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we hereby declare that the contents of the thesis “Taxonomic study
of Hoverflies from Quetta (Pakistan)” are product of our own
research and no part has been copied from any published source
(except the references, standard mathematical or genetic
models/equations/formulate/protocols, etc.). we further declare that
this work has been submitted for award of any diploma/degree. The
university may take action if the information provided is found
inaccurate at any stage (In case of any default, the scholar will be
proceeded against as per HEC plagiarism policy).

Thank you Allah for all your blessings to us and our family. For the
strength you gave us each day and for all people around us who make
life more meaningful.
The first step in knowledge is listen, then to be quiet and attentive,
then to preserve it, then to practice and then to spread it.
No two things have been combined together better than knowledge
and patience (Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)).
We are grateful for all the support that you have extended to us during
our time on Government Boys Postgraduate College Quetta. we
deeply appreciate how you have been continuously encouraging and
guiding us for last two years and also you have been so friendly and
supportive of all our efforts and struggle working under your
supervision has been very enjoyable and we have learned a lot and
grown a lot.
Thanks Dr. Jummah khan!!!
We are so appreciative to have loyal, supportive, and caring family
that we have. It is a huge source comfort to know how much we are
genuinely loved.
Thank you all authors of articles , text books, and other readings that
we were assigned , for exposing us to difficult realities, and to our
teachers for showing us how to navigate these realities.
To our friends forever, who have shown me that family is more than
blood relation-thank you!


Hover flies, additionally referred to as flower flies or syrphid flies, make up the
insect family Syrphidae. As their common call indicates, they're often visible
hovering or nectaring at vegetation; the adults of many species feed in particular on
nectar and pollen, whilst the larvae (maggots) eat a wide variety of ingredients. In a
few species, the larvae are saprotrophs, eating decaying plant and animal depend in
the soil or in ponds and streams. In different species, the larvae are insectivores and
prey on aphids, thrips, and other plant-sucking bugs. insects inclusive of aphids are
considered a crop pest, and therefore the aphid-eating larvae of some hover flies
function an economically (as well as ecologically) important predator and even
capacity dealers to be used in biological manage, while the adults may be
pollinators. approximately 6,000 species in 2 hundred genera have been defined.
Hover flies are commonplace during the world and may be observed on all
continents besides Antarctica. Hover flies are innocent to most mammals, even
though many species are mimics of stinging wasps and bees, a mimicry which may
serve to thrust back predators. the size of hover flies varies depending on the species
.[1] a few, such as participants of the genus Baccha, are small, elongated, and slim,
whilst others, which include members of Criorhina, are large, hairy, and yellow and
black. As contributors of the Diptera, all hover flies have a unmarried functional
pair of wings (the hind wings are reduced to balancing organs). Many species are
brightly colored, with spots, stripes, and bands of yellow or brown masking their our
bodies[2]. due to this coloring, they are regularly improper for wasps or bees; they
exhibit Batesian mimicry. Despite this, hover flies are harmless to humans.[1] Drone
flies, E. tenax, are an example of a species of hover fly who exhibit Batesian
mimicry. With a few exceptions[3], hover flies are distinguished from other flies by
having a thickening vein, located parallel to their fourth longitudinal wing vein.
Adults feed mainly on nectar and pollen. Many species also hover around flowers,
lending to their common name. Bee flies of the family Bombyliidae often mimic
Hymenoptera and hover around flowers, as well, rendering some bombyliid species
hard to tell apart from Syrphidae at first glance. Hover flies can, nevertheless, be
distinguished in the field by anatomical features such as: The legs and mouthparts of
hover flies are usually not particularly long and thin (some bombyliids have a long
and needle-like proboscis, many have legs that are noticeably longer and thinner
than in similar-sized syrphid Their facial cuticle often has prominent bulges (most
bee flies have an evenly curved face). The wings are often clear and their veins
merge posteriorly into a "false edge" that runs parallel to the wing's true rear edge
and extends along half or more of the wing length (bombyliid wings lack a "false
rear edge" and often have large dark areas with sharp boundaries, or complex
patterns of spots). Their abdomens and thoraces often have cuticular body surfaces,
abdominal colors are usually mainly due to cuticular pigments (bee flies are usually
very hairy, their abdominal colors are almost always due to pigmentation of hairs
and not the underlying cuticle).
Unlike adults, the maggots of hover flies feed on a variety of foods; some are
saprotrophs, eating decaying plant or animal matter, while others are insectivores,
eating aphids, thrips, and other plant-sucking insects [4]. Predatory species are
beneficial to farmers and gardeners, as aphids destroy crops, and hover fly maggots
are often utilized in biological manipulate. This includes one of the maximum
common sizeable hover fly species, Syritta pipiens, whose larvae feed on aphids.
certain species, together with Lampetia equestris or Eumerus tuberculatus, are liable
for pollination.
An example of a wellknown hoverfly maggot is the rat-tailed maggot, of the drone
fly, Eristalis tenax. It has a respiratory siphon at its rear end, giving it its name. The
species lives in stagnant water, together with sewage and lagoons [5]. The maggots
actually have a business use, and are from time to time sold for ice fishing [6]. On
extraordinarily rare activities, hover fly larvae have been known to cause unintended
myiasis in humans. This takes place whilst the larvae are by accident ingested from
infected food.[7]
1.1.2 Evolution
The oldest known fossils of crown group Syrphidae are from the Eocene aged
Florissant Formation, Green River Formation and Baltic amber. However, the genus
Prosyrphus from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) aged Burmese amber appears to
represent a stem group to the family. [8]

1.1.3 Distribution and habitat

Hover flies are a worldly family discovered in most biomes, besides extreme
deserts, tundra at extremely high latitudes, and Antarctica.[9][10] sure species are
extra commonplace in sure areas than others; for example, the american hoverfly,
Eupeodes americanus, is not unusual within the Nearctic realm, and the common
hoverfly, Melangyna viridiceps, is common in the Australasian realm. about 6,000
species and two hundred genera are within the circle of relatives.[11] even as a few
hover fly larvae are aquatic and are often discovered in stagnant water, the ones of
species that prey upon aphids and other plant parasites are normally terrestrial,
residing on leaves.[12] Adults are often observed near flora, their fundamental food
source being nectar and pollen.
some species are discovered in more uncommon locations; as an example,
participants of the genus Volucella may be observed in bumblebee nests, at the same
time as members of Microdon are myrmecophiles, determined in ant or termite
nests.[1] Others may be observed in decomposing vegetation.
1.1.4 Pollination
Hover flies are essential pollinators of flowering vegetation in many ecosystems[13]
international. Syrphid flies are common flower visitors to a extensive variety of
untamed flowers,[14] as well as agricultural vegetation, and are often taken into
consideration the second one-maximum critical group of pollinators after wild bees.
however, little studies into fly pollinators has been carried out in comparison with
bee species. Bees are thought so as to deliver a extra volume of pollen on their our
bodies, however flies can be in a position for this through making a greater variety
of flower visits. Like many pollinator groups, syrphid flies range from species that
do foraging by using traveling a wide variety of plant species through people who
specialise in a slender range of plant life.[14] despite the fact that hover flies are
often considered specifically nonselective pollinators, a few hover flies species are
exceptionally selective and bring pollen from one plant species.[15] Cheilosia
albitarsis is notion to only go to Ranunculus repens.


Syrphidae, the hoverflies of Europa and flower flies of America, contain one in
every of the biggest families of Diptera. There are lot of species from all continents
which have been recognized, with descriptions of local species lacking handiest for
Antarctica and some small faraway isles in the Pacific Ocean inclusive of Hawaii.
All zoogeographical areas have many representatives: 1590 species had been
diagnosed in Palaearctic (p.c., 1988), 870 inside the Nearctic (Vockeroth and
Thompson, 1987), nearly 400 in Australasia and Oceania (Thompson and
Vockeroth, 1989), 528 in the Afrotropics (Smith and Vockeroth, 1980), and 771 in
the Orient (Knutson et al., 1975)
1.2.1 History of Syrphidae in Pakistan:
over the years, several taxonomic studies have been carried out to investigate
Pakistan's Syrphid fauna. based totally on past studied, (Gorpade and Shehzad.,
2013) 84 species recorded within the check list for the Pakistan Syrphidae. later on
(Brunetti, 1923. Aslam khan, et al., 1997. Arif, 2001a. Arif, et al., 2001b, Sajjad and
Saeed, 2009. Sajjad and Saeed, 2010. Saeed, et al., 2012. Ali, 2013, Arif, et al.,
2014. Abdul Haq, et al., 2014. Arif. et al., 2014. Irshad, 2014. Khan and Hanif,
2016. Turk, et al., 2015a. Turk et al., 2015b) have wonderful contribution in
systemic and importance of Pakistan. adult syrphid flies visit vegetation and feed on
pollen and nectar. they're regarded as effective pollinators for sure flora.they will
additionally be found near aphid-infested leaves, wherein they lay eggs and also
feed on aphid-secreted honeydew. Maggots of most species are found on aphid-
infested plant life such as subtropical fruit timber, grains, citrus, corn, cotton, alfalfa,
lettuce, grapes and different decorative veggies and severa wild aphid flowers. most
maggots feed like small caterpillars on aphids, leafhoppers, thrips and other smooth
bodied prey. The lifestyles cycle varies between species, and depends at the
conditions of the environment and meals availability. In best situations, unmarried
white eggs are laid on prey-infested leaves or different suitable resources of meals.
After hatching in approximately three days, larvae broaden over a length of one to
three weeks thru numerous instars (typically three). the total grown larve remodel
into brown tear-dropped fashioned puparium in the soil or host plant. Over the
iciness the pupal level remains. Adults are emerged within 1 to 2 weeks. In 12
months, there can be up to seven generations (Bugg, 2008). In the course of the past
20 years, Hoverfly paintings has experienced a revival because of an extra
recognition and knowledge of these ecological, environmental and economic
capabilities and offerings, progressed know-how of fundamental species taxonomy
and the creation of new techniques to research traits. The revival is likewise a
product of hover flies offer wonderful subjects for a large form of studies at various
levels. Pakistan has a numerous climate starting from subtropical to alpine and
temperate forests. In terms of weather, it's miles arid and semi- arid. the height
varies broadly from sea level to 8 000 metres. Annual rainfall in wet forests ranges
from 50 mm in arid and semi-arid areas to two 000 mm. In 1980, Pakistan turned
into split into 10 agroecological areas based on a survey and assessment of to be had
literature on physiography, weather, soil and different elements affecting agriculture
(PARC, 1980).

The current work was planned to explore syrphid fauna, with

 To identify and describe the syrphid species those
occur inPakistan's Quetta area.
 To investigate the distribution of the syrphid species
in theQuetta (Pakistan) regions.
 Create key for identifying the syrphid species that
occur inPakistan's Quetta region.


Due to the diversity of its plant and animal wildlife, Quetta is situated at
an average elevation of 1,680 meters (5,500 ft) above sea level, making it
Pakistan's only high-altitude major city

 Geography
Quetta has an area of 2,653 km2 (1,024 sq mi) and consists of series of valleys
which act as a natural fort surrounded on all sides by hills;
 Climate
Quetta has a semi-arid climate with a significant variation between summer and
winter temperatures. summer starts in late May and goes on until early September
with average temperatures ranging from 24- 26 °C (75-78 °F). The highest
temperature in Quetta is 42 °C (108 °F) which was recorded on 10 July 1998.
Autumn starts in late September and continues until mid-November with average
temperatures in the 12-18 °C (55-65 °F) range. Winter starts in late November and
ends in late March, with average temperatures near 4-5 °C (39-41 °F). The lowest
temperature in Quetta is -18.3 °C (-0.9 °F) which was recorded on 8 January 1970.
Spring starts in early April and ends in late May, with average temperatures close
to 15 °C (60 °F). Unlike more easterly parts of Pakistan, Quetta does not have a
monsoon season of heavy rainfall. In the winter snow is the principal form of
precipitation, and this falls mostly in the months of December, January and
Table[1] regarding mastung district short profile

Alternative Names:

Seat of a second-order administrative division Region:
Balochistan Region, Pakistan

Balochistan, Pakistan

29° 47' 58" N

66° 50' 43" E

Lat/Long (dec):

Köppen climate type:

BSk : Cold semi-arid (steppe) climate

Location Balochistan

Nearest city Quetta

30°13′12″N 66°43′48″ECoordinates:
30°13′12″N 66°43′48″E

Area 15,555 ha (60.06 sq mi)

Established 1980

Governing body Balochistan Wildlife Department

Table[2] covering park present between quetta and mastung

Hoverflies may be gathered in lots of styles of habitats- someplace they feed

at flora, a few places wherein they oviposit, and different locations in which
they hover or rest on foliage. Many species are confined of their distribution
to specific kinds of habitats- along with grassy fields, open woods, bogs, or
circulate margins. some are observed only in mountainous regions, others in
deserts and stills others in swampy locations. some of the elements which
determine what syrphids may be amassed are season, geographic place,
habitat, time of the day, temperature, wind situations, and availability of food
and statisfactory oviposition websites., for instance, the distribution of a plant
whose flora are desired through syrphids frequently does no longer coincide
with distribution of a selected species of a syrphid, or a plant otherwise might
be an exquisite host does no longer bloom at equal time that certain species
of syrphids are gift. Many species of syrphids feed only at positive time of
the day. they are most obvious on calm, warmy sunny days. Few of them fly
at temperatures beneath 60 0 f.
maximum syrphids can be collected excellent at flowers they frequent. The
plants which give the quality accumulating range from one to every other ,
and a given flower can also fluctuate in cost for collecting syrphids in
exclusive locations. Aerial nets had been utilized in capturing hoverflies
from wheat, lucerne, and weeds. Aerial nets generally have net baggage
which might be composed completely of some form of meshed material and
regularly have a lightweight take care of. Aerial net luggage are normally
white in color, however black internet luggage also are available. they're
most beneficial for catching pick out bugs that can be flying via the air or
perched on something (such as dragonflies, butterflies, hhoverflies , bees, or

Hoverflies collected from dandelion flower (figure 1) hoverflies fertilizes a wheat plant(figure 2)

Hoverflies collected from weeds(figure 3) figure(4)

After collection the specimen were brought into laboratory and kept in
refrigerator for about 12 hours in order to kill them (we needed to kill the
specimens that were collected through hand net only. After killing the hoverflies
were placed in a desiccator (containing water at its bottom) for about 24 hours
in order to soften their thorax, wings abdomen and legs. Thereafter, the
specimens were mounted on 0 and 1 sized pins and their legs and wings were
stretched properly on stretching board and let them for an hour for drying.
Moreover, the specimen were then labeled and preserved in wooden insect
boxes treated with coop ex powder for control of pest. Besides this, naphthalene
balls were placed in the corners of the boxes in order to repel predators (ants)
and fungus. Finally, for identification, the specimens were placed on revolving
stage, the morphological characters of these flies such as eye. pattern, wing
venation, color and shape of thorax, abdomen, legs and antennae, were carefully
inspected under Wild M3B binocular microscope. The identification of the
specimens up to the species level was determined with the help of relevant
literature and authentic keys of [22], [23], [24], Male and female hoverflies
were identified mainly by the shape and size of their eyes. The collection,
pinning, stretching, labeling and preservation of hoverflies was done in
accordance with the techniques of [25].


Global Hoverflies provide vital atmosphere offerings and are considered to be

Second to bees in importance as pollinators. that is why they enjoyed incredible
medical interest by way of researchers international, despite the fact that there
may be nevertheless loads to be investigated as to their biogeography and
ecology. this is mainly genuine for the East Mediterranean, wherein numerous
research investigated the importance and exquisite richness of bees (Michener
1979; O’Toole & raw 1991; Petanidou & Ellis 1993, 1996; Potts et al. 2003;
Petanidou & Potts 2006). This chapter is divided into following sections.

1.Geographical distribution of hoverflies in various parts of the world

2. Diversity of hoverflies

3. The abundance of hoverflies and richness of Hover flies.

4. distribution of Syrphidflies in different parts of Pakistan.

1.Geoghraphical Distribution of Hoverflies in Various
Parts of World.
Hoverflies are one of the maximum geographically numerous and international
dispensed organization of Flies, belong to reserve Diptera and circle of relatives
Syrphidae that's one among the largest families of Diptera.[16] The hoverflies
Of England and the rest of Europe, will no question be of precise hobby to
many readers of Antenna. however what's the exact quantity of the British
hoverfly fauna? The authors state that “seeing that 1983 greater species have
been delivered to the British [list] than at any time considering the fact that
1900.” despite the fact that a number of these look like recent immigrants,
maximum are lengthy-time period citizens which have genuinely been
overlooked until now. Flies that visit or hover on plants aren't all referable to
flower flies or hover flies, however those that do it usually by way of soaring
for some time with a shrill hum are appeared flower flies or hover flies or
Syrphidae (Datta and Mukherjee, 2004) [17]. The own family consists of small
to instead massive (3-18 mm), bristle much less, brightly colored flies, can be
striped, banded or noticed yellow on a blue, black or metallic ground shade.
Head variable, usually as vast as or a touch broader than the thorax, thorax as a
substitute massive and strong, fairly arched, rarely with bristles, Abdomen
variable in shape, composed of five or six seen segments, rarely 4, wings
comparatively huge, most of which have a false or spurious vein, extending
longitudinally and barely diagonally between the 0.33 (R4+5) and (M1+2)
longitudinal veins. The systematic look at of the family Syrphidae has regularly
progressed from the 17th century and currently 6,107 species beneath 209
genera suggested from the sector (Pape and Evenhuis, 2013 [18], Miranda et al.
2013 [19]). In India, 357 species under 14 tribes of 3 subfamilies are said
(Ghorpade, 2014c) [20] some of the subfamily Microdintinae , the tribe
Microdontini (16 species) shares maximum range of species followed by way of
Speginobacchini (2 species) . Of the 8 tribes of the subfamily Eristalinae
reported from India. Milesini (58 species) stocks most wide variety of species
accompanied through Eristalini ( 50 species). Volucellini (20 species), Rhingini
(19 species), Merodontini (18 species), Ceriodini (18 species), Brachyopini (12
species) and Callicerini (2 species). to date, handiest 3 tribes are said beneath
subfamily Syrphinae in India. extraordinary varieties of environment in India
attracts 357 species of Syrphidae or hover flies or flower flies belonging to
fourteen tribes underneath three subfamilies of the circle of relatives Syrphidae
(Order: Diptera). most of the 14 tribes, Syrphini stocks maximum species
(31%). West Bengal represents maximum range of species (33.33%),
accompanied with the aid of Uttarakhand (26.33%), Himachal Pradesh
(22.41%) and so forth. Tripura represents least variety of species (0.28%).

2. Diversity of hoverflies
The true flies (Diptera) are massive group of Flies with a predicted wide variety
1.6 million species, and consequently shape certainly one of the biggest
assemblages of organisms in the world (Hammond, 1992). there's a long term
plant-pollinator interaction and that they have been co-advanced Through
millions of the years (Waser et al., 1996). They adopted their existence cycles
and visitation styles in step with flowering patterns of plant species (Freitas and
Sazima, 2003). own family Syrphidae is one of the maximum geographically
numerous families and is discovered in maximum worldly and plenty of aquatic
ecosystems (Speight, 2003). Syrphid flies (Syrphidae: Diptera) constitute an
aspect of insects that contributes to the plant pollination. This work has studied
the abundance, range and species richness of syrphid flies at Poonch district of
Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. a complete of 979 specimens of syrphid flies became
accumulated using Entomological sweep nets and Mailase traps from fruit
bushes (apples, apricots, peaches, pears and plumsand) at ten unique localities
(Alisojal, Banjosa, Datoot, Hajira, Hussainkot, Khaigala, Paniola, Rawalakot,
Singola and Topa) of district Poonch. Six species belonging to three subfamilies
and 5 genera had been identified. The most abundance of Eristalis tenax became
recorded from Hussainkot and minimum abundance recorded from Rawalakot.

3. The Abundance of Hoverflies and richness of Hoverflies.

Hoverflies (Syrphidae) are a classical example of Batesian mimicry. However,
not withstand their similarity to stinging bugs like bees, wasps and bumblebees,
the hoverfly fauna in my samples turned into distinctly very rich comprising 27
species with ordinary dominance 3.7%. In assessment, no bees, wasps or
bumblebees have been observed within the meals samples. The Order
Hymenoptera became represented nearly absolutely by means of ants inside the
meals added by means of warblers. With appreciate to the fantastically high
dominance of hoverflies inside the diet of reed warblers it's far essential to
comprehend that the similarity of hoverflies and stinging bugs to the human
eyes does not necessarily suggest that chook predators perceive the two
categories of bugs as similar (e.g., Dittrich et al., 1993). Birds display very
exclusive visual acuity in evaluation to mammals (together with humans) and
may perceive hoverflies very in a different way. furthermore, birds might also
pay extra interest to other cues (prey trends) than shade styles (e.g., qualities of
flight movement). hence, a human observer may also mistakenly decide a
hoverfly as a mimic of a hymenopteran insect (e.g., Golding et al., 2005) while
in fact there may be no mimicry in the attention of the applicable beholder – the
avian predator (for precise discussion of other causes for the protection of
terrible Batesian mimicry see Edmunds, 2000; Ruxton et al., 2004; Grim, 2005),

4. Distribution of Syrphid flies in different parts of

A study in Kashmir has shown that overall of 979 individuals representing six
species in 5 genera and 3 subfamilies have been collected over forty amassing
intervals from the 10 localities in Poonch District. In studies have a look at six
species of own family Syrphidae had been diagnosed from examine area and
their range richness and evenness was calculated. As this location of Azad
Jammu & Kashmir has micro climatic and hilly topography because of which a
huge and numerous sort of flora is gift which owes to insect pollinators for their
survival and propagation. most of the study place Hajira poses warmer
condition in comparison to Banjosa wherein spring commence later than Hajira
and flowering of fruit plant life and other flowers get behind schedule due to
high altitude and extreme weather situations characterised by means of the
heavy blizzard and frost. a few species as Chrysotoxum baphyrus became
collected only from Rawalakot that's at higher elevation than Hajira and lower
than Alisojal, Datoot, Paniola. Eristalis tenax is not extra ample in Hajira and
Rawalakot however in all different localities it is lightly distributed. Episyrphus
balteatus turned into not discovered at Khaigala and Hussainkot, also very fewer
specimens had been stuck from Banjosa, Paniola and Datot. Eupeodes
latifasciatus, Er. solitus and Eristalinus sepulchralis are moderately abundant at
a few localities and absolutely absent at a few series localities. Trifolium
alexandrinum, Parthenium hysterophorus and Capsicum annum by using the
usage of not unusual entomological internet. Twenty species from 12 genera of
two subfamilies were diagnosed and all of them are new statistics to the observe
location. Mesembrius quadrivittatus Wiedemann (1819) is recorded for the
primary time from Pakistan.
The look at yielded 20 species beneath 12 genera of two subfamilies of circle of
Syrphidae, all of them are new record to the study region. Mesembrius
quadrivittatus Wiedemann (1819) is new report to the Syrphid fauna of
Pakistan. The rich biodiversity within the Punjab province of Pakistan are due to
its surrounding areas as, Indian states of Punjab and Rajasthan in east, Azad
Kashmir and Indian held Jammu and Kashmir in north-east, province of Sindh
to the south, Balochistan province to southwest, province of Khyber
Pakthunkhwa to west and Capital Territory (Islamabad) in north. Tehsil
Shakargarh lies in north-east of Narowal district of Punjab province. it's miles
located at west financial institution of River Ravi and has coordinates of
32.2643° N, 75.1599° E. Asghar Hassan et al [25]
Biodiversity of hoverflies became studied from January to December 2016 in
six distinctive habitat kinds found in district Khairpur Mirs. As a end result, 688
specimens were gathered belonging to thirteen species and eight genera.
Simpson and Shannon-Weinner variety Indices were used to record species
richness and evenness in the habitats like cereal plants, veggies, fruit farms, oil
seed plants, fodder and decorative plants. further to these, Pearson correlation
become employed to observe the electricity of dating among hoverflies, host
plant life and environmental elements. these types of species are a new file from
this district. Sher Muhammad Kanher et al. (2021) [26] due to the existing
research work,688 hoverfly specimens belonging to thirteen species and eight
genera of two sub-families (Eristalinae and Syrphinae) have been gathered from
six habitats primarily based on 29 plant species in 4 localities of district
Khairpur Mirs for the duration of the year 2016. these species consist of;
Episyrphus balteatus (Degeer, 1776), Ischiodon scutellaris
(Fabricius,1805) Sphaerophoria scripta (Linnaeus, 1758), Sphaerophoria
Indiana (Bigot, 1884),
Eupeodes corolla (Fabricius, 1794), Eupeodes luniger (Meigen, 1822), Paragus
bicolour (Fabricius,1794), Sher Muhammad Kanher et al. (2021) [27] The
taxonomy of this important institution of insects has been significantly explored
from many countries (Brunetti, 1923) India (Vockeroth, 1969) Canada. Little
paintings on order has been suggested from Pakistan (Arif, 2001; Sajjad, 2010).
Saleem et al. (2001) [28] recognized 12 species belonging to ten genera
underneath the two subfamilies Syrphinae and Milesinae from Peshawar,
Pakistan. Sajjad and Saeed (2009) [29] stated four new species of Eristalinus
from Multan, Pakistan. Sajjad et al. (2010) [30] studied seasonal version in
abundance and composition of Syrphid fly communities in Multan, Pakistan.
Sajjad et al. (2012) [31] analyzed the spatial variant in pollinator groups and
reproductive overall performance in Prosopis juli flowers from Southern Punjab
of Pakistan. From Quetta the fauna of syrphid flies changed into no longer
explored and this study changed into designed to put together to have a look at
the taxonomy of syrphid flies from different localities of district Quetta in


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