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Taxonomic and Ethnical Dispersion of the Phenomenon of Pineal Concretions in

the Gerontological Context

Preprint · July 2019

DOI: 10.1134/S2079057019020206


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6 authors, including:

Svetlana Kalinina Ilyukha Viktor

Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Artem Morozov Ekaterina Antonova

Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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Pineal gland morphology in Canids View project

Luzindole View project

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ISSN 2079-0570, Advances in Gerontology, 2019, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 232–243. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019.
Russian Text © The Author(s), 2018, published in Uspekhi Gerontologii, 2018, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 913–924.

Taxonomic and Ethnical Dispersion of the Phenomenon

of Pineal Concretions in the Gerontological Context
S. N. Serginaa, *, V. A. Ilyukhaa, A. V. Morozova,
E. P. Antonovaa, E. S. Brulerb, and A. D. Volodinab
Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, 185910 Russia
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, 185000 Russia
Received October 8, 2018; revised October 30, 2018; accepted November 1, 2018

Abstract—The pineal gland (PG), or epiphysis, is involved in the organization of biological rhythms and
adaptive reactions of the organism by the hormone melatonin. It is shown that various factors can influence
the morphology and functional activity of the gland. Calcified concretions (corpora arenacea, brain sand) are
unique biomineral structures of the PG; the causes of their formation and their possible functional signifi-
cance have been unclear until now. To date, concrements have been found in four species of birds and 21
mammalian species, as well as in humans; they are absent in fish, amphibians, and reptiles. In this review, we
have collected the available literature data on the composition, mechanisms of formation, and possible fac-
tors affecting the accumulation of concretions in the epiphysis. Although the generally accepted point of view
is that the accumulation of pineal calcium deposits is age-dependent, the available data on PG mineralization
lead to the conclusion that there is most likely a multifactorial mechanism of concrement formation. In addi-
tion, the nature and crystallinity of the inorganic tissue of the pineal concretions suggest that corpora arena-
cea, is a regulated and physiological type of petrification rather than a pathological type. The existence of
contradictory data on the connection between the formation of brain sand and the change in the functional
activity of the PG during seasonal endocrine changes and in the aging process requires the study of deposits
and in-depth investigation.

Keywords: pineal gland, calcified concretions, melatonin, aging, functional activity of the gland
DOI: 10.1134/S2079057019020206

INTRODUCTION successive N-acetylation of serotonin (using N-acetyl-

The pineal gland (PG), or the epiphysis of the transferase) and then O-methylation of N-acetylsero-
brain (glandula pinealis, epiphysis cerebri), has been a tonin by the enzyme acetyl-serotonin-methyltransferase
subject of significant interest of researchers for more [85].
than 2000 years, but it remains the least studied endo- Information on day length is “encoded” in the
crine gland. duration and amplitude of melatonin secretion, which
Today, it is known that the PG is more than a phy- allows it to play a major role in the regulation of most
logenetic rudiment of the so-called “third eye,” or daily and seasonal adaptations in mammals [18]. This
parietal eye, of lower vertebrates, and that it functions hormone function is closely related to its pleiotropic
in almost all vertebrates as a neuroendocrine converter effects in the central nervous system and peripheral
of information about the photoperiod into a hormonal tissues [67, 71]. Melatonin affects the endocrine,
signal [95]. reproductive, immune, cardiovascular, digestive, and
The PG exerts multiple modulating effects on the excretory systems and has anticarcinogenic and anti-
physiological systems of the body, mainly through the oxidant properties. Melatonin also improves cognitive
production of substances of indole and peptide nature: functions, prevents anxiety-depressive behavior in
the first are serotonin and its derivatives, methoxyin- healthy subjects and in pathology [110]. Hormone
doles (melatonin, methoxytryptamine, etc.); the deficiency is associated with a predisposition to a mel-
second are vasopressin, oxytocin, renin, etc. Mela- ancholic depression characterized by psychopatho-
tonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), the most logical and neurobiological disorders, including sleep
important pineal product, is secreted with a marked disturbances, circadian mood swings, weight loss, and
circadian rhythm; its maximal production occurs in increased levels of plasma monoamine oxidase activity
the dark phase of the day. Melatonin is synthesized by and plasma cortisol [110].


head were considered as the cause of human stupidity,

dementia, or madness (Fig. 1). We can only assume
that the extraction of “stupidity stones,” which was
carried out by charlatans, was the result of incorrectly
interpreted ancient Greek or Arabic manuscripts
describing surgical operations on the skull.
However, the degree of pineal calcification in peo-
ple with Alzheimer’s disease is higher than in healthy
people [70].
In addition to PG, corpora arenacea can also occur
in the arachnoid and pia mater, the habenular com-
missure, and the choroid plexus [102]. Today, brain
sand has been found in the PG in many mammals and
humans, as well as in birds [56, 82, 102]. The pineal
organs of fish, amphibians, and reptiles, however, do
not contain concrements [102].
The physiological significance of concretions is
Fig. 1. Hieronymus Bosch, “Removing the Stone of Stu- still unknown. Assumptions are made about their
pidity” (1475–1480). The first picture in the history of
painting dedicated to this operation (fragment) [112]. piezoelectric properties [19] and, probably, the associ-
ated moon-sensory function of the PG [4]. Attempts
to detect a link between the accumulation of concre-
It is known that the morphology and functional tions and aging [40, 102], melatonin levels [62], or
activity of the gland is influenced by various factors neurological disorders [70, 89] give conflicting results.
(photoperiod, hypoxia, stress). This review contains information currently avail-
Thus, the maintenance of rats and guinea pigs in able on the composition, formation mechanisms, and
conditions of constant illumination leads to a decrease possible factors affecting the accumulation of calcifi-
in organ mass, whereas the mass does not change cations in the epiphysis of animals, mainly mammals,
when it exposed to constant darkness [45, 53]. due to their greater study as compared with bird con-
An increase in the size of the pinealocyte nucleus is
observed in hamsters kept in the dark [52].
There is also the opinion that the size of the gland CHEMICAL AND MINERAL COMPOSITION
in vertebrates varies depending on geographic latitude: OF CALCIFIED CONCRETIONS
it increases as it “moves” from south to north or from It is known that the composition of concrements is
the equator to the poles [84]. heterogeneous and includes inorganic and organic
The mass and linear indices of the epiphysis among components [11, 58, 60]. The first includes hydroxy-
the residents of Syktyvkar (Komi Republic, Russia) apatite [3Ca3(PO4)2 · Ca(OH)2] [26], calcite CaCO3
were higher in the studied age groups (21–78 years), [19], fluorite CaF2 [69], and others, while the second
regardless of gender and age, as compared to those of includes glycosaminoglycans and their complexes
the residents of the midlatitudes of Russia [5, 6]. It is with proteins, PG hormones, membrane structures,
also noted that, as compared with healthy subjects, the and the cytoplasmic matrix of pinealocytes [1, 11,
gland volume is significantly greater in people suffer- 105]. There are data on the content in the concrements
ing from obesity [48] and smaller in patients with of special, spindle-shaped cells with oval-shaped
schizophrenia [44]. nuclei, which are elongated along the long axis of the
The author of the first most accurate description of cell; they probably have a neuroglial nature and are
the PG was the famous Roman doctor Claudius (Cla- astrocytes undergoing apoptosis [1]. Until now, the
rissimus) Galen from Pergamon (129–200 AD). question of whether the pineal concretions are formed
Galen called the gland “conarium” because of its by a single mineral (calcite, hydroxyapatite, or other)
external similarity with the pinecone or pinecone-like or whether there are simultaneously deposits of differ-
top of the pine branch, and the Latin name corpus ent compositions has remained open to debate.
pineale (from the Latin pinus–pine) is also due to this Chemical methods have shown the presence of a
similarity [8]. Galen was also one of the first to dis- large amount of Ca and P in deposits [26] (moreover,
cover and document the accumulation of small-sized the light layers contain a larger amount of Ca than the
particles in the PG, known as brain sand or calcified dark ones [102]) and traces of S, Mg, N, Fe, Zn, Cu
concretions (corpora arenacea, acervuli) [8]. These [58]. Calcium is extremely important for PG function-
structures are still the most intriguing and interesting ing, since it is a regulator of the synthesis and secretion of
morphological findings in the PG for the researchers. melatonin [76]. Calcium binding to N-acetyltransferase
During the Middle Ages, the stones that formed in the leads to enzyme activation and, therefore, increases


234 SERGINA et al.

(a) 5 Pm (b) 20 Pm
(c) (d)


100 Pm y 48 Pm

Fig. 2. Pineal calcified concretions of humans (a, b, c) [56] and the turkey (d) [82]. Images of calcifications were obtained with
light ((a) hematoxylin and eosin staining, (d) Mallory’s stain), transmission electron (b), and synchrotron X-ray (c) microscopy.

serotonin affinity [64]; this is the rate-limiting step in However, as a rule, these limited studies are based
melatonin synthesis. Along with this, calcium acts as a on the use of one or two methods of analysis, which
noncompetitive acetyl-serotonin-methyltransferase does not make it possible to obtain a complete descrip-
inhibitor [64]. In addition, pinealocytes are character- tion of the morphology and mineral and chemical
ized by a high level of Ca metabolism, which is proba- composition of the solid-phase PG formations.
bly associated with the receptor and effector functions
of the membrane [102], and the Ca and P levels in the
epiphysis increase with age [78]. It is also noteworthy STRUCTURE AND LOCALIZATION
that the PG is characterized by a high rate of phospho- OF PG CONCRETIONS
rus metabolism as compared with various structures of Acervuli in birds have a round shape with a diame-
the brain; it is three to four times higher than in the ter from 300 μm to 2 mm and are localized singly or in
pituitary and the choroid plexus [28, 104]. clusters consisting of three to five interconnected
Histologically, pineal mammalian calcifications look grains of sand (see Fig. 2d) [82]. Two types of concre-
basophilic (blue/purple color in hematoxylin and eosin tions are detected in mammals: the first consists of
staining), concentrically twisted structures (Fig. 2, 3). It single stones with a concentric, laminar structure,
was previously believed that the von Kossa method is while the second is represented by a grape-, raspberry-
suitable for the identification of brain sand, but, in fact, it , or mulberry-like structure consisting of a large num-
can only be used to detect phosphates [29, 83]. Pineal ber of interconnected nodes (nodules, Fig. 2a–2c)
stones are studied with histochemical methods (potas- [39, 56, 90, 105]. Both types often coexist together
sium pyroantimonate [51], alizarin red S [30, 82]), elec- [56]; there are also grains of irregular shape.
tronic, transmission and scanning microscopy in combi- Mammalian concretions reach a size of 2–3 μm,
nation with X-ray microanalysis (Fig. 2) [56]. forming conglomerates of up to 1 mm or more.



(a) (b)

10 Pm 10 Pm
(c) (d)

10 Pm 10 Pm

Fig. 3. Calcified concretions of the arctic fox pineal gland. (a, c, d) Hematoxylin and eosin staining; (b) Masson-Goldner staining.

Our study on arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus, Carni- the gland, and their formation is associated with the
vora, Mammalia) showed that most of the concretions mineralization of collagen fibers [82].
found in animal PGs have a concentric structure with
alternating light and dark-colored rings (in the stan-
dard hematoxylin and eosin staining method, Fig. 3a). MECHANISMS
Whole concretions or their individual rings were OF CONCRETION FORMATION
coloured pink and/or light green with Masson–Gold-
ner staining; some of the concrements contained black To date, there is no clear understanding of how and
rings (Fig. 3b). Some grains of sand were intensively why calcium concretions form, but there are some
dark formations without distinguishable rings (Fig. 3c), assumptions concerning the possible mechanisms of
while others seemed to be hollow structures (Fig. 3d). their formation. Among them are the deterioration of
In mammals, concrements can be located both in Ca2+-dependent ATPase, structural changes in cal-
the pial capsule covering the gland and forming septae cium channels, or permanent depolarization of the
(meningeal nodules) and inside the parenchyma, calcium pump, which lead to restricted calcium excre-
mainly in the distal part of the epiphysis (Table 1) [30, tion from the cell [60], and pinealocytes death or
60, 64, 104, 105]. Differences in the concretion struc- degeneration, which entails a general decrease in PG
ture are noted depending on their localization [30]. activity [51, 90].
The brain sand located on the gland periphery is rep- Some researchers believe that concretions form at
resented by particles in the form of concentric ring for- the site of degraded pinealocytes [40, 62], while others
mations, while large conglomerates consisting of [72] associate brain sand formation with the func-
smaller particles are found in the central part [56]. The tional activity of mast cells located in the subcapsular
aggregation of the latter can occur according to the zone and around the blood vessels near the forming
type of element formation in the form of mulberry ber- crystals. Still others believe that both pinealocytes and
ries or “lamination,” when the aggregate is covered
collagen fibers are involved in this process [60, 82,
with a common plate [56]. Figure 4 shows various
ways of concretion formation. 105], while a fourth group believes that the specific
arachnoid cells play a key role in the formation of cal-
As for concretions in the epiphysis of birds, extrap- cium deposits in the pineal capsule and the protruding
ineal calcifications, i.e., those located in the choroid septae [102, 104]. The latter mechanism is similar to
plexus, are found only in geese [102]. These struc- meningeal calcification and has been found in rats
tures, like those in mammals, are characterized by a [104] and pigs [64]. The theory and patterns of brain
pronounced laminar structure. Currently, turkey is the sand formation are described in greater detail in the
only bird species in which concretions are found inside review by E.E. Zvereva [2].


236 SERGINA et al.

Table 1. List of studied species for pineal gland calcification

The presence
Class Order Family Species/genus and localization Source
of calcifications
Aves Anseriformes Anatidae Goose Anser Brisson, 1760 + [102]
Ciconiiformes Ardeidae Heron Ardea L., 1758 + [94]
Psittaciformes Psittacidae Parrots + [87]
Galliformes Phasianidae Turkey Meleagris gallopavo L., 1758 + In the parenchyma [82]
of the proximal part
Sphenisci- Spheniscidae Magellan penguin Spheniscus – [20]
formes magellanicus Forster, 1781
Mammalia Rodentia Muridae Laboratory mouse Mus (Swiss Webster) – [73]
Rat Rattus Fischer-Waldheim, 1803 + In the gland capsule, [22, 39,
(Wistar, Sprague-Dawley) in the parenchyma 104]
of the dorsal part
of the organ, in the dis-
tal part of the pineal stalk
Mongolian gerbil Meriones + [32, 49,
unguiculatus Milne-Edwards, 1867 65, 75,
101, 106]
Caviidae Yellow toothed cavy Galea spixii, – [31]
Wagler, 1831
The guinea pig Pirbright White + In the subcapsular [53]
Cavia porcellus L., 1758 space
Dasyproctidae Brazilian Agouti Dasyprocta – [31]
leporine L., 1758
Cricetidae Cotton rat + [54]
Sigmodon hispidus Say et Ord, 1825
Chiroptera Vespertilionidae Lesser Mouse-eared bat Myotis + In the capsule [103]
blythi Tomes, 1857 of the dorsal gland
Phyllostomidae Tailed tailless bat + [23]
Anoura caudifer Geoffroy, 1818
Rhinopomati- Rhinopoma microphyllum kinneari + [24]
dae Wroughton, 1912
Artiodactyla Bovidae Goat Capra hircus L., 1758 + [46]
Sheep Ovis aries L., 1758 + [27, 66]
Bull Bos taurus taurus L., 1758 + [55, 68]
Asiatic buffalo Bubalus + [13]
arnee Kerr, 1792
Camelidae Arabian camel + In the parenchyma [13, 93]
Camelus dromedarius L., 1758 of the gland
Suidae Pig Sus crofa domesticus L., 1758 + In capsule and septae [64]
– [7]



Table 1. (Contd.)
The presence
Class Order Family Species/genus and localization Source
of calcifications
Carnivora Canidae Dog Canis lupus familiaris – [47]
Fox Vulpes vulpes L., 1758 – [9]
Raccoon dog Nyctereutes + In a gland capsule [9]
procyonoides Gray, 1834
Arctic fox Vulpes lagopus L., 1758 + In the parenchyma [9, 30]
of the distal part of the
organ, in the capsule
and in the septae
Procyonidae Crab-eating raccoon Procyon – [38]
cancrivorus Cuvier, 1798
Coati Nasua nasua L., 1766 + In the distal part [43]
of the body
Mustelidae Mink Mustela vison Schreber, 1777 + In the parenchyma, [102]
in the capsule of the
ventral part of the gland
Perissodactyla Equidae Horse Equus L., 1880 + [34]
– [61]
Donkey Equus asinus L., 1758 + [41]
Primates Cercopithecidae Rhesus macaque Macaca mulatta + [68]
Zimmermann, 1780
Cebidae Tufted capuchin + [21]
Sapajus apella L., 1758

FACTORS AFFECTING THE FORMATION Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus Milne-

OF CORPORA ARENACEAE Edwards, 1867, Rodentia) is a species “predisposed”
to the formation of pineal nodules [32, 102], and,
Analysis of the literature data suggests that the therefore, the animals at one time were a favorite
mineralization process of the PG may be species-spe- object of such research. Some authors do not note the
cific (Table 1). For example, it is believed that the presence of calcifications in certain species of animals,

Low density Structure similar to the structure of mulberry berries

of structure formation

Aggregated structure
Core Concentric
ring structure

High density Plate

of structure

Fig. 4. Possible ways of the formation of calcified concretions (according to [56]). The concentric ring structure formed from one
“core” or hotbed under conditions of a low density of the formation of such particles “accumulates” additional layers, becoming
similar to mulberry berries, whereas it aggregates into a single conglomerate when several hot spots occur.


238 SERGINA et al.

which may be associated not only with their absence [77]. A study by Turkish scientists [99] showed that the
but also with the sensitivity of research methods, small degree of gland calcification significantly increases
sample size, and other circumstances. To date, pineal with age, especially in men, but the index decreases
nodules have been found in four species of birds and 21 with height above mean sea level and intensity of sun-
species of mammals (Table 1). In many cases, the light exposure in the region of residence.
number of nodules and/or the degree of gland calcifi-
cation positively correlates with the age of the study It is possible that skin pigmentation is also associ-
object. The generally accepted point of view is the age- ated with epiphysis functioning: calcifications are
dependent nature of the accumulation of pineal cal- found in 19.2% of Indians, 15.6% of indigenous Fiji-
cium deposits [15, 30, 40, 90]. ans living in Fiji [74], and 9.8% of dark-skinned peo-
There are also several studies showing that the ple and 16% of fair-skinned people living in the
decrease in melatonin synthesis observed with age United States [14]. However, K.-J. Fan [42] recorded
correlates with an increase in Ca2+ deposits [62, 90], a quite high level of concretion occurrence in dark-
which is most likely associated with a decrease in the skinned people in America—70%.
functioning of PG β-adrenergic receptors [50].
Despite this, some researchers still follow the point of There is convincing evidence of the regulatory role
view concerning the age-independent nature of PG of the epiphysis in the functioning of the human
calcification [72, 97]. reproductive system [79]; therefore, gender is another
factor affecting the gland calcification. In most cases,
In the Mongolian gerbil, it was shown that exoge- it is observed more often in men (Table 2). However,
nous melatonin [101], bilateral upper cervical gangli- to date, it is not known for certain how these or other
onectomy at an early age [32], and also sympathetic factors influence brain-sand formation, and the rea-
denervation of the PG [86] inhibited concretion for-
son for the differences in the occurrence of concre-
mation, while psychosocial and acute immobilization
stress [49, 75] and a short photoperiod [65] led to an tions between large and small races, as well as between
increase in the degree of gland calcification. Based on different nations and ethnic groups, remains unclear.
the results of these studies, it is logical to assume that The available data on PG calcification leads to the
the occurrence of concretions is directly related to the conclusion that there is most likely a mechanism of
PG functional activity [3, 32, 49, 65, 75, 86, 101]. Infor- concrement formation that depends on many factors
mation concerning the influence of the PG functional
activity on brain-sand formation is rare and fragmen- [102]. In addition, the nature and crystallinity of the
tary. It was revealed that an increase in the number and inorganic tissue of pineal concretions suggest that the
volume of calcium-containing secretory vacuoles in corpora arenacea is a regulated and physiological,
animal pinealocytes is observed at various endocrine rather than a pathological, type of organ petrification
shifts: the hibernation and anestrous phase in the gar- [26, 72, 96].
den dormouse (Eliomys quercinus L., 1766, Rodentia) Compared to other biomineralization examples,
[88], the proestrus phase in the mole (Talpa europaea
L., 1758, Insectivora) [80], and at the beginning of the enamels and dentin, pineal nodules are close to the
warm period or sexual rest in the hedgehog (Erinaceus latter in chemical composition and crystallographic
europaeus L., 1758, Insectivora) [81] and Mongolian properties, but they differ greatly in the amount of free
gerbil [106]. In sheep, the degree of calcification is sig- phosphorus, which is absent in nodules but is abun-
nificantly higher in individuals in the postpuberty dant in dentine [26]. Some researchers believe that PG
period than in immature and sexually mature animals calcification is similar to bone formation [96]. The
[27]. According to R.A. Zimmerman et al. [111], the existence of conflicting data on the connection of
number of concretions in humans increases signifi- between brain-sand formation with changes in the PG
cantly during puberty due to functional load on the functional activity during endocrine rearrangements
PG. It is assumed that the number of deposits may and in the aging process of the organism raises the
vary during life, i.e., calcifications are likely to have a question of pineal deposit research in a series of rele-
dynamic nature [32]. vant and necessary in-depth studies.
Studies in humans show that the degree of calcifi-
cation varies in different decades of life and varies
among nations and populations living in different time ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
zones (Table 2) [14, 25, 33, 36, 42, 74, 77]. This is
probably due to changes in the functional activity of The authors express their deep gratitude to Ph.D. E.A. Khizh-
the organ under the influence of the light regime in a kin for his help with the preparation of the illustrative mate-
particular region. The lowest frequency of pineal con- rial, to Alexandra Elbakyan, and to the reviewers of the
cretions was recorded for residents of Gambia (1.3%) journal, for careful consideration of the article and the most
[16], Nigeria (5%) [36], and Japan (9.9%) [33]. How- valuable comments and suggestions, which were taken into
ever, among Ugandans, this indicator reaches 43% account during editing.



Table 2. Occurrence of pineal concretions in residents of different countries

Country Occurrence on age/gender (for whom Source
years old
it is more common)
Russia, Moscow 35–94 – – [10]
Russia, Komi Republic 19–78 – – [3, 5]
Russia, Far East 7–57 – +/ [1]
United States 0–9 5%—3.2–8.9 years old – [107]
3 months–65 – +/ [91]
3–40+ 2%—3–12 years old; 46%—13–40 years old; +/ [108]
69%—40+ years old;
– General 12.2%; 16% fair-skinned, 9.8% +/– [14]
15–90 – –/ [97]
– 70% dark-skinned +/ [42]
Ecuador 62–78 55% –/– [37]
Western countries – 66%—by the age of 50 +/ [57]
Ethiopia – 72% +/+ men [15]
Nigeria Up to 70 5% – [36]
Gambia – 1.3% +/ [16]
Uganda 10+ 43% +/+ men [77]
Cameroon 0–89 46.2% over 9 years old +/+ men [100]
New Zealand Children General 20%; under 6 years old—1% +/ [40]
under 16 (the youngest–3 years old);
under 10 years old—8%; 8–14 years old—39%
Japan Adults 9.9% – [33]
20–79 – +/+ men [63]
Thailand 33–91 19.5% – [98]
Poland Fetuses, – – [72]
Turkey 4–97 68.5% +/+ men [99]
15–85 71.6% +/+ men [109]
Saudi Arabia 2–87 64.8% +/+ women [17]
Pakistan 0–50+ 0%—in the first decade; 1.5%—in the second; +/ [25]
10.5%—in the third; 30%—in the fourth;
does not change further
India 3 months–91 16.7% +/ [59, 92]
Fiji – + (19.2% in Indians; 15.6% in Fijians) – [74]
Iran 0–70+ 18.29% (comparison with the United States 55%) – [12]
15–85 71% +/ [35]


240 SERGINA et al.

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