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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to everyone.

My name is Khairina. Today I would like to tell a story about a boy named Pinocchio.
Hope you all enjoy!

Long ago, there was a woodsman named Geppetto. One day, Geppetto carved a puppet.
Suddenly, the puppet could walk and talk. Geppetto felt happy. He named the puppet,

One day, Pinocchio went to school. On the way, he saw a puppet show. He wanted to
watch the puppets. Pinocchio sold his books to buy a ticket. He watched the puppet
show. He danced together with the puppets.

The owner of the puppets caught Pinocchio. He then, felt very sorry for Pinocchio and
gave him a few gold coins.

On his way home, Pinocchio met a cat and a wolf. He was tricked by the cat and
wolf. They told Pinocchio to bury the gold coins. They said the coins would multiply.

Pinocchio was crying because he had lost all the coins. Suddenly, a fairy appeared and
asked him, why he was crying?

Pinocchio told the fairy he was lost. Suddenly, his nose grew longer.

A~a~a, the fairy told Pinocchio his nose will grow longer if he lied again.

Unfortunately, Pinocchio lied again. His nose grew even longer. He was scared.
He ran back home.

Geppetto was not home. Pinocchio ran to find his father. He arrived at the beach.
Suddenly, there was a strong wind.

The strong wind blew Pinocchio and he fell into the sea. The big wave brought
Pinocchio to the middle of the sea. Pinocchio regretted all of his mistakes.

Suddenly, a whale swallowed Pinocchio. Pinocchio was shocked.

Pinocchio heard his father’s voice. Geppetto was also in the whale’s belly. He felt very
happy to be together with his son.

Both, Pinocchio and Geppetto crawled out of the whale’s belly.

The fairy told Pinocchio he was a brave boy. She was going to make him into a real boy.
< Zzzzzz > The next morning, Pinocchio had become a real boy. He was very happy.

The end. Thank you.


1. If you do good things you will be rewarded
2. Don’t tell lies, you will get punished.

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