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Understand the history and the nature of football.

Demonstrate an understanding of the basic skills, values, and mechanics of

the game

Learn the fundamental rules and how they apply in the game.
It is also called Association Football and
A game played on a rectangular field with net
goals at either end and two teams of 11

Players kick the ball to each other and try to

score goals by kicking the ball into a large net
2500 B.C.

There are accounts of Chinese soldiers playing Tsu’chu, “kicking the ball".
Tsu’chu was the first to not allow hands.
Leather ball filled with feathers and hair kicked through an opening, measuring only
30-40cm in width, into a small net fixed onto long bamboo canes
500-600 years later
Another form of the game, also originating from the Far East, was the Japanese
Standing in a circle, the players had to pass the ball to each other, in a relatively
small space, trying not to let it touch the ground.
Mid-14th Century
There is a sport called Mob- Football in England
It was played by an unlimited number of players .
1581 Football is played for the first time in English school

1848 The Cambridge Rules are established

1857: The Sheffield Rules come into play

1860's Many football clubs were born with their own rules which resulted in disputes
played in inter-club matches
1863 The Football Association was formed in to resolve this problem.
Official rules for football were drawn up to create an organized game in
England. These rules formally differentiated between rugby football and
association football.
Modern football was born.

1871 The FA Cup is invented

1872 The first F.A. Cup was played

1877 The laws of the game are properly ratified

1888 The Football League is formed
Seven members formed the International Federation of Football
1904 Association (FIFA) in Paris, France Those members included: Belgium,
France, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland

1960: The first European Championships is held, back then known as the
‘European Nations Cup
1992 The Premier League is formed

2012: Goal line technology is used for the first time

2016 VAR technology is introduced at international friendli

A goalkeeper dives to help the ball from entering his goal
A goalkeeper dives to help the ball from entering his goal

Football is played in accordance with a set of rules, known as the Laws of the
Game. The game is played using a single round ball(football) and two teams of
11 players each compete to get the ball into the other team's goal, thereby
scoring a goal.
The primary rule is that the players (other than the goalkeepers) may not
intentionally touch the ball with their hands or arms during play.
The primary rule is that the players (other than the goalkeepers) may not
intentionally touch the ball with their hands or arms during play.

In typical game play, players attempt to propel the ball toward their opponents'
goal through individual control of the ball, such as by dribbling, passing the ball
to a team-mate, and by taking shots at the goal, which is guarded by the
opposing goalkeeper.
At a professional level, most matches produce only a few goals.
At a professional level, most matches produce only a few goals.

The Laws of the Game do not specify any player positions other than goalkeeper,
but a number of player specialisations have evolved.
This is probably the most fundamental skill in
football that involves keeping the ball and
moving it, past opposition players.

While dribbling, a player is required to still have

the ball at his feet and make sure that the
opposition does not get it from him or her.

It is faking to the opponent in such a way that

the control of the ball via feet is kept.
The major part of the game and the most
common skill used is to hit the ball with
power so that it reaches long and away to the
desired position.
To shoot the ball, players plant their foot
under the ball to pass to a teammate, score a
goal or make a clearance.
An essential skill in football especially if you want
to win games.

It helps stop opposition from getting close to your

goal. Every player on the football pitch has to learn
how to defend, not just the defender.

A good team has its first line of defense from the

striker and forward lines.
This involves playing the ball perfectly to a
teammate in the process of undertaking the goal
of the team which is to plant the ball in the
opposition's net.

Passing is important in football because it keeps

the ball with the team. A good player is required to
know how to pass the ball no matter the position
they play
1.) Short Pass- Turn your foot 90 degrees to the outside and swing your leg so that
the inside of your leg makes contact.

2.) Long Pass- If you want to send the ball further, you will swing your leg with
more power and aim for the lower half.
On the ground: turn your foot toward the outside
Whether you are receiving a as if you were passing, and with your knees bent,
cushion the ball so it stop right at your feet.
pass that is on the ground or
traveling through the air, you
On the air: recieve the ball with your chest. Stand
will want to square your
with your back arched slightly backwards so when
shoulders to the direction the
the ball hits your chest, it will pop gently into the air
ball is coming from. and then land at your feet, rather than bounce off
outof your control.
The ability to control a moving football is essential
no matter what position you play in.
Just like passing, ball control forms the foundation
of football.
The goalkeeper is the last line of defense of every
team. His job is simply to stop the opposition from
scoring when the ball has gone past all his team
mates. — you can use your entire body, including
your hands and arms, to stop the ball.
Fundamental skills for goalies.
This is how you distribute the
ball upfield after making a
A football match is played by two teams, with each allowed no more than 11 players
on the field at any one time, one of whom is a goalkeeper

A match is played in two 45-minute halves.

The game begins with the toss of a coin, and the winning captain decides which goal
to defend or to take the first kick-off.
All players must use their feet head or chest to play the ball. Only the goalkeeper is
allowed to use their hands, and only within their designated goal area.

The aim of the game is to score a goal, which is achieved by kicking or heading the
ball into the opposing team's goal.
The game will end after the two 45-minute halves have passed and the team with a
higher number of goals wins the game.

If the game is tied at the end of 90 minutes of game-play in a knockout round or finals
round, the game goes into overtime. Adding two 15 minutes of overtime play equaling a
total of 30 minutes of overtime game-play.
If the score is still tied after extra time, the match will commonly be decided in a
penalty shootout. In a penalty shoot-out, each team takes turns shooting at the goal
from the penalty mark, with the goal defended only by the opposing team's goalkeeper.
Each team has five shots which must be taken by different kickers; the team that makes
more successful kicks is declared the victor.
If the ball touches or crosses the sideline, it is thrown back in by the team that was
not the last to touch the ball.

The game is controlled by a central referee and two linesmen. They award free kicks
and penalties when rules are broken. For continual breaking of rules or for a bad
foul, the player may be sent off.
1. No Hands, please

You can use your head and your feet in handling a ball, you can’t use your hands,
doing so will result in a penalty.

2. Throw-ins

A throw-in is taken when the ball crosses a sideline and leaves the field. The two
basic soccer rules for a proper throw-in are to have both feet on the ground and to
throw the ball with both hands over the head.
3. Corner Kicks & Goal Kicks

A corner kick or goal kick is taken when the ball leaves the field across the endline
If the offensive team kicks it out, play is restarted with a goal kick. If the defensive
team kicks it out, play is restarted with a corner kick.

4. Fouls

A player cannot kick, trip, jump at, charge, strike, push, hold, or spit at an opponent.
Soccer can be a physical, contact sport when two opposing players both want the
soccer ball but none of us wants to harm and be harmed.
5. Direct and Indirect Free Kicks

The simple difference between the two is this: On a direct kick, you can score by
kicking the ball directly into the goal. On an indirect kick, you cannot score. An
indirect kick must be touched by another player before it can go into the goal – that
is the kicker and a second person.
In general, a direct kick comes from a contact foul or hand ball. Everything else is
6. Penalty Kick

A penalty kick results from a contact foul or handball by the defending team within
the penalty area
The ball is placed on the penalty spot, 12 yards in front of the center of the goal.

All players must remain outside the penalty area and the penalty arc until the ball is
kicked. The goalkeeper must have both feet on the goal line until the ball is kicked.

If after the ball is kicked, it rebounds off of the goal or the keeper and stays on the
field, the ball is “live” and anyone can play it.
7. Two-touch Rule

A player cannot touch the ball twice in a row when putting the ball in play. (includes
throw-ins, corner kicks, and goal kicks)
You will see this called many times in youth soccer. It applies everywhere. You will
see it frequently on kick-offs or direct and indirect kicks. If a kid barely hits the ball
and decides to take another swipe at it, that is a two-touch.

A soccer goal is made up of two upright

goalposts and a crossbar that connects the
two goalposts across the top.

The distance between the inside of the posts

has to be 8 yards (7.32 m), and the distance
from the lower edge of the crossbar to the
ground has to be 8 ft (2.44 m).
The primary purpose of a football net is to
catch the ball, to stop it from sailing into an
adjoining field or hitting an unsuspecting
On a soccer field, it is a requirement to have
a corner flag in each corner of the field.

The corner flag is there to clearly show where

the boundary of the field is.

An interesting fact about the corner flag is

that if the ball hits it and rebounds back onto
the field of play, then the game carries on
rather than stopping for a set-piece.
The standard soccer ball is made of
synthetic leather and stitched around an
inflated rubber or rubber-like bladder.
Having a good pair of shin guards can give
protection for your shins but, at the same time,
will still give you good freedom of movement.

Every soccer team must wear matching jerseys.

The only exception to this is the goalkeeper, who wears
a different uniform than the rest of the team.
The color and design of jersey depend upon the team's
There is no specific color that the shorts have to be, but, as
with the jerseys, it’s important that the whole team
matches(except for the goalkeeper).
The goalkeeper is also the only player on the team who is
permitted to wear long pants if they wish. Every other player is
restricted to only wearing shorts.

Athletes wear long socks rather than short the fact that the
socks are required to cover the shin guard that is being worn.
Because of this, the actual length of the socks will depend on
what shin guards are being worn.
Cleats are small, often plastic or rubber, that project from the
sole of the shoe. These are worn with the intention of providing
a better grip on a potentially slippery surface.
Footwear in soccer should be comfortable, lightweight, flexible,
and offer great traction.

Goalies wear them not just to protect their hands from the
sting of a ball traveling towards them at speed but also to
provide more grip when they need to catch or stop the ball.
This is to differentiate the goalkeeper from the other players
because the goalkeeper has a different role to the others, and
there are different rules that apply to them that don’t apply
to other players.

This is to differentiate the goalkeeper from the other players

because the goalkeeper has a different role to the others, and
there are different rules that apply to them that don’t apply
to other players.
Almost always, this will be in the form of a wristwatch.
A wristwatch is easy to look at quickly and is securely attached
to the referee’s body, meaning they are less likely to lose it
while running around.

When a referee shows a player a yellow card, it signifies a

warning. The warning is that if they do something else in the game
that deserves another warning, or yellow card, then they will
immediately be shown a red card that signifies that they must leave
the soccer field straight away and not return for the rest of the
Traditionally all referees wore black, but these days you may
see the referee’s in a wide variety of colors.

The intention of these flags is to clearly signal to the referee

when an infringement of the rules has happened.
Soccer Field
Soccer Field Size,
Size, Layout,
Layout, and
and Dimensions
One F-11 soccer field, 11X11 players dimensions: 96x54m

The F-11 soccer field can be divided into:

(3) F-5, 5X5 players' fields (dimensions: 20x40m)
(1) F7, 7X7 players’ fields (dimensions: 57 Χ37) and one (1) F9, 9X9
players’ fields (dimensions: 70Χ50m)

A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous. All items of jewelry
(such as: necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are
forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted.
What Is
What Is The
The Standard
Standard Soccer
Soccer Field
Field Size?
.Here are some tables that show the regulation soccer field sizes:
Soccer Field
Soccer Field Layout

The dimensions of the field overall have requirements, but so do all the markings
inside the field of play.
The goal box, and penalty box need to be of a certain size as well as the corner
kick locations and the center circle.
What Are
What Are The
The Markings
Markings On
On AA Soccer
Soccer Field?
The goal box will start 6 yards from the ends of both sides of the goal post, and extend 6 yards onto the
field. The other marking will connect the ends of those two to create the goal box.

The penalty box is drawn similarly to the goal box, except using 18 yards as its measurement. 18
yards from either end of the goal post, and 18 yards into the field. Connected with another mark
to create the penalty box.


The penalty kick mark is placed 12 yards away from the center of the goal. This is where penalty
kicks will be made inside the penalty box on the penalty kick mark.
What Are
What Are The
The Markings
Markings On
On AA Soccer
Soccer Field?
The penalty arc is drawn only outside the penalty box with a radius of 10 yards, with the penalty kick
mark being its center.

The center circle is placed at the center of the field with a radius of 10 yards. The very center of
the center circle is the central location on the entire soccer field.

The corner arc is where a corner kick will be taken. The corner arc is a 1 yard radius 1/4 circle in
each corner of the field.
What Are
What Are The
The Markings
Markings On
On AA Soccer
Soccer Field?
Also known as touchlines, are the longer lines on the side of a soccer pitch.
The lines themselves are considered inbounds, but anywhere beyond these lines is out of bounds.

The end lines are two lines that travel the two short ends of the field. If the ball goes out-of-
bounds over one of these lines, the restart is either a corner or a goal kick, depending on who touched
the ball last


The flag posts must not be less than 5 feet tall and be placed at each corner of the field.
What Are
What Are The
The Markings
Markings On
On AA Soccer
Soccer Field?
Here is the list of soccer field markings:

Corner Arc
Goal Box
Penalty Box
Penalty Arc
Penalty Kick Mark
Halfway Line
Center Circle
Formally FIFA World Cup, in football (soccer), quadrennial tournament
of men’s national teams that determines the sport’s world champion.
The first competition for the cup was organized in 1930 by the
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and was won by
The trophy cup awarded from 1930 to 1970 was the Jules Rimet Trophy,
named for the Frenchman who proposed the tournament.
FIFA Confederations Cup(Abolished 2019)
This is the collection of the teams where the winners of the
confederation tournaments, the hosts and the world cup winners qualify
for a single tournament. It also takes place every four years like the
World Cup.
UEFA European Football Championship

Also known as Euro, this championship is most watched in Europe

It is held every four years (two years before the next World Cup to happen).
The qualification of this championship consists of nine groups with top two
teams from each group, the best third place, and the winners of a play-off
between the other third place going to the next main group phase and so on.
AFC Asian Cup

This is the main competition for Asian countries, although Australia are also
permitted and won the championship one time .
The AFC Asian Cup is an international association football tournament run by the
Asian Football Confederation. It is the second oldest continental football
championship in the world after Copa América. The winning team becomes the
champion of Asia.
CAF Africa Cup of Nations

This is the main competition for the CAF (African) countries. It is held every two
years in January/February in the same year of UEFA European Championship
Finals and Summer Olympics between 16 teams of Africa.
It is the biggest international African teams' achievement. The latest cup, held
during February 2022 in Cameroon, was won by Senegal for the first time.
Barcelona Spain

Real Madrid Spain

Juventus Italy
Bayern Munchen Germany

Chelsea England
The lead official has control of the game and is generally the final authority in all

The role of the referee to announce all penalties

The referee is positioned in the backfield, approximately 10 yards behind the

quarterback before the start of the play
The umpire is the official that lines up approximately five yards off the line of
scrimmage on the defensive side of the ball.

The umpire assists the referee in decisions involving possession of the ball.

The umpire records all scores, timeouts, records the winner of the coin toss
and wipes the ball dry between plays during inclement weather.
The head linesman is the official on the sideline that straddles the line of scrimmage
looking for scrimmage violations like offsides or encroachment and penalties like
illegal motion, illegal shifts , illegal use of hands and illegal men downfield.

The head linesman keeps track of all eligible receivers and marks the forward
progress of the ball.
The line judge is the official who lines up on the opposite side of the field from the
head linesman.

The line judge makes sure the quarterback does not cross the line of scrimmage
before throwing the ball, watches for offensive lineman going downfield too early
on punts, supervises the timing of the game and supervises substitutions by the
team on the side of the field where positioned.
One of the roles of the back judge is to make sure the defensive team has no
more than 11 players on the field.

During field goals, the back judge is positioned under the goalpost and rules
whether the field goal attempt was successful.

Responsible for monitoring the area between the umpire and the field judge.

The back judge rules on the legality of catches and pass interference penalties
and has the final say regarding the legality of kicks during kickoffs.
The field judge is responsible for keeping track of the play clock and calling a delay
of the game if the clock expires.

Rules on plays that cross the defense's goal line, rules on the legality of catches
and pass interference penalties, and monitors all eligible receivers on the tight end
side of the field.

Also, if a play goes out of bounds on the tight end side of the field, the field judge
marks the spot.
Side judge duties are essentially the same as the back judge. The side judge makes
sure the defensive team has no more than 11 players on the field and watches all
eligible receivers from that side of the field.

The side judge is responsible for monitoring the area between the umpire and the
field judge, assists on calling the legality of kicks during kickoffs and rules on the
legality of catches and pass interference penalties.
Additional Time Minutes added to the end of halfs, based on the time
used up during stoppages.

Attacker A player whose role is primarily offensive and who

must create goal-scoring opportunities.

Booking When the referee acknowledge a foul by the offender.

Captain A player who organizes and leads the team on the


Centre spot The spot on which the ball is placed at the beginning of
the game.
Clean sheet When a team does not concede a goal in a game.

Dead ball : Where a game is resumed and the ball is stationary.

Defender Player whose role is to stop the opposition from


Deflection When a shot or pass makes contact with another body

and its trajectory is altered as a result.

First touch An action made by a player which involves controlling

the ball upon receiving it.
Free-kick Awarded to players who are fouled outside of the
penalty area, friendly-exhibition match.

Goalkeeper A player's whose role is to prevent the opposition from

scoring by using their hands.
Half volley A shot struck by a player at the same moment a ball
drops and makes contact with the ground.
Handball A foul is awarded against the player uses their hand to
make contact with the ball.
Injury time Another term for extra time
Man of the Match An award given to the best player in a game.

Player who play in the area between the attackers and


Pitch invasion When spectators run into the pitch.

Red card A player must leave the field immediately when they
receive a red card after several fouls.

Yellow card Awarded to a player that commits a objectionable

Football requires a unique brand of teamwork.
When you are a part of a football team, sometimes
with up to 90 other players, understanding your
role and that of your teammates is critical.
The emotional ups and downs that a team may
experience help to build trust over time.
Football requires discipline and a solid work ethic.
Showing up for practice on time, following the
team rules, and learning the plays are all keys to
success on the football field.
iI builds an athlete's character to help them focus
and attain the ability to work towards archiving
their targets without any distractions.
Football provides a variety of challenges that test
and help to build a player's perseverance
It is the way players responds to difficult
challenges by not allowing them define or hold
them down.
Football teaches perseverance, sticking with it
even while it is tough, whether it be a financial
setback, a personal problem, or a failure to get a
key promotion at work.
Like so many sports, football is awash in statistics;
and with the help of his team and coaches, the
young player learns to set goals and work toward
achieving those goals.
It can help them focus on what is important and
give them a sense of control and positive self-
Playing football teaches the young players how to
handle both success and failure.
Playing football allows athletes to learn not to
blame the loss on anyone but to focus on how they
can improve.
Just as important as learning how to handle failure
is learning how to handle success.

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