My First Impression

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My first impressions…

I could not choose an interesting topic for an essay so I have just decided to describe my
first impressions of Sheffield.
This city seems quite a (don't forget about articles) strange place to me for some reasons. As
you know, it is a well-known University (capital letter is used almost always for this word) city.
There are two universities here - the Sheffield University and the Sheffield Hullam University
(by the way, I don’t know so far in what way (sounds more natural) one differs from another).
Therefore a predominant group of city population is youth, students. You can see young people
everywhere, especially in a university campus and a city centre. They are hanging about,
drinking beer and yelling something funny. It was not late when I was walking (if you mean a
process it's better to use Continuous) round the city center last Friday (no articles and
prepositions with last/next), but most people (usually used without articles) including young
ones, were already drunk and merry at about 6 p.m.
I was told that there would be (reported speech - consequence of tenses) a bulk of students at
the end of August when they gather to start their university courses, and it will become much
louder (loud - one syllable word, to make comparative form - add 'er') then now. In addition I
live at Broomhill that is close to a students' (possession) area Crooks. At first I was surprised by
Broomhill’s quiet but it turned out it will not/ is not going (talking about predictions we can use
either 'to be going to' or Future Simple) to last long. At Broomhill I am renting a little studio on
(ON is usually used when we talk about surface, for example about which floor we live ON) the
second floor of a Victorian house. My landlord is in his 80-s, he is a kind of local nobleman
whose (чья?) family history has linked with Sheffield and Yorkshire since the 18 century, and I
understand nothing (I don’t exaggerate) what he usually says. I am absolutely frustrated by this
circumstance because it is difficult for me to be treated like an idiot. But I am sure that my
landlord takes me in this manner, and I have failed to change his opinion of me.
Right, I should interrupt a stream of my complaints))
What else could I say about Sheffield? It has pretty appalling centre. The point is that old
buildings of the 17-19 centuries were demolished during the World War II when Sheffield was
intensively bombarded. New houses were built during the 1960-s and, of course, the present day
they look rather ridiculous. And conversely, other districts such as Foolwood and Broomhill
appear to be nice and unbelievably green. As for me, it is the most attractive trait of Sheffield
city - there is a lot of green. A Botanical garden is on the left of my place and a great park is on
the right.
Nevertheless, the city seems non-presentable and provincial. There are not any really
interesting museums and galleries, any special cultural events (except forthcoming gigs of
Radiohead and Muse), even wi-fi in cafes is a rare thing. Surprisingly, there is only one big
shopping centre here. In spite of that it is quite expensive city like Great Britain as a whole. And
the weather, of course… a famous English weather. After my arrival, I got 3 lovely warm days,
but then the weather has changed and now I feel like at home in St. Petersburg because of
everyday raining.
It is worth making mention of one more important feature of Sheffield - this is its convenient
location. I was told that it does not take a plenty of time (about an hour) to get to Leeds, York or
Witby, although a journey to London by train takes more than 2 hours. I like also seeing many
cranky people in the streets. I mean ‘cranky’ because of their dressing, haircuts and so on. It
would be fine to take their photos but I feel a little uneasy
(uncomfortable/ashamed/embarrassed/feel ill at ease) putting my camera out. Nonetheless taking
into account my predilection for various sorts of weird people I could not remove the camera
into my bag or my pocket.

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