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NIM : 857595045
A. Read the following text and translate into a good Indonesia.

Traditional Markets (Pasar) in Indonesia

For generations, Indonesians have bought their food at traditional markets, pasar. The
term pasar can refer to a gathering of tukang sayur (vendors who sell off carts which go through
residential areas), to a rough, temporary structure where sellers gather in the morning, to the large,
multistory buildings run by PD Pasar Jaya, Jakarta's market authority.
Throughout Jakarta, the items sold in pasar are basically the same - fruit, vegetables, meat
and fish, spices, dry goods and household items. Selection may vary slightly to better serve the
needs of the ethnic groups which live in the area. For example, if the pasar is located near an area
where there are many ethnic Indians, they may have more Indian spices or, if there are a lot of
Minangkabau people living nearby, more Padang spices will be available.

Answer :
Secara turun-temurun, masyarakat Indonesia telah membeli makanan mereka di pasar
tradisional, pasar. Istilah pasar dapat merujuk pada perkumpulan tukang sayur (pedagang yang
menjual gerobak yang melewati daerah pemukiman), struktur sementara yang kasar tempat para
penjual berkumpul di pagi hari, gedung-gedung besar bertingkat yang dijalankan oleh PD Pasar Jaya,
Jakarta. otoritas pasar.
Di seluruh Jakarta, barang-barang yang dijual di pasar pada dasarnya sama - buah-buahan,
sayuran, daging dan ikan, rempah-rempah, barang-barang kering dan barang-barang rumah tangga.
Pilihan mungkin sedikit berbeda untuk melayani kebutuhan kelompok budaya yang tinggal di daerah
tersebut dengan lebih baik. Misalnya, jika pasar terletak di dekat daerah di mana terdapat banyak etnis
India, mereka mungkin memiliki lebih banyak rempah-rempah India atau, jika ada banyak orang
Minangkabau yang tinggal di dekatnya, lebih banyak rempah-rempah Padang akan tersedia.

B. Read the following text and translate into a good Indonesia.

My Favorite Sport

Badminton is my favorite sport ever since I was a kid. I love it because it makes me stay
active through the day. Badminton is a sport that needs speed, precision and strength. That’s why to
become a good badminton player, someone has to practice frequently. I usually play badminton with
my friends and or family. I always feel great and energetic afterwards. Badminton is an interesting
sport because I can feel anxiety but excitement at the same time. Just like every game, there must be
a winner at end, and that makes this sport even more interesting.

Playing badminton is very easy. All you need is two rackets and shuttlecock, which acts like
a ball. The shuttlecock made from goose feathers. While the rackets we are using are quite light,
should be around 90 gram. The point of playing badminton is to smash the shuttlecock towards the
opponent’s direction. That’s why a badminton player needs a lot of energy and speed, so the
shuttlecock will cross over the net to the opposite direction.

Answer :
Bulutangkis adalah olahraga favorit saya sejak saya masih kecil. Saya menyukainya karena itu membuat
saya tetap aktif sepanjang hari. Bulutangkis adalah olahraga yang membutuhkan kecepatan, ketepatan dan
kekuatan. Karena itulah untuk menjadi pemain bulu tangkis yang baik, seseorang harus sering berlatih. Saya
biasanya bermain bulu tangkis dengan teman dan atau keluarga saya. Saya selalu merasa hebat dan energik
setelahnya. Bulu tangkis adalah olahraga yang menarik karena saya bisa merasakan kecemasan tetapi
kegembiraan pada saat yang sama. seperti setiap pertandingan, pasti ada pemenang di akhir, dan itu membuat
olahraga ini semakin menarik.

Bermain bulu tangkis sangat mudah. Yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah dua raket dan shuttlecock, yang
berfungsi seperti bola. Shuttlecock terbuat dari bulu angsa. Sedangkan raket yang kami gunakan cukup ringan,
sekitar 90 gram. Inti dari bermain bulu tangkis adalah melakukan pukulan smash ke arah lawan. Oleh karena itu
seorang pemain bulu tangkis membutuhkan tenaga dan kecepatan yang besar, sehingga shuttlecock akan
melewati net ke arah yang berlawanan.
C. Write a paragraph of your activities in Sunday at least 10 sentences. (Tulis
kegiatan kegiatanmu di hari Minggu dalam sebuah paragraph minimal 10
Answer :
Today is Sunday. But this Sunday is different from usual. Today will be my first day of
college. As usual I woke up at four o'clock then showered and continued with worship.
Today's lecture will start at eight to three in the afternoon. However, since the COVID-19
pandemic, learning has been conducted online. Unfortunately, it would be better if the
learning was done offline. so we can meet other lecturers and students. But that doesn't stop
us from learning. After finishing college, I usually continue with exercising with my friends.
That's a little about my activities on Sundays.

D. Fill in the blank with correct Degree of Comparison.

1. A chicken is Biger than a bird. (big)
2. The black t-shirt is 30.000 rupiahs. The yellow t-shirt costs 50.000 rupiahs.
The black t-shirt is Cheaper than the yellow t-shirt. (cheap).
3. Mia is 155 cm tall. Shinta is 160 cm tall. So, Shinta is Taller than Mia.(tall)
4. The goat runs Slower than a horse. (slow)
5. A cow is Smaller than an elephant. (small)
6. My mother is 40 years old. My father is 43 years old.
So, my mother is Younger than my father. (young).
7. I think mathematics is the Difficultest lesson. (difficult)
8. A car's price is Expensiver than a bicycle. (expensive).
9. My aunt is 30 years old My uncle is 35 years old. (old)
So, my uncle is Older than my aunt.
10. Nil river is Longer than Ciliwung river. (long)

E. Read the text below and then answer the following questions!
No Girls Allowed!
Only men could take part in the ancient Olympic games. Married women were not even
allowed to watch the events. Women caught sneaking in were punished! In every Greek city
there was a gymnasium. That is where boys went to school and trained as athletes. The boys
who went to the gymnasium were mostly from rich families. They studied arithmetic,
reading and music, along with lots of physical education.
Although women were not allowed into the O lympic Games, they still did sports. Young
girls had their own Games called the Heraia, in honor of the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus.
The Heraia was held every four years and had running races only. There were 3 separate
races for girls, teenagers, and young women. Women were not allowed to compete in the
Olympics until the 1900 games in Paris. There were 19 women out of a total of 1,225
athletes. The women did tennis, golf and croquet.
Women competed in swimming events for the first time in 1912. But none of them were
from America, which did not allow female athletes to compete in events without wearing
long skirts!

Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What was Heraia?
Answer : Heraia is a young greek girls game in honor of the goddess of Hera, wife of Zeus
2. What was the function of gymnasium?
Answer : The gymnasium is an athlete school for greek boys
3. What was learnt by the boys at gymnasium?
Answer : In the gym they are trained to be athletes for the Olympics
4. Why were American women not allowed to take part in the 1912 olympic swimming?
Answer : because it is not allowed for female athletes to buy in events without wearing
long skirts!
5. Write T if you think that the statement is true and F if you think it false.
(Women competed in swimming events for the first time in 1912, and they were allowed
to compete in events without wearing long skirts).
Answer : True (T)

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