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LAE 2° PARCIAL What’s your name?

INSTRUCCIÓN 1. Elabora enunciados haciendo uso del PRESENTE SIMPLE en las formas AFIRMATIVA,
NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA, con la información que se te proporciona.

1.- Andres/ play/ videogames.

2.- in the river / Lupita/swim/

3.- Jose and Mauricio / in the field / run/

4.- bark/ to the cat / The dog/

5.- play / dolls / I /

INSTRUCCIÓN 2. Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas que corresponden

A day of my life.

Hello, my name is Andres, I am eleven years old, my day starts when I get up at seven o clock, then I take a
breakfast, I usually eat cereal in the morning, after that I got to the school; the name of my school is “Jose
Maria de Rivera”. I play with my friends and classmates in the school. When the time comes, I return to my
house to eat a delicious soup and a kind of chicken dish. In the afternoon I do my homework, and then I
watch the TV. At the end of the day I eat a dinner and teak a bath, to go to sleep very clean.

¿What is the name of the child?

¿How old is he?

¿What time he gets up?

¿What is the name of his school?

¿What he does in the school?

¿What he usually eats after the school?

¿What does he do in the afternoon?

¿What he do before go to sleep?

Escribe en ingles tu rutina diaria

LAE 2° PARCIAL What’s your name?

INSTRUCCIÓN . Completa el cuadro escribiendo según corresponda el SIGNIFICADO del verbo o la forma de
ESCRIBIRLO en el idioma inglés.

Verbo Significado Verbo Significado Verbo Significado

To play Correr To sleep
To see Cantar To eat
To drive nadar leer

Instruction: Read the following sentences and complete them with the correct use of questions words and the
simple present (do or does).

1.- ____________ time _______ you get up?

2.- ___________ ________ you eat lunch?

3.-__________ __________ she go to school?

4.- ___________ _________ they live?

5.- ___________ __________ he do after school?

Lee el siguiente texto y completa la información que se te pide.

Mr. Jimenez is a teacher; he works from 9:00 am to 2 pm at the Millenium University. From
Monday to Wednesday he takes French classes. On Fridays he visits his brother at night. Mr.
Jimenez is a greatfather he takes his sons to the park every Sunday. He likes basketball and
dancing so he goes to thestadium every season but he takes his wife to a restaurant when they
travel to the city or another town.

Finally Mr. Jimenez doesn’t go to the church but his wife and sons do.

Es el lugar donde labora Mr. Jiménez: ________________________________

La actividad que realiza de lunes a miércoles: __________________________

En este día visita a su hermano: _____________________________________

Es la actividad que hace cuando viaja con su esposa: _____________________

Es el lugar que no visita pero su esposa e hijos si: _______________________

Escribe en ingles tu rutina diaria

Escribe tres 3 oraciones afirmativa, 3 oraciones negativas, 3 oraciones interrogativa en presente

simple en ingles

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