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Effects of Nationalism:

Module 3: The Challenges and  When people become aware

that they are different from
Responses of the 19th Century and another group, they become
proud of theirgroup.
the Philippines of Rizal’s Times  People become willing to
serve their group.
 People become patriotic.
•People develop pride in their
ABOUT THE CHALLENGES AND  However these are possible,
RESPONSES OF THE NINETEENTH only if the people know their
own country. This is the main
reason why Rizal would
 To better understand and
encourage studies about the
appreciate the role of Jose Rizal in the
making of the Filipino nation (when
 Two great upheavals that
viewed within a time-frame and its
occurred in the last quarter of
proper historical context)
the eighteenth century: the
 To know the developments in
American Revolution (1775-
the century when Rizal lived, the
1783) and the French
period he worked
Revolution (1779-1789) had
19TH CENTURY Influenced the thinking and
 "an era of challenges and development of thenineteenth
responses" "period of major century.
changes which affected men LIBERALS VS. CONSERVATIVES
and society"
 The liberals and conservatives
Six Important Changes of the
disagreed on the rights and
the way governments should
I. The struggle for nationalism I
be run.
II. The gradual spread for
III. The modernization of living A country should be free
through Industrial Revolution from domination by another
IV. The advance of science V and the people should enjoy
V. The march of Imperialism liberty, equality, and
VI. The new current in the opportunity.
movement of thought and CONSERVATIVES
growing confidence on  They believed in the "good
progress old days" when monarchs and
NATIONALISM kings ruled overther subjects.
 Is a feeling of oneness by a OTHER EVENTS
group of people who believe that they  The Greeks with foreign aid
possess common traditions culture, won their independence from
and common Ideas or goals the Turks in 1830.
 The Norwegians won their Gomez y de los Angeles and
freedom from the Swedes in Jacinto Zamora on February
1905. 17, 1872.
 In 1861, after a long period of IL. MEN FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY
disunion, Italy through the DEMOCRACY
work of Camillo Cavour,
 A system of government in
Joseph Mazzini, and Joseph
which power is vested in the
Garibaldi, became a free and
people and exercised by them
united nation with the
directly, has constraints on
exception of the City of Rome
the power of the executives,
which remained under the
and provides a guarantee of
Pope and Venetia, Trent and
civil liberties.
Trieste under Austria.
Democracy in other countries:
 Through the leadership of
Otto von Bismarck who In France
adopted a policy of "blood  France was able to achieve
and iron" Germany was democracy through a
united in 1871. revolution.
Outside of Europe:  Following the establishment
 In 1867, Canada became a of the Third French Republic
self-governing nation. in 1875. The country has
 The movement for created laws which paved a
nationalism in Latin America way in the advancement of
kept pace with the progress democracy in their country.
in Europe and North America.  They also gave everyone a
 Spain's colonies in Latin right to vote.
America revolted and won In England
their independence  Democracy was established
between1800 and 1825. through a series of reforms
 Simoun de Bolivar, "the passed by the Parliaments.
liberator", freed Northern  Reform acts of 1832, 1867,
South America the territory and 1884 enhanced its
which is now Venezuela, progress. • The right to vote
Colombia, Bolivia, and part of was extended to more people.
Peru. New election districts were
 Jose San Martin a patriotic created.
upperclass Spaniard freed  Cabinet system was adopted
Southern South America. under which the ministers
In Asia: were made responsible to the
 Nationalism developed in House of Commons and not
Japan during a long period of to the King or
seclusion under the  House of Lords.
Shogunate.  Slavery was abolished.
 Nationalsm in India arose  Funds were provided for
because of Brtsh exploitation public education.
of the country and racial  The employment of children
discrimination. In the and women under ten years
Philippines, it began to be felt was prohibited.
under the unjust execution of In Belgium
Fathers Jose Burgos, Mariano
 A very liberal constitution IIL THE EFFECTS OF THE
was adopted in 1831. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ARE
In Switzerland
 In 1848, the complete

Began in England in the 17th
manhood suffrage was
century or earlier, until the
approved. The complete
19th century
manhood suffrage refers to
 Spread to the United States
the right of all adult males to
and much later to other
countries of Europe, Asia,
 The "referendum" which
Latin America, Canada,
allows a bill to be passed by
Australia and parts of Africa
the legislature to be
presented to the people for CHANGES IN INDUSTRY:
approval and the "Initiative" 
Shift from hand work to
which gives the voters the machine work.
right to propose laws for  Coal, iron, and steel became
approval of the legislature the basic materials of
were also adopted. industry.
 They introduced the secret MANUFACTURING
ballot system, the system of 
Spinning, jenny, spinning
voting in which voters mark frame, spinning shuttle,
their choices in privacy on cotton grin, and sewing
uniform ballots printed and machine.
distributed by the
government or designate
their choices by some other TRANSPORTATION
secret means. 
Steam boats, steam
 Adopted the manhood locomotives, airplanes,
suffrage in 1885. automobiles and balloons.
 The manhood suffrage was  Telephone, telegraph,
also adopted. wireless telegraphy, cable,
In the United States postal service and
 Democracy made remarkable newspapers
progress when two men from  Effects of the creation of
the common people, Andrew machines( industrialization):
Jackson and Abraham  Establishment of factories
Lincoln, were elected  Thousands of workers were
president. employed in the beginning
 The American Civil War  Manufacturers went into large
ended slavery. scales of production of goods
In the Philippines  Commodities became cheaper
 Jose Rizal led the crusade for  Towns and cities grew
democracy by working for the  Wealth of nation increased by
rights of man in which he leaps and bounds
wrote, "We... fight so that  Factory system improved the
there may be more justice standards of living
and more liberty and for the  Two social classes arose:
sacredrights of man." capitalists and laborers
Effects of industrial Revolution:  new producers who finance
 ENCOURAGED mills and factories.
MIGRATION Capitalism increased the
number of banks and the
 People moved to new places
amount of credit, promoted
where they could improve
insurance and multiplies
their social, economic, and
political conditions.
 Industrial Revolution brought
about the victory of middle
POPULATION CAME class. The middle class
ABOUT dominated society and
 A result of advancement in dictated its social, moral, and
medical knowledge and political standards.
public hygiene, opening of  LABOR PROBLEMS FACED
more lands for cultivation, DURING THIS PERIOD:
improvement in the
 Disputes between labor and
production of goods,
capital wherein the former
development of new
demands for an increase in
industries and increase in
wages, shorter hours of
national Income.
work, Insurance benefits,
 NATIONALISM WAS compensation for injury met
STIMULATED during working hours and
 People felt the need for closer wholesome working
union in solving their conditions.
problems and attaining goals IV. RESPONSES TO THE GROWING
 Rizal confirmed this in his SOCIAL PROBLEMS ARE CREATED BY
writings that: "The people go THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
from one island to another, LIBERALS, SOCIALISTS,
naturally communication and COMMUNISTS
exchange of ideas have
increased and realizing that
they were all menaced with  Suggested proposals to
the same danger and their remedy the evils of the
common sentiments are hurt, industrial Revolution. •
they become friends and they Adopted laissez-faire policy.
unite".  Allows everybody to expand
 GROWTH OF LIBERALISM as much as they wished in
their industrial enterprises,
which resulted into
 Laissez-faire- a new unemployment and misery
economic philosophy -"let with industrialists being
well enough alone" or "hands powerful and rich, and
off - A policy that prevented working men being poorer.
the government from SOCIALISTS
interfering in private trade or
 Believed that the government
industry except with its role
should own and manage the
of protecting the nation
means of production for the
against any kind of threat.
benefit of all and not only for
a few individuals.
 "As long as the capitalists 2.Centralization of all the
controlled the economic life means of production in the
of the people, there could be hands of the state.
no democracy." 3. Abolition of all rights of
 Believed that reforms could inheritance.
be achieved gradually and 4. Confiscation of the property
peacefully through normal of all emigrants and rebels.
political methods and with 5. Universal and equal
compensation for the private obligation to work.
owners. RERUM NOVARUM (The conditions
 Some of the earliest of Labor)
 Contained Christian
principles advocated by the
Proposed a new and Catholic Church and
positive reorganization announced by Pope Leo XIII,
of controlled by the reacting to the evils of
chiefs of Industry, with industrialism.
scientists in the role of  Rights must be religiously
priests, which aimed to respected.
produce things useful to  It is the duty of public
life, and peace would be authority to prevent and
assured by universal punish injury.
association.  The poor and the helpless
FRANCIS FOURIER have a claim to a special
 Advocated a consideration whenever there
reconstruction of society is a question of protecting the
based on communal rights of individuals. Since
associations producers private property is as
known as phalanges. universal as human nature,
 Fourierism the State has the right to
ROBERT OWEN regulate the use of private
property and to protect it.
One of the most
 The preservation of life is the
influential early 19th
bounden duty of each and all
century advocates of
members of society. The
Utopian Socialism.
worker is entitled to a just
and decent living wage which
KARL MARX will enable him to live in
 co-author of Communist reasonable comfort as a
Manifesto human being, to develop his
 Advocated revolutionary faculties, and to attain his
communism. ultimate goal in life.
 Believed that only a violent  The State has the duty to
revolution could improve the lot of provide favourable working
workingmen. conditions. • The workers
 Also advocated: have the right to form unions.
1. Abolition of private property V. ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY+
in land. JOHN DALTON
 Formulated the atomic theory  To the Jesuits the Philippines
which explains that all matter owes her dawning system of
is made up of invisible instruction in the natural
particles sciences, the soul of the 19th
MARIE CURIE century - Jose Rizal
 Discovered radium, an VI: MODERN IMPERIALISM
 Radium is used to produced CHANGE
Advances in Medicine
 Is the activity of the nation in
extending its control and
 Discovered that germs cause authority beyond its
diseases in man and animals territorial boundaries through
(germ theory) the acquisition of the new
 Became the outstanding territories; the desire of
helper of mankind Came up civilized nations to rule over
with pasteurization weak or "backward" peoples.
ROBERT KOCH Great modern powers acquired
 Discovered the germ that colonies, concessions or spheres of
caused anthrax influence for several reasons:
 Inhalation anthrax 1. From economic
 Became the greatest standpoint:
bacteriologist of his day  To secure raw materials
DR. JOSEPH LISTER  Markets for manufactures
 Introduced antiseptics which products
Prevents Infection  Additional food supplies
 Began the modern practice of  Outlets for surplus
hospital sanitation. population
DR. CRAWFORD LONG  Fields for investment of
surplus capital
 Demonstrated the anesthetic
2. From political standpoint:
properties of ether in a
 Acquisition of regions
surgical operation in 1842.
necessary for national
 First to use the ether to ease  Territories for patriotic ends
pain of tooth extraction in in view
1846. 3. From religious standpoint:
DR. JAMES SIMPSON  To spread a particular region
 Used chloroform for the first Two most common techniques of
time in 1847 economic imperialism:
 The advances in science gave  Economic permission to do
man longer lifespan by business for foreign
controlling or eliminating penetrations by asking
many diseases. capitalists
 Natural sciences brought a  Political control in order to
new understanding of the protect economic interests
world and the place of man in  The Industrial Revolution in
it. the late 19th century
inspired nations to begin  Human rights was extended
modern Imperialism which to many people
resulted in the building of  Large investments for public
empires. education • Higher education
 The 19th century for women
imperialism supporters  Improved public health •
believe that imperialism had Literature and art
done the conquered  Architecture and music
countries many good things INDIVIDUALISM
such as:
 Belief that every human life is
 Sanitation
sacred; the government exists
 Education
for the welfare of all citizens
 Better means of
 Rizal believed that the
transportation and
inextinguishable passion and
capabilities of the Filipino
 Scientific methods
people can overshadow the
of agriculture
tenacious. Ignorance of its
 Improved ways of
dominators and the forces of
which deprives them to truly
 Progressive ides on
 Government and
recreation TIMES
Imperialism also abolished practices  The Filipino people agonized
such as cannibalism, slave traffic, and beneath the yoke of Spanish
slavery. misrule, for they were
 Those opposing imperialism unfortunate victims of the
believe that it had done more evils of an unjust, bigoted,
harm than good: and deteriorating colonial
 Exploitation of natural power.
resources to enrich the  Problems encountered by
colonizing country Filipinos under the Spanish
 Racial discrimination Government
 Promotes disunity  instability of Colonial
 Corrupt Colonial Officials
 Modern Imperialism aroused
 Philippine Representation in
the spirit of nationalism
Spanish Cortes
among the peoples People
 Human Rights to Filipinos
demanded for independence
 No Equality before the Law
• A process of historic change
Maladministration of Justice
had begun
 Racial Discrimination
 Frailocracy
 Forced labor
Developments in the late 19th
 Haciendas owned by the
 Man made considerable
 The Guardia Civil
advancement in various fields
Instability of Colonial
 Democracy made significant
reforms in government and Administration
social relations
King Ferdinand VII (1808-
 
He was a god Moro Fighter,
1833) but was inept and weak
 Spanish Government administrator.
 How it affected the GENERAL FERNANDO PRIMO DE
Philippines RIVERA(1880-83 AND 1897-98)
 The turbulent reign of King

Governor General for two
Ferdinand VII (1808-1833)
terms eriched himself by
marked the beginning of
accepting bribes from
political chaos in Spain
gambling casinos in Manila
 The turbulent reign of King
which he scandalously
Ferdinand VII (1808-1833)
permitted to operate.
marked the beginning of
political chaos in Spain
 From 1835-1897, the (1888-91)
Philippines was ruled by 50 
A cruel and corrupt governor
governors-general, each general of Hispanic-German
serving an average term of ancestry, arrived in Manila a
only one year and three poor man and returned to
months. Spain millionaire.
 The frequent change of GENERAL CAMILLO DE
colonial officials restricted POLAVIEJA (1896-97)
the political and economic
 An able militarist but
development of the
heartless governor general,
was widely detested by the
 No chief executive, no
Filipino people for executing
matter how able and
Dr. Rizal.
energetic he was, could
Philippine Representation in Spanish
accomplish much for the
Cortes • Cortes
 The Philippine was granted
representation by Spain to

Spanish colonial officials win the support of the
were of the same evil bred of overseas colonies during the
men as the corrupt and Napoleonic invasion.
degenerate governor-general 1810 TO 1813
mentioned above.

The Philippine's first period
of representation in the
*1871-73) Cortes.
 A boastful and ruthless CONSTITUTION OF 1812
governor general who ordered

Spain's first democratic
the execution of Father
Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos,
 Extended to the Philippines
and Jacinto Zamora.
 1" Philippine delegate who
took active part In framing of
77) the Constitution of 1812 (one
of the 184 signers) Abolition
of the galleon trade
 1820-1823-2 period of  Freedom of Speech
representation of the  Freedom of Press
Philippines  Freedom of Association
 1834-1837-3rd period of  Other human rights (except
representation of the Freedom of Religion
 Both were less fruitful than  Spanish economist and
the 1* period of diplomat
representations the Philippine  Acknowledge the lack of
delegates were not as freedom of Filipinos
energetic and devoted in  "Why do we fall into an
parliamentary work as De los anomaly, such as combining
Reyes. our claim for ourselves, and
GRACIANO LOPEZ JAENA our wish to impose our law to
 One of the patriots who remote peoples? Why do we
valiantly pleaded for the deny to others the benefit
restoration of the Philippine which we desire for our
representation in the Cortes. fatherland?"
 On October 12, 1883, during NO EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW
the 391" anniversary of the 16TH CENTURY
discovery of America by
 Spanish missionaries taught
Columbus in Madrid, he
all are children of God
 Most Filipinos are
 "We want representation in
mesmerized by the concept -
the legislative chamberso that
our aspirations may be
 Luzon and Visayas
known to the mother country
hinterlands, Mindanao, Sulu
and its government."
Actions of Spanish Christian
 Spain ignored his fervent
authorities # Christ's commandment
of brotherhood
 Emphasized during last
 Granted representation in decades of Hispanic rule
1876  Brown skin - inferior,
 Until the end of Spanish rule different, not brothers
in 1896, the Philippine  Not protected but exploited
representation was never Imperialist way of thinking
restored.  Filipinos and Spanish may be
PROPAGANDA MOVEMENT equal before God, but not in
 Launched by Jose Rizal, M.H. law and in practice
del Pilar, Graciano Lopez LEYES DE INDIAS (LAW OF THE
Jaena, and other patriots. INDIES)
Paved the way for the
 Promoted by Christian
Philippine Revolutions of
monarchs of Spain
 Protection rights and
HUMAN RIGHTS DENIED TO promotion of welfare; natives
FILIPINOS in Spain's overseas colonies
Spanish Constitution of 1812, the
people of Spain enjoyed:
 Good colonial laws; Christian given under the Civil Code, a
charity and justice #distant flaw could be discovered
colonies, Philippines under the Laws of the Indies,
 Abused, brutalized, or the Siete Partidas, or the
persecuted and slandered Roman Law or the Novisima
 Law is only for Spaniards Recopilacion, or the Antiguos
SPANISH PENAL CODE Fueros, Decrees, Royal
Orders, Ordenanzas del Buen
 Enforced in the Philippines
Gobierno, and so forth, by
 Heavier penalties for
which the case could be
Filipinos or mestizos # white-
complexioned Spaniards
 Legal inequality resented by
Filipinos  Arrested and jailed in Cavite
 Professor Ferdinand for 12 years due to the
Blumentritt to Dr. Rizal; 1887 suspicion that he killed 2 men
 "The provision of the Penal on June 7, 1886 without
Code that a heavier penalty preliminary investigation and
will be imposed on the Indio proper trial. After the Battle
or mestizo imitates me of Manila Bay (May 1, 1898),
exceedingly, because it the American found him on
signifies that every person his jail.
not born white is in fact DONA TEODORA
latent criminal. This is a very  Rizal's Mother was unjustly
great injustice that seems arrested and jailed on flimsy
enormous and unjust that grounds.
seems enormous and unjust RIZAL
for being embodied in law.
 Deported to Dapitan on July,
1892 without a trial.
 Maladministration is the PACIANO AND RIZAL’S SEVERAL
actions of a government body
which can be seen as causing
an injustice. The definition of
maladministration is wide  Exiled to different places
and can include: delay, without due process of
incorrect action or failure to thelaw.
JUSTICE  Introduced Christianity into
JOHN FOREMEN the Philippines with its
beautiful egalitarian concept
 "I was hard to get judgement
of brotherhood of all men
executed as it was to win the
under God the Father.
case. Even when the question
 Propagated Christian faith,
at issue was supposed to be
but seldom practiced its
settled, a defect in the
sublime tenets.
sentence could always be
 Regarded Filipinos as inferior
concocted to reopen the
beings who were infinitely
whole affair. If the case had
undeserving of the rights and
been tried and judgement
RIZAL’S TIME  They were Augustinians,
 A white skin, high nose were Dominicans, and Franciscans
Castilian lineage were a badge  Controlled the religious and
of a vaunted superiority. educational life of the
 19th century they came to
 Term used by the Spaniards acquire tremendous political
to call brown-skinned and power, influence, and riches.
flat-nosed Filipinos.  Ruled the Philippines through
JOSE P. BURGOS facade of civil government.
 Bewailed the Spanish  Almost every town in the
misconception that a man's archipelago, except in
merit depended on: unpacfied Islamic Mindanao
 the pigment of his skin and Sulu and in the pagan
 the height of his nose the hinterlands, was ruled by a
color of his hair the shape of friar curate.
his skull  Perform priestly duties
 Complained of the lack of  Supervision of the local
opportunities for educated elections, the inspector of the
young Filipinos to rise in the schools and taxes
service of God and country.  Arbiter of morals
 "Why for instance shall a  Censor of books and
young man strive to rise in comedias (stage plays)
profession of law or of  Superintendent of public
theology, when he can vision works
no future for himself save  Guardian of peace and order
that of obscurity and jaunty  Jose Rizal, M.H. del Pilar, G.
unconcern? What Filipino will Lopez Jaena, and other
aspire to the seats of the wise Filipino reformists assailed
and will devote sleepless frailocracy, blaming it for the
nights to such an ideal, prevailing policy of
unwelcome atmosphere of obscurantism, fanaticism, and
contumely and oblivion, and oppression in the country.
when he knows that among Rizal, for instance,
the privileged few are only. denounced the friars as the
dispensed sinecures of honor enemies of liberal reforms
and profit?" and modern progress in the
FRAILOCRACY Philippines.
 Owning to the Spanish FORCED LABOR
political philosophy of union POLO
of Church and State, there
 During the Spanish regime, all
arose a unique form of
male Filipinos from 18 to 60
government in Hispanic
years of age were required to
Philippines called
give their free labor, called
"frailocracy" (frailocracia), so
polo, to the government. 40-
named because it was
15 days
"government by friars".
 This labor was for 40 days a
FRIARS year, reduced to 15 days in
 It was in various forms, such  Spanish friars belonging to
as building roads and bridges, different religious orders
constructing public buildings were the richest Landlords
and churches, cutting timber  Best haciendas (agricultural
in the forest, working in lands) in the Philippines
shipyards, and serving the  Rural folks who had been
Spanish military expeditions living in these haciendas and
POLISTA cultivating them became
 One who rendered forced tenants.
labor was called a polista. Lands belonged to their ancestors
 The same royal decree since pre-Spanish times.
provided that not only native The friars were recognized as:
Filipinos, but also male  Legal owners of the lands
Spanish residents from 18-60  They obtained the royal titles
must render forced labor, but of ownership from the
this particular provision was Spanish crown.
never implemented in the  The friar haciendas became
Philippines. hotbed of agrarian revolts
 The members of the  Filipino tenants regarded the
friar owners as usurpers of
principalia (town aristocracy)
their ancestral lands
were exempt from the polo.
Rich Filipinos annually paid  One of the bloody agrarian
the falla, a sum amounting to
 Agrarian upheaval (1745-
seven pesos, in order to be
exempt from forced labor.
 Evidently, only the poor AS EARLY AS 1768
Filipinos who had no social or GOVERNOR ANDA
political standing in the  Realized the danger of the
community were made to give friar-owned haciendas to
forced labor. Filipino-Spanish relations
The Filipinos came to have the forced  Strongly recommended to the
labor because: Madrid govemment the sale
 White Spanish residents of the friar estates
contrary to law, were not  His recommendation was
recruited by the colonial ignored
authorities.  Filipino odium towards the
 Filipino polistas according to friars (hacienda owners),
law, were to received a daily persisted unabated until the
stipend of two pesetas (50 end of the Spanish rule. Jose
centavo) but actually received Rizal
only a part of this amount  Family and relatives were
and worse, they got nothing. tenants of the
 It caused so much
inconvenience and suffering
 Tried to initiate agrarian
to the people because of their
disturbed work in farms and reforms (1887)
shops.  His advocacy, ignited the
wrath of the Dominican friars
 They retaliated by raising the
rentals the lands leased by
his family and other Calamba  The character that Rizal used
tenants. to expose the wrong doings
According to Rizal.. of the Guardia Civil in the
 The friar ownership of the Philippines.
productive lands contributed  Rizal's Noli, exposed the
to the economic stagnation of Guardia Civil through Elias as
the Philippines during the bunch of ruthless ruffians,
Spanish period. "Sobre la good only for disturbing the
Indolencia de los Filipinos" peace and persecuting honest
(Indolence of the Filipinos) men.
 His famous essay
 He wrote "The fact that the
best plantations, the best
tracts of land in some
provinces.. are in the hands
of the religious corporations..
is one of the reasons why
many towns do not progress
inspite of the efforts of their
 He also mentioned..
 "For some time the friars
have deceived many by
making them believe that if
these plantations were
prospering, it was because
they were under their care,
and the Indolence of the
natives was thus
 Created by the Royal Decree
of February 12, 1882 as
amended by the Royal Decree
of March 24, 1888 and was
patterned after the Guardia
Civil in Spain.
 Guardia Civil had rendered
meritorious services in
suppressing the bandits in
the provinces, they later
became infamous for their
rampant abuses.
 Rizal actually committed by
the Guardia Civil in Calamba

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