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Brahma- Brahma is known as the “Hindu god of creation.

”  Brahma is supreme in the

triad of great Hindu gods which includes Shiva and Vishnu. Brahma can go on to
live for 311 trillion 40 billion years.He created everything in the
universe but he is not the universe itself. He has four heads. The
heads face each of the four directions, to represent the four Vedas
which he created and the four yugas. He also holds a book which
represents knowledge. His consort is Saraswati, the goddess of

Vishnu, the Preserver is the second member of Hindu trinity. He

preserves the world created by Brahma until it is destroyed by Shiva.
He holds a discus, which he uses to cut down anyone who messes with
his dharma. Along with a conch, which symbolizes victory and the five
elements. Vishnu has many avatars, such as Krishna or Rama, who he
uses to defend dharma on Earth. Vishnu has two consorts: the
goddesses Lakshmi and Bhu Devi. Bhu Devi is the earth goddess and
Lakshmi is the goddess of good fortune and wealth.

Shiva, the destroyer, is the third member of the Hindu Trinity.

It’s his job to destroy the universe in order to prepare for its renewal at
the end of each cycle of time. The most identifiable of his feature is his
third eye, which he almost always keeps closed. If he does open and
you are in front of it then you will get your face melted off (just like
how caramel melts in the microwave). At the end of Khali Yuga (age
of darkness), the fourth age of the world, Shiva performs a dance that
destroys the universe.

Indra: who is the king of the gods. He is the god of sky who has
control over rainbows, lightning, thunder, storms, rain, rivers and
waters. He appears as having a golden-reddish skin with occasionally
four arms and on an elephant. Almost similar to Zeus (Greek God).
Vitra Evil Snake Demon One of the Asuras, he’s a pesky snake demon who
likes to disrupt everything,
Saraswati: Goddess Saraswati is generally shown to have four arms,
representing the four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect,
alertness, and ego. Alternatively, these four arms also represent the 4 Vedas, the
primary sacred books for Hindus.

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