to banditry, little better than monsters.
or beasts of burden to pull them and otherwise the clan
travels light, wearing their wealth as jewelry and carrying remaining jungle areas are quite fierce, feral and quicker to
their pups in double papooses, front and back. They usually show their more aggressive side.
travel at night, making us of the play of shadow to conceal
their passing so that, for some settlements, the only warning
that a Lykian clan has passed by in the night is slaughtered
Physical Description:
Lykians bear a strong resemblance to werewolves or hybrid
livestock, picked clean. wolf-men. They are very tall with an average height of 7
These nomadic routes are laid out and marked with scent feet and have a physically dominating physique. Feral eyes
and marker poles. The Lykian clans do not tolerate other in various colors from yellow to blue to grey are common.
clans using their same stopping points and routes and they They also have large canines or fangs, and an abundance of
jealously guard their routes – or ranges – from encroach- body hair, from very short to long and shaggy is a common
ment though they seem happy to let other, more pastoral, characteristic.
humanoids settle in these places.
Jungle Lykians have much smaller ranges than nomadic Relations:
Primary among the Lykian enemies are humanoids and the
Lykians, the jungles – strange and deadly as they are
– are some of the few fecund and productive places left undead. There has been a longstanding feud between them,
on Abaddon. The Jungle Lykians maintain a single resting mainly over the Lykian resorting to other humanoids as a
place and range different parts of the jungle around it, like food source. In comparison, most intelligent undead have
spurs on a wheel, alternating between days. They also use a general mistrust to a full hatred of the Lykian. Nobody
their natural stealth and great leaping ability to take to the outside the factions and few within know why or how this
trees, staying clear of the dangerous jungle floor as much hatred started, but it has existed for the last two decades.

as possible.
Some few Lykians, perhaps curious about their humanoid
heritage, perhaps on trade missions for their clans or, most As with anyone in Abaddon, Lykians are survivors and do
often, outcasts from their clan, tribe, family and pack for what is needed to survive. While they are not cruel for
some transgression or crime, make their way to what passes cruelty’s sake, they will do what is necessary to protect
for civilization, hire themselves out as mercenaries or take themselves or their clan. It is very rare to find a Lykian with
up with adventuring bands. Trust issues dog them, always, a rigid morality structure.
due to their ‘untrustworthy’ shapechanger heritage and their
habit of eating carrion and humanoid flesh. Usually only
the lowly, criminals and the lower orders of undead, will
Lykian Lands:
Lykians are a nomadic race and live off the land. While a
hire them. few Lykians dwell in the jungle areas of Abaddon, they can
be found anywhere.
Lykians are creatures of their animal instincts. They usually Religion:
belong to a clan and very rarely interact with any other Due to the unique events of Abaddon, most Lykians do not
humanoid race due to their use of humanoids as a food have a set religious belief system in place.
source when sustenance is scarce. Lykians living in the few
Lykians speak a difficult language that is a mixture of
tions the Lykian has normal concealment rather than
• Vulnerability to Silver: Nauseated 1d3 rounds.
animal-like sounds, growls, posture and scents in addition • Lesser Vulnerability to Cold Iron: Sickened 1d3
to Common. rounds.
• Diseased Bite: Lykians are not fussy about what they
The Lykians are named with clan name first, surname
eat and their mouths often teem with diseases, as
poisonous and deadly as any venom sac. A Lykian can
deliberately invoke this effect, ritualistically feeding
second and given name last, EG: Roughide Growltongue upon carrion and smearing their lips and teeth with
Swiftclaw. filth, the effects lasting for an hour. When they bite

Lykians are adventurous by their nomadic nature and they
something with a filthy mouth the creature must make
a fortitude save (DC 10+ character level + constitu-
tion bonus) or be afflicted by the disease. They lose 2
are commonly found as members of more open-minded points of constitution instantly and are considered sick-
adventuring groups or as fodder in mercenary bands. ened. Every day, an additional 2 points of constitution
damage are taken until the disease is cured (requires
Lykian Racial Traits
• Shapechanger Subtype: Lykian are humanoids with
a full day of bed rest and a DC 10+ plague bearer’s
character level heal check.)
• Natural Weapons: Lykians have sharp claws that do
the shapechanger subtype. 1d4 damage and a toothy bite that does 1d6 damage.
• +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. A Lykian’s They are considered proficient with these natural
bestial nature causes them to suffer in social interac- weapons and count as being armed, even in unarmed
tions and reasoning, though their physical abilities are combat.

- Page 25 -
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Lykians have no
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Lykians base land speed is 30 feet.
• Low-Light Vision: A Lykians can see twice as far as a
human, 60 feet, in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and
similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the
ability to distinguish color and detail under these condi-
• Leaping: Lykians gain a +8 racial bonus
to all acrobatic checks pertaining to
jumping or leaping. Lykians are not
subject to limitations on distance for
their jumps and jumping through
occupied squares does not provoke
attacks of opportunity unless the
opposition is flying.
• Racial Skills: A Lykian’s animalistic heritage
enhances their physical skills giving them
a +2 racial bonus on Climb and Survival
• Animal Mindset: Lykian’s pack mentality
and natural submissiveness to those in posi-
tions of power results in a -2 racial penalty
to their Will saves.
• Shadowy Stalker: Whenever Lykian is in
shadowy lighting conditions (neither bright
light nor total darkness) they gain the
benefits of total concealment (50% miss
chance) rather than normal concealment
(20% miss chance). If the opponent
has darkvision or other means of
seeing clearly in shadowy condi-
• Automatic Languages: Lykian and Common. Bonus with their claws and teeth increasing the damage dice type
Languages: Elven, Halfling, and Infernal. by one each to 1d6 for claws and 1d8 for bite, both gaining
critical hit chances on a 19-20.
Feats for Lykians Shadows & Moonlight [Lykian]
Cannibalism [Lykian] The character’s oneness with darkness through the Shadowy
The character can eat the heart of a defeated enemy to gain Stalker racial ability becomes much more powerful.
its strength.
Prerequisites: Lykian, Stealth 5+.
Prerequisites: Lykian, Non-good alignment; 2 ranks each
in Heal and Survival Benefit: The character gains a +2 bonus on Stealth checks
in shadowy or dark conditions and, for Stealth purposes, is

Benefit: Once per day, the character can eat the heart of considered to be invisible while they have total conceal-
an animal, beast, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous ment.
humanoid that he has defeated. Eating the heart heals the

- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

character 1d8 points of damage, +1 per Hit Die of the

defeated foe; the maximum bonus to the roll is equal to
the cannibal’s character level. It takes a minimum of one
According to ancient lore the Osirians were the first intel-
minute to remove and eat an enemy’s heart.
ligent species to emerge on Abaddon, chosen by the gods to
Special: You can take this feat multiple times to gain addi- be their first creation on this world. They were, and are, a
tional uses per day. regal and proficient people famed for their skill with their
hands and their swiftness, as dangerous archers and fencers
Hooked Fangs [Lykian] and the makers of technical wonders and fine crafts.
The character’s crooked, pointed teeth hook into flesh and
The position of the Osirians as the favored of the gods did
tear out ragged chunks with ease when the jaws are pulled
not spare them from the cataclysm that turned Abaddon
upside down, already giving way to some of the other
Prerequisites: Lykian, may only be taken at character species the Osirians were struck a hammer blow by the fall
creation. of the meteor and their ancestral homelands were some of
the worst affected by the necromantic miasma and negative
Benefit: If the character succeeds in making a bite attack energies released by the impact.
then their crooked, barbed, hooked fangs are stuck into the
target and hit, automatically, on their following turn as they The Osirians died in droves from the impact, from its
tear them free doing 1d8 damage, 1d10 if the character also aftermath and from the lingering effects of the necromantic
has the Tooth & Claw feat. radiation, subverting their bodies day by agonizing day
and raising so many of them as zombies, skeletons and
Loping Stride [Lykian] ghosts that the Osirians rapidly learned harsh lessons in
The character can run, at speed, for hours on end over great dismemberment before burial and the building of secure
distances. and warded tombs.
Prerequisites: Lykian, Constitution 14+, Wisdom 12+. Exhausted, beleaguered and desperate the Osirians sought
a solution to their problems, a way to live with the intense
Benefit: When not in a combat situation and when traveling negative radiation that had so changed Abaddon and them-
overland the Lykian can go into a trance-like running state, selves. Eventually they found a way to live with their
used by ‘outriders’ to their nomadic convoys, increasing affliction and even to use it as a weapon against the undead
their base speed to 40 feet and their travel rates accord- that still tormented them, rising from their graveyards and
ingly. marching upon their lands.
Tooth & Claw [Lykian] Ancient Osirian body art was combined with alchemical
The character’s claws and teeth become much deadlier knowledge to mark and infuse their flesh with channels of
weapons and have the advantage that they cannot be taken necromantic obsidian, ground into dust and worked into the
away from them. flesh in arcane patterns to draw and store the necromantic
energy from their bodies and their surroundings, helping
Prerequisites: Lykian, Base Attack bonus +4, Strength them weather the radiation and live some semblance of a
14+, Dexterity 14+ normal life. These alterations also began to enable them to
Benefit: Garrush, the Lykian fighting art, places great channel the power to their own ends and to use it to strike
emphasis on their natural weapons and teaches them how back against the undead, though despite their newfound
to use them to best effect just as a martial art might teach a power and their natural capabilities they could do little to
human to use their fists to best effect. The Lykian is at one liberate the lands already swarming with the dead.
The Osirians have retreated to their surviving cities and people, protected from invasion by cunning defenses, arti-
underground vaults where they eke out an existence beneath fice and magic. A few other, smaller settlements also remain
the view of the undead, living free but living in hardship or free, though they exist at the margins of survivability and
falling to enslavement as their scant lands are constantly are often besieged by the undead lords. Even smaller bands
besieged. of Osirians have taken to underground vaults, hidden from
sight, secret dungeons from which their bands lead raids
Osirians have an extremely pragmatic mindset, they tend
against the undead and where they strive to carve out a new
living, out of sight, beneath the blackened earth.
to view anything they’re presented with as a problem that
requires solving and they tend to think in a linear fashion,
a way that is considered stereotypically ‘male’ in humans.
Osirians still believe themselves to be the chosen of the
They tend to prefer practical problems to esoteric ones gods as the first race of Abaddon and worship a wide and
and often become frustrated by philosophical or religious cosmopolitan variety of gods that they refer to collectively
discussions on topics that they consider insoluble and, thus, not as gods but as ‘makers’. They favor gods which are
irrelevant. This is not to say that they have no aesthetic associated with craft, trade and industry in particular with
or appreciation of art or culture only that this ‘engineer’s’ many also choosing to worship gods of magic.
viewpoint colors everything that they do.

Physical Description Language

Osirians speak their own, stilted, language to one another
Osirians have extremely dark skin which comes in a variety and also speak Common by default. They pick up other
of subtle tones of black from midnight blue, to a purplish languages from those they trade with, typi-
‘aubergine’ hue, through to reddish or greenish tints. Their cally elves and dwarves.
hair is, similarly, usually a deep, dark black and their eyes

- Page 27 -
and teeth stand out starkly from the darkness of their flesh.
Osirians tend to be slightly shorter than humans by an inch
Osirian names follow the tendency
or two and tend to a slightly more curvaceous or stocky
of their language, chopped
up with abrupt stops

Osirian pragmatism is a strike against them in coopera-
and sudden shifts

tion with other races of Abaddon since most, if not all, are
known for doing dubious things in order to survive. This
would, of course, include the Osirians but as pragmatists
they tend to err on the side of caution in their dealings
with others, especially the undead or those with
undead traits. The presence of a free Osirian
can also cause problems for companions as
Osirians who are not subjugated slaves are
usually considered extremely dangerous and
may be killed on sight by the undead lords
and their forces.

Osirians tend to belong to neutral alignments but there are
Osirians found across all the different alignments. Whatever
else they might believe there tends to be a bond between
Osirians in recognition that they are a marginalized and
oppressed race that depends upon each other to survive.

Osirian Lands
The Osirians live in their ancestral cities for the most part
whether enslaved and crushed or still free. Of their free
towns and cities the great, spired city of Prax stands in defi-
ance of the destruction of Abaddon and the forces of the
undead as the free capital of what remains of the Osirian
consonants. Their first names always have two syllables and Prerequisites: Osirian, Knowledge (arcana) 4+, Base
their last names start with one, building up new syllables as Attack 3+
they perform great deeds or works that are worthy of the
Benefit: The Osirian’s Necromantic Hellfire does its
addition, denoting their rank and worth in Osirian society.
damage and has its effect upon living beings as well as the
Familial ties are denoted by ‘son of’ or ‘daughter of’
undead and has its full effect against Harrowed.
following the matriarchal or patriarchal lines independently,
when it is needed. Most Osirians can recite their lineage
five generations or more.
Negative Energy Drain [Osirian]
With a touch the Osirian can siphon off negative energy
Last Names: Bar, Creltis, D’Shalgar, T’skel-tah-reh, from the undead, drawing it into their marks and using it to
Kriks. charge their own body.

Male Names: Gartok, D’nar, Da-Varr, Cav’tun, Mik’qua Prerequisites: Osirian, Knowledge (arcana) 4+, Base
Attack 3+
Female Names: Fehtahl, Lexa, T’nstaph, Feah, Klixxis
Benefit: With a touch attack the Osirian can attempt to drain
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

Osirian adventurers tend to be escaped slaves or free
negative energy from the undead. The undead must make a
Fortitude save against a DC of 10 + the Osirian’s level or
lose five hit points, which are transferred to the Osirian up
Osirians seeking revenge or the artifacts and power needed
to their maximum health. Additionally the undead is sick-
to free the rest of their people or to strike back against the
ened by the assault, taking the appropriate penalties.
undead lords. The Osirian vaults and free cities need every
resource that they can get and freeing – and supplying
– slaves is no easy task without coin. The dead cities and
Greater Tattoos [Osirian]
The markings impressed into the Osirian’s skin are much
great tombs of Abaddon provide a wealth of resources and
more complex, detailed and all-encompassing than usual,
riches that can provide for all these ends and so the Osirians
increasing their capacity to store and use negative energy.
often find themselves wandering the land, looking to
change their fortune with powerful artifacts and the riches Prerequisites: Osirian, access to a Master Crafter tattooist,
of the dead. the necessary materials, 1,000 gold pieces and a spare Feat
Exalted Racial Traits
• Medium: As Medium creatures, Osirian have no
Benefit: The damage done by necromantic hellfire is raised
to a d8 and the range increased to 60 ft. The Osirian gains a
special bonuses or penalties due to their size. +1 bonus to hit with its necromantic hellfire.
• Osirian base land speed is 30 feet.
• +2 Dexterity: Osirians are quite agile and nimble.
• Necromantic Hellfire (Sp): An Osirian can project
Vault Dweller [Osirian]
The Osirian was raised in a vault, one of the survival shel-
an energy ray that has two distinct effects. To living ters of the Osirians, buried beneath the earth.
creatures hit by the ray, the necromantic hellfire cause
fatigue to the target for 1 round/level. This necro- Prerequisites: Osirian, must be taken at character
mantic hellfire has no effect on a creature that is already creation.
fatigued. The necromantic hellfire has a range of 30 ft. Benefit: In the dank dark beneath Abaddon’s surface the
and requires a ranged touch attack to hit. Unlike with Osirian has learned to endure great hardship and to find
normal fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the duration their way around the deeper, darker places within the rock.
expires. To undead creature, the necromantic hellfire They gain a bonus of +1 to their Fortitude save and gain
has the same effect as the spell, Disrupt Undead. An Knowledge (dungeoneering) as a class skill, if they already
Osirian can use this ability at will. have this as a class skill raise its value by +2.
• Racial Bonus: +2 racial bonus to Reflex saves
• Racial Bonus: +2 racial bonus on saving throws
against Necromancy schools of magic.
Former Slave [Osirian]
The Osirian once wore the chains and collar of the undead
• Automatic Languages: Common. lords and worked in gangs to raise their cities and tend to

Osirian Feats their needs. They have broken free and will never be slaves
Hellfire & Damnation [Osirian] Prerequisites: Osirian, must be taken at character
The Osirian has learned to use their marks to modulate the creation.
frequency of the negative energy they can unleash, harming
Benefit: The Osirian gains a bonus of +1 to their Will save
the living as well as the dead.
and gain Escape Artist as a class skill, if they already have
this as a class, skill raise its value by +2.
Raijin have struck at almost every undead lord at least once,
Free Osirian [Osirian] throwing themselves into the fray for just one chance to
The Osirian has grown up in one of the few, proud, free strike at the target of their hatred, even willing to kill them-
Osirian settlements, living as close to a normal Osirian life selves in the process, collapsing mines, burning towns and
as is possible in Abaddon, changed as it is. engulfing themselves in magical explosions just to harm, let
Prerequisites: Osirian, must be taken at character alone kill, the focus of their loathing.
creation. The Raijin themselves are secretive, hidden, revealing
Benefit: The Osirian gains a bonus of +1 to their Reflex themselves only to their most trusted allies, pretending
save and gains a Craft as a class skill. If they already have their abilities are down to spells or magical items, knowing
Craft as a class skill, raise its value by +2. that they are ordered to be killed on sight by the undead
lords and that people will fear them almost as much as their

Raijin undying enemies. It is a lonely, vengeful, short-lived life but

the Raijin are without regrets.
The necrotic energy of the meteor combined with the huge
number of casualties from the impact and its aftermath has
meant an enormous amount of spiritual energy has encom-
The Raijin are consumed by revenge and hatred with
passed Abaddon. This, in turn, means a tremendous number their focus very much upon the undead lords who caused
of ghosts arisen over time. In the beginning many of these the deaths of their ghostly side and the hurt and pain of
were mindless spectres, the traumatised dead from what their mortal side. Raijin tend to be taciturn, self-absorbed
seemed like the end of the world but over time these have and obsessive not only over their enemies but also over
been winnowed down and replaced with the new dead. surviving elements of their former lives, tokens of who they
– at least part of them – once were.
Those who have died in more recent times are not the

- Page 29 -
confused and sorrowful dead of the cataclysm. Those who
have died in this new age are the victims of the undead lords Physical Description
The Raijin do not truly change in appearance, they retain
and, while dead themselves, they have little or no sympathy
for the liches, vampires, ghasts and other dead that form the the image of the mortal partner and the ghost side ‘hides’
new aristocracy. What has caused these dead to linger on in within the flesh, undetectable even to those who can see
the world is their mistreatment at the hands of the powers into the spirit realm unless they are specifically looking for
that be and their desire for bloody and violent revenge, the Raijin. The only outward signs of the bonded ghost are
goals that they share with many of the living. a slight paling and cooling of the skin and a lightening of
the eye colour.
Where the desires and wishes of a vengeful survivor and
an outraged spirit come together the ghost can possess the
living person and the two together can become a powerful Relations
The Raijin hide amongst the mortal communities as best
and terrifying force for revenge, a Raijin. Combined
together the two form a synergy of life and death, able to they can but form few attachments. As focussed as they are
reach into the netherworld and manifest some of the abili- on revenge what friendships and bonds they form are only
ties of the dead in the physical world. With deep reservoirs with those who can aid them in their personal vendetta.
of hatred and the indomitable will and single-mindedness of Some Raijin seek out those who were important to their
the ghost they can press on where a normal mortal would ghostly half and try to renew relationships with them, to
falter and give up and yet their mortal side allows this soothe themselves and gain some sort of solace. Should a
single-minded vengeance to be tempered, made sensible, Raijin ever achieve their revenge then – in most cases – their
considered, thoughtful and careful. ghost half dissipates into the ether. In some rare cases they
become so closely bonded that they remain as one, free to
The Raijin are almost legendary, feared by the undead lords become more than their revenge, to become something new
and spoken of in awed tones by survivors. Many stories and whole, though should they truly settle their children are
are bandied about, almost all of them false, about how the likely to be born Harrowed.
ghost devours the soul of their partner taking them over in
their quest for revenge, of how Tanaris, the most famous of
Raijin, tore the phylactery from a lich lord and dragged it
Raijin, whatever their original alignments, are so focussed
down to hell to burn or even stories of animal Raijin, their
on revenge and so fuelled by hate and outrage that they
master’s ghost bound into their body, turning them into
cannot be Lawful or Good, these alignments laying too
unnatural killing machines.
many moral strictures upon their potential actions either
The Raijin have been deadly and unpredictable opponents in terms of rules to be followed or actions which might
to the undead lords and are, in no small part, responsible be considered ‘beyond the pale’. While their actions may
for their paranoia. Often uncaring of their own safety the
Tanaris Who can be a Raijin?
Tanaris is a legendary Raijin, the quintessential avenging Despite the unique status of outsiders on Abaddon, only
killer he is rumoured to be everywhere at once and native, material races can provide the ghosts and the
almost any Raijin is claimed to be him by witless hosts to become Raijin. Of the Abaddon specific races
onlookers at some point. Tanaris’ hatred is said to be only the Lykians can form a host or provide a ghost for
so great that the focus of his revenge is not limited such a partnership. Osirians could, were it not for their
to any single undead but to all of them. It’s claimed magical tattoos, which absorb and disrupt the necrotic
that he swallows the souls of the undead he kills and energy of which ghosts and undead are made up.
consigns them to his own, personal hell, made up of
Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs,
his eternal hatred and locked inside him. He’s no hero

Halflings and Humans can all provide the spirits and the
to the mortal survivors however, willing to use and
mortal halves for new Raijin as can most other mortal
kill anyone and anything to exorcise his unquenchable
races and intelligent monster species at the Games
desire for revenge though nobody really knows what it
Master’s discretion. Typically outsiders, undead and
- rac es of obsidan twilig h t:

is that drives him so.

monsters that have some otherworldly or magical aspect
be questionable, even evil, the Raijin are – nonetheless – are excluded from becoming Raijin.
heroes, albeit antiheroes.
revenge that they’re hard to sway from their chosen

Raijin Lands
The Raijin have no lands other than those of the people
course of action.
• Ignore the Pain (Ex): You gain a +2 racial bonus to
Fortitude saves. The flesh may not be dead but both
they are a part of. They are to be found anywhere that the souls are used to emotional pain and physical pain can
mortal, living races live under the whips and chains of the be pushed aside.
undead lords. • From Beyond (Su): The Raijin themselves, along with
any weapon that they wield, is treated as a +1 magical
Raijin only care about one thing, revenge. If there is religion
weapon for bypassing the protections and defences of
outsider, undead or incorporeal beings, though without
within them it is offered only as prayers to gods of revenge, the actual bonus. This is the substance of the possessing
death, assassination and killing to guide their hands as they ghost stretching itself through the body and armaments
hunt down those who have wronged them and, only occa- of the possessed.
sionally, a half-hearted prayer to gods of forgiveness and • When a Raijin is resurrected – which is possible – it is
mercy for what they have done or are about to do. obvious to the performer of the resurrection that they
are a dual spirit, a Raijin. It will also be obvious to any

The Raijin speak their own native languages, both of their
witnesses and observers, due to the strange nature of
the resurrection.

host and their ghost. Raijin get the base racial languages of
both. Raijin Feats
Baleful Glare [raijin]
Raijin retain the names of their mortal host bodies, but may
Your eyes are full of hate and sorrow, a gateway to the
tumultuous netherworld of Abaddon, a place that can flay
answer to either set of names. a soul to a nub in moments and a gateway that you can

Raijin Racial Traits

• Unlike other races the Raijin are applied as a template
Prerequisites: Wisdom 14+, Charisma 12+, Intimidation
to another race from the list given in the box above. Benefit: Once per day the Raijin can fix their baleful gaze
• -2 Charisma: Raijin are hard edged, flinty and hard to upon a single target within 30 ft. and subject them to the
get on with. While this makes them intimidating it still rending pain of the underworld, chilling them to the bone
means that they’re uncharismatic. and flaying their very soul. The target must make a Will
• Refuse to Die (Ex): This racial ability has the same save against a DC of 10 + the Raijin’s level, modified by
effect as the Die Hard feat but has no prerequisites and Charisma or take 2d10 damage and 1d4 Wisdom. A save
is a basic racial ability. If stacked with the Die Hard feat negates both.
you may continue acting and fighting with no penalty
until you are dead.
• Vengeful Mind (Ex): You gain a +2 racial bonus to
Will saves. Raijin are so fixated upon their goal of
Benefit: Undead energies channelled through the Raijin
Cry of Rage [raijin] allow it to use Telekinesis a number of times per day equal
The tormented souls of the Raijin can bind together to emit to their Base Attack score as a free action, though no more
an unearthly, chilling howl of pain and rage that can strike than once in a single turn. Saving throws against the effect
fear even into the rotting hearts of the dead themselves. are made against a DC of 10 + Level + Wisdom modifier.
Prerequisites: Charisma 14+, Intimidation 10+ Telekinetic attacks are made at Base Attack + Charisma
modifier. Spell resistance does not apply to these effects.
Benefit: The Raijin can emit an ear-splitting battle cry once
per day. All enemies within a 30-foot spread must succeed
on a Will save (DC 10+ Level + Charisma modifier) or
become panicked for 1d8 rounds. This is a sonic mind-
affecting fear effect.

Feel my Pain [raijin]

With skin to skin contact the Raijin can unload their own
pain and suffering into a target in a blast of hate, fear
and agony that ages their enemies and tears into their
very soul.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 14+, Intimidation 5+,
Base Attack Bonus +5
Benefit: Instead of a normal attack the
Raijin may attempt to make a touch
attack – which must be skin to skin. If

- Page 31 -
they hit the target takes a number of d6
in damage equal to half the Raijin’s level,
rounded up. This is due to withering and
aging so undead and immortal or long-
lived targets are immune (undead) or take
half damage (elves, dwarves etc). Each
point of damage is, otherwise, equal to a
year in apparent age gained.

Final Revenge [raijin]

Even if your body is killed the spirit lives on,
powerful enough to raise your husk in one, final bid
for revenge.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 14+, Iron Will
Benefit: When the Raijin is killed the body raises on the
following turn as a zombie. Convert the character into a
zombie using the zombie template. This is a more powerful
zombie than usual however and its hit dice is d8, the
number of which is determined by halving the character’s
class level and rounding up. The zombie will continue to
fight until the end of the battle at which point it collapses,
spent. The remains may still be resurrected, with the proper

Poltergeist [raijin]
The supernatural energies drawn into and around the Raijin
can manifest as poltergeist activity, hurling and lifting
objects or striking invisibly at their enemies.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 14+, Constitution 14+, Base Attack
Bonus 3+,




+ + + + + +





 APPRAISE  INT = + +
 BALANCE  DEX* = + +
 CLIMB  STR* = + +
FORTITUDE = + + + +
REFLEX = + + + +  CRAFT  ( _______________) INT = + +
 CRAFT  ( _______________) INT = + +
WILL = + + + +
 CRAFT  ( _______________) INT = + +


 DISGUISE  CHA = + +
GRAPPLE = + + +
 HEAL  WIS = + +
 HIDE  DEX* = + +
 JUMP  STR* = + +
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +
AMMUNITION __________________________      
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +


AMMUNITION __________________________        PERFORM (______________) CHA = + +
 PERFORM (______________) CHA = + +
 PROFESSION ( ___________) WIS = + +
 PROFESSION ( ___________) WIS = + +
 RIDE  DEX = + +
 SEARCH  INT = + +
AMMUNITION __________________________      
 SPOT  WIS = + +

 SURVIVAL  WIS = + +
 SWIM  STR* = + +

 TUMBLE DEX* = + +


AMMUNITION __________________________      
 USE ROPE  DEX = + +
ATTACK ATTACK BONUS DAMAGE CRITICAL  ______________________ ___ = + +

 ______________________ ___ = + +

 ______________________ ___ = + +
 Denotes a skill that can be used untrained.
 Mark this box with an X if the skill is a class skill for the character.
* Armor check penalty, if any, applies. (Double penalty for Swim.)
AMMUNITION __________________________      

© 2009 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.






















0: 0



LOAD LOAD LOAD HEAD GROUND DRAG Inital Languages = Common + racial
MAX LOAD languages + one per point of Int Bonus


SP— 7th:

GP— 8th:

© 2009 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Character Name: ____________________ Class (Level): ______________________________________
Race: ___________________ Nationality: ______________________ Residence: __________________
Empire Citizen: _____________________
Character Personal Information: Items the GM Need Be Aware of:
______________________________________________________ __________________________
______________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
Obvious Symbols, Pins, Awards worn openly: __________________________
______________________________________________________ __________________________
______________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
Other Notes of Interest: __________________________
______________________________________________________ __________________________
______________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________


Type Cert Name Location Log Entry
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
__________ _______________________________________ _______________ _____________
Bluff Bluff




Silently Silently
Search Search
Motive Motive
Spot Spot
_________ _________
_________ _________
Languages Languages

© 2009 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Special / Notes Special / Notes


Bluff Bluff




Silently Silently
Search Search
Motive Motive
Spot Spot
_________ _________
_________ _________
Languages Languages

Special / Notes Special / Notes



O P E N G A M E L I C E N S E V e r sion 1 . 0 a
Louis Porter Jr. Design, logos are a trademark owned by Louis Porter Jr. Inc. All rights reserved. All other content is copyright 2009 Louis Porter Jr. Design Inc. The mention of or
reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book is compatible with 3rd Edition and Revised 3rd Edition
rules. This edition of adventure planner is produced under version 1.0a and/or draft versions of the Open Game License and the System. Reference Document by permission of
Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions of this product will incorporate later versions of the license and document.

Designation of Open Game Content: All Text

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability
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1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your
acceptance of the terms of this License. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclu-
sive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Content. Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
and Skip Williams.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights reserved.
conveyed by this License.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors:
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger,
of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name
to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Races of Obsidian Twilight, Copyright 2010, Louis Porter Jr. Design, Inc.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
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