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NAME: Perea, Mary Joy M.





Directions: Encircle the terms related to the course and define each term.

Moral- It pertains to the principle of right and wrong or goodness and badness of the human

Moral Standards - the norms which we have about the types of actions which we believe to be
morally acceptable and morally unacceptable

Ethics- moral principles that govern a person's behavior

Code of ethics- is a set of principles and rules used by individuals and organizations to govern
their decision-making process, as well to distinguish right from wrong


1. Discuss ethics and its importance to you being a student, a daughter or son, and as a citizen

of this nation.

2. Differentiate moral standards and non-moral standards and cite some examples.

3. Specify the characteristics of moral standards.

4. How moral standards are formed? Discuss further.

God Bless!


1. Ethics is how the person was governed by his behavior. Proper etiquette is very important
because it is what you've shown others who you are. It somehow affects the way of socializing
with other people as we are always being judged by many.

In school, there are a lot of practices and policies that we must follow. The behavior of every
student was supervised by the school heads or the teachers. It is always said that students are
molded in school. As a student, we are learning many things from our teachers and
schoolmates whether it's about studies or life. While as a daughter, our parents are the first
ones who we had in our life. Ethics is also important to practice with them. If we can't do it to
the people who have taken care of us since we are born then it is very hard for us to do it with
other people. As a citizen of the country, we have laws to abide by and we have options to
follow or not. The laws protect us and give us the right to something. With the laws that we
have, we can't harm anyone else and we can't be harmed by other people
2. A moral standard refers to the norms which we have about the types of actions that we
believe to be morally acceptable and morally unacceptable. Moral standards deal with matters
which can either seriously harm or seriously benefit human beings. Examples of it are don't kill,
tell the truth, and respect the property of others. While the non-moral standard is not relatable
to the moral and ethical considerations. Examples of it are rules of etiquette, fashion standard,
and rules in games.

3. Moral standards entail serious harm or benefit which can seriously impact anyone either it
can do good to that individual or it can put someone injured by that behavior. Moral standards
are not determined by authority features. It is not always justified but we know that it is wrong
to act and should not be tolerated. Moral standards should be adopted over other values,
including self-interest. Moral standards aren't focused on the self rather they should be
thinking of others. Moral standards focused on objective considerations. Moral standard is
neutral and unbiased. Moral standards are perceived to be universal. It exists in every human
being and other nations. Moral standards are correlated with different feelings and vocabulary.
Moral standards allow you to feel conscious about any decisions you make either right or

4. Moral standards are formed out of values. Values are the foundation of a person's ability to
tell what is right and wrong. It is also shaped by the beliefs of an individual. When we are born,
we do not know anything about life but as we go through and with the guidance of our parents
we are able to know these things.

Life is about learning, adapting and adjusting. In our lives we have met and we will meet many
people that could affect our perspective towards something and it is also in relation to our
experiences. Like what they always say, experience is the best teacher. When we are in the
situation where we socialize with one another, we tend to share beliefs and this gives us the
idea on how other people want to be approached. I could say that moral standards are affected
by many factors such as values, beliefs, religious beliefs, school, peer pressure, society, laws,
culture and experience.

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