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b in s(abcd) - true

pd.series hello - object

df(a,b) - (2,2)
argument used label - index
not a data structure - dict
print s(c,a) - c a dtype
(67,32) - s.isin(
df(data) - (2,3)
attri r arugu - columns
cannot used dataframe - tuples
2nd row of df- df.iloc(1)
df.loc(r4)=67,78 - add row
data of col B - df.b
first 2 row of df - both
delete the col A - deldf(A)
add a new col A - df(c)=
last 2 rows - df.loc(r2,r3)
read excel data - read_excel
default read blank line - false
read_csv specific data- pars_date
write a data - to_csv
skip first - skiprows
make data col as index - index_col
read mul col - true
datetime - 1
d+pd.timedelta -val 1 day&2 hrs
pd.date_range - 4
pd.bdate_trange - 4
periodindex - 1
string into datetime- to_datetime
null with default - fillna
method of fillna - All
remove dupli - drp dupli
each val null r not - isnull
unrecog datetime_ nat
missing values - nan
eliminate roes with null - dropna

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