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Variant I
I. Write the words in the correct order. Pay attention to the place of the adverbs of frequency.
1. often / writes / she / to a friend / emails.
2. Sundays / eat / at home / they / on / never.
3. January / her / travels / usually / she / in / to London / friends / with.

II. Modal verbs: can; may/might; must; need. Use them in the affirmative or negative form,
according to the context.
1. __________ (+) I speak to Mr Pitt, please?
I'm afraid you __________ (-) he's out at the moment. __________ you ring back later?
2. It __________ (+) rain, you'd better take a raincoat.
3. Notice in a picture gallery: Cameras, sticks and umbrellas __________ be left at the desk.
4. You __________ ring the bell; I have a key.
5. You __________ drive fast; there is a speed limit here.
6. We __________ drive fast; we have plenty of time.

III. Use the degrees of comparison of adjectives. Pay attention to the superlative degree
formed with the definite article the.
1. All of your friends are nice, but Georgette is certainly ____________ (nice).
2. This the ____________ women’s basketball team in the country. (good)
3. Basketballs are ____________ than footballs. (expensive)
4. Ice hockey is ____________ than basketball or tennis. (dangerous)
5. Of all the sports in the Olympics which one is the ____________ (dangerous)?

IV. Make comparative sentences according to the model.

V. Add question tags.

1. Georgette can leave her case here.
2. His wife has headaches quite often.
3. Prices keep going up.
4. We must hurry.
5. The lift never works very well.
6. Tom should try again.

VI. Use an adjective ending in -ing or -ed according to the context.


1. Tom reads very much. (interest) He is ____________ in history. He found an ____________

2. Marine often asks her to tell her stories. (amuse) She usually likes ____________ stories. She
is ____________ by one she keeps retelling.
3. Martha could lose her suitcase. (annoy) She must be really ____________. In fact, it
____________ losing your luggage.
4. The young mother wants to go to bed. (exhaust) She feels ____________. Looking after the
baby is an ____________ task.
5. The twin brothers need to stop for a rest. (tire) They are very ____________ because their
work is exceptionally ____________.

VII. Ask special questions to the following sentences.

1. I never listen to music in the house or in the car, because music is my job.
Who ___________________________________________________________________
How often___________________________________________________________________
Where ___________________________________________________________________
Why ___________________________________________________________________

VIII. Describe your favourite photo of yours. Use Present Progressive Tense.


Variant II
I. Write the words in the correct order. Pay attention to the place of the adverbs of frequency.
1. have / doesn’t / the / in / he / chess lessons / holidays.
2. sometimes / have a meal / I / my boss / after work / with.
3. meet / she / at / doesn’t / her friends / the weekend / usually.

II. Modal verbs: can; may/might; must; need. Use them in the affirmative or negative form,
according to the context.
1. If I sing, __________ (+) you accompany me on the piano?
No, I __________ (-). I __________ (-) play the piano!
2. If we get there early we __________ get a good seat.
3. Notice beside escalators: Dogs and push chairs __________ be carried.
4. We __________ open the lion's cage. It is contrary to Zoo regulations.
5. We __________ climb any higher; we can see very well from here.

III. Use the degrees of comparison of adjectives. Pay attention to the superlative degree
formed with the definite article the.
1. “The Marriage of Figaro” is the ____________ of all Mozart’s operas. (beautiful)
2. They think Annie is the ____________ person in their group. (intelligent)
3. Let’s meet in the library, it is ____________ than all the other rooms. (quiet)
4. This room is the ____________ (cold) in the house.
5. A 3 year old’s voice is ____________ than 200 people in a busy restaurant. (loud)

IV. Make comparative sentences according to the model.

V. Add question tags.

1. The children can read German.
2. The Smiths have two cars.
3. It could be done.
4. The boys prefer a cooked breakfast.
5. You don't take sugar in coffee.
6. He never takes advice.

VI. Use an adjective ending in -ing or -ed according to the context.

1. When they are turning the corner there is an explosion. (deafen) We are ____________ by it.
We can no longer stand such ____________ noises.

2. The visitors admire the paintings. (fascinate) They are ____________ by a Dutch painting.
They stopped in front of a ____________ landscape.
3. Nobody could say anything. (shock) They are all ____________ by the news. The discovery
is ____________.
4. I was with friends during the earthquake. (confuse) I don’t know what to do under such
____________ circumstances. My friends look ____________ too.
5. Jake is an undecisive person. (hesitate) He is always a ____________ person. He gets
suspicious with ____________ friends.

VII. Ask special questions to the following sentences.

1. After about four hours of playing music at the night club, I cannot sleep because I feel very
Who ___________________________________________________________________
Why ___________________________________________________________________
Where ___________________________________________________________________
For how long___________________________________________________________________

VIII. Describe your favourite photo of yours. Use Present Progressive Tense.

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