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The Healthy Home Economist® Guide:

Traditional Remedies For Modern Families

How to avoid unnecessary trips to the doctor by using nature’s own best
treatments for common ailments.

Sarah Pope
Text Copyright © Sarah Pope 2014
All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The information contained in this book is provided for

entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical
advice. Readers should seek counsel from qualified healthcare
professionals regarding any matter relating to health or wellbeing.
Readers who fail to do so assume all risk. By purchasing or reading this
publication, the Reader takes full responsibility for its use in
accordance with federal, state and/or local laws which may govern its
contents and understand that Author makes no warranties express or
implied of success.
When Home Remedies Are Not Appropriate
Chapter 1: Coughs, Colds and Respiration
Natural and Effective Sinus Infection Remedy
Stop Sinus Problems Fast with This Easy Tip
Pollen is Not The Problem
SSKI: The Best Cough Expectorant You’ve Never Tried
How to Make and Use an Onion Poultice for Congestion
Pottenger’s Remedy for Respiratory Illness
Treat Whooping Cough Homeopathically
Honey As A Cough Suppressant
Simple Elderberry Syrup to Boost Immunity (or Drizzle on
Chapter 2: Cuts, Bruises, Burns and Itches
Honey On Wounds and Burns
Witch Hazel Extract for Many Skin Ailments
Comfrey Poultice
Holistic First Aid Kit Essentials
Fast Acting Mosquito Bite Remedy (That’s Probably Already in
Your Kitchen)
Ant Bite? Wasp Sting? Stop That Allergic Reaction Fast
How to Remove a Stubborn Splinter with No Pain or Needles
Natural Remedy for Hives (Urticaria)
Chapter 3: Skin, Hair and Nails
Seaweed Wrap: Minerals In, Heavy Metals Out
How to Do a Hair Detox to Enjoy Beautiful Locks Naturally
The Four Essential Vitamins for Radiant Skin
3 Minerals Your Skin is Craving
Liver Loving Herbs and Superfoods for Beautiful Skin
Fungus Nail
Chapter 4: Ear, Nose and Throat
Action Hero Moms Use Ear Infection Natural Remedies
How to Kick Strep Throat Faster and Better Without Antibiotics
Fast and Easy Swimmers Ear Home Remedy
Chapter 5: Feminine, Pregnancy, Nursing and Babies
Nutritional Remedy for Heavy Periods
How to Have a Natural Miscarriage (No D&C)
Curing Endometriosis Naturally
Natural Remedy Alternative to Dangerous Baby Teething Gels
For Clued-in Moms, Fever is a Friend
Breast Infection Begone!
Preparing the Birth Canal for the Probiotic Gulp
Safe, Effective Gas Remedy for Babies
Chapter 6: Gut, Digestion and Immunity
Herbal Bitters: Invaluable Aid to Fat Digestion
Rid Yourself of Lyme Disease with The Milk Cure
Flush Stones and Avoid Surgery with a Gallbladder Cleanse
Tips For Easy Fat Digestion After Gallbladder Surgery
Biofilms: Overlooked Step in Treating Candida
Food Poisoning Remedies that Work Fast and Prevent
Why We Get Sick and What to Do About It
Putting Your Best Food Forward for Robust Health
As Antibiotic Failure Grows, Poop Pills Filling the Void
Don’t Waste Your Time: Why the Candida Diet Doesn’t Work
You CAN Heal from Severe Ulcerative Colitis with NO Drugs!
How to Repair Your Gut After Antibiotics
Five Steps to Heal IBS Naturally
How to Speed Gut Healing and Shorten Time on the GAPS Diet
Treating a Fever Without Meds
The Best Vegetables for Boosting Immunity
Pau d’Arco: The Best Herb to Beat Back Candida
The Gut Has a Mind of Its Own: A Homeopathic Strategy to
Uproot GI-Related Ills
Natural Reflux Remedy Without That Pesky Purple Pill
Simple Eggshell Tincture for Acid Reflux
I decided to write this book because, over the years, I’ve been shocked to
notice all the “doc in a box” buildings going up around town, built almost
as fast as the drug stores on every corner! Seems like there’s a walk-in
clinic within a stone’s throw of just about every cluster of fast food joints in
my town now!

Originally, doctors themselves used and promoted natural remedies - that’s

mostly what was available prior to the rise of a modern culture enamored
with pharmaceuticals after World War II. So much of this wisdom has been
lost and needs to be resurrected for the sake of our children who can suffer
sometimes lifelong consequences from even a single exposure at a young
age to over the counter drugs like Tylenol.

It has always seemed wise to me to try an available natural remedy before

running to the doctor. Not only are these simple remedies less expensive
with no side effects, but they will save you the inconvenience of spending
the morning or afternoon at the doctor’s office.

Thomas Jefferson once said that if people let the government decide which
foods they eat and which medicines they take into their bodies, they will
find themselves in as sorry a state as the souls of those who live under

From the moment our children are born, they are put on the cradle-to-grave
medical path. The baby has to have the well-baby checkup and a slew of
vaccinations. We are taught that if our children have the slightest sniffle or
tummy ache, they should be taken to the doctor right away. Antibiotics and
immunizations dominate the practice of modern medicine; dietary and
herbal remedies, and plain old common sense, have been stuffed into the
closet like a bunch of grandma’s clothes, fusty and old-fashioned, not worth
considering in this enlightened scientific age.

When we take the power back into our own hands as mothers and parents,
and use the wisdom of home remedies to treat our children, we are adhering
to that responsibility for health to which Thomas Jefferson referred. Instead
of bequeathing the health of our children to a governmental body, parents
need the knowledge and confidence to be primary caregivers.

On reflection, the advantages of home remedies are obvious. First of all

they are non-toxic. Recently, we have been hearing about cold remedies
being pulled off pharmacy shelves. Some of them have been on sale for
decades and suddenly we learn that these should not be given to children
under six years old. That news was a shock even to myself, jaded as I am
about over-the-counter medicines and pharmaceutical drugs. At least with
home remedies, you know you are not going to poison your children. These
remedies are also low in cost. Many of the best home remedies don’t cost
any money at all.

Another advantage concerns speed of treatment. You don’t have to call

anybody or wait for a call back. You can take proactive action to resolve the
situation yourself immediately.

Home remedies prevent your child from being used as a guinea pig. With
home remedies, your child is not going to be one of the statistics from a
toxic over-the-counter medicine or a pharmaceutical drug that was never
approved for children but is now prescribed for children — something that
happens often these days.

Home remedies work with the immune system rather than suppressing it.
Acute illness — manifesting as diarrhea, runny nose, vomiting, headache,
and so forth — is actually good for your child. Managed properly, acute
illness can give your child more vitality and prevent chronic illness —
which is not good for your child and can burden him or her for a lifetime.

Home care also strengthens the bond between parent and child. When my
children are not feeling well, they come and tell me how they feel. Recently,
my youngest son wasn’t feeling well and he said to me, “Mom, I need you
to fix me right away”. They trust me and know I can help them feel better.
They have no fear of me like they might be afraid of a doctor. Children
have a relationship with their parents and when their parents are able to
make them feel better at a time when they are at their weakest and most
vulnerable, the bond with the parents is strengthened.
When Home Remedies Are Not Appropriate
TRAUMA: If your child has a serious injury, head for the emergency room.
Our trauma doctors are wonderful gifts to our society and we need to make
use of them when bad things happen. When your child falls out of a tree
and breaks a bone, you don’t want to try and treat that at home!

EXTREMELY HIGH FEVER: Most fevers play a beneficial role in your

child’s health but an extremely high fever (over 104 degrees F) can be a
dangerous situation for a young child and you may need to get emergency

TROUBLE BREATHING: This is another situation that calls for quick

action. If a child is unresponsive, limp in your arms, or has glazed eyes, you
need to get help. Dial 911 or hurry him to the emergency room.
Chapter 1: Coughs, Colds and Respiration
Natural and Effective Sinus Infection Remedy
If you’ve ever had a sinus infection, you know how miserable it can be.
Sinus infections are a common problem, and they can become markedly
worse during cold and flu season. Sinus congestion usually occurs as a
result of a respiratory ailment such as a cold, cough, or allergic reaction.
When you feel a sinus problem coming on, a highly effective sinus
infection remedy you can use is probiotics — directly into the sinus

The most effective way to deliver this is by putting it right into your neti pot
( If you are a person who cannot use a neti-pot or have a
child that hasn’t been able to master the use of this type of apparatus, you
can also get a nasal spray bottle from the health food or drug store and use
that instead. My son uses a nasal-spray bottle with great results when he is
congested. You will be delighted how easy and effective this sinus infection
remedy is which will most likely save you a trip to the doctor and a
prescription for antibiotics.

1. Empty the contents of a probiotic capsule into your ceramic neti pot (I
like this one) or nasal spray bottle.
2. Add warm filtered water.
3. Add a bit of sea salt and baking soda if desired — you won’t need very
much (I always just guess — but probably no more than an 1/8
4. Mix ingredients together carefully with a spoon or shake bottle after
screwing on the lid (nasal spray bottle).
5. If using a neti-pot: while standing over a sink, insert the nozzle of the
neti-pot into one nostril, and make sure there is a good seal between
the nozzle and your nostril. Lean forward, close the back of your throat
and breathe through your mouth. Then, allow the contents of the neti
pot to enter one nasal opening and rinse through to exit out the other
nasal opening. This may take up to two or three minutes if your nasal
passages are congested. Repeat on the other side. Try to avoid
swallowing the water that goes into the nostrils, and blow your nose
when finished. If using a spray bottle: insert the nozzle of the spray
bottle into one nostril while covering the other. While compressing the
pump on the nasal spray bottle, inhale deeply. Repeat several times on
both sides. Be prepared to spit out anything left after inhaling the mist
into the sink.
6. When finished, wash out your neti-pot or spray bottle with warm water
and soap and allow to dry before using again.

It’s worth noting that probiotics can also be used to prevent sinus infections
in the first place. Click here ( for an article which describes
this method.

Raine’s Story Using this Remedy: I had a sinus infection that had been
going on for 5–6 weeks (editor’s note: Raine lives in Boise, Idaho!). I had
tried everything I could think of that was natural — aromatherapy
(breathing steam with essential oils), apple cider vinegar in water, grapefruit
seed extract in water, colloidal silver nasal spray, taking probiotics orally
(which I do daily), oil of oregano in water (which I have used in the past
with great success for sinus problems), and various homeopathic and other
natural preparations I had in my cupboard — taken orally (sublingually
under the tongue).

Nothing was doing the trick and I was getting desperate for a truly effective
sinus infection remedy!

So, I went to see a naturopath who did some head massage, chiropractic
manipulations, and used essential oil swabs up into my sinus passages.
While these did offer some improvement, I feared I might wake up the next
day with the infection back. Later that night after I got home, my next-door
neighbor who is a nutritional therapist suggested I try probiotics in my neti-
pot. The naturopath also suggested alternating hot and cold packs on my
forehead to encourage sinus drainage.

Immediately after using the probiotics in my neti-pot, I felt a terrible

burning sensation that went on for a good ten minutes. It was quite painful,
but as it subsided, I was filled with a peaceful calm, and then retired to bed
and had a good night sleep. The next morning, I awoke and was surprised to
find that even as time went on, my head remained pain-free throughout the
day. The horrible “ice pick” sinus pressure which was normally in full-
swing by 10 a.m. was completely gone. Whenever I felt like I was getting a
slight ache, I performed the facial massage to my temples and sinuses I had
done the day before. I also used the probiotics in my neti pot a few more
times over the next five days, along with my Whole Body Defense from
Gaia Herbs, and some grapefruit seed extract (about 5 drops in 6 ounces of
water twice a day). I was cured! I really believe those probiotics did some
magical trick — although I’m sure some of the other things I did helped as
well — but as soon as I used the probiotics, after the burning came and
went, the pain was completely gone and has not returned since.

Keep in mind that sinus issues are often a symptom of something else going
on in your body, such as a yeast or candida overgrowth problem. Making
changes to your diet can help to reduce the incidence and severity of sinus
problems lessening the need even for a natural sinus infection remedy. Here
are some recommendations to avoid the overgrowth of yeast in the body:
● Avoid grains — these foods are common in our food supply
and eaten frequently. They are high in carbohydrates and are
converted to sugar in the body.
● Avoid meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products from
commercially-raised animals fed grains, soy,and corn from
factory-farmed environments. These animals and birds are given
antibiotics, hormones, antibiotics, and are not allowed outside to
wander, graze, and obtain fresh air and sunshine. Eating those
kinds of meat, meat products, eggs, and dairy can contribute to
yeast overgrowth in the body. Eat meats, dairy products, poultry,
and eggs from animals raised naturally and without chemicals,
hormones, or antibiotics.
● Avoid processed and refined foods.
● Avoid sugar and carbohydrates
● Avoid prescription drug medications such as antibiotics,
steroids, birth control pills, and even over-the-counter
medications. These medications can greatly contribute to yeast
overgrowth and unfriendly bacteria in the digestive tract, which
can easily spread throughout the body.
● Eat plenty of healthy fats in your diet — butter, olive oil, palm
oil, coconut oil, lard and tallow are all real, healthy fats that are
nutrient-dense and help your body keep away illness and disease.
● Eat plenty of cultured and fermented foods and raw dairy
products from healthy cows on pasture. These foods will naturally
help promote diverse and friendly bacteria in your body, and help
keep illness and disease away.
● Take a therapeutic-grade probiotic daily to ensure friendly
bacteria support in your gut. Read this post about probiotics for
more information on good brands to buy.
● If you still have trouble with yeast, consider doing a detox or
cleanse. Read these posts for more information about cleansing
and detoxing.

This blog is a summary of Raine Saunders’ post which can be found by

clicking here ( I had the pleasure of meeting Raine of The
Agriculture Society blog at the Wise Traditions 2010 Conference, and she
described the neti-pot/probiotic method for clearing sinuses to me there. I
was very much excited by this approach as I have been using probiotics
sprinkled directly on the tongue after brushing teeth but before bed
whenever anyone in our home has a runny nose to prevent sinus infections
with great success for several years. I thought Raine’s method should be
shared with a wider audience and she graciously sent me this guest blog for
posting! Thank you Raine!
Stop Sinus Problems Fast with This Easy Tip
When on vacation or traveling during the holidays, many of us eat in such a
way that we would not normally eat at home. Hey, I understand. You just
can’t help that Aunt Martha uses evaporated milk for her pumpkin pie and
canned gravy for the turkey. I get it!

When your eating/sleeping schedule gets mangled due to travel plans, sinus
problems — pain, congestion, or worse, a sinus infection can quickly crop
up and cause discomfort and misery especially if flying is part of the

Here’s a very easy way to keep those sinus problems at bay with you
breathing freely and clear during these times of stress and off the wagon

Most folks don’t realize that beneficial flora, also known as good bacteria,
seek to dominate and protect every tissue of your body, not just your gut!
There are plenty of beneficial bacteria in your mouth, throat, nasal passages
and ears too. When you get a sinus infection, the populations of good
bacteria to bad (pathogenic) bacteria — including candida — become
imbalanced with the baddies taking over with lots of mucus and possibly
even an infection resulting.

To prevent this from happening, after brushing/flossing your teeth at night

before you go to bed, empty a probiotic capsule into your mouth, swish it
around in your mouth and swallow. It is very important to not drink
anything — even water — after you do this. Enough probiotic residue will
be left in your mouth after swallowing and these good little critters will
migrate while you sleep all through your nasal passages, guarding the roost
and helping to make sure no pathogens have an opportunity to take over and
start plugging up the works.

Be aware that not all probiotics are of the same quality and hence will not
have equal effectiveness in preventing sinus problems. If a probiotic needs
refrigeration, for example, don’t buy it. Probiotic cultures should be hardy
enough to be shelf stable with no refrigeration required. A wide variety of
strains should also be contained.
To locate a quality and therapeutic strength probiotic that will actually work
for you, check my resources page (, which links to sources
for the therapeutic strength probiotic I have personally used for years and
have found very effective.
Pollen is Not The Problem
Around here, at that time of year when Spring has sprung, the pollen can
get so thick it can coat your car!

Sounds of people sneezing and blowing their nose fill the pollen laden air
with boxes of tissue flying off the shelves fast and furious in pharmacies all
across town.

While pollen does indeed make you sneeze if you get a noseful of it, is it
really necessary to dread spring every single year knowing that Visine and
allergy meds will be your constant companion to deal with watery eyes and
congestion for at least a month or two? Is this something you just have to
resign yourself to and live with?

The truth is that seasonal allergies are much more than a nuisance. They are
one of the mildest forms of autoimmune disease and a gentle warning by
the body that more autoimmunity problems are on the way if the gut
imbalance that is causing them is not dealt with effectively.
Hippocrates noted that “all disease begins in the gut”. This includes
seasonal allergies like hay fever.

Dealing with seasonal allergies using over the counter or prescription meds
is like cutting the wire to the flashing oil light on the dashboard of your car
and pretending that the car is no longer low on oil. The problem will only
get worse over time and most likely lead to more serious autoimmune
problems in the future such as asthma, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia,
lupus, celiac, migraines, MS, diabetes, arthritis and the list goes on.

For example, it was recently reported that babies with eczema even if mild
are much more likely to develop asthma. In fact, 40% of babies with
eczema go on to develop this much more serious autoimmune disease later
in childhood.

A healthy balance of beneficial gut flora in our colon is the ultimate

assurance of health. Gut flora is the major regulator of the immune system
for better or for worse and when the gut environment is out of balance, a
malfunctioning and overreactive immune system is the result.

How Seasonal Allergies Originate in the Gut

When the gut is out of balance, opportunistic and pathogenic microbes
overgrow and take over dominance. These pathogens produce toxic
substances which are the by-products of their metabolism. Some of these
toxins actually play an important role in the body when the pathogens in the
gut are controlled and kept in check by good flora. But, when the good flora
is absent or not playing a dominant role, these pathogens can overproduce
these toxins.
One such toxin produced by several types of gut pathogens (Proteus, E.
coli, Staphylococci and others) is histamine which is actually an important
neurotransmitter in the body. When these microbes grow unchecked in the
gut due to a lack of beneficial flora, they overproduce histamine causing
many functions in the body that react to histamine to go haywire as
excessive amounts pour into the blood.

Is Benadryl your best friend? If so, you know you potentially suffer from an
overgrowth of pathogens in your gut that are overproducing histamine!

Parents Bequeath Gut Flora to Their Children

While conventional medicine likes to point to genetics as the cause of
allergies, the fact is that parents pass on their gut imbalance problems to
their children and gut dysbiosis tends to worsen with each successive

According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, children with

autoimmunity issues almost without exception have a mother and most
likely also a father who invariably show sign of chronic gut dysbiosis. Most
women have been on the Pill for years before having children and have had
many courses of antibiotics. Almost every single one has a health problem
that is associated with chronic gut imbalance the most frequent being
digestive disorders, hay fever and other seasonal allergies, migraines, PMS,
chronic cystitis (UTIs) and vaginal yeast infections.
Therefore, if you wish to have children free of allergies, it is imperative as a
mother to be to get your gut health in order before birthing them.

Gut Imbalance Can Develop Later in Life

Have you ever noticed that a lot of adults say that they developed seasonal
allergies all of a sudden one year where they never had them before?

Well, the pollen hasn’t changed has it? The exclamation that “the pollen is
really bad this year” is not the reason either.

Development of seasonal allergies all of a sudden or those that get worse

each year is a sign that gut health is deteriorating with age and that steps
should be taken with the diet to rectify the situation. The good news is that
even if you or your children have seasonal allergies now, you can deal with
it effectively with a change in diet!

Steps For Eliminating Seasonal Allergies From Your Life

Here are a few simple steps for combating seasonal allergies with diet:
1. Eliminate pasteurized dairy from your life in all forms. Pasteurization
of dairy denatures fragile milk proteins and renders then allergenic
among other problems. Raw grassfed dairy would be an excellent
alternative here.
2. Look to significantly reduce or eliminate grains and sugars in all forms
from your diet. Many people with seasonal allergies report nothing
short of miraculous improvement when gluten containing grains or
even complete avoidance of grains and sugar is followed particularly
during allergy season.
3. Look at the GAPS Diet as a long term solution for rectifying gut
imbalance. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MDs book Gut and
Psychology Syndrome is a primer on this subject. She not only
describes in detail how gut dysbiosis develops in the first place but
outlines a comprehensive plan for rebalancing gut flora and putting
autoimmunity into remission for good.

Seasonal allergies need not continue to annoy you year after year during
what should be one of the most beautiful and enjoyable times of the year.
Spend some time and energy fixing your gut environment and reap the
rewards by breathing freely again no matter how thick the pollen may be!
SSKI: The Best Cough Expectorant You’ve Never Tried
When my Dad graduated from medical school right in the middle of the 20
Ccentury, the “go-to” cough expectorant that was prescribed by physicians
at the time was super saturated potassium iodide (SSKI). It was an
inexpensive and highly effective tool for deep rooted congestion that was
beyond the reach of the cilia, the tiny hairlike projections that line the upper
half of the lower respiratory tract, gently sweeping debris and mucus out of
the lungs.

Old time pharmacists regularly filled prescriptions for SSKI. Today,

however, most pharmacists less than about 60 years old would likely
scratch their heads should such a script be requested.
SSKI works spectacularly well for thinning and clearing mucus deep inside
the lungs so that it is more easily coughed up. This function is very
beneficial because when mucus is rooted deep inside the lungs, coughing is
the only way to get it out.

When I was a child, my Dad would give us 4-5 drops of SSKI in a small
glass of water or juice at breakfast time as a cough expectorant if we had
any lung congestion. A few minutes later, he would instruct us to take a
couple of deep, slow breaths which would immediately trigger a coughing
spell to clear out the trapped congestion.

4-5 drops per day could be continued for a week or at most two with no ill
effect. If a cough was severe, 4-5 drops twice a day could be used for up to
a week to clear very thick, infected mucus.
Sometimes, after a few days of using SSKI, I would notice a bit of a metal
taste in my mouth and that would be a signal to reduce the dose a bit or
taper it off if my cough had resolved sufficiently.
Since leaving my parent’s home for college I have always kept a small
bottle of SSKI in my medicine cabinet. Even though I didn’t eat very well
in college and throughout my 20′s, I credit use of this age old remedy for
keeping me med free during any bouts with colds or flu.
Other more expensive cough expectorants on the market which contain the
drug Guaifenesin don’t work nearly as well as SSKI in my experience and
these medicines are loaded with additives and other undesirable chemicals.
SSKI, on the other hand, is just a simple compound consisting of two
elements: potassium and iodine. Nothing else is added!

Next time you need a cough expectorant, why don’t you try SSKI?

No doubt, when you ask your doctor for a script for this simple remedy, you
will get a quizzical look!

It’s time to bring back into popularity some of these old time remedies that
work great, are very inexpensive, and have no nasty additives — wouldn’t
you agree?

* Important Note: Lugol’s or potassium Iodide liquid that you can order
online or get at the health-food store IS NOT THE SAME THING as SSKI.
You must inquire at a compounding pharmacy or from a physician who can
write prescriptions.
How to Make and Use an Onion Poultice for Congestion
Prior to the advent of antibiotics which came into widespread use by 1940,
bacterial infections of any kind were always a serious matter. My father,
who was born in 1927, remembers when he was in elementary school that
numerous children could be seen with scars behind one or both ears from
surgery, called mastoidectomies, to relieve pressure and congestion from a
simple ear infection that got out of hand. Today, mastoidectomies are rarely
— if ever — performed as antibiotics take care of the infection in the
majority of cases.

In another family tale, when my Mother-in-Law, Mary, was only 5 years

old, her life was seriously threatened from a severe case of double
pneumonia. With no antibiotics available, her father had resigned himself to
the fact that he might lose his precious daughter. Mary tells the story of how
her desperate father consulted with a band of gypsies who would pass
through their village from time to time in Wales about what to do to save
her life. The gypsy women told him to make an onion poultice and put it on
her feet to draw the infection and congestion out of her lungs.
The onion poultice worked beautifully and Mary, now a healthy Grandmum
in her 70′s, is still alive and well to tell the tale.

Home remedies such as this are enjoying a resurgence in popularity in

lockstep with the worrisome rise of antibiotic resistant infections. In
addition, parents are increasingly hesitant to use routine antibiotics due to
the growing body of research that antibiotic damage to intestinal health lasts
at least a year or two and possibly longer and can increase the risk of
autoimmune disease.

Certainly, antibiotics should always be used for life threatening infections

such as pneumonia. In less severe cases, however, a remedy such as an
onion poultice can be used to draw out congestion from the lungs and
facilitate healing instead of running to the doctor for meds. Using a remedy
like an onion poultice can also be used to prevent the situation from
worsening to the point where antibiotics are mandatory.

Making an onion poultice is incredibly simple. It takes just a few supplies

to quickly prepare one to use for chest congestion.
● Frying pan
● Filtered water
● Dishtowel
● 2 organic onions
● 1/4 cup grated organic ginger (optional)

1. Chop and lightly sauté the onions and ginger in a bit of filtered water.
The onions should be lightly cooked, not browned or caramelized.
2. Carefully drain the cooked onions and optional ginger and spread them
out in the center of the dishtowel.
3. Wrap the mixture in the towel burrito style, that is, fold the longer
sides over the onions first and then fold the ends.
4. Place the onion poultice on the chest of the person suffering from
congestion. (Make sure the poultice is not too hot before doing this.)

Alternatively, the onion poultice can be placed on the soles of the feet to
draw the congestion out of the lungs to facilitate normalized breathing. It is
normal for very productive coughing to occur shortly after using the
poultice as mucus is expelled from the lungs.

Leave the onion poultice in place for 20 minutes. It can be gently reheated
in the microwave and reused as necessary throughout the day.

It is best to make a fresh onion poultice every 24 hours or so.
Pottenger’s Remedy for Respiratory Illness
Dr. Francis Pottenger MD is most well known as the researcher and author
of the groundbreaking studies on cats that demonstrated that critical
nutrients in meat and milk are lost through cooking and pasteurization.
What is less well known is that Dr. Pottenger also operated a sanitorium for
patients with tuberculosis, asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases.
At his hospital, Dr. Pottenger served his convalescing patients liberal
servings of liver, butter, cream and eggs. This is in sharp contrast to the
food served in hospitals and nursing homes today which almost exclusively
consists of low-fat, highly processed, sugar filled foods loaded with
additives, extenders and MSG.

Dr. Pottenger knew well how to cure respiratory illness, relying heavily on
the traditional superfoods as his main remedies. Unfortunately, folks today
typically have no idea how to cure respiratory illness for themselves. A trip
the doctor’s office is no help either as, in most cases, a prescription for
strong allergy meds or antibiotics is the only solution offered.

One of Dr. Pottenger’s tonics for respiratory illness was a Liver Cocktail
that is beneficial for its stamina and lung building properties in athletes and
asthmatics alike and is easy to make at home for yourself. If you or
someone in your family has a cough that won’t go away or some other
respiratory illness that is not responding to either conventional or
alternative treatments, try this tonic for 3-5 days in a row and watch your
health quickly return! And, if you are an athlete training for any type of
sporting competition, you will find this tonic of incredible stamina building
benefit as well!

Here what you need to make it:

● 2 teaspoons raw, grassfed beef, buffalo or lamb liver (freezing
for 14 days eliminates risk of parasites)
● 6 ounces fresh, organic tomato juice
● Dash of tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper
● Squeeze of fresh lime juice
● 1 Tablespoon homemade, liquid whey (powdered whey
CANNOT be used as whey is a very delicate protein and cannot
be dried or powdered even at low temperatures)
Finely grate the liver and mix well with the remaining ingredients. Drink

Source: Adaptation from Nourishing Traditions Cookbook, Tonics and

Treat Whooping Cough Homeopathically
The 100-day cough... Pertussis... Whooping cough... Whatever you call it,
it’s not nice.

It afflicts children and adults, whether vaccinated or not, and although it

used to be assigned to early spring and summer, recently it’s rearing its
spasmodic head at nearly anytime of the year. It’s a disease on a mission
despite conventional medical efforts to corral it.

You may ask yourself: “If I don’t vaccinate my children for pertussis, or in
the likely chance that they get it in spite of vaccination, do I just let them
suffer with this trying illness?” Instinctively, many parents know there must
be another way.

For prophylactic (I.E. without side-effects) treatment of pertussis, many

homeopaths suggest the following protocol: Pertussinum 200 one day every
month until the threat of whooping cough is gone. One dose of the remedy
is given one day on the first, third, fifth and seventh months, while on the
even months, three doses are given on that one day.

While no method of disease protection is guaranteed, if a child is exposed

to pertussis, it has clinically been shown that the illness may be avoided or
its virulence reduced by using this method.

But there’s another point of view to consider. When a childhood disease

presents, it provides an opportunity. Does that sound strange? Until we
understand that it is important to educate our children’s immune system,
this method will certainly appear different than the perilous paradigm of the
killing-every-bug-at-any-cost model. Measles, chickenpox, pertussis,
rubella and mumps are all childhood diseases that can prove valuable in
building our children’s immunity.

Consider the following remedies that have been used for more than 200
years. Nine main homeopathic remedies have been used to treat whooping
cough: Drosera rotundifolia 30 and 200, Belladonna 30, Coccus cacti 30 or
200, Ipecacuanha 30, Bryonia alba 30, Antimonium tart 30 or 200, Cuprum
metallicum 30 or 200, Kali carbonicum 30 or 200 and Pertussinum 200.
However, Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Calcutta
staff and their familial medical predecessors have employed an interesting
variation for more than 150 years to treat whooping cough.

The Banerji Protocol is as follows: Cuprum metallicum 6 mixed with

Ipecac 30, administered every 3 hours when the disease is in an intense
state and twice daily for a milder version. This mixture can be made by
adding 4 pills of the first remedy with 4 of the second in 3 ounces of clean
water, allowing the pills to dissolve and giving it one gentle stir to
incorporate. From this mixture comes the medicine. One teaspoon is
considered one dose. This means that an entire family can benefit from this
blend. As usual, the sooner the remedies are used, the better.

Be prepared. No conventional medical treatment exists for whooping cough

other than antibiotics and only during the infectious period so you need to
move quickly to begin the treatment. Own your remedies in advance.
Frequently, it’s not until the first member of a family gets a severe cough
that the disease is acknowledged to be whooping cough. For the one with
the cough, as well as the rest of the family, neighbors and friends, having
well-chosen homeopathic remedies in the medicine cabinet has a history of
being able to shelter a family in the safe harbor of self reliance.

Most of these items are readily available at many health-food stores but if
you need an online source, click here (

Adapted from a blog post by Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na).
Honey As A Cough Suppressant
It’s long been a common practice to include honey in a cup of hot water
with lemon and fresh ginger to sooth a sore throat at the beginning of an
illness. James M. Steckelberg, M.D. of has gone as far as to
say that one study showed that a couple of teaspoons given to two-year-olds
and above before bedtime can be just as effective as using a regular, over
the counter cough supressant[1].

Next time you want to help someone (or yourself) settle an unproductive
cough, why not take a couple of teaspoons of honey before going for the
modern-medical approach? Use honey that is unheated and unprocessed to
ensure none of it’s natural goodness has been destroyed. You can find fresh
honey at health food stores but it’s often available a little roadside stands
too which is a great way to support local farmers.
Simple Elderberry Syrup to Boost Immunity (or Drizzle on
When my children had whooping cough in the summer of 2006 (all three at
the same time, no less!), I relied heavily on elderberry syrup to keep the
mucous to a minimum which reduced the severity and frequency of
coughing spells.

I never realized until that particular time that this common, nondescript
little berry, particularly when concentrated into elderberry syrup, packed
such a powerful punch when it comes to managing cough symptoms even
for an illness as severe as pertussis. The fact is, elderberry in many
different forms has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat flus,
colds and sinusitis as well as coughs.

During my children’s bout with pertussis, I purchased elderberry syrup from

our family chiropractor. It was a bit pricey, but definitely worth it especially
for my youngest child, who was only 15 months at the time. I have since
learned that it is extremely easy and cost effective to make elderberry syrup

The simple elderberry syrup recipe below contains only 3 ingredients with a
single batch enough to take your family through an entire cold/flu season!

Elderberry syrup is not just good for when you are sick either. It is a highly
effective preventative too as it is loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin C and
immune supporting minerals.

Scientific research is supporting the use of elderberries for illness. In one

study, elderberry extract inhibited several strains of influenza and reduced
symptoms. In another, elderberry syrup flavonoids were found effective
against the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus.

In the most compelling study, a randomized trial of 60 patients aged 18-54

suffering from flu symptoms for 48 hours or less received 15 ml (3
teaspoons) of elderberry syrup or a placebo 4x per day for five days.
Researchers observed that “Symptoms were relieved on average 4 days
earlier and use of rescue medication was significantly less in those
receiving elderberry extract compared with placebo”.

Besides being effective at preventing and reducing symptoms, elderberry

syrup also has highly practical applications as well. It is delicious drizzled
on pancakes and waffles, or healthy homemade ice cream when a sore
throat takes hold and something cold and soothing on the throat is
especially welcome.

Further, elderberry syrup can help get less appealing whole food
supplements like fermented cod liver oil ( down the hatch
for your little ones.

Tip: A teaspoon of elderberry syrup is a fantastic chaser after the daily dose
of fermented cod liver oil (FCLO). If your kids dislike the taste of FCLO, a
spoon of elderberry syrup afterward will placate them as it is a tasty treat
that will quickly eliminate any aftertaste and help quell fishy burps.

I would recommend making a batch of this elderberry syrup and having on

hand in the pantry year round. It is helpful anytime colds, flus and coughs
are making the rounds in your household.

Simple, 3 Ingredient Elderberry Syrup

Makes about 6-8 small bottles of elderberry syrup
1/2 – 3/4 cup organic, dried elderberries (where to find:
3 cups filtered water
3/4 – 1 cup raw, local, unfiltered honey (where to find if honey is not in
season in your area:

Place dried elderberries (or 1 cup fresh, ripe elderberries if you have them
locally) and filtered water in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce
heat, and simmer on medium-low for 30 minutes. Mash the elderberries to
release any remaining juice. Strain the mixture into a glass bowl using a
cheesecloth (I like these: When the liquid has come to
room temperature, gently stir in the raw honey and mix thoroughly.
Store and label in small, 8 or 12 ounce glass, amber bottles (I like these:

This mixture will last many months in a cool, dark pantry or in the

Suggested Dosage
A single teaspoon once or twice a day is sufficient as a preventative
measure. If illness strikes, use more as necessary, with up to 3 teaspoons,
4x per day as used in the randomized study described above. For young
children who cannot have raw honey yet, half the maximum dosage is
recommended and either dilute the syrup with hot water or heat on the stove
before administering.

For sources and more information, see the original blog post at:
Chapter 2: Cuts, Bruises, Burns and Itches
Honey On Wounds and Burns
And while we’re on the subject of honey, how about using it topically?
Studies have shown it to help heal cuts due to its broad spectrum of activity
against bacteria and fungi[2]. It has also been shown to demonstrate
antioxidant properties which assists in healing burns.

Apply it directly to the affected area and cover with gauze or a padded
plaster to contain the stickiness. Redress the wound as you normally would
if it needs it.
Witch Hazel Extract for Many Skin Ailments
When I was growing up, I was fortunate to have my paternal grandparents
living right down the street. I spent a lot of time there after school and on
weekends mixing up unusual food combinations in the kitchen, which my
Grandpa always tasted and assured me were delicious.
I also enjoyed rummaging through Grandma’s hall closet that was jammed
full of potions, ointments, creams, and other sundries. I used to position a
small step ladder just inside the open closet door where I would sit on the
top step reading the labels of these items and calling out questions to my
Grandma (who was sitting just around the corner in her favorite chair)
about their uses and practical applications.

It was a treasure trove that fanned my creative imagination like nothing


Out of the many and varied concoctions in my Grandma’s closet, her

favorite by far was the humble bottle of Witch Hazel extract.

Native Americans were the first to recognize the healing properties of witch
hazel, a flowering plant with oval shaped leaves, tiny flowers and a stem
which can grow as high as 24 feet tall! It was prepared by boiling the stems
with the resulting extract used to treat inflammation, swelling and even
cancerous tumors.

Witch Hazel was popularized for mainstream use by Dr. Charles Hawes in
the early 1800′s, who concluded after extensive research that Witch Hazel
extract had many applications in the field of medicine. By 1846, Dr. Hawes
had commercialized the sale of Wiitch Hazel extract under the name
“Hawe’s Extract”.

The benefits of Witch Hazel for medicinal use are primarily via its
application as a natural and highly effective astringent. It contains an
abundance of natural tannins that have the ability to shrink inflamed,
swollen tissue and tighten pores. The beneficial effect of Witch Hazel on
the skin even extends to facilitating the healing of scars.
Witch Hazel also contains gallic acid, which has anti-viral and anti-fungal
properties. In addition, essential oils, natural resins and flavonoids
contribute to Witch Hazel’s gentle but powerful antiseptic and broad
spectrum antimicrobial properties.

For those attempting to eliminate exposure to toxic synthetic astringents,

Witch Hazel offers all the same benefits without any synthetic and hormone
disrupting fragrances, chemicals and preservatives.

Best of all, Witch Hazel is inexpensive and if you happen to need a lot in
order to make homemade baby wipes or for other home uses, it is pennies
per cup to make yourself.

Besides its obvious use as a gentle astringent toner and pore refiner, my
Grandma used Witch Hazel for just about anything skin related such as the
● Acne and blemishes: Witch Hazel helps shrink, dry up and
clear blemishes by acting as a topical anti-inflammatory and
antiseptic agent.
● Hemorrhoids: Witch Hazel helps to shrink, soothe, and stop the
bleeding of hemorrhoids, which are really just a form of varicose
veins. Witch Hazel can be particularly soothing after vaginal
childbirth when the pushing of the birth process can inflame
rectal veins and cause swelling.
● Diaper Rash: The gentle but rapid soothing action of Witch
Hazel makes it perfect for reducing inflammation and discomfort
from diaper use.
● Eye puffiness: Witch Hazel is a common ingredient in
homemade eye creams to reduce bags and puffiness in the eye
area by shrinking the delicate tissue.
● Poison Ivy: If you love to camp, be sure to always have a
bottle of Witch Hazel packed with your gear as it is useful for
reducing the painful rash, swelling or itching from poison ivy and
poison oak.
● Varicose Veins: Witch Hazel application to painful varicose
veins can help get you back on your feet. Soaking a cloth in
Witch Hazel and wrapping it around the infected leg is how it has
been traditionally used for this purpose.
● Bruises: A dab of Witch Hazel on bruises several times a day
helps them heal faster.
● Sunburn: The anti-inflammatory effects of Witch Hazel are
particularly helpful for managing the effects of sunburn and
minimizing peeling.
● Underarm Odor: Witch Hazel is antimicrobial and is effective
as an underarm deodorant particularly if someone is sensitive to
baking soda.
● Bug Bites: Applying Witch Hazel with a cotton ball to bug
bites is very effective for reducing itching and swelling. It also
encourages a faster healing time.
● Dandruff: Gallic acid in Witch Hazel is an effective anti-
fungal. Dandruff is a candida related condition, which is why
topical application to the scalp works so well for controlling its
flaky effects.
Comfrey Poultice
Used for millennia to help heal sprains, bruises and even slight bone
fractures, comfrey contains allantoin which is thought to speed up
production of new cells. It’s also known as knitbone. Even it’s Latin name,
Symphytum, is derived from the Greek, “symphis”, meaning growing
together of bones, and “phyton,” meaning plant.

Use the large rough leaves as a poultice/compress for damaged tissues and
injuries (unbroken skin only). Pick a handful right down to the base of the
plant, sweat them over boiling water for a few minutes to soften them.
Mash them down a bit into a dish, cool and "drain" away excess juice. Then
apply to the injury with suitable cloth bandaging. Cover with plastic wrap to
contain the moisture, if desired. Renew every three to four hours - or when
it dries out. Protect clothing against staining.

Depending on the nature of the injury, continuously apply fresh poultices

until healed. As you would imagine, a bone fracture will typically take
more days to heal than a bruise.

If you don’t have access to the plant growing fresh leaves in your garden,
you can use a cream. Click here for one we use in our home
Holistic First Aid Kit Essentials
When it comes to first-aid kits, we tend to picture them being filled with
Band-aids, Neosporin, gauze, Tylenol, heating pads, etc. But if you have
children, you’re going need a lot more than that - especially if you want to
keep them on the straight and natural!

This is where homeopathy can prove very useful. You can learn enough
yourself to use them safely and effectively for acute (as opposed to chronic)
situations, particularly with children. Homeopathic remedies can be found
at most health-food stores, they are inexpensive, and those tiny sweet
pellets are extremely easy to administer to a child of any age, even
newborns as they dissolve easily on the tongue.

So why aren’t these remedies in every home’s first aid kit? It’s because
most parents are intimidated by the extensive range of remedies out there so
they don’t know where to start.
A word on dosage before we begin identifying specific remedies you really
need in your home first aid kit: The ‘30C’ that you see next to many of
these remedies below is called the potency, or strength of the remedy. 30C
is known to be the most appropriate potency for self-limiting conditions, as
opposed to chronic ones.

Dosing of the holistic first aid remedies listed below is usually 2-5 pellets,
2-4 times per day depending on the severity. The great news is that you
can’t overdose.

Which holistic first aid remedy to choose? Being able to determine which is
the right remedy for your child is like learning how to ride a bike. As your
children get sick you will understand more on how they present when
they’re sick and you’ll be much more efficient with selecting the right

The good news is, again, there is no overdosing and these holistic first aid
remedies are not dangerous in any way.

Holistic First Aid Remedies

Ferrum Phos 6X (Cell Salts)
I call this the “nip it in the butt” remedy because it is taken the moment you
notice symptoms that indicate that you may be coming down with
something. You take two tablets twice a day.
Once you’re sick then you really need to find the remedy that matches the

Arnica 30C
As one Homeopathy professor always says during Naturopathic medical
school lectures: “Emergency rooms should have bath tubs full of this
remedy!” If you’re going to only have one remedy in the house, then this is
the one it is going to have to be. Use for any type of blunt trauma to the
body, bruising, falls, after a surgical procedure (i.e. pulled molars), bumped
head, finger stuck in closet or door, etc.

Phosphorus 30C
Best used for respiratory conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia,
tightness in the chest, dry lingering coughs, and deep coughs. The child
may seem well even when sick. Matches children who are very sociable,
love performing and love meeting new people.

Arsenicum 30C
The nose is running like a faucet and the skin around the nostrils is raw
from the acrid discharge. Extremely fatigued.

Gelsemium 30C
So drained that you feel like you’ve been “run over by a truck.” Can barely
open your eyes. Running a fever with chills. Excellent acute anxiety remedy
for children nervous about going to the doctor, nervous about a big test, etc.
I personally took this remedy before taking my Naturopathic medical board

Rhus Tox 30C

This is the arthritis remedy. Specifically indicated for stiff joints that tend to
get better with movement. Can also be used for sprained ankles, poison ivy,
and even cold sores. Helps with coughs that give a tickle in the throat.

Nux Vomica 30C

I call this the GI (Gastrointestinal Tract) remedy. Used for anything from
heartburn to hemorrhoids. Can also be used for diarrhea or constipation.
Best indicated for the typical stomach flu presentation. Well know for
ameliorating hangovers.

Aconite 30C
This is for the child who is running around outside in the cold and a wind
comes and gives them a chill. They wake up in the middle of the night with
strong flu symptoms. Also can help for any type of sudden fright, like being
shaken up from almost getting in a car accident.

Pulsatilla 30C
This is the universal childhood remedy. Great for tummy aches, headaches,
and infections. They might have a mild fever, but not thirsty. Typical
presentation is a child that is very clingy, a little teary, very sweet, wants to
sit on lap or be held, and is easily consoled.

Kali Bich 30C

Thick and sticky mucus that cannot get out of the nose or throat.

Apis 30C
The bee sting remedy. Back of throat and uvula is all swollen, and looks
like it is full of water. Desires ice cold drinks. Great for any type of water
retention (like pre-menstrual swelling of fingers and can’t get ring on).

Lachesis 30C
A left-sided remedy. Purplish discoloration to face and affected areas,
usually do to circulation issues. Can’t stand anything around the neck. Gets
worse from hot drinks.

Lycopodium 30C
This is a right-sided remedy. Desires warm drinks. Feels like there is a lump
in the throat.

Mercurius 30C
Drooling a lot. Sweat and breath smells bad. Sheets are drenched with
Kali Mur 6X (tissue salt)
Helps resorb ear fluids during an active ear infection.

Belladona 30C
Fevers with a fast onset. Come on strong. Bright red face.

Chamomilla 30C
The impossible kid. Usually when they’re teething or have a sore throat.

Most of these items can be purchased inexpensively at you local health food
store. Click here ( to source them online.

Now you’re ready to upgrade your first aid kit to include plenty of
homeopathic remedies — holistic, safe, and effective!

Adapted from a blog post by David Levi ND:
Fast Acting Mosquito Bite Remedy (That’s Probably Already in
Your Kitchen)
My friend Kelli’s youngest child is a little girl adopted from China. Kelli
and her husband have 3 older children of their own, but since Sarah is their
first child from another country, they have occasionally experienced new
challenges and adjustments based on the inherent cultural and genetic

One such challenge is Sarah’s extreme reaction to mosquito bites which

apparently is not uncommon for people of Chinese heritage.

Living in Florida and being very sensitive to mosquito bites can pose a
challenge as mosquitoes can be a year round problem here.

Telling a young child not to scratch is a losing battle most of the time, and
Kelli has not found any of the Western style remedies for mosquito bites to
work very well for Sarah. As a result, just a few mosquito bites could send
Sarah to the doctor for examination as they would sometimes get infected
from her scratching.

Besides being a busy Mom of four, Kelli is also an Adoption Specialist and
blogs about the adoption process, so with her international connections, she
was able to consult with her Chinese friends about Sarah’s problem with
mosquito bites.

Their suggestion?

An old Chinese mosquito bite remedy which is rubbing the bites with the
inside of a banana peel!
I asked Kelli to let me know if the banana peel remedy worked the next
time Sarah was bitten, and within a few days, Kelli reported that the banana
peel worked! The banana peel not only worked, it worked FAST!

Here is Kelli’s email to me about her experience with this mosquito bite

“Well, sure enough Sarah got 2 bites this evening….

They immediately began to swell and the area all around the bite was quite
red, of course some of that was from her itching.

I applied the banana peel, as advised by my Chinese friends, and within 2

minutes the bite stopped itching. About 5 or 7 minutes later, the site was
significantly less red. When I glanced at it again before bed, though I could
still see the bite, her skin was no longer red. Best of all, she didn’t seem
bothered by it.

Since she is so young it is hard for her not to scratch, and I will forward you
a picture of a current bite which landed us at the doctor’s office out of fear
of infection (we’re in the clear for now). She has been on antibiotics once
before from a bug bite getting infected after her scratching it, and I try to
avoid antibiotics so was not happy when this recent bite started looking so

From now on, we will honor this Chinese remedy…I wish I had known this
secret years ago!”

The most interesting thing about this mosquito bite remedy to me is that it
is fairly well known that eating bananas is a surefire way to be a prime
mozzie target at sundown. While eating bananas seems to attract
mosquitoes, rubbing the bites with the inside of the peel heals them!

Does your child have problems with mosquito bites too? The next time the
mozzies leave their calling card on your child’s skin, skip the ammonia
sticks and other chemical based remedies that will end up in your child’s
bloodstream and simply try the inside of a banana peel!
Ant Bite? Wasp Sting? Stop That Allergic Reaction Fast
When we returned from a 10 day vacation to Alaska and Canada some time
ago, we were greeted by a big messed caused by Tropical Storm Debby
which passed across the state of Florida with high winds and torrential rains
while I had been away relaxing and having a great time communing with
glaciers and eating fresh salmon. Tampa Bay was hit particularly hard.

Thankfully, the house was fine, but there was a lot of cleanup to do with
tree limbs, branches and Spanish moss littered all over our 2 acre property.

After giving myself a full day to recuperate from the long flight and slight
jet lag, I set to work in the yard with the rest of the family to clean up the
debris and load it into the fire pit. It wasn’t long before my efforts were
noticed by several enormous wasps hidden behind a clump of Spanish moss
hanging off a cypress tree down at the lakefront. I must have inadvertently
disturbed their nest and they were not happy campers. Now, I’m not
particularly afraid of wasp stings. I’ve been stung a zillion times and never
found the experience to be particularly painful or problematic. Once I was
even stung multiple times on a spot about the size of a quarter on my
forearm and barely flinched.

This time, though, was different. A big wasp managed to sting me right
through my sweat pants on my upper left thigh and it felt like someone had
stuck me with a needle.
Instead of ignoring it and going about my business which is my usual
course of action, I went into the house to take a look as the pain was
unusually sharp.

Sure enough, a big red spot appeared on my thigh and a patch of red started
to grow and swell around it getting ever bigger with the passing minutes.
The pain didn’t subside either, so I dabbed some tea tree oil on the spot and
this eliminated the discomfort within a minute or so. But the red spot
continued to grow and I became concerned that I was perhaps having some
sort of an allergic reaction to the wasp sting.
At that point, it occurred to me that I might be lower in vitamin D than
usual given that I had gotten little to no sun recently while in the far reaches
of North America. I also did not take my usual large dose of fermented cod
liver oil while on vacation. I only took 3 capsules a day as carrying the
liquid in a travel bag was not as convenient. 3 capsules only equates to
about 20% or so of my usual daily dose when I take it straight off the

Since low vitamin D levels have been associated with allergies, I decided to
take a big dose of fermented cod liver oil ( right then and
there. I took 2 full teaspoons full which is approximately 6000 IU of
Vitamin D bound together in a whole-foods based, synergistic package with
the other fat soluble vitamins A, E and K2 along with unadulterated omega 3
fatty acids. Before you race off to the health-food store to buy cod liver oil,
however, be advised that nearly every single cod liver oil brand on the
market contains little Vitamin D and of the ones that do have a decent dose
of D, it is usually synthetic — added after the violent processing destroys
the natural version!

Vitamin D taken as fermented cod liver oil, completely unheated and gently
purified, is much more effective than taking it in isolation as our bodies are
designed to take in nutrients as food, not pills or drops. Taking nutrients in
isolation can cause imbalances and should be avoided unless under the care
of a physician who is using them therapeutically for short periods of time to
correct a severe deficiency.

Allergic Reaction Halted with Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Within a few minutes of taking a mega dose of fermented cod liver oil, the
red patch that was growing on my thigh stopped. Within an hour, it began to
recede and continued to shrink until it was nothing but a small spot the next

I’m not the only one who has had success treating insect stings with
fermented cod liver oil. One gal I know swears by it when she gets a red ant
bite which typically triggers an allergic reaction. She has discovered that a
big dose of fermented cod liver oil stops the reaction from the red ant bite
from progressing.
Others have reported to me over the years that fermented cod liver oil is
helpful for bee stings and even mosquito and horse fly bites which can
cause significant swelling for some people.
Of course, fermented cod liver oil does not take the place of an epipen. If
you have a life threatening reaction to insect bites, make sure you continue
with the proper medication if the situation warrants.

But, if you experience a non-life threatening allergic reaction to an insect

bite or sting like I did and want to stop it in its tracks, try fermented cod
liver oil with its easily absorbable, whole-foods based dose of natural
Vitamin D!
How to Remove a Stubborn Splinter with No Pain or Needles
While splinters can come from a variety of materials such as glass, plastic,
metal or even the protective spikes of animals, for most people, splinters
commonly occur on the fingers and hands from handling some type of plant
matter such as a piece of wood.

When one experiences a splinter, pain as the sharp object initially penetrates
the skin is usually felt. This is because the object has cut through the
cutaneous layer of skin, settling into the subcutaneous layer below. While
some splinters stay put at that point, most others will continue to move
around, damaging additional tissue in the process.

Splinters that become lodged in the fingers or hand as would happen while
doing yard work are usually easy to remove with a simple needle that has
been properly cleaned with alcohol first. But, for children, this can be too

The second problem with the needle approach is that it doesn’t always

I remember the time this happened to my husband. He got a thorn that was
about an inch long deeply lodged in his left index finger while doing some
yard work. No matter how hard he tried to dig that thorn out with the trusty
needle approach, he could not even find it let alone remove it.

It was just too deep.

At first, he figured the splinter would naturally work its way out. Splinters
sometimes do this — the skin “pushes” them to the surface of the skin
where they are easily removed a short time later with tweezers or your

That didn’t happen with this splinter. Waiting a few days made the situation
much worse as the finger got very sore and began to swell.

I became very concerned at that point because the finger was obviously
infected. I suggested a trip to the doctor, but my husband wasn’t keen on
that idea as the (out of network) holistic family doctor we called said it
would cost $500 for the office required consultation and subsequent
removal of the splinter.

$500 to remove a splinter? What has happened to healthcare in the USA?

I then suggested the walk-in clinic, but my husband didn’t want to go that
route unless absolutely necessary as the staff there would no doubt harass
him to get a tetanus shot (which he wouldn’t get) and then open the finger
with a scalpel and cut away until the thorn was removed. With the finger
already infected, antibiotics would probably be recommended for recovery.

My husband then had the bright idea to ask his friend who is a veterinarian
about the situation.
The vet said that removing a deep splinter is easy with magnesium sulfate,
better known as epsom salts. He said you could either soak the finger a few
times a day in a cup of warm water and epsom salts or make a poultice with

Sounded easy enough.

My husband decided to go the poultice route. He took a few grains of

epsom salts, placed them on the bandage section of a regular band-aid and
wrapped the finger with it. He changed the bandage once a day or after it
got wet in the shower.

Another option would have been to put a bit of magnesium sulfate paste
( on the area and cover with a bandage. Since we didn’t have
the paste on hand but did have epsom salt crystals for bathing, we chose to
go that route.

Within 2 days, it was apparent that the epsom salts poultice had worked!
The end of that thorn was ever so slightly sticking through the skin! My
husband pulled about 1/3″ of thorn out, but he could tell there was still
more in there. He continued to apply the epsom salts poultice for one more
day which caused the rest of the thorn to come to the surface of the skin as
well. He used tweezers to pull the rest of the thorn out, which turned out to
be about another 1/2″ in length.
Best of all, the swelling and soreness of the finger quickly resolved with the
removal of the thorn.

The finger has been fine ever since.

I will be using the epsom salts or magnesium sulfate paste on a bandage

approach to remove all splinters that occur in our household from now on.
I’ve purchased a small bottle of the magnesium sulfate paste, and it is now a
permanent part of my medicine cabinet. This approach suggested by our vet
friend is far easier than using needles or enduring the drama of a doctor’s
visit and there is surprisingly no pain at all involved.
Natural Remedy for Hives (Urticaria)
When my teenage son unexpectedly developed a pretty bad case of hives
(urticaria), they started on his thighs and then within a day or so, covered
his whole body except for his face, neck, hands and feet. Being a bit of an
analyst in this area, I sat down with him and thoroughly reviewed what he
had been eating and drinking over the past few days. We came up with
nothing unusual that could have triggered the event including any exposures
to possible environmental allergens.

My son has no allergies or sensitivities of any kind and had never had hives
or a skin rash before, so I was completely baffled! Not wanting to resort to
any meds, even over the counter diphenhydramine (Benadryl), I consulted a
professional who advised that the hives were likely caused by the sudden
burst of testosterone and were nothing to worry about long term. She
advised the homeopathic preparation “Skin” ( which he was
to take whenever he started to itch or feel uncomfortable.

He was to take 1-2 tablets on the tongue and let them dissolve before
swallowing taking care to ensure that he had nothing to eat or drink 15
minutes before or after taking them.

This homeopathic preparation, a completely natural remedy for hives,

worked wonderfully well. He had to take these pills off and on for about a
week before the hives gradually faded They haven’t come back since so my
hope is that using homeopathics instead of short circuiting the immune
process with meds like Benadryl allowed him to adjust to his changing
hormonal pattern without causing any long term imbalances in any way.
Chapter 3: Skin, Hair and Nails
Seaweed Wrap: Minerals In, Heavy Metals Out
Many luxury spas and cruise ships offer a seaweed wrap to clients as part of
their relaxation and detoxification package. These services are usually very
expensive and a bit inconvenient, requiring time off work or while on

What if you could make your own seaweed wrap at home … anytime you
wanted for pennies per treatment and all the convenience of using your own
shower afterward?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson MD recommends seaweed wraps, also called kelp

wraps, for his patients as they help individuals absorb more minerals
particularly if there is a digestive problem involved that is preventing
proper nutrient absorption.

According to Dr. Wilson, a seaweed wrap is not just nutritive in nature. It

also assists with removal of heavy metals such as mercury and copper via
the skin. He states that women seem to benefit from seaweed wraps more
than men do although current research has not yet revealed the reasons
why. Perhaps this is one reason seaweed wraps are such a favorite on
luxury spa menus!

From a purely aesthetic standpoint, a seaweed wrap benefits the appearance

of the skin due to sea salt, amino acids and other nutrients in the kelp.
Some people report that their skin has tightened and fine lines and small
wrinkles have diminished. While there is no research to support this that I
can find, anecdotal observations of some aestheticians report that the heat
generated from the wrap redistributes fat deposits over time reducing the
appearance of cellulite.

Ultimately, however, a seaweed wrap is performed primarily to improve

internal health with increased nutrients and reduced toxin load of the body
organs via the largest organ itself — the skin!

Does a Seaweed Wrap Have to Involve the Whole Body?

While an entire seaweed body wrap can be made for optimal results, if
inconvenient and movement is required while the wrap is in place, just the
feet and legs can be wrapped when necessary. Partial seaweed wraps are not
quite as effective, but are certainly better than no wrap at all.

What You Will Need to Make Your Seaweed Wrap

Only a few items are needed to make a homemade seaweed wrap.

A single wrap will require approximately 1 pound of powdered kelp, a large
brown seaweed that typically has a long, tough stalk with a broad frond
divided into strips. Before you think that it must be very expensive to use an
entire pound of powdered kelp for a single seaweed wrap, note that you can
reuse the kelp for up to 20 times (directions below) making seaweed wraps
a very inexpensive form of detoxification — less than 50 cents per wrap in

Dr. Wilson recommends these brands as acceptable: Starwest Herbs

(, Frontier, and Monterrey Bay Herb Company
( If you are concerned about radiation contamination of
kelp from Fukushima, call the company to ensure that the kelp has been
sourced from the Atlantic Ocean or the Southern Hemisphere.

Filtered Water
4-10 cups of filtered water is mixed with the powdered kelp to make a
paste. Start with 4 cups and you can always add more later when you are
mixing the water with the powdered kelp (process described below).

Organic Flour
Dr. Wilson calls for 1-2 tablespoons of wheat flour to mix with the water
and powdered kelp, but if you have gluten sensitivity, substitute your
favorite gluten free, organic flour of choice. Addition of the flour helps
make the seaweed wrap stay in place better on the skin by increasing

Biodegradable Food Wrap

Clear food wrap is wrapped around the skin after the kelp mixture is applied
to increase heat and facilitate moving around while the seaweed wrap is in
place. (Get petroleum free, biodegradable, compostable food wrap by
clicking here:

Plastic Shower Curtain (optional)

This is used to lie down on to apply the seaweed wrap to prevent it from
soiling the floor or staining furniture. Using a plastic shower curtain to
recline on while the wrap is in place will also facilitate collection of the
kelp for reuse for the next seaweed wrap.

How to Prepare the Seaweed Wrap

The directions for preparing your seaweed wrap are very simple.
1. First, bring the filtered water to a boil and then turn the heat down to a
very low simmer.
2. Slowly begin to spoon in the powdered kelp and stir to thoroughly mix
so that it doesn’t burn.
3. Once the entire pound of powdered kelp has been mixed into the water,
allow the mixture to simmer on very low heat for one hour. Stir
occasionally so that no kelp sticks to the bottom of the pot and starts to
burn. If you have any lumps of kelp, break them up and add additional
water if the mixture seems too dry. The hour-long cooking is important
as it kills any bacteria that may be mixed in with the kelp.
4. After the cooking process is complete, remove the pot from the stove
and add 1-2 tablespoons of organic flour. This adds stickiness to the
seaweed paste.

Applying the Seaweed Wrap

Ok, this is where things are going to get messy. Just try to relax and
anticipate that it will be fun and make you feel great so that it’s not a
stressful event! Line the bathtub or the bathroom floor with a plastic shower
curtain or large towels and a washable pillow. Sit down on the shower
curtain after removing all your clothes and setting them aside.

Alternatively, you can place the shower curtain on top of the towels to make
it a bit softer to lay on. Remember that using the plastic shower curtain will
allow collection and reuse of the kelp mixture much easier after the
seaweed wrap is complete.

Begin to apply the seaweed mixture all over your skin even your face if you
desire. Wear a halter top and underwear or a bikini if this makes you feel
more comfortable. Make sure the bathroom is nice and warm while you do
this. Dr. Wilson recommends that you not apply the kelp mixture to the
elbows, knees, and underarms as it will not stay on very well in these areas.

Once the kelp mixture is spread on the skin, let it stay there for at least 2
hours and up to 3 hours. There is no need to rub it in or attempt to exfoliate
with it. It is best to apply a thicker layer as this will help the kelp mixture to
remain moist for the allotted time. If it dries out, it will be harder to recycle
and reuse.

To increase the heat and facilitate moving around during the 2-3 hour time
period, apply clear, biodegradable food wrap (find it here:
over the areas of the skin with the applied kelp mixture. Dr. Wilson also
suggests a lightweight plastic jump suit used in clean rooms as an
alternative to the food wrap. Put one of these on and you can walk around
the house without leaving a messy trail behind you.

Bonus! You Can Reuse the Kelp

If you sit or lie down on a plastic shower curtain, you should be able to
collect most of the kelp. If you wish, add some water to it so it is not too
thick, and store it in a container in the refrigerator until the next time you do
the wrap. To reuse the kelp, put it back on the stove and warm it up to near
body temperature. You can boil it for a minute or two to kill germs if it is
contaminated or sweaty. However, you do not need to cook it for an hour
like with the original mixture. You can reuse the kelp up to 20 times. With
1 pound of organic powdered kelp costing about $10, this brings the cost of
each seaweed wrap to about 50 cents per treatment!

Much cheaper than a spa by a longshot!

How Often to Make a Seaweed Wrap?

Dr. Wilson recommends that those just starting out on a nutritional
balancing program will likely need this home procedure every day for 6-12
months. For those in good health who are simply using a seaweed wrap for
relaxation and seasonal detoxification, once or twice a month would be
How to Do a Hair Detox to Enjoy Beautiful Locks Naturally
Modern women — both young and old — are beset with media messages
conveying an unrealistic and unattainable ideal of beauty at almost every
turn. Because of this, many women and girls are lured into altering their
hair, their face and/or their bodies in attempts to conform to these false

It is easy to fall into the trap of altering one’s locks by coloring it

constantly, using products full of chemicals, or frequently changing up the
style with the use of high heat. If you’re like most women, you are guilty of
at least one of these. As a result, however, you are probably suffering from
dry, damaged and weak hair. After months or years of being on the haircare
chemical/styling bandwagon, some ladies reach the end of their rope and
finally refuse to spend another dime or expose themselves to further
damaging treatments in an attempt to “fix” these problems. At that point, a
healthier path involves changing one’s mentality away from what society is
telling us and embracing an inner, natural beauty. This includes using
holistic ways to pamper and highlight your locks naturally with results that
will surprise and delight you!

How long should this take? Depending on how much you have processed
your hair in the past, it could take anywhere from three to six months to
completely restore your hair’s natural beauty.

In order to begin the process of healing your hair, you should start with
what I call a “Hair Detox.” Now this is not a normal detox, it is a
completely external detox for your hair. Before you start, you will need to
visit your hair stylist and have them cut/trim off all off your dead ends. You
may dread this, but it is necessary.

After you have eliminated all dead ends, you will need several basic items
to detox your hair. Most of the items used are products that you will have
around the house or can be purchased very inexpensively from the store.
You will need:
● Baking soda
● Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
● Bentonite clay
● Raw honey

With these four basic products, you will perform a simple hair cleansing
and detox regime. Instead of using shampoos and conditioners full of
chemicals, you will use the the baking soda and ACV. Raw honey is used
for deep conditioning.

Hair Care Procedure:

1. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of filtered water in a
2. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one cup of filtered water
in a second bowl.
3. In the shower, first work the baking soda mixture through your hair.
Rinse with cool water.
4. Follow with the apple cider vinegar mixture and rinse with cool water.
5. For added condition and shine, use a a generous amount of raw honey
after the ACV rinse. While your hair is completely wet, massage the
raw honey through your hair, let it sit for a few minutes and rinse.

Now, the more often you wash your hair with baking soda and ACV, the
faster your hair will detox. If your main goal is to detox, you can wash your
hair with these mixtures every day.

To quicken the process, you can also use a Bentonite clay (
hair mask. Bentonite clay, essentially an absorbent ash, draws the toxins
and excess oils out of your hair and scalp. Recently, it has become popular
for both internal and external detoxing. Many use it externally for the skin,
but the same process works on the hair. The Bentonite clay hair mask is not
a part of a daily cleansing regime, but should be used at least once a week.

Bentonite hair mask procedure

1. To prepare the mask, you will mix equal parts Bentonite clay and apple
cider vinegar until it is the consistency of mustard.
2. After making the mask, cover your hair completely from roots to ends
with the clay. Allow the mask to sit for about 30 minutes but take care
to avoid letting it dry completely.
3. Rinse it out (while it is still pliable)

During the hair detox, it is very important to avoid using any conventional
products. If you’re worried about having shiny or fresh smelling hair, there
is hope! Essential oils are helpful in replacing most conventional products.
After conditioning your hair with the apple cider vinegar, you may notice
the smell lingering in your wet hair. Generally, the smell will dissipate in
about a month as the detox process continues. Until then, you can use
essential oils like lavender, jasmine, peppermint, or any of your favorite

Here are two ways to apply the essential oils.

1. Before you get in the shower, you can mix the essential oils directly
into the apple cider vinegar mix and cleanse as directed above.
2. When you get out of the shower, you can apply a few drops of your
favorite essential oil throughout your hair. Use a wide tooth comb to
distribute the oils evenly through your hair.

To replace conditioning or moisturizing products after cleansing, there are

number of oils you can use. I’ve had good results 100% pure, organic argan
oil ( to condition and heal the hair. Argan Oil has been used
for centuries and is made from the Argan tree in the deserts of Morocco.
Wheat germ oil or coconut oil can also be used for conditioning. The great
thing about all three of these oils is not only do they condition the hair, but
they also protect the ends from breaking off. As a result, the hair is
strengthened which promotes hair growth.

After a Proper Hair Detox, You Won’t Ever Go Back!

While detoxing your hair, it is important to avoid normal shampoos,

conditioners and other hair products. The chemicals from your products will
hinder detox progress. After using baking soda and apple cider vinegar for a
few weeks, you won’t want to ever go back to conventional shampoos and
conditioners! Your hair will look and feel great!
If you don’t believe me, try switching back to conventional products after a
month. It will be hard to ignore the difference.

Alternatives to Baking Soda for Hair Cleansing

Baking soda is inexpensive for detoxing your hair, but everyone’s hair is
different. If you find your hair is detoxing, but reacting badly, fear not!
Instead of the baking soda mixture, use pure Castile Soap instead
( This soap achieves the same detoxing effects and even
works better for some people. It’s all about finding what is best for you!

Begin by trying each shampoo substitute for a one week period to find what
suits your needs best.

Hair Styling During the Hair Detox

As the days lengthen into weeks, the change in your hair will be very
noticeable to you and others.

Through this long process, however, in addition to avoiding conventional

haircare products, you will also need to avoid using any heat products on
your hair. Blow drying, flat ironing or curling your hair causes the ends to
become damaged and break. If you have to make an exception, ensure you
use an ample amount of pure Argan Oil. It will help to protect your hair
from the heat.

While going through this transition phase, it is important to find alternative

ways to style your hair. Since using heat is out of the question, experiment
with headbands, barrettes or bandannas.

For some old-fashioned “dos”, try some French braids or regular braids for
fun. Braiding the hair before going to sleep, not only protects the ends from
breaking off, but gives your hair a nice wave when you take them out in the
Letting your hair dry naturally may not always satisfy your desire for style.
If you want to achieve natural, perfect curls without a curling iron, check
out this video ( All you need is a stretchy head band! I love
using this trick overnight; it creates those perfect, “springy curls.” You can
use a non-toxic hair gel made with flax seeds ( to assist the
process. If all else fails, there is always the conventional pony tail or bun.
These can be used as a professional or casual style. Always remember,
don’t give in to using heat products! You will thank yourself in six months
when your hair has achieved its natural beauty. Not to mention, your hair
will be growing stronger by the day, promoting accelerated growth.

Natural, Non-toxic Hair Color

If you have detoxed your hair per this book, bear in mind that, by detoxing
your hair, you’re ridding the strands of any old color. Most salons use
developers and dyes full of chemicals; however, there are some exceptions.
Chances are if you have color treated your hair, you have used dyes full of

With this in mind, you must not color your hair during the detox! Coloring
the hair deposits the chemicals and toxins directly back on to the strands.
This is a time of reverting back to everything natural. Most women color
their hair the appropriate “every four to six” weeks, or when their roots
begin to show. During the detox, you must resist the urge to color and
embrace your natural hair color.

As mentioned before, there are alternative hair color options that are
nontoxic. Hemp is frequently used as an effective all natural hair dye. Even
still, it would be best to avoid using even natural hair color until at least two
months of the hair detox is complete.

For the women that choose not to use any color, there are ways to naturally
highlight or lighten your hair. As your old color grows out, it will be easier
to enhance your hair’s natural color. Most of you have heard about using
lemon juice while out in the sun. This method, while old-fashioned, works
the best. To use this method, you must use lemon juice directly from a
lemon. Pre-made juice from jars does not work as well.

Squeeze one lemon in about 1 cup of water and pour the mixture into a
spray bottle. Spraying it directly onto damp hair and combing it through is
best. After applying, you will need to get at least 30 minutes of sun
If lemon juice would be too harsh for your hair, you can also brew a pot of
Chamomile tea and use the same method. When you are done with either
the lemon juice or Chamomile tea, use the baking soda and apple cider
vinegar to cleanse your hair. Repeat the process over several days to see the
beautiful results.

Nutrients to Support Healthy Hair During the Hair Detox

Focusing on your internal health is just as important to natural hair beauty
as what is done externally. As a result, when trying to repair and strengthen
your hair, you may wish to add a couple supplemental aids to your regime.

The following is a list of supplements that can be used to help heal,

strengthen and lengthen hair as necessary based on the needs and goals for
your own personal hair detox.

● Biotin is one of the most common supplements for aiding in

hair health. Biotin is a naturally occurring B-vitamin, specifically
Vitamin B7, which is produced in the intestines but can be found
in leafy green vegetables. For the purposes of hair health, the
supplement form will better help to renew the follicles and roots
of the hair. The result is thicker, healthier and fuller hair.
● Silica comes in two forms: liquid and capsule. The capsule
form is more commonly known as Horsetail. Silica in its liquid
form is more potent and more effective. Putting the drops in glass
of water with lemon juice and drinking first thing in the morning
is best.
● Coconut oil is not only good for external health, but for
internal health as well. It aids with digestion and strengthens the
immune system. You can consume coconut oil a variety of ways.
Each morning and each night, take a tablespoon of coconut oil
and chase it with some iced lemon water; however, you can also
put it in your tea or smoothies. Either way, try to take at least two
tablespoons a day for hair health.
● The three nutrients collagen, keratin and elastin can help
improve your health from the inside out as well. Find them in
liquid form for the fastest absorption.
Adapted from an original post by Arielle Giordano:
The Four Essential Vitamins for Radiant Skin
Dr. Georgiana Donadio, founder of the National Institute of Whole Health
“Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all
skin conditions, from psoriasis to acne to aging, are the manifestations of
your body’s internal needs, including its nutritional needs.”

The first step to start working on improving your skin is most definitely
through diet. Even if it’s not be the only solution one may need, it is crucial
for allowing the skin to heal and reduce inflammation.

Your skin needs many nutrients: vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and
antioxidants to keep it looking its best. Lets take a look at four specific
vitamins to make sure you are getting in your diet as they are critical to skin

Vitamin A
Vitamin A (also known as retinol) is frequently used in conventional skin
treatments, both topically and internally, especially in regards to acne.
Deficiencies of vitamin A can exacerbate skin conditions and can cause
symptoms such as dry, flaky, rough and scaly skin. A common sign of
vitamin A deficiency is keratosis pilaris, which results in red bumps on the
back of arms. I personally had this for years, and recently have been able to
successfully address it by supplementing with true vitamin A, but also by
treating the deeper cause of why there was a vitamin A deficiency in the
first place.

Beta carotene is commonly mistaken as true Vitamin A. The main

difference is that true vitamin A is the active form that can be used by the
body, where beta carotene needs to be converted into the active form. The
conversion of beta carotene to retinol in the body is inefficient at best and in
those with gut problems, may not occur at all.

In marketing there is no distinction between these forms and therefore many

people think they are getting vitamin A through plant foods, such as carrots,
leafy greens and sweet potatoes, when they are really only receiving beta
Food Sources: True sources of vitamin A come from animal sources such as
organ meats like liver and kidney, pastured cream, butter and egg yolks, as
well as cod liver oil. It is also important to note that vitamin A is a fat
soluble vitamin which means you need to consume fat with it to absorb it,
especially with plant sources. It is much easier for the body to use the
straight form of vitamin A, rather than relying on needed co-factors to make
the conversion from plant sources. It is these nutrient dense sources of
Vitamin A from animal foods that can really help to improve overall skin
health with increased dietary intake.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C has many benefits and truly is a super nutrient. Being an
antioxidant, it helps to repair damage caused by overexposure to sun or
toxins, especially when consumed with vitamin E. It also helps to support
collagen and overall skin tone — a natural anti-ager and rejuvenator. You
can safely take a whole food vitamin C as a supplement from 500 to 1,000
milligrams per day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Just be aware that high dosages of vitamin C can cause loose bowels, so
adjust accordingly.

Food sources: Citrus, acerola cherries, camu camu berries, bell peppers,
guava, leafy greens, broccoli, parsley, strawberries.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another common nutrient and antioxidant in mainstream skin
treatments. It is helpful in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and like
whole food based vitamin C, helps to repair damage. Like vitamin A, it is a
fat soluble vitamin, but the most abundant found in the skin. Be sure to eat
whole food sources with healthy fats to absorb and utilize.

Food sources: Wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, chard,
prunes, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus, avocados and olive oil.

Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is a lesser known vitamin in mainstream health and therefore
has been a missing link in the modern diet. It is known to help with calcium
utilization and absorption, the key factor in maintaining both bone and
cardiovascular health.

More recently research has shown Vitamin K2’s importance in activating

proteins responsible for healthy tissues, making it imperative to prevent and
reduce wrinkles. It is also critical for the proper absorption of Vitamins A
and D. Vitamin A is recommended frequently by dermatologists, but when
was the last time you were told to supplement with vitamin K2 in
conjunction? Food sources are best as they will have a natural synergy with
vitamin A and D.

Food sources: Fermented foods like sauerkraut, cheeses and natto along
with full fat pastured dairy products such as butter and cream, egg yolks
and liver. Note that conventional dairy products from grain fed animals will
NOT contain vitamin K2 unless they are fermented which adds K2 via the
fermentation process. Fermented cod liver oil mixed with butter oil is a
great way to supplement.

Make sure that you take into consideration food sensitivities, as many
people may not be able to tolerate some food sources of these vitamins,
such as pastured dairy. Always listen to your body and watch for reactions
— both immediate and delayed.

Adapted from an original blog post by Carla Hernandez, NTP
3 Minerals Your Skin is Craving
The importance of minerals in skincare has been severely overlooked,
especially when compared to the amount of attention vitamins receive.
Minerals are essentially the “spark plugs” of the body, carrying out
important bodily functions through enzyme reactions. They facilitate the
transfer of nutrients across cell membranes with important assistance from
In addition, they maintain PH balance and proper nerve conduction,
contract and relax muscles, provide structural support, and regulate tissue
growth. As you can see, minerals are a must to maintaining a healthy
functioning body, but also to maintain healthy vibrant skin.

We need a variety of minerals and the best place to get these is through
consuming a clean whole foods diet with an array of high quality foods. If
you’re struggling with a skin condition, such as acne, you may want to
consider focusing on the minerals discussed below.

Zinc has a variety of important functions, and is also probably the most
common deficiency I see in people. Zinc is needed for proper growth,
supporting immunity, balancing proper blood sugar and metabolic rate, and
plays a large role in promoting prostate health.

It also has incredible benefits in healing and repairing damaged skin,

including wound healing, and because it is also an antioxidant, it protects
against UV radiation. Just to be clear, I am an advocate of the sun and
getting your vitamin D naturally, although there is a difference between sun
exposure and abuse.

If you know you are going to be out for hours in the summer particularly, a
zinc sunscreen like zinc oxide would not be a bad idea. It is available in it’s
pure form, which you may recognize from the traditional white patches
athletes like surfers use, although this is not the most attractive, nor discrete
when out in public.

Zinc oxide is now available in a clear form that doesn’t have the chemicals
and harmful ingredients that traditional sunscreens contain. It is also
important to note that zinc regulates the release of vitamin A from the liver
(another important skin nutrient). In regards to acne, zinc is especially
helpful working as an anti-inflammatory agent, helping in prevention of
breakouts but also decreasing scarring.

Because zinc can help reduce the amount of sebum (natural oil) your skin
produces, some research has found that those with acne have a lower intake
of zinc in their diet than those without acne.

Both past and recent research have shown that additional zinc intake is a
great way to help control acne symptoms:

A 2000 study published in the European Journal of Dermatology found that

taking zinc gluconate supplements helped to treat inflammatory acne,
according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Another double-
blind clinical trial published in the British Journal of Dermatology in 1977,
discovered that zinc supplements were equally effective as oxytetracycline,
an oral antibiotic sometimes prescribed for treating acne.

Food sources of zinc are best absorbed from animal sources if a deficiency
is present, as animal foods are better absorbed without the phytates that zinc
sources from plants have.
Simple Test for Zinc Deficiency

The current percent daily value for zinc is 15 mg, but therapeutic doses may
be needed in higher amounts. A good way to test your zinc status is by
doing a simple taste test at home.
Take a small amount of liquid zinc (about 1 tablespoon) in your mouth for
up to 30 seconds. If you immediately taste something other than water, such
as a metallic bitter taste, this can indicate good zinc status. The longer it
takes within those 30 seconds to taste something other than water, the more
deficient you may be.

Best food sources of Zinc

● Oysters and other shellfish
● Veal Liver
● Roast Beef
● Lamb
● Pumpkin Seeds

Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the human body, present in
every cell, with its greatest concentration in hair, skin and nails. Like zinc,
many people are likely eating a diet deficient in sulfur. That alone can cause
initial skin symptoms.

Traditionally, dermatologists recommend topical sulfur ointments for

treating acne, dermatitis, rosacea, eczema and even dandruff. Topical uses
of sulfur date as far back as Hippocrates and even the Romans. Sulfur
preparations and sulfur springs were used to treat skin problems, relieve
pain and to prevent aging.

According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, sulfur appears to

assist in shedding excessive skin. Insufficient shedding can be responsible
for blocking pores and creating the ideal environment for bacteria to thrive.

Sulfur works great at fighting bacteria, clarifying the skin, minimizing

pores, as well as preventing and healing damage caused by blemishes.
Hence, it can be very helpful for those who have acne.

Dietary sulfur significantly affects the production of collagen in our skin,

which supports its structure and strength, decreasing the onset of wrinkles.
For an additional way to support collagen growth, gelatin from pasture
raised animals is a great food source to include in any healthy skin diet.

Best food sources of Sulfur

● Grass fed pastured meats, like beef and chicken
● Pastured eggs
● Garlic
● Onions- The more potent and stronger the smell and effect
(think eyes watering), the more sulfur they contain!
● Brussel sprouts
● Asparagus
● Kale
● Fermented cruciferous vegetables, such as traditionally
prepared sauerkraut

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, paired with vitamin E (another
antioxidant) helps to boost glutathione production in the body, which can
potentially help to decrease and control acne.
Like Zinc, people who have acne typically have low levels of selenium as
well. The combination of antioxidants can create a great anti-inflammatory
effect and fight off free radicals.

It’s worth mentioning that copper also helps to enhance the function of
antioxidants, protecting skin from overall oxidative damage which can lead
to progressive aging, scarring and a dull complexion.

The mineral content in food is heavily dependent on the quality of the soil,
another reason to shop organic and local. Even then though, soils in some
parts of the world naturally contain more selenium than others. In the
United States, Nebraska and North and South Dakota have high levels of
selenium in the soil. Russia and China have low selenium levels.

If you eat a whole foods diet you should get enough selenium, however, if
you do or have any of the following, this can also lead to selenium
● Smoke cigarettes
● Drink alcohol
● Take birth control pills
● Have a condition that prevents your body from absorbing
enough selenium such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or
any chronic digestive issue

Best Food Sources of Selenium

● Organ Meats
● Fish, such as sardines and salmon are particularly high
● Pastured Meats — beef, turkey, lamb
● Liver
● Brazil nuts — Just 2-3 nuts will get you to your daily intake
value. Make sure you soak and sprout to reduce the phytate
content and make the selenium more available.

Focus on these food sources for a good month or two and see the

Adapted from an original blog post by Carla Hernandez, NTP
Liver Loving Herbs and Superfoods for Beautiful Skin
The liver supports the health of the skin just like it does every other organ
of our body. Every toxin in our body is taken to the liver to be cleaned and
transformed (fat-soluble into water soluble forms) that can then be excreted
so that the body is able to expel it via the colon. It removes harmful
bacteria, chemicals, toxins and even excess hormones. The liver also stores
vitamins A, D, B-12, iron, copper glucose. It is where the metabolism of
proteins, carbohydrates and fats take place.

Bile production is an especially important role of the liver when it comes to

the skin. Bile is stored in the gallbladder which contracts every time we
consume fat. It breaks down lipids into smaller particles so that we can
absorb and utilize them, otherwise we don’t get the benefits of eating good
fats. The other important role of bile is to stimulate peristaltic action, which
is the muscle contraction that happens in the digestive tract to move food
and waste through the intestines. If bile doesn’t get released, this doesn’t
happen and it can become difficult to produce a bowel movement.

So what does this have to do with the skin? It’s all about toxins. The more
toxins, the more stress the liver endures 24/7 and the skin’s health reflects

An overworked liver means that it’s not functioning optimally and therefore
can’t keep a clean home. One of the first signs that the liver is congested is
bowel problems. If constipation is an issue, or you’re going less than twice
a day, this can keep extra toxins hanging around. This happens because the
colon reabsorbs toxins if transit time is slowed and bowel waste is sitting
there longer than it should. Think of each bowel movement as a meal.
Typically we’re eating three meals a day, which means we should be
moving our bowels nearly as often too!

Other symptoms of a sluggish liver include:

● Headaches/Migraines
● Acne/skin rashes
● Poor tolerance to coffee, alcohol, smoke or fragrances
● Brain fog
● Indigestion after eating
● Constipation, diarrhea or light or dark colored stools
● Difficulty losing weight even with diet efforts
● Pain in the lower right rib
● Waking at night between 2am and 4am

A large part of maintaining healthy skin is making sure you take good care
of your liver and gallbladder, as well as healing the stomach if needed. The
good news is the liver can and does regenerate every 5 months, relatively
quickly and effectively compared to other organs. The liver responds
extremely well to foods, but especially herbs. Here are some liver loving
herbs and foods you can introduce into your diet to make sure you are
supporting it properly.

Liver loving herbs:

● Dandelion
● Milk thistle
● Bitter Greens
● Nettle leaves
● Cilantro
● Parsley

● Chlorella/ Spirulina — helps clear toxins from the body, boosts
immunity and Increases oxygen uptake.
● Brewer’s Yeast — high in nucleic acid which is an important
component of cell development. Also a rich source of B vitamins,
folate, potassium and chromium.
● Garlic — high in allicin and selenium that can aid in cleansing
the liver.
● Lemons, limes and Grapefruit- Eating or drinking the juices of
these fruits, or warm lemon water first thing in the morning, can
help your liver flush out toxins and assist in cleansing.
● Beets — high in flavonoids, which your liver loves! Eat them
raw, juiced or in Kvass form.
● Leafy Greens — the abundant chlorophyll and minerals
contained here are super supportive in the detoxification process.
● Whey — adding whey to your diet can help your body produce
glutathione, which is needed for phase I and II of detoxification.
● Turmeric — assists in fat digestion as it stimulates bile
production and studies have shown it to have powerful anti-
inflammatory properties.
● Liver! A true superfood. Think of the term “like cures like”.
Liver has all the nutrition your own liver needs to stay healthy,
just make sure you get the highest quality from pasture raised
● Burdock Root — a published study found that burdock helps
heal and protect against liver damage. Researchers link this to its
antioxidant properties.

Tips to get these foods into your daily diet:

1. Start your morning off with some lemon water upon rising.
2. Make a protein shake with whey, berries or grapefruit, spirulina and
coconut milk for a quick breakfast or snack.
3. Drink herbal liver detox teas daily instead of coffee.
4. Make a large raw salad with beets, leafy greens and garlic (great in
5. Sprinkle Brewer’s Yeast onto veggies, salads or onto any dehydrated
veggie chips (my favorite)!
6. Make a stir fry, curry or soup with Turmeric (great for the fall and
winter months)
7. Learn to love liver! Pate is my all time favorite but you can cook it up
or add it to main meats as well if you prefer not to eat it as a spread.

Support your liver in all phases.

Many times I find that people respond wonderfully from just supporting and
restoring methylation and glutathione levels to help properly detox the liver.
The liver has a total of three phases.

Common support to address liver health usually focuses around phase I

only, which is to convert fat soluble toxins to a water soluble form to be
excreted. This can be extremely harmful when free radicals are being
formed but not exiting the body quickly, because an accumulation can
rapidly happen rather if not all phases are working properly.

Phase II goes further to make toxins less harmful to the body by pairing it
with a glutathione molecule and making it more water soluble. This is why
many people’s glutathione levels are depleted, because they are too toxic
and the body is using mass amounts to deal with the congestion.

Phase III is the elimination phase. Toxins are now carried to the
bloodstream to be expelled out of the body.

Methylation and glutathione are both extremely important to make sure

these phases all happen. For our bodies to produce glutathione we also need
nutrients such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), alpha lipoic acid, selenium,
B12, folate, B6 and glycine. Raw dairy is one of the best food sources of
glutathione, as it is not absorbed well in supplement form. Focus on all the
food sources above, as well as relieving liver stress by using the skin to
release toxins: via sweat, exercise, sauna and epsom salt baths. The more
ways you support it, the healthier your liver will be which will
correspondingly show through both how you feel and how your skin looks!

Adapted from an original blog post by Carla Hernandez, NTP
Fungus Nail
Whether in fingernails or toenails, fungus needs oxygen to survive. You can
suffocate it with Petroleum Jelly and, over a few weeks or a couple of
months, new healthy nail material should grow through. There are other
natural remedies which are reputed to work more quickly but they use
potentially overwhelming amounts of garlic and other substances you may
find socially offensive.
Chapter 4: Ear, Nose and Throat
Action Hero Moms Use Ear Infection Natural Remedies
Fry up the bacon. Nurse the baby. Set the yogurt. Wait…wait — heal an ear
infection, too?

Yes! Just another day in the life of an Action Hero!

The next time your little one is faced with a painful ear infection, step up
and become the family hero. Follow the guidelines below and have the
following homeopathic remedies on hand.

Then, take action!

For over 200 years, homeopathic remedies have been shown to alleviate
pain and bring healing gently and resolutely….without harsh drugs.

This is the arsenal of champions.

When choosing a remedy for an ear infection, base your ear infection
natural remedy choice as closely as you can on the symptoms your child is
experiencing. Do this by matching the totality of the symptoms to one of
the following remedies. Once you’ve selected the best match, stick with it
for up to four doses. As soon as you see improvement (this can often mean
the child simply falls asleep or is content again), then stop the remedy.
Resume if pain or other symptoms return. This could happen within hours
or even a few days.

Ear infection natural remedies may be repeated every 2-3 hours. The
determining factor is the intensity of the symptoms. That is, the more
painful the symptoms, the more frequently the administration of the
remedy. And don’t worry: these remedies are not only effective, but safe
even when used frequently.

Ear Infection Natural, Homeopathic Remedies

1) Belladonna 30 …Think of Belladonna for the early stages of an earache
when the symptoms come on quickly, with fury, and the child is
overwhelmed by the pain. Another good clue is the distinct color associated
with Belladonna: red. The exterior of the ear as well as the eardrum may be

You may want to purchase your own otoscope if you have enough children
and painful ears to justify the expense. I had planned to purchase one with
my first child, but because I used homeopathy instead of antibiotics for the
first infection he had, I never had to remedy an infection again. That’s how
effective these remedies can be.

Homeopathy doesn’t just resolve the infection at hand, but encourages the
body to protect from subsequent ones.

2) Pulsatilla 30 … The choice in using this remedy is often based on the

child’s demeanor, not only during the infection, but also in times of health.
This is the pitiful little child who wants… no… demands, Mom’s attention.
If that attention can be obtained, then the pain and overall illness is
somewhat comforted. But oh, if the child can’t get the love she requires, she
suffers greatly! I say “she” because more often than not this remedy is
suited to girls.

Another fascinating feature of this remedy is that the child who needs it
adores ice cream and eating it often causes problems. An ice cream at a
birthday party on Saturday can sometimes result in an otitis media on
Sunday. Many a parent is impressed with my questions regarding ice cream
and exclaims, “How did you know that?”

You just need to know your ear infection remedies and suddenly all the
pieces fit together.

3) Chamomilla 30 …Your child’s mood is a huge factor in choosing this

remedy, more so than the particular physical symptoms. The child will be
extremely irritable, very demanding, and overly sensitive. Sensitivity to
pain is extreme and resented.

Most superheroes are uber observant, and that’s what you need to be in
order to use homeopathy successfully. So, watch for symptoms of teething.
Chamomilla is the remedy of choice when there’s an ear infection that
accompanies teething. The ear pain comes on slowly, but it’s severe and
often, warmth is much appreciated. That is, a warm drink, a warm wrap
around the ear, even warm olive oil dripped in the ear. The nose is
sometimes watery, but your choice of this remedy will be confirmed more
with the mood of the child than his runny nose.

4) Silica 30 … This is a good remedy for ear infections that occur during
the later stages of a cold. The child whimpers mildly and is physically weak
with fatigue. This may be a matter of course for this child, or only during
the illness. When the child needs Silica, the ear pain is intense, but not as
extreme as with a Chamomilla child. The pain usually begins at night and
starts behind the ear. Noise is particularly irritating even though there’s a
stuffed up sensation. Pus may form in the ear and you might see drainage.
You might also notice that the nose drains, too.

Get yourself armed for any bad guys that lurk in your world. Then step up
and protect your family along with the millions of other supermoms.

Protect the family? You bet! And you did it yourself with your knowledge
of ear infection natural remedies.

Adapted from an original blog post by Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH,

How to Kick Strep Throat Faster and Better Without Antibiotics
Beat strep throat with no antibiotics. It's not as hard as you might think! If
you’ve ever wondered why some people get strep throat over and over and
over again, sometimes even just days after a strep infection was supposedly
eradicated with antibiotics, here’s the likely answer as explained by old
time MDs who practiced medicine before the modern love affair with
prescription drugs got its start.

Most people are far too quick to run and get a prescription for antibiotics
and never give their immune system a chance to build any resistance

Conventional doctors today do a great job of scaring people out of their

minds about the possibility of rheumatic fever/heart damage from allowing
the body to deal with a strep throat infection unmedicated. However, the
truth is, the risk of complications from strep throat is very small for healthy
people who have no issues with their immune system. Even WebMD used
to state (before pharmaceutical industry pressure forced a change in
language to only mention antibiotics) that strep throat will go away on its
own with or without treatment in 3-7 days.
I’ve written before about the one and only case of strep throat I ever had. It
occurred when I was 15 and I am ever so grateful my MD father cool-
headedly let me fight through it and win without antibiotics. The result?
I’ve never ever gotten strep throat again despite repeated exposures. One
exposure was in very close quarters — a college roommate had strep throat
and I still didn’t contract it! What’s even more interesting is that none of my
children have ever had strep either despite multiple exposures from friends
and classmates.

I obviously built up a strong resistance to strep throat at a young age and

have been blessed with never having to suffer with it again by allowing my
body to fight through it naturally. It’s also quite possible I passed on my
immunity to my children via breastfeeding, although that is just an educated
guess on my part.

The article I wrote on my personal strep throat story ( has

invited both ridicule and praise over the past couple of years. Some folks
have angrily emailed me saying I am crazy and putting people’s lives in
danger by suggesting that forgoing meds for strep is the best way to go if
one is in good health.

For others, the article triggered an “aha moment” with more than just a few
deciding once and for all to stare down the strep throat demon and win!

One such inspiring story crossed my inbox recently and the strep throat
victim was none other than professional singer Martin DeBourge! Here’s
what Martin had to say after reading my blog:

“As a singer, getting strep throat every single year is not only frustrating,
but vocally debilitating! So when it hit again this year, and I felt it coming
on, I decided a new course of action was in order.

I spent a day researching. The one article that really rang true for me was on
your website. You talked about how you “muscled through it” when you
had strep throat as a teenager, and how your body may have even built an
immunity against it.

That sounded great to me! But, I am well aware of the massive pain strep
throat can cause. Just swallowing fluid is excruciating, let alone solid foods.
So I needed a sort of “healthy second opinion”.

I called fellow friend and vocalist David Katz in New York. I knew he was
an herbalist, but most importantly, he would understand my plight as a
singer needing to do what’s best for my pipes. He runs a website and has an
herbal product line JUST for singers, so I knew he was the right guy.

He ALSO encouraged me to steer clear of the antibiotics and gave me a few

suggestions to “get through it”.

I braced myself for at least 10 days of bed ridden fever, throat swelling and
sickness. Like I said, I’ve been through this numerous times before, so I
knew what I was in for. I didn’t clear my singing schedule though, hoping
for the best.
To my amazement, the strep “spots” started clearing within a couple days. I
had my voice back in 36 hours! I was floored… and convinced.”

Martin kept a daily log of his strep throat adventure, which may hopefully
inspire more than just a few others to take the leap themselves.

Martin DeBourge’s Daily Journal of Strep Throat — 2013

10/6 — Sunday afternoon — felt “something” in throat. Still sang well at
10/7 — Monday morning — “something” became more prominent and I
began the research into what I felt was inevitably the strep bacteria
attacking my throat.
10/7 — Monday early afternoon — visit to doctor for regular checkup and
asking about an unrelated pulled muscle. He checked my throat (routinely)
and said nothing. It didn’t matter if he had, I would have just went through
the motions of accepting antibiotic prescription, but not taking it — I had
already made up my mind to do something “different”.
10/7 — Monday afternoon — found information on The Healthy Home
Economist about beating strep with no meds. Followed up with a phone call
to David Aaron Katz. Became convinced that I will muscle through it with
home remedies. As per David’s suggestion, I started by sucking/chewing on
cloves of garlic — 5 of them before the day was out!
10/7 — Monday evening — attempted to sing. Did not go well, highs were
very strained.
10/8 — Tuesday morning — throat uncomfortableness, but quick mirror
check didn’t seem to reveal anything overly red. Driving son to school is
when I looked in rear view mirror and noticed two white spots. Strep
10/8 — Tuesday later morning — started a cycle of garlic chewing with a
mixture of raw honey & cayenne pepper every half hour (concoction
detailed below). First two administers I experienced upset stomach, but
became very tired and slept most afternoon.
10/8 — Tuesday afternoon — continued garlic/honey/cayenne mixture every
half hour during awake times.
10/8 — Tuesday early evening. Headaches persisted, but still had an
appetite. Gargled with ACV — that was a bit painful.
10/8 — Tuesday evening. Continued with mixture until I went to sleep.
Noticed a third spot very far back and lower behind the tongue. May have
always been there, but this is the first I noticed.
10/9 — Wednesday early morning — Awoke with a sore throat, a bit
difficult to swallow. Gargled and drank 16 fl oz water with 2 tbs of ACV &
Raw Honey. Checked throat under light, saw the same three spots.
10/9 — Wednesday afternoon — no stomach issues, and the sore throat
lessened considerably throughout the day. Still uncomfortable, but I can
definitely eat.
10/9 — Wednesday early evening — third spot undetected, second one
lessening. First one still prominent, but definitely all good signs. Also, I
noticed I am not all that drained and exhausted — which I attributed to the
garlic intake.
10/10 — Thursday early morning — woke up with slightly less of a sore
throat. Gargled and drank 16oz water with ACV & Honey. Throat under
light still shows the one stubborn spot, hard to tell, but it could be a tiny bit
less in size.
10/11 — Thursday afternoon — Was told by my wife that she can’t bear with
my garlic breath another day… no worries, that third spot is definitely
reduced in size. I decided that come morning, I will just do Apple Cider
Vinegar. Besides, I had a karaoke gig this night and needed to not smell like
garlic for the customers.
10/12 — Friday Morning — Spot free. Wow. Not a single spot, throat back
to normal. I decided to slowly warm up the voice as I had a singing
engagement to prepare for on Saturday.
10/13 — Saturday evening — voice 100%. Throat clean as a whistle. In all
my years (year after year) getting strep throat, I have NEVER bounced back
this quick — not to mention getting through it without antibiotics.
10/15 — UPDATE: I made a facebook post about this a few days ago,
simply saying that I kicked strep to the curb without the use of antibiotics. I
have over 1400 followers on my profile, so I certainly expected varying
comments. One particular comment jumped out at me… “make sure you
really got rid of it, it typically comes back within a couple days if you didn’t
eradicate it”.
Well……… it’s not back!

To make his strep throat home remedy, Martin did the following:
1. Used a mortar & pestle to mash up 3 cloves of fresh garlic
2. Mixed in half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
3. Mixed in raw honey to taste which has healing properties of its own
4. Ate 1/2 a teaspoon of this concoction every 30 minutes. Made more as
5. Gargled with apple cider vinegar 3x a day.
Fast and Easy Swimmers Ear Home Remedy
The information in this article will no doubt save you a trip to the doctor
and even the pharmacy if you are looking for a fast, easy swimmers ear
home remedy.

Swimmers ear, or otitis externa, is an infection in the canal between the

outer ear and the eardrum. It is very painful and is usually triggered by
water that enters the ear canal during bathing or swimming. It can also be
caused by cleaning the ear too vigorously or by an infected hair follicle.

Some people seem to be more prone to swimmers ear than others. In my

own family, one of my children seems to be particularly susceptible to this
type of infection after swimming while another experiences no problems at
all even if swimming for the same length of time in the exact same place.

As a result, genetics seems to play a role in the predisposition to this type of

infection, with the size of the ear canal possibly a contributing factor.
The conventional approach for resolving swimmers ear would typically
involve a trip to the pharmacy to obtain over the counter ear drops. While
these products help to free trapped water in the ear, it does not always
resolve the infection and it definitely doesn’t help the pain accompanying
the condition. If the infection does not resolve with over the counter
medication, a trip to the doctor would be necessary to obtain antibiotic ear
drops that can also help numb the pain.

Fortunately, it is easy to use a natural swimmers ear home remedy to

resolve the situation without a trip to the doctor or to the pharmacy for
those who choose to think outside the box and resolve the situation
holistically. Here is the swimmers ear home remedy that you need to have
in your home medicine cabinet at all times.

Colloidal Silver: The Safe, Nontoxic Alternative to Antibiotics

Colloidal silver ( is a product that is easily and cheaply
obtained at many health-food stores. It consists of tiny silver particles
suspended in liquid. The remarkable antibiotic nature of silver has been
known for centuries. In the early 1900′s, the founder of Searle
Pharmaceuticals, Alfred Searle, wrote in his book The Use of Colloids in
Health and Disease:
“Applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large
number of cases with astonishingly successful results…it has the advantage
of being rapidly fatal to microbes without toxic action on its host. It is quite
stable. It protects rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanus or
diphtheria toxin.”

In the 1970′s, Dr. Robert O. Becker at Syracuse Medical University began

to intensively research colloidal silver. He discovered that silver not only
kills bacteria, but it actually killed bacteria that were resistant to all known
antibiotics with no undesirable side effects! Moreover, unlike prescription
antibiotics, pathogens do not become resistant or immune to silver over
time. It even has the ability to eradicate antibiotic resistant microbes like
MRSA. This is because colloidal silver doesn’t poison the microbes like
antibiotics do, but rather smothers them by adhering to their cell walls and
inhibiting their enzyme production.

Using Colloidal Silver as a Swimmers Ear Home Remedy

Using colloidal silver for a swimmers ear home remedy is so ridiculously
easy, you will be relieved. All that is required is a few drops of colloidal
silver dripped into the affected ear using a standard eyedropper. Within a
few minutes, pain usually begins to subside and within a few hours the
infection as well.

Having the child lay on their side for about five minutes after the colloidal
silver enters the ear canal works well to allow the solution to begin its work
killing the pathogens that are causing the infection. After a few minutes, the
ear can be drained by simply turning the head in the opposite direction with
a towel gently pressed against the ear to draw out and absorb the liquid.

My youngest child recently suffered from swimmers ear to the point where
the infection even caused her to spike a fever. Just a few drops of colloidal
silver in her ear almost completely resolved the infection overnight with a
second dose the following morning to ensure complete recovery by the end
of the following day.
Make sure to use no more than 3 drops of colloidal silver in the ear canal
when using as a swimmers ear home remedy no more than once or twice a
day. The reason for caution is that using too much can actually negatively
affect the beneficial bacterial in the ear canal as well and might even trigger
a sensation of vertigo temporarily.

Colloidal Silver Works for Other Types of Ear Infections as Well

Colloidal silver also works incredibly well for other types of ear infections
too, not just as a swimmers ear home remedy. Unlike antibiotics which only
work on bacterial infections, colloidal silver is a broad spectrum
antimicrobial so that it works against not only bacteria, but also viruses and
even fungus!

Regardless of what is causing the problem, colloidal silver as a swimmers

ear home remedy or for other types of ear infections almost always will
resolve the situation quickly and safely without any drugs or antibiotics. In
the rare case where an ear infection or swimmers ear does not respond to
colloidal silver within a day or two, be sure to seek the professional advice
of a trusted healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Chapter 5: Feminine, Pregnancy, Nursing and Babies
Nutritional Remedy for Heavy Periods
Heavy periods, or menorrhagia, is a common problem for women
particularly as they approach menopause. Excess estrogen can frequently be
a cause with estrogen dominance a real threat in our modern environment
loaded with estrogen mimicking chemicals like BPA and pesticides
seemingly everywhere and estrogenic foods like soy added to a majority of
processed foods.
Heavy periods can cause anemia, weakness and fatigue if not corrected.
Unfortunately, conventional treatments for this condition involve only drugs
and surgery such as the birth control pill, hormone releasing IUDs,
hysterectomy or a more recent technique called endometrial ablation.

I know several women who have undergone endometrial ablation in recent

months to combat heavy periods. This surgical technical involves
destruction of the uterine lining either with a laser, radiofrequency or
microwaves, or heated water.

While the ladies I know who have had this procedure swear by it and were
very happy with the results, it is not an option for younger women who
want to have children. It is also best to avoid a surgical procedure unless
absolutely necessary as complications are always possible such as infection
of the bladder or damage to the womb or large intestine.

The good news is that heavy periods frequently respond well to simple
nutritional support.

Vitamin A is known to help with excess estrogen so a simple increase in the

amount of natural Vitamin A in the diet can help reduce heavy cyclical
bleeding. It is important to note that beta carotene will not help here — it
must be true vitamin A best found in sufficient doses in high vitamin cod
liver oil.

According to a case study written about in the book EAT FAT, LOSE FAT
(, 2 tablespoons of high vitamin cod liver oil per day
supplying about 60,000 IU of Vitamin A for 3 days in a row eliminated this
debilitating problem for one woman who had been suffering from what she
called a “never ending period” for 4 years! What’s more, a simple daily
maintenance dose of 1 TBL of high vitamin cod liver oil (30,000 IU of
Vitamin A) was sufficient to keep the problem of heavy periods at bay

Try Cod Liver Oil for Heavy Periods Before Drugs or Surgery!
If you suffer from heavy periods and have reached the end of your rope and
are considering surgery, why not try this simple remedy to see if it might
work for you? Be sure to use high vitamin cod liver oil that contains only
natural Vitamin A. Most of the brands on the market today sadly use
synthetic Vitamin A instead of the real thing.
How to Have a Natural Miscarriage (No D&C)
A D&C stands for “dilation and curettage”, a surgical technique where a
doctor dilates the cervix and clears the uterine lining using an instrument
called a curette. It’s not a pleasant experience. Avoiding it using natural
methods is a highly desirable alternative!

Stephanie Brandt Cornais of MamaandBabyLove’s Natural

Miscarriage Story
I was almost 12 weeks along when I miscarried, so it was almost like a mini
birth. I was lucky that I have experienced a live, home birth when my
daughter was born over two years ago. That, combined with past
experiences with miscarriage, helped me to not be afraid of the process. I
was very thankful to do everything at home. The physical process was an
important part of my overall healing.

Unfortunately for me, after the worst had passed, I continued to bleed and
have intermittent
contractions. After two full weeks from the time that I passed the baby and
placenta, I went back to my OB to get an ultrasound to see if I had retained
some piece of the placenta.
I was also fighting a cold virus and showing symptoms of an internal
infection in my uterus. My blood was beginning to have a foul odor to it.

The doctor confirmed that I had indeed retained some tissue. Later that day,
at my family
practice doctor’s office, I had a vaginal exam and my blood drawn to be
tested. My iron levels were great, but my white blood count was low
indicating an infection was beginning to take root. My family practice
doctor is very natural minded and I respect him very much, so when he
suggested I take antibiotics, I listened. I hate taking antibiotics and try to
avoid them as much as I can, but I felt like the antibiotics were the lesser of
two evils when weighing the risks of a D&C. Looking back, if I had been in
a better mindset (thinking right and not consumed with grief) I probably
would have thought to pull out the natural remedies sooner to avoid having
to take antibiotics. But only hindsight is 20/20, and hopefully this post will
help someone else in the same situation.
He gave me three days to pass the rest of the tissue on my own or I would
have to go the hospital.

I left his office thinking I may have “failed” at this pregnancy, but I am sure
not going to “fail” at having a miscarriage. I pulled out my type A, over-
ambitious personality and got to work figuring out all the natural remedies
that help complete a miscarriage.

Over a three day period, I did many different remedies to help me expel the
last of the tissue. And sure enough, it worked. I completed the miscarriage
on my own and did not need a D&C.

Here are the remedies I tried, in no particular order:

Tea with Dong Quai in it. I drank Traditional Medicine Women’s Moon
Cycle tea. I also drank some plain Raspberry Leaf tea.

Cinnamon. I couldn’t really find exactly the dosage to take, so I just

sprinkled cinnamon on everything I could. The Women’s Moon Cycle tea
also has some in it. It tastes great in a glass of raw milk, or on a piece of
bread slathered with butter. If you want to be bad, sprinkle on some sugar
and you are in for a treat. It’s also great with cumin on a roast in a slow

Acupuncture. My acupuncture doctor did an hour long treatment to help me

expel everything. You can do pressure points at home if you want. They are
mostly all in your ankles and shins. There is one on your hand as well, the
fleshy part in between your first finger and thumb. Basically, all those
points that you stay away from when you are pregnant. Yeah, well, now you
get to use them. I recommend just massaging the area and whenever you
find a tender spot, rub the heck out of it, even if it hurts a bit.

Cupping. She also did a technique called cupping. Cupping is known to

release congestion and help things that are stuck, physically or
energetically, unstick.
Energy healing. I had a session with an energy healer and I realized that
part of the reason I was holding on to that last bit of tissue was an
emotional reason. I emotionally was not ready to fully let go of the
pregnancy and my body was reacting to my emotions by holding on to the
last bit of tissue.

Affirmations. After the energy healing session, I told my body over and over
again to let go and release. I also repeated over and over again, “I am
healed. I am healthy.”

Homeopathy. Both Sabina and Sepia are good for completing a

miscarriage. I did Sepia because not only does it help expel the tissue, it
helps expel the grief. My homeopathic doctor warned me that it would make
me want to curl up in a ball and cry, a lot, and not to be alarmed. I sort of
brushed him off and then later that day, I went to a yoga class. Showing up
late to said yoga class late, the only spot left was smack dab in the middle
of room, next to the instructor. Just my luck! And sure enough, it only took
one sun salutation and there I was, the crazy person, silently sobbing in
child’s pose for the rest of class. Super embarrassing. So if you take Sepia,
stay home!

Herbs. Black and Blue Cohosh. I had these on hand and was going to do
this at the last moment. These herbs are so disgusting, that I really did not
want to have to drink it. Luckily I didn’t have to. These are the same herbs
you can help to induce a full term pregnancy. They are like a natural
version of the hospital given Pitocin. Also, a friend just told me, that Black
and Blue Cohosh can be found homeopathically, and they are called
Caulphyllum and Cimicifuga.

It’s been over a week now since my “deadline” and I stopped bleeding on
that day. I have had no more pain or blood, which I am very, very happy
about. I can finally start to move on emotionally now that the physical
process is done.

Thanks to Stephanie, completing a natural miscarriage on your own, which

could seem daunting since there is surprisingly little information available
online, may now be a more realistic alternative for you.
Curing Endometriosis Naturally
Official statistics estimate that between 6-10% of women suffer from
endometriosis. From the size and selection of menstrual pain remedies at
the pharmacy, however, most women are completely unaware that curing
endometriosis naturally is indeed possible.

Endometriosis occurs when the lining of the uterus, called the

endometrium, grows and thrives beyond the uterine cavity. The most
common place for endometrial lesions to occur is the lining of the
abdominal cavity, called the peritoneum.

Women with endometriosis suffer most commonly from pelvic pain,

especially during the menstrual cycle. This pain can be debilitating and
even threatening to health from excessive blood loss.

In addition to pain and bleeding sometimes all month long, endometriosis is

also credited with as much as 50% of cases of infertility.

Other signs and symptoms of endometriosis include the following:

● Pain before and during your period
● Lower back pain
● Pain during or after intercourse
● Fatigue, infertility, chronic pelvic pain not just during your
● Painful bowel movements, constipation, diarrhea, painful
urination during your period
● Heavy or irregular periods

When endometriosis involves the ovaries, tissue can grow and bleed over
time forming what is called chocolate cysts.

Unfortunately, if a woman visits her gynecologist about symptoms or

complications related to endometriosis, she is usually only only given two
options: medication to control the pain or surgery (for severe cases).

If infertility is the result of endometriosis and the woman wishes to get

pregnant, expensive fertility treatments are the order of the day which don’t
in any way resolve the problem and may actually worsen a woman’s
hormonal balance over time causing other problems over time.

Curing Endometriosis Naturally With Diet and Non-Toxic Therapies

Fortunately, there is growing recognition that the pain and inflammation
which characterizes endometriosis can be improved dramatically or even
resolved completely with diet. I myself suffered from endometriosis starting
when I was a teenager and diet change alone with no other treatments
whatsoever completely resolved the problem. I’ve been in complete
remission now for well over 15 years.

If you are also experiencing symptoms of endometriosis, whether the

problems are new to you or longstanding, there is hope with diet change
combined with holistic therapies as needed.
Kim Schuette, CN and Certified GAPS Practitioner and owner of the clinic
Biodynamic Wellness in Solana Beach, California reports that the following
dietary changes have proven to be very helpful to women battling

One tablespoon of fermented cod liver oil TWICE daily for 60 days. Please
note that the cod liver oil MUST be fermented as all the other cod liver oils
on the market extract the oil using either heat or chemicals which alters the
integrity of the oil and destroys nutrients. Click here ( for a
list of suppliers of this critical supplement which is not available in stores.

Traditional Diet with special emphasis on daily dietary fats such as raw
butter and/or X-factor raw butter oil, egg yolks, organ meats and fish eggs.
Click here for dietary guidelines ( for Traditional Diets.
The over 80 free videos on my blog demonstrate many of the practical
aspects of implementing the principles of Traditional Diets in your kitchen.
Holistic therapies that can be implemented as needed in conjunction with
Traditional Diet for curing endometriosis include:

● Rubus ideaus, or gemmotherapy, at a dosage of 1/2 tsp in water

twice daily. Gemmotherapy is a therapeutic modality using stem
cell extracts of fresh buds, shoots, roots or stems from embryonic
or mature plants. This therapy is helpful for tissue regeneration,
positive growth development and drainage of toxins. Rubus
idaeus is derived from the shoots of the red raspberry bush and is
a very effective remedy for drainage of the uterus and pelvic
region. It also tonifies the uterus.
● Castor oil pack once daily or nightly over the liver and pelvic
region. Click here ( for details on how to apply a
castor oil pack properly.
● Coffee enemas can be a helpful addition to the process as

If you are one of the millions of women suffering month after month with
the debilitating effects of endometriosis, instead of bombarding your body
with drugs or resorting to surgery to manage the problem, try diet change
combined with holistic methods for curing endometriosis naturally, giving
yourself much needed permanent and nontoxic relief!
Natural Remedy Alternative to Dangerous Baby Teething Gels
The FDA recently issued its third warning about benzocaine
(, the active ingredient in baby teething gels like Anbesol
and Baby Orajel. Under certain conditions, benzocaine can trigger a rare
and sometimes fatal blood condition called methemoglobinemia which
causes dangerously low oxygen levels in the blood with resulting symptoms
of ashen, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips and fingernail beds, shortness of
breath, headache, light-headedness and rapid heart rate possible as well as

Problems with benzocaine were first announced in 2006 and since then, 29
cases of methemoglobinemia have been reported 19 of which were in
children and 15 of those in children under 2.

Another warning for the active ingredient in baby teething gels occurred in

The scary symptoms triggered by benzocaine in baby teething gels can

occur within minutes or even hours. Methemoglobinemia can occur the first
time the product is used or much later after several uses even when the
child appeared fine previously.

Of course, if your child experiences any of these symptoms, you should

seek medical help immediately.

A better course of action would be to avoid use of these dangerous baby

teething gels and utilize non-toxic remedies that are safe and effective with
no risk of fatal blood conditions.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a chilled teething ring

or gently massaging your child’s gums with your finger as alternative ways
to provide relief.

While these methods may seem safer, I personally didn’t want my children
chomping on plastic or anything that might introduce another chemical
danger like BPA to their vulnerable little bodies.
Massaging the gums does work but is not always practical if you are trying
to get your baby to sleep and he won’t lie still due to teething discomfort.

Homeopathy Helps With Baby Teething

In cases where you just need fast help with teething pain, try homeopathic
teething pills. These tiny white pills are sweetened with lactose, a sugar
abundant in breast milk rather than white sugar or artificial sweeteners.

They also dissolve with no chewing, so even babies with no teeth can easily
take them. As a bonus, homeopathic teething pills are quite inexpensive like
many homeopathic remedies I’ve used.
I can’t tell you how many times I had a crying, fussy child in discomfort
from teething pain who calmed down and went to sleep within minutes of
having a couple of these tiny homeopathic pills placed under the tongue!

My husband and I used to call homeopathic teething pills “magic pills”

because of how amazingly fast and effective they were. For any
homeopathy doubters out there, the effect is not placebo either, as a baby
who is still nonverbal wouldn’t even know what this meant!

So skip the dangerous, over the counter baby teething gels and other
remedies containing benzocaine and other chemicals to soothe your teething

Try homeopathy instead. Hopefully, you will be as delighted as we were

with the nontoxic, effective results!
For Clued-in Moms, Fever is a Friend
Hang up the phone to the pediatrician’s office.

Don’t touch the analgesics.

You can do this on your own! Fever is not a bad word. It is your friend.

In fact, it’s the mechanism that the body has intuitively designed to cook off
illnesses such as the flu, colds, ear infections and the like. And it serves an
important purpose because it is the body’s way of curing the illness.

Did you hear me? Fever is the body’s way to rid us of illness. Then why
eradicate the cure by administering a synthetic drug, such as Tylenol,
aspirin and the like?

Certainly, we don’t want our child to suffer needlessly, but by employing

meds to suppress a fever, we’re chemically forcing the body to stop treating
itself with its natural promise of resolution.

What Some (Good) Doctors Say

In the words of my all-time favorite pediatric hero, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn,
in his book, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, “There
is a common misconception that the height of body temperature is an
indication of the severity of an illness…Research has shown that more than
half of all parents consider a fever high at levels between 100-102. And
almost all believe it is high if it reaches 103 degrees. These parents are also
convinced that the height of a fever indicates how sick their child is. This
emphatically is not the case. Knowing the level of your child’s fever will
tell you nothing of how sick he is or if the fever is produced by a viral or
bacterial infection. There’s nothing to be gained by measuring its climb and
by doing so will only magnify your fears and upset the child. Even a
temperate of 105 need not be a cause of concern.”

Even Dr. Sears is quoted on his site regarding normal childhood illnesses as
saying, “Fevers are not serious. Many parents have a misconception that
fevers are a bad thing and a sign that there is some serious underlying
illness. This simply is not true. Fever is a normal and healthy response of
the body to an illness. The body’s immune system releases chemicals that
raise the body temperature. This is part of the normal infection-fighting

Dr. Thomas Cowan MD, presenter at the Weston A. Price conference two
years ago, made it clear that fever may be instrumental in warding off the
potential of cancer in the future. He elaborated that every case in which the
child is allowed to present a nice high fever, its potential side benefit is
improved protection from cancer later in life.

I know, I know. It can be difficult to resist the temptation to give children “a

little something for that fever”. After all, we certainly don’t want them to
suffer the pain of an ear infection or a sore throat. But, if we understand that
the medications of commerce will often cause further affliction in the
future, the choice is easier.

Ok, So How Do I Do This?

When a fever appears to be debilitating, what’s a parent to do? Reach for

the trusty lovely homeopathic cell salt… Ferr phos 6x. It’s the remedy that
aids during any inflammation and may help the child get over the illness in
shorter time and step into full bloom again with fewer accompanying

Four pills is a dose, regardless of the age of the child, and it can be offered
directly into the mouth every 4 hours for as long as the little one is sick.

Once the worst is over, then Ferr phos 6x offered in combination with Calc
phos 6x is a great way to ensure convalescence. This combo is the
“finishing touch” to a good productive fever. Use it for feverish children as
follows: 1PM is time for Ferr phos, 3PM Calc phos, 5PM back to Ferr
phos and so on.

Hyland’s is an excellent company for homeopathic cell salts, which can be

found at most health food stores, some with-it pharmacies and online
When used correctly, homeopathic cell salts are not only inexpensive but
nontoxic. That means no side effects.

Can you think of any conventional meds like this?

Yeah, me neither.

But That’s Not All

But these little cell salts don’t just stop at fevers. Ferr phos 6x is a premier
remedy for anemia and frequent nose bleeds. Calc phos 6x can also be used
for children’s dental issues such as teeth that grow in crooked and
premature cavities, growing pains, nervousness, insomnia and even fusing
of broken bones.

In a world that directs moms to depend on big pharma and its advocates and
to feed our families on the fly, homeopathy, instead, celebrates the home,
the cuddle of children and just the right dose of information.

Adapted from an original blog post by Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH,

Breast Infection Begone!
The efficacy of homeopathy for this problem is well documented in medical
Materia medicas and repertories. As long as the correct remedy is chosen, it
works every time and has done so for over 200 years. In fact, when a
woman had mastitis in 1798, she likely chose one of the remedies below,
just like today’s modern mom.

Not unlike traditional foods, real medicine transcends the centuries. No

chemical tinkerings, no shenanigans from the pharmaceutical industry. Just
simple, safe and efficacious.

Here are three main remedies to consider for a breast infection, also referred
to as mastitis.
● Belladonna 30
● Phytolacca 30
● Hepar sulph 6

Belladonna is the remedy to think of when the breast is very red, hot,
deeply painful (particularly when mom is jarred) and swollen. It can even
be shiny from swelling. It may be accompanied by fever as well. This is
what we call a Belladonna picture.

If this fits the description, Belladonna 30 is taken every 3-5 hours (4 pills or
whatever is considered a dose on the bottle). As with most homeopathic
remedies for acute situations, the remedy is stopped as soon as there’s see
significant improvement. If there is no improvement after 5 doses, it
indicates that its time to consider another remedy.

If the symptoms are not as angry and extreme, then Phytolacca 30 is likely
the right choice. Phytolacca would be used in the same fashion as above.
That is, every 3-4 hours until improvement. Again, it should be noted that
once the remedy has acted fully, it should be stopped.

Regardless of the symptoms, Hepar sulph 6 has a history of aiding the

healing of mastitis if integrated into the schedule of either of the two other
remedies twice daily. That means it would be taken every 3-4 hours but on
the off hours from the other single chosen remedy.
Not only has this method been shown to address even the most painful of
breast infections, but it may also uproot the propensity for another infection
to ensue. But, if one does ensue, now you have your strategy in place.

Homeopathic remedies are safe for mom and baby, inexpensive, easy to
take and keeps moms off antibiotics. (The best part.)

Adapted from an original blog post by Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH,

Preparing the Birth Canal for the Probiotic Gulp
May the (probiotic) force be with you.

Beneficial microbes, i.e. probiotics, are themselves a “force” that is so

important to our bodies that we need to ingest it before we even take our
first sip of mama’s milk.

Bacterial cells outnumber our own 10 to 1, with over 1,000 different species
being known so far.
Probiotics, and foods with probiotics (ferments) are one of the Top Ten
Influences on Immunity, according to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride,
creator of the GAPS Protocol for digestive and brain healing.

Probiotic Supplementation and Fermented Foods

Our very first introduction to beneficial microbes (or not-so-beneficial)
happens as we pass through the birth canal, is the so-called the vaginal

It is to be hoped that in this vaginal passage there are more beneficial

microbes than non-beneficial, as a large amount of our first inoculation
comes from this passing through the birth canal. This starts our intestinal
population, that mainly develops in the first 20 or so days of life.

Babies born via C-section develop completely different gut flora than
babies birthed vaginally with potentially lifelong negative health
consequences such as increased risk for allergies, asthma and other
autoimmune disorders.

One way to compensate for this is take a swab of the birth canal
immediately after the baby is born and put it in the mouth of the baby. It is
extra important to supplement with probiotics in the early days of infancy
for a C-section baby. Also, even in a vaginal birth, if a mother has an
imbalanced microbiota (too common) she will pass that on to her baby at
birth. “…it is essential to human health that a probiotic gastrointestinal
environment be established and maintained” Dr. Khem Shahani, Phd

Today we have a three-fold probiotic problem:

1. Destruction and low numbers of beneficial flora
2. Overpopulation of pathogenic flora
3. New and resistant pathogenic flora

What damages our gut flora?

● Antibiotics — Penicillins, tetracyclines, antifungal antibiotics
● Processed carbs & sugar (feeds pathogens, changes pH)
● High grain fiber diet
● Prescription drugs (such as pain killers, steroids, etc…drug
induced gut dysbiosis can be especially difficult to treat)
● Birth control pill
● Bottle feeding
● Prolonged fasting or starvation or overeating
● Disease
● Stress

Why are probiotic foods and supplements so important? They help with:
● Gastrointestinal disorders of all kinds
● Anxiety
● Digestion
● Allergies
● Autism
● Bacterial infections
● Chronic viral infections
● Urogenital infections
● Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis & biliary disease
● Tuberculosis
● Meningitis
● Malignancy
● Arthritis
● Diabetes
● Proper levels of cholesterol & prevent arterial disease
● Weight issues
● Osteoporosis (enhance calcium assimilation & metabolism)
● Burns of various degrees
● Perioperative care and intensive care in surgical patients and
patients with massive blood loss
● Clinical infections
● Autoimmune disorders
● Moods
● Produce B vitamins
● Synthesize Vitamin K
● Integrity of our intestinal wall

How to choose a probiotic supplement

While specific strains have been studied for certain therapeutic applications,
generally it is best to have a variety of species from each of the three main
probiotic types:
1. Lactobacillus
2. Bifidobacterium
3. Soil based

The best probiotic supplement companies have this in common:

Their products list the genus (i.e. Lactobacillus) species (i.e. acidophilus)
and strain (i.e. DDS-1)
Like this: Lactobacillus Acidophilus DDS-1 (or L. Acidophilus DDS-1)
If they are not listed on the bottle, then the company should at least be able
to tell you what strains are in their probiotic…if they don’t know, don’t buy
their product.

Therapeutic doses
When working on a health issue it is important to work up to a therapeutic

This looks like:

Infant up to 12 months — 1-2 billion of bacterial cells per day
Toddler from 1 to 2 years — 2-4 billion of bacterial cells per day
Child from 2 to 4 years — 4-8 billion of bacterial cells per day
Child from 4 to 10 years — 8-12 billion of bacterial cells per day
Child from 12 to 16 years — 12-15 billion per day
Adults should have around 15-20 billion of bacterial cells per day
A therapeutic dose should be maintained for an average of 6 months to
overtake harmful microbes and reestablish beneficial microbes. Following a
clean, whole foods diet of nutrient dense foods is essential during this time.
If you continue feeding your pathogens in the gut with sugar and processed
carbohydrates then the probiotics will not have much chance of helping

After six months it’s beneficial to reduce to a maintenance dose of

probiotics (usually half of the therapeutic amount) and/or consume
fermented foods daily.

“Die-off” symptoms
Whenever you introduce a healing food or supplement it is possible to
experience a die-off reaction. Pathogens are dying off and releasing their
toxins, which can make you feel miserable if it happens too quickly. Here is
what die-off looks like:
● Feeling “off”
● Lacking energy
● More difficulty dealing with stress than usual
● Mood swings & difficulty concentrating

For children this can also show up as bedwetting, moodiness, tiredness and

Reducing Die-Off
First, it’s a good sign, it means your probiotics are working
Introduce probiotics slowly…this may mean as little as an 1/8 of a capsule
or less
Increase incrementally to a therapeutic dose, every 3–5 days for example

Recommended brands
Here are a handful of good brands, but the list is NOT all inclusive:
● Prescript Assist (Great soil-based probiotic)
● Innate Response
● Custom Probiotics
● Bio-Kult
● Gut-Pro
● Nutrivene
● Metagenics

How to give your baby the best possible start

Lastly, let’s talk about preparing the birth canal for labor and delivery.

It is optimal of course to start nourishing your body and microbiota 4–5

months before you even conceive, but if you are already expecting here are
some steps you can take to populate your vaginal canal pre-birth, so that
you give your baby the best start.

In traditional societies women knew how to prepare for birth, and one of the
most important measures in the last few weeks of pregnancy was to prepare
the birth canal for delivery. A woman’s birth canal has a very rich microbial
flora, which needs to be dominated by beneficial microbes.

Antibiotics, the contraceptive pill, and other environmental influences can

damage the delicate balance in the flora of the birth canal, predisposing a
woman to thrush, vaginosis and other problems. Pregnancy is also a state of
natural immune suppression, because it is dominated by the immune-
suppressing hormone progesterone. As a result, during pregnancy,
pathogens in the vagina can get out of control. The best way to handle them
is to populate that area with beneficial flora.

To do this:
Apply homemade yogurt or kefir all over your groin daily after a bath or a
shower. If you have thrush or other problems in the groin area, insert 1-2
capsules of a good quality probiotic into your vaginal tract at bedtime and
leave it there to dissolve overnight; repeating this procedure for 2-3 nights,
and the problem should go away.

Since vaginal flora comes from the bowel, it is essential to keep your gut
flora healthy. A clean diet (GAPS for example), probiotics & fermented
foods will accomplish this.

Gut And Psychology Syndrome, by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Making Sense of Probiotics, white paper by Klaire Labs
Cultivate Health From Within, by Dr. Khem Shahani, Ph.D.
Gastrointestinal Masterclass, by Dr. Jason Hawrelak, Ph.D

Adapted from an original blog post by Melanie Christner, NTP, CHFS, CGP
Safe, Effective Gas Remedy for Babies
My first child was a ravenous nurser. He gulped down breast milk like each
swallow would be his last.

For those of you familiar with the various “nursing personalities”, my son
was definitely the speed nurser (aka, “barracuda”), latching on like a little
vacuum and suckling with all his might for about 10 minutes on each side
until there was nary a drop left.

Because he was such a hungry little fella and nursed so quickly, he suffered
from a lot of gas issues due to swallowing quite a bit of air with each
feeding. To be fair, some of his gas issues would have been due to my
consumption of pasteurized organic dairy, but I didn’t know at the time that
this was part of the problem.

Burping him properly after each feeding helped of course, but he still would
get very gassy from time to time and he would cry from the discomfort in
his little tummy.

Like any new mother, I wanted to give my baby relief as his cries,
especially around sundown, were tough to handle on some days.

The first person I asked for help was my Pediatrician, who immediately
recommended Mylicon infant gas drops, an over the counter gas remedy
from the pharmacy.

I went to the local drugstore right away and picked up a bottle which had
the words “safe for babies” emblazoned on the package. The words also
proclaimed that the product was free of alcohol, saccharin or artificial

Sounded good.

When I got home, however, I started to read the fine print and became
suspicious. First of all, the active ingredient in this gas remedy was
something I had never heard of before: Simethicone.
I then went from concerned to downright disturbed when I read the inactive
Mylicon Drops ingredients: anhydrous citric acid, benzoic acid, flavors,
glycerides (C14-18, mono- and di-), maltitol, methylcellulose,
microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose sodium, polyoxyl 40
stearate, polysorbate 65, purified water, silica gel, sodium benzoate, sodium
citrate, xanthan gum.

Citric acid almost certainly derived from genetically modified (GMO) corn?
Benzoic acid, a harmful preservative used in cosmetics?
Methylcellulose derived from pesticide residue laden wood pulp?
DNA damaging sodium benzoate linked to Parkinson’s disease, liver
damage and hyperactivity in children?
Not in my child’s body, thank you very much!

When I called the Pediatrician back with my concerns, the receptionist

suggested Gripe Water as a safer gas remedy alternative. But examining the
ingredients at the pharmacy for this supposedly safe herbal supplement also
left me unimpressed.

Gripe Water ingredients: purified water, sugar, glycerin, propylene glycol,

sodium citrate, natural ginger flavor, citric acid, xanthan gum, disodium

Citric acid known to likely contain MSG residues and most certainly
derived from GMO corn?
Propylene glycol, aka “edible” antifreeze?
Disodium EDTA, a preservative that may cause allergic reactions, asthma
attacks, skin rash and possible kidney damage?
Unreal that this remedy could be considered in any way “natural” or
herbally based!

At this point, I felt betrayed by my Pediatrician’s office which had

recommended not one, but two gas remedies that were loaded with toxic
ingredients. How in the world could putting such chemicals into my
newborn’s body, possibly multiple times a day for weeks or months on end
until he outgrew his gas issues NOT be harmful?

I decided not to give my son either the Mylicon drops or the Gripe Water
and promptly threw the bottle of Mylicon drops I had purchased in the

Next, I picked up the phone and called my midwife for advice instead —
something I should have done in the first place even though I was no longer
under her care since baby was now several weeks old.

She advised that I buy a bottle of Nature’s Sunshine Catnip and Fennel
extract ( and put a drop on my baby’s tongue after feedings
to eliminate gas. Having been burned twice, I was careful to check the
ingredients once again. I was relieved when I read the following:

Catnip and Fennel extract: Catnip leaves extract and fennel seed oil in a
base of glycerin and water. At last, a safe gas remedy that had no
ingredients that I felt uncomfortable putting in my baby’s body! But, did it
work? Yes it did! It worked extremely well in relieving gas and tummy
discomfort in my newborn and it was safe to use with every single feeding.

As a bonus, my baby loved the taste too. I continued to use this gas remedy
until he was well over a year old. Sometimes I would even use it if he
wasn’t gassy as he enjoyed the taste so much and it soothed him a great deal
before naps if he was feeling fussy.

This experience was one of my initial introductions to learning the critical

importance of questioning what my Pediatrician said and examining for
myself whether a medicine or procedure was truly “safe” for my child. Not
only might a doctor’s advice be incorrect, but there is likely an equally
effective remedy that is completely nontoxic that works just as well and you
can feel good about using — if one is open to looking.
Chapter 6: Gut, Digestion and Immunity
Herbal Bitters: Invaluable Aid to Fat Digestion
Need help transitioning off a low fat diet until your body adjusts to
digesting healthy fats again? Herbal bitters can help!

People transitioning from a low fat to a Traditional Diet rich in whole,

natural fats like cream, butter and coconut oil are sometimes shocked to
discover that their bodies no longer seem able to digest fats very well at all.
Eating fats might even make them feel sick to their stomach!

The cause is a liver and gallbladder that are not accustomed to producing
and storing the amount of bile necessary to digest the level of fats present in
a Traditional Diet. The solution is not to go back to a low fat diet (even for
those who have had their gallbladders removed). In many cases, a slow and
steady increase in the amount of fats consumed will over time allow the
liver and gallbladder to adjust with no further problems noted.

This approach works particularly well for those who are consuming coconut
oil as a supplement prior to meals to suppress appetite and help them lose
Another tip is to employ a traditional remedy that modern science has all
but forgotten: Herbal Bitters.

Herbal bitters are extracts of medicinal plants that are rich in minerals. In
fact, herbal bitters are an ancient tonic for stimulating the production of bile
in the liver which correspondingly improves the digestion and absorption of

It is critical that sufficient bile be produced to digest the fats present in the
diet as bile also permits assimilation of the fat soluble vitamins A, D and K2
which are essential to health. Even those who have had their gallbladders
removed find herbal bitters a welcome aid to a meal rich in fats and many
are delighted to find that fats can once again be consumed with ease.
Traditional Asian cultures have long valued herbal bitters not only for their
digestive benefit but also for cleansing properties as well which promote
increased strength and healing.
Most health food stores have herbal bitters available for purchase at very
reasonable prices.

* Please note that herbal bitters are not appropriate for pregnancy.
Rid Yourself of Lyme Disease with The Milk Cure
This amazing story was sent to me by Melanie, a Mom who has been
drinking nothing but raw, pastured milk for over 100 days to cure Lyme
No other Lyme Disease treatments, conventional or otherwise, have worked
for her over the past 4 years. Her healing journey is based on the use of raw,
pastured milk for reversal of serious illness as practiced in the early 1900′s
by the Mayo Foundation, a forerunner of the famed Mayo Clinic in
Rochester Minnesota. If this story is of interest to you, read more about The
Milk Cure 2012 (

Melanie’s story.
From Normal Mom to Near Invalid
Four years ago I was an active wife and mother: cooking, cleaning,
running errands, volunteering at my daughter’s school — the usual “stay at
home” mother activities. Without warning, I suddenly became very ill after
being exposed to loud noise for several hours.

I developed excruciating pain in both ears and was subsequently diagnosed

with “hyperacusis”, painful sensitivity to sound. I could not bear any noise
louder than normal conversation without intense pain and became confined
to my home. At about the same time, I began suffering from severe insomnia
and night sweats, and I began to rapidly lose weight.

I developed muscle and joint pain over my entire body, and my muscles
became so weak that I could not turn on the shower or lift a glass of water
to my lips. Eating was painful because my stomach hurt, and my muscles
twitched so badly it made the bed shake. For months my face was swollen
and I developed spontaneous bleeding underneath my toenails causing them
to turn black.

Inexplicably, my body seemed to be “falling apart”!

Diagnosis: Lyme Disease

After having numerous diagnostic tests I was told my blood was too thin, my
blood sugar was too high, I had no detectable good bacteria in my
intestines, and my body had an extremely high level of an enzyme with a
long name we’d never heard of before. My immune system was so
dysfunctional that I tested allergic to nearly 80 foods. After seeing many
specialists to determine what was wrong, I was finally diagnosed with Lyme
Disease, a chronic debilitating infection caused by a tick bite.

During those months while we awaited a diagnosis, different doctors had

prescribed various medications and synthetic vitamin supplements to treat
my symptoms. Although we did not understand why at the time, all of them
made me terribly ill and I was forced to discontinue taking anything (in
hindsight that was a great blessing, as we would later learn those unnatural
substances were only adding to the toxic burden on my body.)

We were grateful to have a diagnosis of Lyme Disease but knew that, in my

weakened condition, I could not tolerate any medical treatment. With no
good options and my physical state rapidly worsening, we did the only thing
we knew to do: called the elders of our church to come anoint me with oil
and pray for my healing. Knowing that Jesus had said, “The truth will set
you free”, I set out to discover his truth for my physical body. What was the
underlying cause of my illness? Why was my immune system so weak? How
could my health be restored? What did he want me to eat? In my search for
the truth, the answers to those questions would change the course of my life.

Determined Quest to Detoxify

One of the first things I learned was that, whatever the diagnosis, there
really is only one chronic disease — toxicity and nutritional deficiency.
Basically, my body had become overloaded with toxins and was unable to
function properly. Just as there was only one disease, there was only one
cure. I needed to eliminate (as much as possible) the toxins coming into my
body, cleanse my body of stored toxins and provide it with the nutrients it
needed to repair and rebuild.

Since I would not be taking medication or supplements, food would be my

After much research, I cut out many things from my diet in a quest to quell
my Lyme Disease symptoms: additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings
and colorings — basically all processed food. I also eliminated soy, gluten,
yeast and sugar. I ate only what was organic so as not to ingest pesticides.
Over a period of two years I experimented with eating different foods that
were supposed to have healing qualities: goji juice, acai powder, coconut
oil, raw garlic, cultured vegetables, freshly made vegetable juice, apple
cider vinegar, manuka honey, non-gluten grains soaked overnight, sea
vegetables, grass-fed beef, sea salt. For months I ate six raw egg yolks a
day from a local farm. I consumed gallons of raw coconut kefir and
homemade bone broth. I ate dozens of jars of raw nut butter and grass-fed
ghee and drank only spring water.

After more research I learned that, even with my new eating plan, I had still
been unknowingly pouring harmful chemicals into my body on a daily basis
through toxic personal care items. I threw out all my health and beauty
supplies and used only a bit of pure castile soap on my skin and hair. I
discarded my household cleaning and laundry products and instead used
vinegar, baking soda and a dried fruit called “soapnuts”.

I replaced our teflon pans with non-toxic ceramic, and our plastic
containers with glass bowls. I had a water filter installed in the shower and
opened windows to air out our home. I bounced on a rebounder for half an
hour each day to flush out my lymph system, and twice a day took a walk in
the sun until my legs became too weak to continue.

With the elimination of many toxins and a complete change in diet and
lifestyle, I did see some improvement. I could finally sleep, my pain lessened
somewhat, and a number of my symptoms disappeared. I was able to start
taking a plant-based digestive enzyme, hoping it would help my stomach.

Cure Lyme Disease with Raw Milk?

Still, I continued losing weight and was unable to regain my strength. My
hair started falling out and I continued to have serious digestive problems.
Despite eating large quantities of food, by last summer I had lost more than
one-third of my starting weight.
Through my research, I had repeatedly seen how drinking raw milk had
helped many people, but since I had such trouble digesting fats I had
avoided it. Then I read several articles from the early 1900’s describing
how doctors had used an exclusive raw milk diet to successfully treat every
sort of disease. It was described as “a combination of a detoxifying fast and
nutrient-dense feeding” — just what I needed.

I also read that fasting gives the digestive system a break so that all the
body’s energy can be devoted to healing. Based on my research, and since it
was becoming increasingly difficult to digest solid food, I decided to try the
raw milk fast for 90 days or as long as I could tolerate. I located a farm
with raw milk about 20 minutes from our home. It is not certified organic
although they claim to use many organic practices. The cows are grass-fed
much of the year and eat hay in the winter. Although their diet is
supplemented with a small amount of non-gmo corn and the milk is sold in
plastic containers, it was the best we could find locally. Having little to
lose, I decided to proceed with my plan.

The Milk Cure Begins

I began my fast on November 18, 2011, and from the beginning have been
drinking about three quarts of milk per day in my quest to cure Lyme
Disease. Some of it I make into kefir. The rest I let sit out on the counter for
12-24 hours to come to room temperature (cold foods are bad for my
digestion) and begin a natural souring process that increases the beneficial

I drink about six ounces every hour, sipping it slowly and mixing well with
saliva. I take part of a digestive enzyme capsule with it — this is probably
not necessary, but I was reluctant to stop using the enzymes since they had
seemed to help me digest fats. I usually drink my last cup of milk around 8
p.m. and then go to bed since I know the body repairs during sleep.

Since beginning the fast, I have experienced many common healing

reactions: skin eruptions, itching, runny nose, headache, increased muscle
and joint pains, sweating, body odor, gas and bloating, constipation, dry
mouth. For two days the glands in my neck were so swollen that is was hard
to swallow, and for several weeks I coughed up green mucus every morning.
Some days I have had a strong chemical taste in my mouth. The past couple
of weeks my legs have ached badly on several occasions making it difficult
to stand and walk. None of these symptoms has concerned me, for I know
that my body is flushing out toxins and ”cleaning house”.
Now for the good news: after four years of my body wasting away, I have
gained 25 pounds and am back to a normal weight for my petite frame. My
hair has stopped falling out, my pain is gradually lessening, and I am
slowly regaining my strength. My sickly yellowish complexion has been
replaced with a healthy pink glow!

How long will I continue my fast? I do not know. I trust that the Lord will
lead me to know when and how to re-introduce solid food. Until then, our
family thanks Him daily for the healing power of raw milk!
Flush Stones and Avoid Surgery with a Gallbladder Cleanse
It is shocking how many people are suffering from gallbladder problems
today. While the typical patient dealing with gallbladder issues used to be a
woman in her 40′s who is struggling with her weight, this is not the
stereotypical case anymore.

Young children, mostly girls, are having gallbladder attacks with increasing
frequency and ending up in the emergency room for treatment.
In the past month alone, I have heard of two cases in my local community
of teenage girls having serious gallbladder problems, one of whom, a fifteen
year old, who had hers removed.

Dr. Atena Rosak of St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Maryland who performs
many gallbladder surgeries, says she’s seeing more and more young people
— especially young women — coming under her knife.

Hospital officials where Dr. Rosak practices agree. The percentage of

people aged 30 or younger among all patients having their gallbladders
removed at St. Joseph increased from 12.5 percent in fiscal year 2007 to
16.3 percent in the first 10 months of the following fiscal year. That’s a 30
percent growth in the proportion of young people in the mix in less than a

The gallbladder is a thumb sized organ nestled in the liver where bile is
stored and concentrated. The gallbladder releases bile produced by the liver
into the small intestine where it is used for proper digestion and absorption
of dietary fats. While humans can live without a gallbladder, surgical
removal, called a cholecystectomy, can cause challenges consuming fats
from that point forward. Since consumption of healthy fats is so key to
health, preserving this tiny organ and keeping it functional is very

Obviously, fats can still be consumed after gallbladder surgery as the liver
continues to produce bile, but with no place to store and concentrate the
bile, fats become a much trickier process to handle in the diet without
suffering from moderate to severe discomfort. Certainly, if one can avoid
having a cholecystectomy in the first place with a simple gallbladder
cleanse, so much the better.

What Causes Gallbladder Disease?

As many as 25 million Americans are estimated to suffer from gallbladder
disease, with more than a half-million having their gallbladders removed
each year. The most common thing that goes wrong with the gallbladder is
the development of gallstones. There are two types of gallstones:
cholesterol stones and pigment stones. Approximately 80% of stones are
cholesterol stones which are caused by too much cholesterol or bilirubin (a
component of bile), not enough bile salts, or improper emptying of the
gallbladder. The cause of pigment stones is unknown but they tend to form
in those with liver disease or blood disorders.

“Roughly 20 percent of the people walking around out there have

gallstones. They’re a fairly common occurrence,” said Dr. Richard A.
Mackey, a biliary and pancreatic surgeon at St. Joseph Medical Center.

Gallstones can continue to grow over time and eventually cause irritation to
the gallbladder itself. Sometimes, the gallstones move into the bile duct
causing pain or blockage. Pain, nausea and fever are the most common
symptoms. Partial or complete blockage can also cause swelling, infection
and the need for emergency surgery.

While the causes of gallbladder disease aren’t entirely clear, poor diet,
excess calcium and estrogen seem to be involved.

Gallbladder Cleanse to Flush Gallstones

If gallbladder problems are occurring in your household or if you are
having problems consuming fats, consideration of a liver and gallbladder
cleanse may be in order.

Andreas Moritz in his book The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse
(, suggests that ridding the body of substances that “clog up
the body’s cleansing organs creating a toxic environment” is a wise practice
for maintaining good health.
* While a gallbladder cleanse is simple to do, you should check with your
preferably holistic practitioner first if you have a history of gallbladder
problems to make sure you don’t have a large calcified stone that is too
large to pass out of the bile duct.

Supplies Needed for a Gallbladder Cleanse

Apple juice or apple cider: it is important to not use apple juice concentrate
or brands with added sugar. You will need one quart of juice each day from
Monday to Friday. The malic acid in the juice softens the gallstones in
preparation for flushing.

Epsom salts or disodium phosphate capsules: epsom salts (where to find: are the cheapest way to go, but if you gag easily, you may
wish to use the disodium phosphate capsules (where to find: The epsom salts or capsules act to soften the stool and
prepare the bile ducts to pass the stones out of the body.

Extra virgin olive oil: Make sure you get your olive oil from a reputable
source to ensure it is 100% pure (where to find: Most olive oil
on the market even if organic is mixed with cheaper vegetable oils.

Lemon juice or grapefruit juice.

Rest! Try not to do too much the week of your gallbladder cleanse.
Gallbladder Cleanse Directions

Once you have all the supplies in hand, you are ready to commence your
gallbladder cleanse!

Here’s what to do:

(A gallbladder cleanse requires one week from start to finish, ideally
Monday through Sunday.)

Consume 1 quart of apple juice or apple cider each day for 5 days (Monday
– Friday) in addition to your regular diet.
On Saturday (the 6th day), eat normally through lunch taking care not to eat
any fats, meat or dairy to rest the liver/gallbladder before purging. Oatmeal
and fruit for breakfast and rice and cooked vegetables for lunch are good

At 3pm on the 6th day, take 3 capsules of disodium phosphate with a glass
of filtered water. Alternatively, stir 1 tablespoon of epsom salts in a glass of
water and swallow down.

At 5pm on the 6th day, repeat the step above.

Limit your evening meal on the 6th day to citrus fruits like grapefruit or
grapefruit juice.

At bedtime, take 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup lemon
juice. Alternatively, you can drink 1/2 cup olive oil followed by 1/2 cup of
grapefruit juice. This step may make you feel a little nauseous, but this will
pass quickly.

Go to bed right away. Before going to sleep, lie on your right side for 30
minutes with your right knee pulled up to your chest.

The next morning you will likely need to go to the bathroom right away and
will probably notice a difference in your stool. A common observation is
what some people report looks like dark green peas or marbles of varying
shapes and sizes – this is the softened material and gallstones purged from
the gallbladder.

Repeat this gallbladder cleanse once or twice a year to keep the gallbladder
healthy and working at optimal function.
Tips For Easy Fat Digestion After Gallbladder Surgery
Figuring out how to go about eating fat, even healthy fats, after gallbladder
surgery (if you have reached the point where the surgery was unavoidable)
seems to be an increasingly common challenge nowadays. Why in the
world are so many folks having problems with this small organ that aids in
fat digestion by storing and concentrating bile produced by the liver?

Could the gallbladder surgery epidemic be related to our fat phobic society
with malfunctioning or atrophying gallbladders the result from lack of
proper use?

Whatever the reason, there are indeed a lot of folks walking around without
a gallbladder and many are under the incorrect impression that after
gallbladder surgery they can no longer eat fats without digestive discomfort.

The first thing to realize after gallbladder surgery is that you can most
certainly still eat fat. The bile necessary to digest most fat is made in the
liver, not the gallbladder, and you still have a liver, right? What you really
need is a dietary strategy that compensates for the fact that your body no
longer has a place to store and concentrate the bile much like a person with
no appendix needs a strategy for replenishing beneficial flora to the gut
after intestinal illness because there is no longer a place where good flora
stay secure during bouts of gastroenteritis.

Please note that the tips outlined below are also very helpful to those who
have been eating low fat for a long time and are just now coming around to
the fact that whole, unprocessed fats in the diet are critical to health.

Many times, folks who start to embrace and eat plenty of fats again after
many years of avoidance experience the same digestive challenges as
someone after gallbladder surgery — almost like their bodies have
“forgotten” how to digest fats! So whether you are adjusting to life after
gallbladder surgery or simply trying to adjust to eating fats again as
practiced by healthy traditional societies, keep these tips in mind for
making the transition that much easier.

Cholesterol Still Needed for Bile After gallbladder Surgery

It is very important thing to realize after gallbladder surgery that you still
need cholesterol to produce bile which assists with the digestion of regular
long chain fats and oils. Note that short or medium chain triglycerides like
coconut or palm oil do not require bile for digestion.
Cholesterol is required for the production of bile and the very foods that
have healthy quantities of cholesterol are those that are, you guessed it,
quite fatty, like liver, egg yolks, cream and butter.
Avoiding fat after gallbladder surgery is potentially going to compound
problems with digesting fat in the long run as you won’t be getting the
healthy, unprocessed cholesterol you need to produce bile!

Do you see the vicious cycle that can occur if you avoid fat after
gallbladder surgery?

Please note that this discussion does not include oxidized cholesterol as
found in pasteurized, homogenized dairy (even if organic or skim) and the
vast majority of processed foods. Oxidized cholesterol is to be avoided in
the diet and is the type of cholesterol that can trigger heart disease
(Atherosclerosis. 2000 Mar;149(1):181-90).

Bitters Stimulate Bile Production After gallbladder Surgery

Once you are comfortable with the fact that you can and should eat fat after
gallbladder surgery and that it is wise to do so in order to provide your liver
with the raw materials necessary for bile production, the next step is to
“train” your liver to produce the bile you need at the proper times to digest
the fats you eat with your meals.

Swedish Bitters
Eating at regular intervals that your body can adjust to can go a long way
toward this goal. If a regular routine for consuming your fats does not prove
helpful after a period of time or you are temporarily off schedule for
whatever reason, herbal bitters can be used in conjunction.

Bitters are herbal extracts that are rich in minerals. They are an ancient
tonic for stimulating the liver to produce bile. Traditional Asian cultures
have long valued bitters not only for their digestive benefit but also for their
cleansing properties which promote increased strength and healing.
Most health-food stores have bitters available for purchase at very
reasonable prices.

A single teaspoon of bitters in a small amount of water in the morning and

in the evening should be sufficient to stimulate your liver to produce
adequate amounts of bile.

When All Else Fails After gallbladder Surgery…

If despite all your best efforts, you still have digestive issues with fats after
gallbladder surgery, you can use a bile salts supplement to assist you.
Supplements should be a last resort, however, as it is always best to
encourage the body to do its job unassisted if at all possible. Your need for
healthy, unprocessed fats does not change after gallbladder surgery. You
still need these fats for optimal health and so finding a way to consume
them comfortably is of paramount importance.

Keep in mind the research of Dr. Weston A. Price — it is the sacred foods
which were all fatty and of animal origin that were prized by traditional
societies. These foods contained large amounts of Vitamins A, D and K2
which were responsible for their strong, sturdy babies and children,
resistance to chronic and infectious disease, easy fertility, and vitality and
capacity into advanced age. The fat soluble activators Vitamin A, Vitamin
D and Vitamin K2 supercharge mineral absorption into the tissues as well so
avoiding fat is a recipe for disaster and will likely contribute to a mineral
starved state and other deficiencies and health challenges over time.

Fat is a critical nutrient that you cannot do without and still enjoy vibrant
health. Finding a successful strategy for consuming foods with the fats you
need is the best approach after gallbladder surgery — not avoiding them as
recommended by conventional medicine.
Biofilms: Overlooked Step in Treating Candida
Yeast overgrowth, also referred to as fungal overgrowth or simply Candida,
is at epidemic levels today whether a person may know it to be a serious
threat to health or not. This is due to the fact that most symptoms that are
caused by the compromising of one or more body tissues by fungus are
usually treated by conventional doctors as another condition entirely,
therefore never addressing the real cause. Even holistic doctors can miss the
mark by not considering the importance of breaking down biofilms as part
of an effective candida treatment plan which can lead to failure of the
protocol and much frustration on the part of the patient.

Some common symptoms that can be a sign of yeast overgrowth, whether

candida or another type of yeast include:
● headaches
● skin rashes such as acne and eczema
● mucous build up in the throat nose and lungs
● sinus infections
● Itching genital infections
● athlete’s foot
● nail fungus (usually occurring in the toenails).

If chronic, yeast overgrowth can affect the nervous system leading to many
cognitive symptoms such as:
● brain fog
● poor concentration
● anxiety
● depression
● mood swings

Opportunistic yeast such as candida are organisms that normally exist

harmlessly as a normal part of our internal environment. They do not cause
harm until they outgrow the good bacteria that keeps balance and harmony
within the body, which also keeps the immune system functioning properly.
At this point is when fungal overgrowth can wreak havoc, disrupting the
immune system and progressively leading to one or more of the above
What Causes Yeast Overgrowth?
Opportunistic bacteria and yeasts like Candida albicans don’t just
spontaneously “take over”. There’s a reason this happens! I prefer to group
these causes into three main categories: stressful lifestyle, poor diet and
pharmaceutical drugs (not just antibiotics) have a powerful impact on our
gut flora providing the opening for opportunistic strains of yeast to exert
authority and overgrow with dire health consequences over time.

Diet- A diet high in sugar, starch and processed foods is fuel for yeast to
thrive and multiply. This study found that biofilms of Candida are made of
32% glucose. It was found that Candida yeast needs sugar not just to
reproduce, but also to create the protection in the form of a biofilm that
keeps our immune system from attacking it.

Lifestyle- A stressful lifestyle can lower immunity and therefore lead to a

decrease in beneficial gut flora. Remember 80% of immunity is located in
the gut. Keeping bacteria in check is crucial to keeping symptoms and
sickness at bay. Other factors that can lead to yeast overgrowth is exposure
to chlorinated water, alcohol abuse, and digestive distress coming from a
lack of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) which causes undigested food to
putrefy in the gut, leading to symptoms such as constipation and diarrhea.

Drugs- Antibiotics and the birth control pill are a huge factor in candida and
yeast overgrowth. These pharmaceuticals eliminate beneficial flora creating
the ideal environment which allows for harmful pathogens to overgrow.

Gut Flora and the Skin

Since the majority of my focus in nutrition is with skin issues, about 95% of
my clients have digestive concerns and almost always have some extent of
dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria), and of course yeast or other
microorganisms that need to be treated. Beyond addressing the three main
categories above, eradicating these critters is necessary to see lasting
improvements in skin symptoms, whether it’s acne or eczema.

Biofilms: Overlooked Step in Treating Yeast Overgrowth

Much of the information regarding yeast and candida out there addresses
treatment, including diet and supplements, although leaves out a very
crucial step. There’s another side of the story that rarely gets talked about
that can make all the difference in an effective treatment plan.

Biofilms act as a protective shield around yeast and other microorganisms.

This makes it even more challenging to attack the yeast as the anti-fungals
that are taken by most cannot get through this matrix of a biofilm, whether
it be drugs or herbal based remedies. This is how yeast hides and protects
itself from being destroyed. One study found that a group of anti-fungal
drugs, including Nystatin and Diflucan, which are used to treat Candida,
found that they were initially effective until the biofilm developed. At this
point they became less effective and after 72 hours of the biofilm
development, the candida cells were highly resistant. This research
indicates that drug resistance develops over time due to the biofilm
development. Now researchers are seeing more common anti-fungal drugs
such as amphotericin B and fluconazole developing resistance as well.

Using Enzymes to Attack Yeast Biofilms

Common herbal anti-fungals (this is a comprehensive formula I use in my
practice) used in yeast overgrowth treatment such as oregano oil, black
walnut, uva ursi, berberine and olive leaf can be great options, but these
alone won’t do the trick. To properly get to and kill the microorganism that
is causing the trouble, you first have to breakdown the biofilm that’s
protecting it. Think of it as attempting to get past a security guard, it’s
possible to get through him, you just need a more comprehensive approach
to ensure your game plan is effective. Anti-fungals need to be paired with a
biofilm disruptor, which is a combination of specific enzymes that are
designed to eat their way through the matrix.

Candida and other types of yeasts have no resistance and are not able to
build a resistance to enzymes like they may be able to do with drugs or
herbs. There are no side effects, only side benefits with this type of biofilm
disruptor. When looking for an enzyme formula (I like this one: make sure and find one that contains a varied number of
enzymes to target the layer of the cell wall, biofilm, nucleus and fibrin.

Enzymes to look for specifically in a product are cellulase, glucoamylase,

amylase, invertase, protease, and serrapeptase.
Amino Acid (NAC) an Effective Biofilms Disruptor
Another agent that has been studied to also be effective as a biofilm
disruptor is N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC) (Available at: This
is an amino acid and a strong antioxidant, but also has antibacterial
properties. It has been tested on several different bacterias and shown to be
effective, especially in upper respiratory infections.

Because of the number of relapses in both bacterial and yeast issues,

alternative treatments as these biofilm agents provide are needed to
complete eradication. I suggest working with an holistic health care
practitioner who has experience treating yeast overgrowth to get an
effective treatment plan. This is why an anti yeast/candida type diet can be
difficult and usually not enough. You have to get the support to address the
cause effectively otherwise you may not be seeing the results you’re after.

To read the full original post by Carla Hernandez, Nutritional Therapy

Practitioner, view sources and obtain her contact information for
newsletters and a consultation see:
Food Poisoning Remedies that Work Fast and Prevent Dehydration
You’ve felt it before.

That strange little twinge in your stomach that means an attack of food
poisoning or severe gastrointestinal illness is about to strike.

Oh how I dread that feeling that is so very distinct and ominous! The worst
part is that once you feel that twinge, it may be an hour or more before you
actually get sick requiring you to wait and see how sick you are really going
to get!

My worst attack of food poisoning occurred 15 years ago within a few

hours of eating a very delicious mushroom omelet at a fancy hotel in
Queenscliff, Australia. I was sick for three days! Another really bad
gastrointestinal experience occurred when I was traveling around Asia with
friends after finishing college. You can read about that interesting saga and
its health lessons here (

There’s something about a drastic change in timezones that really does a

number on my digestion. Just a theory, but I think that large timezone
changes temporarily and significantly reduce my stomach acid production
such that I become much more prone to food poisoning than I would be
otherwise (normally, I have an iron stomach).

Fortunately, since those two miserable experiences, I have learned how to

stop food poisoning in its tracks and wouldn’t think of traveling anywhere
without remedies that can help resolve the situation, ideally as soon as you
feel that “twinge” and long before the bathroom runs even begin!
If you are like me and seem prone to food poisoning when you travel
overseas or just want to protect yourself from that occasional bad restaurant
meal or tummy bug going around town, take note of these food poisoning
support tips recommended by Kim Schuette and the very capable staff of
Biodynamic Wellness (

While you can’t always predict when food poisoning will strike, there is
most definitely something you can do about it to greatly minimize or even
prevent most of the suffering!
Food poisoning can result from consuming spoiled or contaminated foods.
Diarrhea accompanied by extreme abdominal pain and vomiting are the
most common symptoms of food poisoning.

It is extremely important to guard against dehydration during this time.

Sports drinks or pedialyte are not recommended due to the chemicals,

additives, artificial flavors and colors and genetically modified ingredients.

When food poisoning or any sort of gastrointestinal illness strikes, Celtic

sea salt or a clean electrolyte solution like Selectrolytes should be added to
purified water and consumed throughout the day.

½ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt ( in 8 ounces of filtered water

three to four times daily for adults; ¼ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt in 6 ounces
of water for children.

- or -

2 teaspoons Selectrolytes in 8 ounces of water three to four times daily for

adults; 1 teaspoon Selectrolytes in 6 ounces of water for children.

Adsorbing the offending toxin(s) is key to quickly resolving food


According to Biodynamic Wellness, unlike absorption, which is the process

by which substances are sucked up into the internal structure of other
substances, such as cells, adsorption requires only that substances be able to
stick to the outside of the adsorbent medium.

Adsorption is a very fast process, which neutralizes foreign invaders,

keeping them from attaching to blood cells. This hastens the end of what
can often be a more drawn out state.
Montmorillonite clay (bentonite) ( and activated charcoal
( are very effective adsorbents for such challenges as
diarrhea resulting from food poisoning, a bacterial infection, or a virus.
Both bentonite clay and activated charcoal prevent the poison from being
absorbed from the stomach into the body which is why they work so well as
food poisoning remedies. I personally prefer activated charcoal to bentonite
clay due to the potential contamination issues of some bentonite clay
sources. According to Dr. Kaayla Daniel in her article Mad as a Hatter
"There are more than 200 types of bentonite clay, most of which have an
aluminum content of anywhere from 15 to 75 percent, and some products in
the marketplace have been manufactured with harmful, commercial

If you choose to consume bentonite clay as your food poisoning remedy of

choice, be very sure of your source and how it was manufactured.

In addition, be careful to avoid activated charcoal that is combined with

sorbitol. Sorbitol can act as a laxative!

Biodynamic Wellness suggests one of the following with regard to dosage

for food poisoning or gastrointestinal illness:
● 3 tablets of Cholacol II ( from Standard Process
three to four times daily at least 20 minutes before food.
● 2 capsules of Activated Charcoal by Integrative Therapeutics
(560 mg) three to four times daily at least 20 minutes before food;
1 capsule three to four times daily for children.

*Please note that activated charcoal and Montmorillonite clay should not be
used to treat poisoning from corrosive agents such as alkalis and strong
acids, petroleum products, lithium, boric acid, iron, or alcohol. Poisonings
from these substances should be treated under the supervision of a medical
doctor. In these cases, go to your nearest emergency room immediately!
Why We Get Sick and What to Do About It
Since starting my practice in 1981 I have been fascinated by how different
health care disciplines look at health and disease. Once I took a six week
classical homeopathic course with practitioners from every different

It was interesting to see how each discipline perceived the cause of different
illnesses. Take duodenal ulcers for instance. The psychiatrists opined the
effect of stress and family. Doctors said bacteria were at fault. Chiropractors
discussed neurological factors. Each gave successful case histories.

The same can be said of diet. It is amazing how diets as different as raw
food vegans, macrobiotics, WAP and Atkins could all get good results. But
if you look for common ground, all the above eliminate sugar, junk food,
fake fats, excito-toxins and emphasize whole foods. Proponents of each one
will argue the merits of their beliefs, but I sense something different is at

In my opinion the body is nothing short of a bundle of miracles. Always

attempting to heal itself if given half a chance.

Ah ha!

You may be wondering, if that is true, what’s wrong with my body that I
have this particular ache or symptom. Why is my body not healing itself?

All of us have a homeostatic self-healing mechanism constantly at work. If

you get a cold, if you cut yourself, if you have indigestion, usually within a
short time, your body heals itself without any intervention at all. What stops
the body from performing perfectly at all times are stressors.

These stressors can be summed up as different categories:

● Mental/emotional
● Chemical (nutritional deficiency included here)
● Electromagnetic
● Structural
The homeostatic mechanism is constantly doing its best to adapt to these
stressors in the best way possible. Usually most challenges can be handled.
If the stressors are greater than the homeostatic mechanism can handle, then
symptoms develop. These symptoms are guidelines to the challenge and
should not be just covered up with drugs. If these symptoms and challenges
are not appropriately dealt with they become dysfunctions. If these
dysfunctions are not appropriately dealt with they will turn into dis-ease.

Many naturopathic practitioners believe that when we suppress symptoms

we drive the disease deeper. An example is covering rashes of pediatric
patients with cortisone creams which has a high tendency to drive the
disease process more into the lungs and commonly the patient will have
respiratory diseases later in life.

It’s important to understand these different categories of stressors. Many

practitioners and patients have only been schooled in one type of stressor.
Most commonly we define stress as a mental emotional stressor. The kind
we feel when we have a financial concern, or a relationship issue, or a time

The other category of stressors is chemical. This can come from nutrient
insufficiency (Vitamin D, essential fatty acids, minerals etc) or toxicity
(byproducts of foreign pathogens such as bacteria, yeasts, molds and

Nature magazine recently reported there are ten times the amount of
bacterial cells (100 trillion) in our body as human cells (10 trillion) —
approximately 3-5 lbs of bacteria in the gut alone! If these are healthy
bacteria they make countless nutrients such as B vitamins etc. Seven
appropriate strains of organisms can create over 400 beneficial strains of
microorganisms each creating vitamins within us. However if there is
dysbiosis or altered microorganisms in the gut, we get byproducts that give
us symptoms of fatigue, headaches, joint pain, bloating etc.

Another common chemical stressor is environmental chemical stressors

such as fluoride in water, chlorine in swimming pools, pesticides on our
food, genetically modified organisms, etc.
Medications are another chemical stressor that will create nutrient
deficiencies. The fourth leading cause of death in the United States is side
effects from properly prescribed medications.

Another common chemical stressor is food sensitivities. These are not the
life threatening allergic response that we know some people have such as to
peanuts or shellfish which are called atopic and generally last for life. Food
sensitivities are usually IGG mediated and can change over time. These are
most common in the protein components of food such as gluten in grains,
casein in dairy products, and the proteins in egg whites. There are many
different types of testing to determine these allergies and labs are improving
all the time. Traditional blood tests for gluten are usually based on alpha-
gliadin which is only one of 18 proteins in wheat and frequently gives false
negatives. Labs such as Cyrex and Enterolabs use much more advanced
testing methods and are much more accurate. However, many patients can’t
afford these tests and many will do very well with a health coach trained in
the elimination and provocation method of detecting allergic and sensitivity
And finally there are structural stressors which are a discussion for another

The point here is that if you are having persistent health challenges that are
not responding, maybe you are looking at the wrong approach. Maybe there
are silent stressors in categories you are not aware of.

I will use headaches as an example as frequently this is a problem that can

be caused from any or all of the different categories of stress (structural,
chemical, mental-emotional or electromagnetic). Many people are
passionate about their nutritional practices and will put much effort solely
into this approach... and yet their headaches persist.

Many times when they see a practitioner who is trained in reducing

structural stressors (chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist), they
will get much better response. If they choose to add deep breathing and
relaxation response the improvement may be even greater.
The goal is reduce stressors of all categories enough that the body’s self
healing homeostatic mechanism can work again and restore optimal health.
A goal of mine is to empower patients so that they are in charge of their
health and take ownership of it. Their health professionals can all help and
all have wonderful tools but, once the patient really understands their own
body’s self healing ability, the magic really begins to happen.

Adapted from an original blog post by Mark Frank, D.C.
Putting Your Best Food Forward for Robust Health
If you’re like most people in Western Society today, you are well and truly
convinced that fats are bad... or at least that the bad fats are the saturated
fats and the others are good because they are not saturated. But as deeply
rooted as this perception is, it may be the very one you need to let go of in
order to take the biggest and simplest step to fortify your immune system
and elevate your health in the most impactful way.

All the advice resulting from scientific research conducted by such

luminaries as Weston A. Price DDM, Mary Enig PhD, Natasha Campbell-
McBride MD, MMedSci(neurology) and MMedSci(nutrition), Mary
Newport MD and a growing crowd of researchers at Cambridge, Harvard,
Tufts and Colombia, among others, leads to an about-face on fats. What’s
shocking now is how long it’s taking for both the media and the medical
establishment to abandon the erroneous position of warning people off
saturated fats - especially when you consider how important they really are
for our health as deliverers of diverse critical nutritional elements.

In Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s book, GUT AND PSYCHOLOGY

SYNDROME, the top 2 of her top 10 Immunity Booster recommendations
are to boost specific kinds of saturated fats.

#1: Fresh animal fats (from meats and dairy), and cholesterol rich foods
(especially raw egg yolk)
#2: Cold-pressed oils — olive oil, coconut oil, nut/seed oils

Surprising? When I first began my journey into real foods and dietary
healing, the most surprising aspect was the concept of animal fats and
cholesterol as healthy and healing. Intuitively though, my cells were doing a
happy dance (yay!).

Why animal fats and cholesterol?

Cholesterol is one of the most essential substances to the human body.
● The brain and nervous system is the most hungry for it. Our
brain cells and memory depend on it.
● The second system most hungry for cholesterol is our
endocrine system.
● The hormones, built with cholesterol by our endocrine glands,
are responsible for important activities, such as:
○ Reproduction and sexual health
○ Emotions
○ Behavior
○ Bone, brain, and muscle formation
○ Energy production
○ Metabolism

Cholesterol is essential for our immune system to function

The human organism is composed of 100+ trillion cells. Immune cells are
“star” cells…
● Lymphocytes
● Helper T cells
● Natural killer cells
● The “phils”, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
● Macrophages
● Mast cells etc.

Immune cells depend on cholesterol to fight infections and repair

themselves after defending and fighting for us. Animal and human studies
have shown that folks with high levels of cholesterol have a higher
protection against infection. They are four times less likely to get AIDS,
they are less likely to pick up every cold, and they recover much quicker
when they do get sick.
Those with low cholesterol are more likely to get sick, stay sick longer, and
have more of a chance of an infection morphing into a dangerous and even
deadly one.

Cholesterol is important in cell to cell communication. Since immune cells

communicate with each other throughout the body it is important to have
well-made cell membranes that have good cell receptor sites and messaging

Diets high in poor quality fat, i.e. vegetable oils like canola oil, corn oil,
cooking sprays, margarines, hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated and trans
fats, cause inflammation and lead to immune abnormalities.
Without cholesterol and saturated fats in its membrane, the immune cell
cannot fulfill its tiny little destiny. The ability of white blood cells to
recognize and destroy foreign invaders such as viruses, fungi and bacteria,
is restricted without sufficient saturated fatty acids in them. Saturated fats
and cholesterol are what give every cell membrane their structure and

Cholesterol is such an important part of physiology that the body has very
tightly regulated mechanisms to keep blood cholesterol at a certain level.
We give our bodies a hand if we consume foods rich in cholesterol.

Which foods are richest in cholesterol?

● Caviar (a whopping 588mg of cholesterol per 100g…baby
making food)
● Cod liver oil (570mg of cholesterol per 100g)
● Fresh egg yolk (424mg per 100g)
● Butter (218mg per 100g)
● Coldwater fish and shellfish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, and
shrimp, ranging from 173mg to 81mg per 100g)
● Lard (94mg per 100g, with other animal fats following, such as
beef tallow, chicken, duck, goose fat)

A few facts on fats and cholesterol with regard to immunity:

● Caprylic acid (a fatty acid found in butter and other animal
fats) is a powerful antiviral nutrient
● Monolaurin, extract of lauric acid (fatty acid found in coconut
and breast milk) is also a potent antiviral
● Old medical literature shows that infections like tuberculosis
used to be treated with raw cream and raw egg yolk (high in
● Native Americans and other peoples used bear fat as medicine
(and for a lil’ baby making, if necessary)
● Vitamin D (a dietary source high in D is fermented cod liver
oil) is a steroid hormone and powerful immune and gene
regulator. Apart from dietary sources, Vitamin D actually starts
with cholesterol in your skin and, with the sun’s obliging kiss,
undergoes several changes…first in the skin, then the liver, and
finally the kidneys, before it is in the active form that regulates
calcium metabolism and absorption, and strengthens immunity

Where can I get these healthy animal fats?

The best way to get animal fats and good quality eggs (that are pastured) is
to get to know your local grass-based farmer. You can also find help from a
local chapter of the Weston Price Foundation. Animal fats such as tallow,
lard and poultry fats are not always readily available, but if you befriend
your local farmers they can usually help you find them. There are also
online sources for healthy fats.

● Cod liver oil — I recommend fermented cod liver oil rendered

the traditional way with no heat to denature nutrients and delicate
omega-3 fats.
● Caviar — Fresh Market and other quality grocery stores have it
but check the label carefully before purchasing!
● Egg yolks — Ask around to find your nearest grass-based
farmer or backyard enthusiast
● Coldwater fish and shellfish — wild caught
● Lard and other animal fats

Examples of easy ways you can incorporate fats and cholesterol into your
family’s diet:
● Liberal butter usage on grain free muffins (make your own raw
butter or use Organic Valley’s or KerryGold’s pastured butter)
● Raw pastured eggs in smoothies, Russian custards, homemade
mayonnaise and sometimes in soups
● Shrimp weekly, sautéed in butter of course!
● Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil daily — at least 1 tsp
for the kids and 2 tsp for mom and dad
● Sauté plenty of vegetables in lard, butter, coconut oil, etc. and
add these fats liberally into any soup you make

Healthy non-animal fats

Adding healthy animal fats back into your food routine will be valuable but
you also want to add coconut and the other non-animal fats. For so many
reasons. While they don’t contain vitamins A, D and K2, they provide large
numbers of other valuable nutrients with many benefits and qualities
● neurological
● energy
● weight control
● antifungal
● antiviral
● antibacterial

Incorporate healthy fats and cholesterol into your family’s diet and those
“mama nurse” moments will become fewer and farther apart. (Your cells
will also do a happy dance)

Adapted from an original blog by Melanie Christner, NTP, CGP and HFS
As Antibiotic Failure Grows, Poop Pills Filling the Void
Back in 2011, a reader emailed me with the most incredible story. She said
that she had healed herself of severe gut dysbiosis in a matter of days at
home, on her own, with no professional guidance. The life altering gut
problems she was experiencing started after the birth of her child and were
the result of extensive antibiotic treatment she had received during and after
the birth. Try as she might, she simply could not fix her gut with a nutrient
dense, traditional diet which included fermented foods and probiotic

She tried everything but was still miserable.

Desperate and willing to try anything to regain her health, Melanie (not her
real name) decided to try an at-home fecal transplant using the pure,
probiotic rich stool from her exclusively breastfed baby. She had read about
the astounding success hospitals were having with this novel treatment for
patients with intractable C-diff infections — cases that were completely
unresponsive to antibiotics. Half a million Americans get Clostridium
difficile, or C-diff, infections each year. 14,000 of them die and the ones
who don’t can endure long term nausea, cramping and diarrhea so bad it is
often disabling.

Melanie performed what can best be described as a fecal home enema on

herself which had the result of improving her gut situation so much that she
felt almost completely normal after a single treatment! As time went on, she
continued to give herself fecal enemas on an as needed basis and
experienced a turnaround in her health that can only be described as

When I first read Melanie’s story, I was hesitant to write about it as it was
so incredibly “out there”. I didn’t doubt her story for one minute and even
discussed the situation with her on the phone, but I just didn’t think it was
the right time to pen an article about it.

Today, fecal transplants are becoming ever more commonplace and it’s time
we all realize that bacteriotherapy, even DIY ones such as what Melanie
did, really are the next big thing to help people turn around their severely
compromised gut function as we as a modern society brace for a world
where antibiotics routinely fail for life threatening infections.

Poop Pills: Fecal Transplants Made Easy

In the early days just a few years ago when fecal transplants were initially
developed, this treatment required hospitalization and invasive procedures
such as colonoscopies or throat tubes. Now, a new procedure, devised by
Dr. Thomas Louie, an infectious disease specialist at the University of
Calgary, makes the process as easy as popping a pill.

The process involves taking donor stool usually from a healthy relative and
sending it off to a lab to be processed. At the lab, food is removed from the
stool, beneficial bacteria is extracted, and it is thoroughly cleaned. It is then
packed into triple-coated gel capsules which ensures that they won’t
dissolve until they reach the desired destination — in the intestines.

“There’s no stool left — just stool bugs. These people are not eating poop,”
Dr. Louie said of the treatment.

For patients suffering from C-diff infections, they are given an antibiotic to
kill off as much C-diff as possible a few days before the treatment with the
poop pills. In addition, the morning of the treatment, the patients have a
cleansing water enema to allow the new bacteria coming in via the oral
fecal transplant to have “a clean slate” to repopulate the gut with beneficial

The single treatment requires the patient to down 24-36 capsules in one

Does it work?

Oh yes, it does — with flying colors!

Dr. Louie described the results of his work at IDWeek, an infectious disease
conference in San Francisco. Of 27 patients treated all who had experienced
at least 4 C-diff infections in the past, not a single one had a C-diff relapse
after treatment with the poop pills!
Margaret Corbin, one of Dr. Louie’s patients, had this to say about her
suffering with C-diff and recovery: “It lasted for two years. It was horrible.
I thought I was dying. I couldn’t eat. Every time I ate anything or drank
water I was into the bathroom. I never went anywhere, I stayed home all the
time.” Ms. Corbin’s daughter served as her donor and after a single
treatment with the fecal pills made by Dr. Louie two years ago, Corbin said,
“I’ve been perfectly fine since.”

Since this treatment is not drug based and doesn’t make the pharmaceutical
industry any money, no doubt it will be an uphill battle to have the FDA
quickly approve the use of poop pills to help the treatment win widespread,
conventional adoption by most doctors. The truth is that the FDA is
downright hostile to this treatment and cracking down on doctors who
perform it for their patients, so if this is something you feel you could
benefit from, you may just need to go the DIY route as described below.

DIY Fecal Transplants

A small study has already shown at home fecal transplantation using an
enema to be completely safe and highly effective. Here are directions from
Dr. David Williams’ newsletter “How to Perform a Fecal Transplant” using
an enema bag.

A suitable donor shouldn’t have any history of gastrointestinal disease, any

malignancy, or a history of antibiotic use or hospitalization within the past
three months. The donor’s blood gets tested for hepatitis A, B, and C, HIV,
and syphilis. And, their stool is tested for pathogens, parasites, and C.
difficile. Typically, a family member is selected since they have been in
close proximity with the patient and share the same infectious risk factors,
which minimizes risk.

To do the procedure, you need the following items in addition to a fresh

stool sample:
● A probiotic that should be taken before the transplant by the
patient (not the donor), and for at least 60 days following. I
suggest staying on it for life.
● A four-day prescription taken by the patient for either
metronidazole 500 mg (orally three times per day), or vancomycin
125 mg (orally four times per day) to sterilize or wipe out the
bacteria in the colon. The antibiotic needs to be stopped 24 to 48
hours before the procedure.
● At least 200 mL of normal sterile saline solution (found at any
pharmacy or online).
● A standard 2-quart enema bag kit.
● A kitchen blender.

The best time to perform the procedure is in the morning following the first
bowel movement of the day.
1. Combine 50 mL of solid stool obtained from the donor immediately
before the transplant (less than 30 minutes) with 200 mL saline
solution in the blender.
2. Mix in the blender until liquefied.
3. Pour the entire mixture into the enema bag.
4. Have the patient lie on the left side and administer the enema per kit
instructions. The patient should remain in that position for as long as
possible to avoid defecation. The patient should not feel any pain or
discomfort outside of the normal sensations experienced during an
enema. If diarrhea occurs within one hour, the procedure can be
immediately repeated, but a fresh stool sample will need to be used.

*Please note that you do not have to do the antibiotics before the fecal
transplant if you don’t want to. All of the readers who have emailed me
about the stunning success they have had with DIY fecal transplants chose
to skip the meds beforehand.
Don’t Waste Your Time: Why the Candida Diet Doesn’t Work
Candida is a term that refers to a large family of yeasts (one-celled fungi)
that under normal circumstances, harmlessly inhabit the tissues of humans.
This is because a balanced intestinal tract from mouth to colon contains a
preponderance of beneficial bacteria that keep Candida in check.

When not enough beneficial bacteria are present in a given body tissue to
keep Candida under control, Candida transforms from harmless to invasive.
In this rapidly growing state, Candida puts out long stringy hyphae or
“roots” which can penetrate through the tissues of the body.
Candida overgrowth can occur in many tissues of the body such as oral
candidiasis known as thrush, the scalp as dandruff, or vaginal yeast

What Causes Candida Overgrowth?

Candida is an opportunistic pathogen that can rapidly take over when a
person is under a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics decimate beneficial gut
flora but have little effect on Candida, giving this normally harmless yeast
the chance to take over dominance of the gut environment very quickly.

Many women don’t realize it, but oral contraceptives imbalance the gut in
the same way as antibiotics giving Candida the advantage.

A diet of processed foods high in sugars and simple carbohydrates also

encourages Candida overgrowth as yeasts thrive on sugars.

Babies born via C-Section or to mothers who were treated with IV

antibiotics during labor are especially vulnerable to the ravages of Candida
overgrowth as they are not exposed to a healthy balance of gut flora from
their travels down the birth canal prior to the moment of birth.

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

Symptoms of Candida overgrowth are many — the most common being
fogginess in the morning upon waking (brain fog), digestive complaints of
all kinds and a myriad of skin issues.
Many women plagued by yeast infections don’t realize that the source of
the problem is actually their diet and the pathogenic state of their gut
environment. Using drugs and creams to resolve the problem is only a
temporary solution when the source of the problem — gut imbalance — is
not addressed head on.

The Anti-Candida Diet

Some 20 years ago, my husband and I tried the Candida Diet to resolve gut
imbalance that had been exacerbated by our stressful and overworked
lifestyle at the time.

It failed miserably.


Because the Candida Diet goes only part of the way in attempting to resolve
gut imbalance by removing all food sources for Candida.

For example, the Candida Diet removes sugar from the diet in all forms —
even maple syrup and honey. Fresh fruit, however, is allowed.

Candida overgrowth can frequently trigger an allergy to molds and other

types of fungi, so fermented foods including cheese and dairy are also
eliminated along with any breads and other foods containing yeast. Other
foods excluded from the Candida Diet include vinegar, mushrooms, tea,
coffee, dried fruit and any form of fruit juices.

People Get Better on the Candida Diet But They Don’t Heal. The typical
scenario for a person who goes on the Candida Diet goes something like
1. They feel better almost immediately — primarily because all the sugar
has been removed from their diet.
2. They continue on the diet for some time perhaps many months or even
a year or more and are pleased to see that their symptoms of Candida
overgrowth diminish considerably during that time.
3. After a period of time, they try to reintroduce some of the foods that
were removed only to discover that their symptoms come raging back
with full force.
4. They realize that it is going to be next to impossible to continue the
Candida Diet indefinitely as it is simply too hard to give up cheese and
any and all sweets forever.
5. They get discouraged, give up and stop the Candida Diet.

Why Doesn’t the Candida Diet Work?

The paradox of the Candida Diet is that symptoms greatly diminish but the
person doesn’t actually heal from the root cause of the problem which is a
breech in the integrity of the gut lining.
Healing is prevented on the Candida Diet for the following key reasons:

Reason #1: The Candida Diet allows foods like potato, yams and other
starchy vegetables.
Reason #2: More important than the allowance of starch in the Candida
Diet, however, is the ultimate fatal flaw: the inclusion of grain based foods.

Even if the Candida Diet is used in conjunction with a gluten free, casein
free diet, it fails in the majority of instances. The reason is that
disaccharides, or double sugars, are present in many carbohydrates
including ALL grains — not just gluten containing ones. An inflamed,
imbalanced gut overridden with Candida is unable to digest double sugar
molecules completely because the lack of beneficial gut flora has
compromised the function of the enterocytes.

According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, author of GUT AND

PSYCHOLOGY SYNDROME ( and one of the key
scientists at the forefront of gut restoration research today, the enterocytes
are the cells that reside on the villi of the gut wall and produce the enzyme
disaccharidase which breaks down the disaccharide molecule into easily
absorbed monosaccharide molecules. When the enterocytes are not
nourished and strengthened properly by adequate beneficial flora, they
become weak and diseased and may even turn cancerous. They do not
perform their duties of digesting and absorbing food properly.
The critical importance of the enterocytes to health cannot be overstated!
Weak and diseased enterocytes also have trouble digesting starch molecules
which are very large with hundreds of monosugars connected in long
branch-like strands. People with weak digestion due to Candida overgrowth
and damaged enterocytes have a terrible time digesting these complex
molecules leaving large amounts of it undigested — the perfect food for
pathogenic yeasts, bacteria and fungi like Candida to thrive upon.

Even the starch that manages to get digested results in molecules of

maltose, which is — you guessed it — a disaccharide! This maltose also
goes undigested due to a lack of the enzyme disaccharidase and becomes
additional food for Candida.

Therefore, when one follows the Candida Diet and yet still consumes grains
and starches, food molecules that are not fully digested continue to putrefy,
inflame, and provide food for Candida thereby preventing healing even if
some improvement is noted from the removal of all sugars.

The One Great Tip I Learned From the Candida Diet

While the Candida Diet fails miserably in resolving gut imbalance problems
for many of the folks who try it, it does include and recommend one
fantastic herb that is actually very helpful for keeping Candida under
control: Pau D’Arco tea.

What is the Best Diet for Combating Candida?

In conclusion, it is best not to waste your time with the Candida Diet. It
doesn’t work in the majority of cases and you will ultimately feel frustrated
in your efforts to heal over the long term.
The best diets for healing and sealing the gut wall and permanently
rebalancing the gut environment are the GAPS Diet or the very similar SCD
(Specific Carbohydrate Diet). And the one tip from the Candida Diet to
include while you’re on GAPS or SCD diets? Pau D’Arco tea!
You CAN Heal from Severe Ulcerative Colitis with NO Drugs!
I met Gina Rieg at the Fourfold Path to Healing Conference in Baltimore in
February 2012. Her story of healing from Ulcerative Colitis using the
GAPS Diet was so compelling to me that I asked her if she would be
willing to write down her detailed story so that others in a similar situation
might be inspired to heal through a change of diet instead of using drugs or

Her original post on her first year of healing from Ulcerative Colitis can be
found here ( 18 months later, Gina has graciously penned an
update on her progress. I’m sure those of you suffering from Ulcerative
Colitis, IBS, Crohn’s Disease or other inflammatory bowel condition that
could benefit from the GAPS Diet will find encouragement in her story as
she continues on her journey to full healing.

Here I sit, enjoying a glass of red wine on April 14th, 2013. Today marks
TWO years exactly since my last infusion of Remicade, a powerful
intravenous drug which helped me to manage the debilitating symptoms of
Ulcerative Colitis before I went on the GAPS Diet to heal naturally.
When I wrote my first article on this blog in March 2012, I had been on my
gut-healing journey with the GAPS Diet healing protocol for one full year,
and I had seen great signs of healing. From March 2012 to this April 2013,
even more aspects of my health showed improvement — I felt certain that
all was well on my journey to full recovery.

3 months later …

That is where my two year updated story and reflection stalled for a bit. I
remember that evening on April 14th, 2013 so well. My husband and I
enjoyed a celebratory drink — we had some dry red wine. Then, I’m
honestly not sure what happened — don’t get me wrong; it’s not because of
the wine though!

I think what happened was quite simple — life got busy. Really busy!

I was working hard with my work as a health coach, guiding my clients

towards better health and away from the road of “dis-ease”. So I simply
didn’t keep writing about my healing journey.

I see that as a positive sign, though, because I find that most times (as I
experienced this through my personal journey) that we are more likely to
stop and write/note what’s not going well rather than what IS going well. As
I coach my clients to reflect on the good and bad things along the way on
their healing journey, I knew I needed to pick up on my two year story and
share what has transpired since March 2012. So, here my story continues…

When I left off writing on April 14th, 2013, I was chronicling in my diary
that there were several aspects of my life and health that had continued to
demonstrate drastic healing. Let me elaborate …

Knee Pain Resolves with No Drugs or Surgery

I’ll start with my darn left knee pain that is, simply, no more. My left knee,
which used to chronically spike and throb with severe pain has drastically
decreased. My left knee underwent not one, not two, but THREE knee
surgeries from 2004 to 2008, way before I started my gut-healing journey.
Due to a volleyball injury, my first surgery was an ACL reconstruction plus
meniscus repair. I have learned more recently, that many times an ACL
reconstruction is not absolutely a necessary surgery.

The last two surgeries were not due to re-tearing anything; they were
scopes to clean-up tissue that was THOUGHT to be causing the chronic
knee pain. I actually do suspect that if my food lifestyle was like it is now
(so nourishing and healing), perhaps I wouldn’t have needed the last two
surgeries? Of course, it is my speculation, but I think that is due to how I’ve
seen my knee strength progress since addressing my gut health. Even after
all those surgeries, my knee pain was still pretty bad. The summer of 2010
after all three surgeries was especially awful. This was before I started
GAPS and even before I took my very first step to gut healing by elimination
of gluten from my diet. There were times in which it was excruciatingly
painful to even walk; every step involved a sharp pain in my left knee.

Upon investigation from a highly skilled physical therapist, there wasn’t

much functionally wrong, given when and where the pain was occurring. I
also remember it being extremely difficult to describe the pain. I did seek
out acupuncture, and I found that it helped the pain temporarily. Even with
acupuncture, the pain continued to spike — until I addressed my gut.

I’m so happy to report that the chronic knee pain is no longer present!

The three surgeries were quite a bit of trauma, and so my left knee gets
“grumpy” occasionally if perhaps I did too much the previous week such as
too much running and volleyball, but it is NOTHING like it was three years
ago, before my gut-healing journey.

I should mention that volleyball and running are both sports that I once
LOVED and never thought I could ever return to, given my previous knee
pain. I am happy to report that this past spring, I resumed light running and
playing volleyball. The relief of the chronic knee pain was definitely a plus
and an improvement from my gut-healing that I didn’t necessarily expect.
There was never much showing of lasting improvement, until now. I
addressed my gut health and now my chronic knee pain is gone.
Coincidence? I think not!

Hormones Begin to Self Regulate

Secondly, my hormonal imbalances have clearly begun to self regulate to
normal. The rhythm of my menstrual cycle has resumed! I don’t mind
sharing this with everyone as I want others to know the potential of true
healing. I also want to express how the body rarely shows distress a single
way. While various symptoms could be viewed as independent occurrences,
I definitely don’t see my secondary amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycle
following years of a regular cycle) as a separate issue from the symptoms of
Ulcerative Colitis.

My body was completely thrown out of whack in July 2006 when I had the
biggest UC flare of my life, landing me in the hospital with uncontrolled
bleeding and cramping.

That is the point when I started Remicade and from that point on, my period
ceased from occurring naturally. It’s impossible to say if it was a direct
result from Remicade, but it could have been. More broadly, my body was in
such a shocked and inflamed state that my body shut down my menstrual
cycle. It was if my body was telling me, “There is no way that you
could/should support another life right now. Get yourself healthy first.”

Either way, my hormones were completely altered. After many months of

amenorrhea, it was suggested from my former primary care doctor to take
birth control to try to force a period. I had never taken birth control prior to
this time. So, for about 6 years, I was on and off birth control attempting to
regulate my period (even though the period that happens when you are on
birth control isn’t really a true period).

Throughout those 6 years, I attempted a few times to stop birth control in

order to see if my period would come back naturally.

No go.

As I look back, I am not surprised as my gut and entire body was in such a
battle from the Remicade. Finally, once I planned to wean off Remicade and
heal my gut, I stopped taking birth control in December 2010, with no plans
of returning back to it in order “to regulate”. Still no period.

Three months later, in March 2011, I started GAPS. Still no period.

I waited and waited. I worked on healing my gut. Along some points, I

started to really get impatient, worried that I would never regain my period
and that my husband and I would never have the opportunity to have a
child of our own.

I sought out some alternative natural treatments, such as salivary hormone

testing, leading to the use of a topical progesterone cream for about 4
months. Nothing seemed to make much of a difference.

So, I kept waiting and I kept working on my gut health recovery. On

Thanksgiving 2012, I was ready to add in sweet potatoes (not a food
allowable on GAPS due to the multiple complex sugars). Then, in
December 2012, TWO years after I stopped taking birth control, I gained
my menstrual cycle back naturally!
Oh that was a great day! And each period is great. As a woman, I never
thought that I would ever have such wonderful thoughts during a period,
but every month when I menstruate, I feel so blessed to have progressed so
much in healing! Now, my husband and I can actually think about having a
child. Life is good!

Ulcerative Colitis Still in Remission.

Last but definitely not least, my digestion is pretty darn good! I don’t
experience any of the symptoms that my body used to show from Ulcerative
Colitis. That means — no bloody diarrhea, no cramping, no more fear of
not being near a bathroom. During my journey, there were definitely times
of stalled progress, plateaus, bumps, deep ditches even!

Coming off GAPS with fermented buckwheat.

Probably one of the most worrisome changes (which usually happens in
gut-healing) was when I dropped almost 20 pounds, when I didn’t “need”
to lose any weight at all. Now, I am back to a healthy weight, and probably
what my body composition was always meant to be.

Through it all, with the GAPS protocol and some additional support along
the way, I’ve returned to regular bowel movements in the gradual way the
body is meant to recover. Food-wise, I’m working my way off GAPS. This
means that I have begun incorporating many non-GAPS foods into my food
lifestyle. I started with fermented buckwheat (see picture), fermented
quinoa, and then fermented millet. The funny thing is that my body doesn’t
really want much of these foods. I will never go back to the non-nourishing
way that I used to eat, even though I thought I was eating right by following
what “they” (the mainstream) say is the healthy way to eat.

In summary, the huge improvements in my second year of my gut-healing

journey were freedom from chronic knee pain, the return of my menstrual
cycle and great digestion!
I’d like to end with something very essential that I have learned throughout
my journey. Something that is very difficult to accept. There is no such thing
as perfect health. It simply doesn’t exist. The body is in a constant state of
communicating to us, with aches with pains with signs. I used to naively
think that once I healed my gut, my body and my health would just be
peachy-keen. That is so far from the truth. I will say it’s a difficult truth to
accept but it’s the TRUTH.

While the chronic disease that my body expressed for 10 + years, showing
itself in digestive disease, my reproduction system shutting down, and
perhaps even in chronic knee pain, is no longer present, there are still some
minor lingering issues that teach me that there is no such thing as perfect
health. My body is still speaking to me and it would be unfair for me to put
up a front that everything about my health is perfect. That is just not how
the body works for any of us! However, it is very important and significant
to remember the health from which I came, the journey I struggled through
to heal my gut and the continuous way in which my body loves me and
communicates to me.

This is me, this is my body, and this is my health.

I am confident that the work I’ve done has both healed the way my body
showed chronic disease and now my truly healthy food lifestyle will aide in
the prevention of many common forms of “dis-ease”.

I wish you all great health and I hope my updated story has provided some
hope and inspiration. If you ever need support, guidance or coaching, don’t
hesitate to reach out. I am here to coach people out and away from the road
of “dis-ease” and toward optimal (but never perfect!) health.
How to Repair Your Gut After Antibiotics
Antibiotics are truly a wonder of modern medicine.

Beginning with the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928,

the pure magic of antibiotics with their rapid resolution of bacterial
infections of all kinds caused many in the medical profession to become
completely enamored with the drug based approach to illness. By 1940,
antibiotics had come into widespread use causing both doctors and people
to gradually forget about tried and true techniques for preventing illness
such as the age old remedy cod liver oil.

This change in the medical paradigm has led in recent decades to abuse of
these magical meds and the growing effect of antibiotic-resistant bacterial
strains. It has also caused in an epidemic of people with compromised gut
function due to an imbalanced intestinal environment resulting from
excessive exposure to antibiotics via industrially produced foods, medicine
and more recently, groundwater contamination.

While antibiotics clearly have their place in treating life-threatening

bacterial infections, their overuse has led to shocking numbers of cases of
modern-day health challenges and autoimmune disease.

While complete avoidance of all antibiotic exposure would be the ideal, it is

simply not practical in the majority of cases. Sometimes, antibiotics are
necessary and when they are, it is imperative to protect the gastrointestinal
tract from fungal or yeast overgrowth during treatment and to replenish
beneficial gut bacteria when the course of antibiotics is complete.

While antibiotics effectively kill both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria

with the exception of antibiotic-resistant species of streptococcus and other
strains, they do not affect the many forms of yeast such as Candida albicans
naturally found in the body in a non-dominant role.
As beneficial bacteria lining the gut wall are eliminated, yeasts like Candida
albicans have the opportunity to overgrow and become dominant by
attaching to the gut wall (think of it like your lawn - if the turf gets killed
off in a drought, weeds take over). Once attached to the gut wall, yeast has
the ability to create lesions in the cell membranes. This can lead to the
syndrome referred to as “leaky gut”, which increases the likelihood of
insufficiently digested proteins entering the bloodstream resulting in
inflammation, food intolerances, a myriad of digestive problems,
autoimmune disease and other associated imbalances.

If you or a loved one find yourself in a situation where antibiotics are

unavoidable, the following recommendations for support during and after
antibiotic treatment can help minimize the damage to the gut environment
and quickly rebuild gut flora at the conclusion of treatment.
These recommendations are provided to patients of the clinic Biodynamic
Wellness which specializes in helping people recover and maintain optimal
balance of the intestinal environment to encourage vibrant health free of
chronic disease stemming from a compromised gut. The owner of
Biodynamic Wellness, Kim Schuette CN, generously gave permission to
share the recommendations listed below.

Please note that these recommendations are helpful whether the antibiotic
treatment came from oral medication or IV treatment. Even IV antibiotics
damage gut flora despite the fact that the medication does not make its way
directly through the intestinal environment like oral meds do.

Diet During and After Antibiotics

Include generous servings of lacto-fermented dairy and cultured vegetables
during and after antibiotics (whether the treatment is oral or from an IV).
One tablespoon to half a cup of yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, beet
kvass, etc. two to three times daily is advisable.

Include gelatin rich foods such as homemade meat stocks and bone broths
daily along with abundant vegetables, animal fats, coconut oil and skate or
cod liver oil after antibiotics are complete. A gelatin supplement can also be
used to add further gelatin to homemade soups and sauces.

Avoid all refined carbohydrates and fruit juices.

Supplemental Support During Antibiotics

Saccharomyces boulardii: one capsule twice daily to discourage yeast
overgrowth during antibiotic treatment when beneficial gut flora are being

Supplemental Support After Antibiotics

After antibiotics, make sure to take a high quality probiotic like Bio-Kult,
Ther-biotic Complete, HMF Forte or HMF Replete twice daily for 60 days.

Saccharomyces boulardii: one capsule twice daily to discourage yeast

overgrowth during the gut flora recovery phase after antibiotics — be sure
to continue for 30 days.
Five Steps to Heal IBS Naturally
IBS is becoming so common that you probably know someone who suffers
with it. About 10-15% of Americans are diagnosed with IBS though the
majority don’t seek help for it. They just learn to live with it. The great
news is that there’s a lot you can do to help relieve the symptoms of IBS
naturally with food.

To understand why these five tips to heal IBS are so beneficial, let me
summarize how the bacteria that reside in our gut affect our health. Here are
just a few of the roles they play in keeping us healthy:
● Manufacture B vitamins and vitamin K
● Keeps bowel wall healthy
● Prevents infection
● Breaks down toxins
● Promotes endocrine and immune health
● Regulates bowel movements

We are only beginning to scratch the surface of understanding exactly what

these trillions of little buggers do for our health. But what we do know is
that there are ten times more of them that live in our gut than there are cells
in our body!

In a normal functioning gut, about 80-85% of gut bacteria are beneficial and
about 15-20% are pathogenic. The good guys keep the bad guys in check
and even harness them for beneficial purposes. However, in many ways you
could say our modern diet and lifestyle is an assault on our gut bacteria
which switches up the proportion in favor of the pathogenic bacteria.
Factors that can damage our gut bacteria include:
● Antibiotics
● Birth control, steroids
● Chronic stress
● Infections
● Environmental toxins
● Alcohol
● Poor diet
And when those gut bacteria get out of balance, many digestive problems
can manifest, including IBS.

So on that note, here are the five tips I recommend to people who come to
me for help:

Tip #1: Eliminate sugar and processed foods

I hope this one is obvious! Americans eat A LOT of sugar, to put it mildly.
Sugar and sugar-filled processed foods not only fuels gut bacteria
imbalances (aka “dysbiosis”), it also alters many other aspects of our inner
gut environment. Removing the fuel that feeds the fire of IBS is the first
important step.

Tip #2: Reduce or eliminate grains

Many people are amazed at the benefits they experience when they start to
cut down on their grain consumption. I’ve never seen anyone who was
diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative colitis who wasn’t eating a
very high grain diet. Years of heartburn often evaporate almost overnight on
a grain-free diet. Cutting grain consumption can dramatically help many
other common digestive problems such as bloating, constipation and excess

If you can, start with a 30-day grain-free trial. If that sounds too difficult, go
gluten-free instead. Gluten is the main protein in wheat, rye and barley and
we’re seeing an astronomical rise in gluten sensitivities. Whether it’s gluten
itself or the fact that gluten, a complex protein, exacerbates problems in an
already digestively stressed environment, no one can say for sure. But it
can’t hurt to remove it for 30 days as a trial to see if it improves your

Of course, there can be other foods that are aggravating your gut besides
grains. Modern dairy and modern soy are just the tip of the iceberg but two
of the more common digestive-disrupting foods.

If your digestive symptoms don’t dramatically improve after 30 days of a

gluten or grain-free diet, then work with a practitioner who can help you
identify other possible hidden food sensitivities.
Tip #3: Eat more traditional fats
Let me share a quick story to explain as an illustration. Last week I started
working with a client who’s a good example of the type of person I often

“Mary” is in her 70s and she was diagnosed with IBS several years ago.
Like so many older folks, Mary has moved far far away from the foods of
her youth. When I’m working with a person like Mary, I immediately ask
what he or she ate growing up. And the answer is almost always universal.
Home-cooked meals with the majority of food sourced right in the

I’ve never come across one person who grew up before WWII that was
eating anything resembling a vegan, low-fat diet. Not one. And for the most
part, these people were a lot healthier than we are today. They didn’t have
GERD and IBS and Ulcerative colitis and all the dozens of digestive
problems that are now so common.

Mary lives in Pennsylvania and she grew up in a Pennsylvania Dutch

family. They made lots of meat dishes, potato dishes, vegetables dishes,
soups and stews, sausages and sauerkraut. They ate eggs and bacon for
breakfast and cooked with lard almost exclusively. They raised pigs, cows,
chickens and had gardens in the summer and fall.

After a few weeks of eating more like she did as a child, Mary is slowly
starting to feel better.

Tip #4: Eat more fermented foods

Fermented foods are ALIVE, teeming with the very beneficial bacteria that
can help to restore good gut flora and proper digestive functioning. These
beneficial bacteria go by another name you’re probably familiar with:
probiotics. While probiotics in supplement form can be helpful, fermented
foods are Nature’s true probiotics and should be a part of any digestive-
healing protocol.
You can find good quality fermented foods in most health food stores. Look
for products that have only salt in the ingredients. A salty brine is all that’s
needed for proper fermentation. Many poor quality fermented foods are
pasteurized and have added sugar, vinegar, colorings and preservatives
which compromise the very aliveness of fermented foods.

But you can also learn to make fermented foods at home! This is very
simple and there are tons of great online resources that can help you get

Tip #5: Consume homemade bone stocks

Unfortunately, like so many traditional foods, bone stocks have mostly
disappeared from our diets in favor of bouillon cubes, canned soups and
stocks. These quasi-stocks mimic the flavor of real stocks via things like
MSG, artificial flavorings (often called “natural flavorings” on food labels)
and other chemicals and preservatives.

If you want evidence of just how much we’ve moved away from real soups
and stocks, check out the soup aisle at any conventional supermarket. I once
counted over 90 varieties of Campbell’s and over 70 varieties of Progresso!
These are NOT traditionally prepared soups and stocks. Just take a look at
the ingredient label. It’s scary.

Real bone stocks get their digestive healing benefits from REAL bones! So
you do have to make these yourself. Which is not hard!

I teach all my clients how to do this and send them home with recipes. If
you’re new at it, just start with a simple chicken stock — click here for
video how-to (

Of course, as simple as all this sounds, I also know through helping folks
with IBS in my clinical practice that it’s not easy for many. You may not
even experience a full recovery after working at it long and hard — BUT
you will be healthier and more energetic. It took many years of abuse to get
in the shape you’re in now so it’s not realistic to expect to reverse it
Adapted from an original blog post by Craig Fear, NTP
How to Speed Gut Healing and Shorten Time on the GAPS Diet
The GAPS Diet developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD is one of
the most effective ways to heal and seal the gut wall in order to reverse a
variety of autoimmune conditions including eczema, psoriasis,
ADD/ADHD, autism, celiac disease, allergies, asthma, Crohn’s disease,
ulcerative colitis, IBS, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety,
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetes, cancer, and the list goes

Dr. Campbell-McBride says that, on average, it takes a child 6-18 months

on the GAPS diet for the gut to heal, while an adult may take longer
possibly up to three years.

While the good news is that the GAPS Diet is only a temporary diet to heal
the gut, the bad news is that the diet is highly restrictive with the
elimination of many foods that cannot be consumed until symptoms of
autoimmune illness have completely subsided and the gut is sufficiently
healed. These foods include:
● All grains and any food that contains them. This includes
wheat, rye, rice, corn, oats, amaranth, kamut, spelt, barley,
buckwheat, millet, teff, triticale, bulgar, tapioca, quinoa and any
● Starchy vegetables like white and sweet potatoes, parsnip,
arrowroot and taro.
● Starchy beans and peas must also be avoided which includes
pretty much all of them with the exception of green peas and navy
● All sugars including the lactose in milk and cream must be
avoided. Honey and very ripe fruit would be the only sweets
allowed. Fermented dairy like yogurt and kefir as well as butter
and ghee are permitted unless the GAPS condition is severe.

While many folks desperately want to heal their autoimmune illness using
GAPS, the restrictive nature of the diet is off-putting to say the least even if
it must only be followed temporarily.
As a result, giving people the means to heal as quickly as possible while on
GAPS is very important so that the diet can be used for as short a time as

If you are already on GAPS or considering using it to put your autoimmune

disease behind you for good, here are four techniques suggested by the
clinic Biodynamic Wellness in San Diego to facilitate rapid healing. If using
these methods reduces your time on GAPS by even 6 months, it will no
doubt be well worth the effort!

Methods to Supercharge Gut Healing While on the GAPS Diet

Castor Oil Packs. The castor bean (Oleum ricini) is known principally for
its laxative effects. A pack placed over the abdomen, usually with heat
applied, allows the oil to be absorbed into the lymphatic circulation to
provide a soothing, cleansing, and nutritive treatment.

The castor oil pack works well to speed healing of many disorders
specifically those involving the digestive system. It is not to be used during
pregnancy, heavy menstrual flow or the presence of internal bleeding.

Apply the castor oil directly to your abdomen without the flannel pack. A
sheet of plastic covers the oil soaked skin, with towel on top. A hot water
bottle or heating pad is applied. This is often applied for the entire night and
in the morning the castor oil will be totally absorbed through the skin. This
is the best method for young children. Use old sheets as the castor oil
permanently stains.

Alternatively, click here ( for detailed instructions on how

to prepare and use a castor oil pack which takes a little more work to set up
but makes less mess.

Okra Pepsin E3 is a supplement that supports intestinal mucosal tissue,

bowel function and cleansing. Agricultural experts call okra a “powerhouse
of nutrients” with much of its nutritive value found in soluble fiber gums
and pectins which greatly promote gastrointestinal health. This supplement
is particularly helpful for alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation
which plague many people suffering from autoimmune illness.
Okra Pepsin E3 also promotes phagocytosis, the biological process which
removes debris and harmful microorganisms from the body. In addition,
immune function is stimulated and the mucilage from the okra coats and
provides intestinal lubrication that acts as a cooling agent, easing
gastrointestinal discomfort.

Fecal Transplants. This new technique which has gained popularity over the
past few years has been clinically shown to be safe and 100% effective and
is nothing short of astounding in helping children and adults regain normal
digestive function very rapidly.

The effects of a fecal transplant cannot be replicated with any other

technique. Some holistic doctors around the country are quietly performing
the procedure for their patients, but the good news is that people can easily
do it safely at home with a $10 enema bag - no insurance companies to
haggle with and no expense/travel long distances to find a doctor who will
do it for you.

Just be sure to select a healthy donor. According to Biodynamic Wellness,

exclusively breastfed, vaginally delivered babies from Moms who eat a
fully Traditional Diet would be ideal donors along with an older sibling or
adult with the same background.

Drainage Remedies like those from UNDA, Heel, Pekana and Guna are also
extremely helpful (and easy to administer) in healing the mucosa lining of
the gut and respiratory tracts.

You can locate a classical homeopath in your area to prepare these remedies
for you, or alternatively, you can contact Biodynamic Wellness who can
make them for you as needed without the need for a long or expensive
consultation. A brief health history including age, weight and gut condition
over the phone (takes about 2 minutes) is necessary to prepare the remedies
appropriately. This helps determine the ideal dosage.
These remedies can also be found online but it might be difficult to
determine proper dosages.
Treating a Fever Without Meds
Many parents panic when their child has a fever. I did too the first time my
child spiked a temperature of 102.5 F. It is a scary thing to hold your child
and they are hot, flushed and obviously very uncomfortable.

It is important to learn ways to manage your child’s fever and not lower it
artificially with over the counter medications. It would be best if you just
threw these drugs away and don’t even have them in your medicine cabinet
because even infrequent use of an over-the-counter drug like Tylenol has
been linked with serious, lifelong illness like asthma.

Instead of panicking, honor your child’s fever and learn to use it

constructively to improve your child’s health and vitality over the long
term, because, believe it or not, fevers are fabulous and accomplish
important things in a child’s developing body.

I am one of seven children, so we had a lot of fevers going around our home
during cold/flu season. Despite this, my father, a Family Physician, never
succumbed to treating a fever with meds.


He taught us that bringing down a fever only prolonged the illness and
weakened vitality for the next illness to come. I remember him saying, “No,
I can’t bring down your fever because you’ll get sicker quicker and next
time it will be worse.”

Repeated forced reduction of childhood fever has been linked to childhood

cancer. And eliminating fever will usually cause a secondary infection.
When you bring down a fever you start a domino effect toward antibiotic
use. In other words, if you want to avoid antibiotics, don’t bring down the
fever. Fever reduction suppresses the immune system. Your child is trying
to get well himself with the fever and when you bring it down you are
opening him up to a secondary bacterial infection that will further entrench
the virus or bacteria. It cannot be stressed enough that fever has an
important role to play in your child’s overall well-being.
Why Do We Get Fevers?
Why do our bodies produce fever? One reason is that fevers greatly slow
down pathogens. Fevers are a highly beneficial immune response that we
suppress to our detriment.

The “germ” — bacteria or virus causing the child’s distress typically

replicates every few minutes and the fever slows this process down. Fevers
work to slow down the spread and severity of the illness and are your friend
in avoiding a secondary infection (usually respiratory illness), a trip to the
doctor and a script for antibiotics.

So treating a fever with meds to bring it down gives free license to the virus
or bacteria to spread in an unrestrained manner. And don’t panic if your
child’s temperature gets to 102-103 F degrees — this is the ideal range for a

I can’t tell you how many times my children have spiked a beautiful fever
of about 102-103 F for a few hours with no other symptoms whatsoever.

When the fever resolved, the illness was over. No cough, no rash, sinus
congestion, no nothing. Just a happy, energetic and bright child. I can
almost guarantee that if I had forcibly brought the fever down with meds,
they would have gotten a secondary illness on top of the fever — probably
a cough or sinus congestion and the illness would have morphed from an
afternoon of chills and discomfort into a two week ordeal with a trip to the
doctor and prescription meds.

Treating a Fever With No Meds

I find that holding your child is the best home remedy for fever. When they
are feverish, they want to be with you. Put on a light robe and crash on the
couch with your child and hold her for hours if you need to. If you let the
fever go and just let the child’s body do what it is trying to do, the fever
won’t last very long — just a few hours.

You can take their temperature if you want to, but it is not necessary. Put
your lips on your child’s forehead, and if the child seems hot, you know she
has a fever. I can tell within a half a degree what the temperature is using
this method with no thermometer required (which children typically find
distressing to use when they are ill anyway). My dad taught me this trick —
he never took our temperatures. He knew the temperature.

Sometimes a fever will go for three days. It will go up and down, with
peaks and valleys, and it usually peaks about 4-6 in the afternoon. If your
child has a fever in the afternoon followed by a good night’s sleep and no
fever in the morning, that doesn’t mean he is over it. Don’t send him to
school until you know what happens at 4-6 in the afternoon. The fever is
likely to come back in a lot of cases. Until you’ve passed a late afternoon
with no fever, your child is not yet on the road to recovery.

Should You Feed or Starve a Fever?

My father taught me that food will naturally drop a fever within about 20
minutes and this drop will last for an hour or two. My father always
believed that it was fine to feed a child with a fever if the child was willing
to eat. But don’t force food if he doesn’t want it. And you don’t have to
give your child a lot of food. Just a few bites of scrambled egg or a few sips
of homemade broth can bring that fever down a bit. It will not make the
fever go away but will manage it hopefully within the ideal 102-103 degree

If a child’s fever is very high — over 103.5 degrees — then you need to
take steps to bring it down down. One method for treating a fever naturally
to bring it down without any meds is a cool water enema. Enemas have
such a bad rap! Nobody likes them but they are a very effective remedy for
many things. You can get an enema bag from any pharmacy for about ten
dollars and they’re incredibly easy to administer. If the fever is getting
really high, just get a thick beach towel and put it in the tub. Lay your child
on his side without taking clothes off. Slide their pajamas down a little.
Place 1/2 to 1 quart warm filtered water in the bag and insert the enema
nozzle lubricated with a bit of coconut oil. Your child will start to feel
pressure and will want to go to the bathroom–the water usually doesn’t run
out. Then gently put him on the toilet and let him go. This will bring the
fever down by a degree or two.
High fevers — those that range between 104 and 105 F — are not
dangerous in themselves, but they make the metabolism run very fast and
increase the risk of dehydration. Blood sugar often drops with the
metabolism running at this high level, which can lead to convulsions. To
prevent this, have your child sip fresh fruit juice diluted 50% with filtered
water to keep tissues hydrated and blood sugar levels in the normal range. If
your child is too lethargic or won’t take anything, you can administer about
4 ounces diluted fruit juice rectally using a $2 bulb syringe. Again, this is so
easy to do! The body will absorb it rectally very quickly. Don’t worry — it
won’t run out and make a mess. This may save you a trip to the emergency

Fevers rapidly deplete vitamin A so be sure to give your child drops of

fermented cod liver oil under the tongue while the fever is running its

Fever Baths To Hasten Healing

On the other hand, if your child is running a low-grade fever day after day
and not seeming to get better, you can help her generate a higher fever to
help resolve the illness more quickly by giving her a fever bath. Put her in
the tub. Fill it with water as hot as she can stand. You can get it hotter for
them if you put them in it while you are filling it. You want it pretty hot, but
still comfortable. Leave her in the bath for 10-12 minutes, then get her out,
dry her quickly and wrap her up tight. Put her into bed, well covered up.
This should help the fever rise to the point where it can be effective in
resolving the illness and by morning, she may have a normal temperature.
I have used the fever bath method for treating a fever on myself with great
results too!
The Best Vegetables for Boosting Immunity
Do you wish there was a simple solution that tackled things like cancer
AND the common cold?
Time and again, both in my nutritional training and my own experience
with my family, I am shown that the kitchen is the first place to begin for
getting well.

Helping our little ones and ourselves get strong and well can come from the
most modest and unassuming sources. The two immune boosters that I
discuss today could not be more humble and are probably available right
now in your pantry.

Garlic. Onions.

That’s it!

Garlic and onions are inexpensive to buy and simple to use — the best
vegetables for highly effective immune boosting if applied in a therapeutic

Why Onions and Garlic are the Best Vegetables for the Immune System

Garlic. While not necessarily awesome for those receiving your kisses (!)
garlic is an absolute champion for the immune system. It packs a punch
with its phytochemicals and healing sulfur components. These sulfur
compounds even chelate toxic heavy metals (like lead & cadmium), binding
with them for excretion out of the body.

● Garlic has antibacterial, anti-fungal and even antiviral qualities

● It promotes the growth of healthy intestinal microflora
● Garlic helps to keep fats from oxidizing. I outlined in previous
posts (here) and (here) how important fats are to the immune
● Garlic acts as a strong antioxidant and guards against DNA
● It protects against radiation & sunlight damage
● Fights worms and parasites
● It benefits digestion, which is good for the whole body
● It contains many nutrients such as -
● Vitamins: C, B1, B2, B3
● Minerals: Calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc
● Phytochemicals: Allicin, beta-carotene, beta-sitosterol, caffeic
acid, chlorogenic acid, diallyl-disulfide, ferulic acid, geraniol,
kaempferol, linalool, oleanolic acid, p-coumaric acid,
phloroglucinol, phytic acid, quercetin, rutin, s-allyl-cysteine,
saponin, sinapic acid, & stigmasterol.

Onions. As a whole, the onion family (garlic included) is an immune

boosting plant family. Onions, themselves, help to decrease phlegm and
inflammation in the nose and throat, and when applied as a chest poultice
they can help with the inflammation and congestion in the chest, such as
from a bronchial infection. Onions also inhibit allergic reactions, which are
a sign of imbalance in the immune system.

Some of onion minerals worth noting are:

● Manganese
● Potassium
● Phosphorus
● Magnesium
● Calcium

Onions also contain a significant amount of Vitamin C and both onions and
garlic (especially red onions) are high in quercetin, the antioxidant which
helps inhibit cancer cell growth.

Historical usage
Onions and garlic are featured in historical art, medicine, religious
application and culinary tradition. Here are just a few examples:
● Pre-antibiotics era, garlic was used to treat infections and
wounds during World War I. It is one of the oldest recorded
remedies and is listed medicinally in ancient texts of the Greeks,
Hebrews, Babylonians, Romans and Egyptians.
● Onions were used in the Egyptian mummification process
(onions symbolized eternity), as well as in their art. The layered
circle form of the onion held special significance.
● Apart from growing in the wild, onions have been cultivated
for at least 5,000 years, showing up in ancient texts of India,
Sumeria, Egypt & China.
● Garlic and onion belong to the Allium family of plants, which
includes 600–750 species. Other popular alliums are shallots,
chives, leeks, scallions.

How to use onions & garlic therapeutically

Garlic: Dr. Natasha recommends consuming a whole head of garlic a day
for therapeutic purposes (not just a clove!), and she also outlines its usage
as a remedy for ear infection, through garlic infused olive oil.

Garlic for ear infection

● 1 crushed clove of garlic
● 1–2 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil

Place the crushed garlic in the oil and let sit for 30 minutes, then strain. The
oil can be warmed slightly by placing it in a cup and setting the cup in
warm water (don’t overheat or this will destroy beneficial properties). Use a
few drops of this oil hourly in the ears to treat an ear infection. Garlic oil is
a safe remedy for children and can also be used daily (just a couple of
drops) to soften ear wax buildup.

The book Healing With Whole Foods outlines more garlic usages:
Garlic tea — Simmer 4 cloves of chopped garlic in one cup of water for 20
minutes…(apply both topically and drink internally) use for relieving
poison ivy & poison oak & other boil like skin conditions.

Travel — When traveling or eating out, take 2 capsules of aged garlic or

chew up a clove of raw garlic prior, to help avoid food poisoning.
For colds, sore throat, & sinus headaches — Hold a clove of garlic in the
mouth for at least 15 minutes, then consume it.

Onions: Dr. Natasha again gives us simple, time tested remedies.

Onion for ear infection

● Large white onion
● Cotton cloth

1. Chop the onion finely and put it into the cotton cloth.
2. Heat it in an oven until it is hot but still tolerable to touch.
3. Place the wrapped onion on your child’s ear, with a cozy hat over to
keep it in place…you can use plastic wrap between the onion and hat
to keep the hat from getting onion juice on it.
4. Keep this in place until the onion has cooled and repeat the heating and
application on the ear. This is good to do before bed when they can
then sleep on the affected ear and keep it very warm. It’s smelly but
works well!

For a throat infection

Eggs, onion, & animal fat immune booster (good for any infection)
● 1 large white onion (sliced)
● 1–2 tablespoons animal fat (such as ghee, goose or duck fat)
● 2–3 high quality pastured eggs

1. Cook the sliced onion in a pot on low heat, covered with a lid, for
about 20 minutes, until onion is soft and sweet
2. Fry the eggs in generous amounts of the animal fat until the whites are
gently cooked but the yolks are still runny.
3. Serve the eggs and onions together with the fat and an extra drizzle of
cold pressed olive oil on top
“This dish is very gentle and soothing on the throat, the fat and the egg
yolks will dissolve any damaged tissues and help to remove them; the eggs,
fat and cooked onion feed the immune system locally in the throat, and
boost systemic immunity as well. Give this dish to your child twice a day,
and the sore throat will melt away quite quickly. This is food that should be
given to patients in hospitals, whose tonsils have just been removed.” —
from The Gut and Psychology Syndrome, by Dr. Natasha Campbell-

Storage and preparation

The best way to store garlic and onions is in a cool, dark place with good air
circulation. This could be in a paper bag, a mesh basket in the cabinet, or an
open box in the pantry. Stored carefully, onions and garlic can keep well for
a month or much more. Note: When a clove is taken off a head of garlic, its
storage life is decreased.

In preparing garlic, if you cut into the garlic clove and then let it sit for 15
minutes you will be allowing time for the enzymes that turn alliin into

If you are prepping a bunch of garlic cloves at the same time, you can put
the garlic in boiling water for 10–20 seconds and then put them into cold
water. This should make it so that the skins come away easily.

In preparing onions it is helpful to have a good, sharp knife. Click here

( for a video showing how.

Raw garlic is preferable for medicinal purposes. There is some degree of

potency that is lost during cooking, but some sulphur compounds are
actually enhanced during cooking, so there is still benefit.

How we incorporate onions & garlic

● I put onions and garlic into almost every soup I prepare for my
● A cheese plate with local artisan cheeses, roasted garlic, dates,
fruit & nuts as an at-home date.
● Roasted garlic soup is one of my favorite soups.
● I love making a simple dressing for our salads. It’s made with
olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lots of chopped garlic and a little bit
of honey & sea salt.

Adapted from an original blog post by by Melanie Christner, NTP, CHFS,

Pau d’Arco: The Best Herb to Beat Back Candida
Need one herb to know about when healthy eating falls by the wayside
while on vacation or holiday? It’s definitely Pau d’arco.

While having an awesome time while on break is wonderful and fine —

what a relief to know that good health does not demand perfection 100% of
the time — the risk is that off the wagon eating during a holiday or vacation
can insidiously make its way into our regular routine almost without us
realizing what has happened.

Have you ever experienced this yourself? A week or two after the vacation
has ended you find yourself still waking up with brain fog, eating
midafternoon candy bars or donuts for breakfast and suffering from stiff or
painful joints.

If this has ever happened to you personally, you know that the first day or
two back on the wagon is definitely the hardest. Those little critters known
as gut pathogens which are normally in the minority in a healthy, balanced
gut had a heyday while you were eating with abandon. They likely
multiplied quickly and have increased greatly in proportion to the beneficial
microbes, also known as probiotics.

The typical pathogen that overgrows during a period of off the wagon
eating is Candida - a term that refers to a large family of yeasts (one celled
fungi) that under normal circumstances, harmlessly inhabit the tissues of
humans. This is because a balanced intestinal tract from mouth to colon
contains a preponderance of beneficial bacteria that keep Candida in check.
When not enough beneficial bacteria are present in a given body tissue to
keep Candida under control, Candida transforms from a harmless state into
an invasive species. Candida overgrowth can occur in many tissues of the
body such as oral candidiasis known as thrush, the scalp as dandruff, fungus
toenails, or vaginal yeast infections.

Cutting off Candida’s goodies by eliminating the junk allows the beneficial
microbes to re-exert their authority and bring gut pathogens back into
subjection before they start causing health issues.
They won’t go quietly, I can tell you!

Once you get over the hump which in my experience is the first 24-72
hours, you will likely find being back on the wagon comfortable again at
last. You won’t be craving treats or junk every few hours and your blood
sugar will stabilize back into a normal steady routine without excessive
peaks or valleys.

The good news is that herbs can provide much needed assistance during
those initial difficult hours when the gut pathogens like Candida are
clamoring for their sugar fix and you are struggling to put an end the
feeding frenzy.

The best herb I’ve ever used for this purpose is Pau d’arco, also known as
The Pau d’arco herb is derived from the inner bark of a beautiful, large tree
that is native to the rainforests of Central and South America. It will grow
in any warm, humid clime, and I actually have two of these trees, Tabebuia
impetiginosa, growing in my front yard.

Pau d’Arco: the Best Info Learned from the Candida Diet
I first learned about Pau d’arco while on the Candida Diet some twenty
years ago. While the Candida Diet failed miserably to improve the health
either of myself or my husband (we eventually realized that eating
traditionally was the way to healing and health, not fad diet silver bullets),
we found Pau d’arco highly effective at repressing Candida and
significantly reducing sugar cravings.

While Pau d’arco has been used as a medicine to counteract fungal

overgrowth for centuries, science is also validating these anecdotal
observations. The Brazilian Journal of Biology found in 2010 found that
Tabebuia avellanedae, one tree species that is the source of the Pau d’arco
herb, does indeed exert an inhibitory effect on yeasts.

Which Form of Pau d’Arco is Best?

The form Pau d’arco is most often used is as an herbal tea, which I must
admit, is an acquired taste at best! Even after drinking it as needed for the
past 2 decades, I still don’t like it much!
The good news is that the taste isn’t so terrible that you can’t drink a cup or
two for a few days to help you get back into the routine of healthy eating
with sweets kept in moderation.

The definition of moderation is less than 36 grams (3 tablespoons) of sugar

each day (less for children) from all sources (including fruit and fruit juice).
To give you an idea of how little sugar this actually is, one navel orange
contains approximately 23 grams of sugar. More than the 36 grams
suggested limit causes significant immune system impairment according to
research described in the classical compendium Search for Health by Tom

Two cautions with regard to consumption of Pau d’arco tea are to start slow
to avoid Candida die-off symptoms and make sure you get the real thing.
There are Pau d’arco imposters out there, so make sure the source of your
herb is either the Tabebuia avellanedae tree or the Tabebuia impetiginosa
tree. Mahogany bark, for example, apparently has a similar color and aroma
to the bark of the Pau d’arco tree but does not have its beneficial effects
when consumed as a tea.

Getting back on the healthy eating wagon is not nearly as tough when you
use Pau d’arco as your ace in the hole!
The Gut Has a Mind of Its Own: A Homeopathic Strategy to
Uproot GI-Related Ills
Since when do you think with your stomach? Since forever. And this
applies to everyone: children, adults, even pets.

Presently, we flounder in the wake of a new trend where the gastrointestinal

tract has been disturbed by drugs of commerce to a steroidal level.

I call it the post-modern medicine syndrome: we are in a post-antibiotic,

post-birth control pill, post-steroid, post-health phase of human health. Two
generations have now suffered in this climate of drug-induced illness,
which we call iatrogenic disease.

We have traded our short-term acute ills, such as ear infections, sore throats,
fevers, and zits for chronic illnesses: disorders such as ADHD, autism,
Alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, and of course, food intolerances and
allergies. The list goes on.

How did it happen? It’s a much simpler matter than it appears on the
surface. One of the quickest ways to flip the switch from normal behavior
and acceptable health to awful behavior and chronic illness is to employ
one or all of these drugs and viola! A healthy GI tract to a disturbed GI

With new, deeper and more persistent illness.

And what is most daunting about all this is that modern medicine and its
offshoots — school psychologists, social workers and other practitioners —
still approach these ills with psychological tests, talking sessions and more

Forgive my intolerance, but it appears that the actions of many pediatricians

and dermatologists are exculpatory, particularly when the drugs upon which
they depend have time after time been disclosed to have long-term
detrimental effects. Even the American College of Pediatricians has
recommended to its members that they stop handing out antibiotics like
candy. Nonetheless the practice continues.
And then there are those doctors who get it. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride
MD says, “When a baby is born, it acquires the flora of the mother during
its passage through the birth canal. If the mother has a history of antibiotic
or contraceptive use and poor digestive health, her flora will likely be

Michael the Teenager Is SO UPSET!

Our young friend, Michael, was having difficulty in school, with an
inability to concentrate and lapses in judgment. He had always been a tad
socially awkward, but now in his teen years, he had begun to tune out, with
regressing behavior, frequent outbursts and even sobbing fits.

Michael’s psychologist uncle declared that Michael suffered from ADD.

Michael also developed an eating disorder in a desperate bid to control his

“environment” — an explanation his uncle postulated. His dad made light
of it: “Michael thinks the four food groups are pasta, bagels, pretzels and

But it was no laughing matter. Michael’s GI tract had bottomed out, but his
family, not clearly understanding what really caused this so-called ADD,
began to seek answers outside the conventional medical system.

Michael’s mom did her homework, which led her to attempt to implement
aspects of the GAPS diet, but Michael stayed hopelessly addicted to his
“four food groups”.

While some might blame this teen’s behavior on environmental factors,

hormone shifts and the like, homeopathy looks more closely at his timeline
to expose a different exciting cause…sadly, the more common one found

Michael's Time Line

Which Came First: the Illness or the Drug?
Before the behavioral problems developed, Michael had not had antibiotics
that many times. But define “many times.” One? Twelve? A full year’s
worth? In Michael’s case, until a few short years ago, he had few learning
or behavioral troubles. In fact, his mother recalls that his difficulties seemed
to erupt right along with his acne and shortly after his third round of
antibiotics for strep throat and fever.

Therein lies our first clue.

Not many teenagers in the Western world get acne without a trip to the
dermatologist, followed by a drive home with a pocket bulging with scripts.

The trouble is, the dermatologist was hired to halt the acne and has not been
trained to make certain that Michael had a sound gut so that his skin — and
his behavior — remain normal.

A Two-Pronged Strategy to Correcting the Gut

Michael’s mother, at her wit’s end, began searching for more answers.
GAPs was not enough. The dermatologist was doing more harm than good.
But how does she heal Michael of his difficulties without the drugs? What
to do if Michael gets a strep throat or fever again? How does his mom avoid
re-introducing antibiotics?

By working on a new strategy, that’s how. As a result of her research,

Michael’s mom decided she needed to learn the main homeopathic
remedies to use for the kinds of problems Michael had been prone to in the
past. She bought a few homeopathy books and enrolled in Good Gut, Bad
Gut:A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in
Body and Mind, an online course on curing one’s family at home with
Some of the first remedies she learned about were Hepar sulph 30 and
Belladonna 30, which have been shown to uproot sore throats and ear
infections. She also learned that Michael’s high fevers were best resolved
with nothing but good bone stock and rest.

No need for drugs at all!

This is where the study of homeopathy offers one of its greatest gifts. It
squarely places the ability to cure where it belongs…in the hands of the

Overcoming a dependence on antibiotics for every ill by employing sound

homeopathy and common sense strategies for Michael’s acute problems
allows his body to finish the work of displacing the original onslaught of

But What About the Gut Now?

Let’s fast forward on Michael’s timeline. We can use homeopathy to
address food intolerances and other issues now and for the future.

Given that Michael’s GI tract has likely been tainted, we can employ the
remedy Bovista. This is a remedy most frequently associated with allergies
— especially food allergies — and in turn a problem with cravings. If he
had bloating, gas and burping, the more apt remedy choice would be
Lycopodium 200 and perhaps Nat phos 6x as well.

Homeopathic remedies don’t suppress symptoms. Instead, they rectify the

underlying problem. This was what intrigued Michael’s mother the most
because she was anxious about his eating habits and behavior.

This is a good place to start, but there’s more. Aethusa is an important

remedy to address ADD and hyperactivity, so for Michael, this too is a good
choice. The hallmark for the use of Aethusa also happens to include delayed
mental benchmarks. In Michael’s case, we might say that his behavior was
childish for his age.

If this assumption is correct, after employing this remedy, it will appear as

though Michael has simply grown up. And indeed he will have.
Homeopathy is like that. It puts things in order so that the proper maturity
can take place.

Not long after implementing the homeopathic program, Michael’s mom was
relieved that Michael began to eat eggs, her bone stock, fermented
vegetables and even lamb chops — and he stopped falling into a weeping
heap over trivialities.

For Michael, he was excited by his transformation in school, as he began to

excel both academically and socially. At last report, his folks reported that
Michael now has an after-school job, and his grades consistently improve.
Moreover, his interests show healthier tendencies, with an ascension into
more mature areas.

For those who have already begun the journey of replacing dead foods with
nutrient-dense and live organisms and have witnessed improvement but are
not yet there, homeopathy offers the trump card to complete the circle.

All this from homeopathic remedies and a nutrient-dense diet? You bet!

Adapted from an original blog post by Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH,

Natural Reflux Remedy Without That Pesky Purple Pill
Need a reflux remedy that is easy and totally natural? Read on for the
details but don’t be put off by how simple this solution is. It works so give
it a try!

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is at epidemic

levels today. Not only do many adults suffer from it, but children and even
infants frequently do as well in ever increasing numbers.

According to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons:

The term gastroesophageal reflux describes the movement (or reflux) of
stomach contents back up into the esophagus, the muscular tube that
extends from the neck to the abdomen and connects the back of the throat to
the stomach. Because the stomach manufactures acid as an aid to digestion,
this phenomenon is often referred to as acid reflux. Most people experience
acid reflux from time to time as heartburn, a burning sensation below the
breast bone that occurs after eating or at night. When the frequency of acid
reflux is much greater than normal, or complications develop as a result of
acid reflux, the condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or

Now that we know what reflux or GERD actually is, let’s examine what
causes this chronic and sometimes debilitating condition and how to resolve
it without dependence on drugs.

Contrary to conventional thought, it is not too much stomach acid that is

causing the discomfort. In fact, according to Dr. Natasha Campbell-
McBride MD, the nexus of the problem is too little stomach acid which
causes the food that is consumed to sit and putrefy in the stomach instead of
being immediately and properly broken down by hydrochloric acid
produced by the digestive glands.

This putrefication process generates a secondary acidic environment. This

is the acid that people experience as reflux, but the truth of the matter is that
if the stomach produced adequate acid to begin with to digest food properly,
acid reflux would never occur in the first place!
The uncomfortable result of this secondary acid in the stomach is that the
Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) gets paralyzed, allowing both acid and
partially digested food to flow back up into the esophagus. Hence the acid
in the back of the throat and the related discomfort.

While the putrefication of the food in the stomach from a lack of

hydrochloric acid itself generates an acidic environment, it’s not the kind
we need for digesting food optimally in order for us to be nourished by it.
Toxins are generated and the surrounding tissue is affected and ultimately
damaged — especially the sphincter which opens and closes to allow
passage of food from the esophagus to the stomach.

Of course this cannot be a good thing on a long-term basis and it’s only
natural that complications would develop over time, the worst being
esophageal cancer.

Besides the typical burning in the throat sensation, acid reflux sufferers also
typically experience slow digestion which makes metabolism very
inefficient. A healthy digestive system uses about 30% of the body’s energy
on a daily basis. As a result, any major reduction in its capacity will tire you
out quickly.

Sleepy after meals anyone?

So what’s to be done? According to lectures by Dr. Campbell-McBride MD,

a natural reflux remedy is available that is actually ridiculously simple.
Help the stomach produce more natural acid to prevent the problematic,
secondary acid from occurring! Whatever you do, don’t suppress the
stomach’s efforts by shutting down what little beneficial acid it is producing
with TUMS, a purple pill, or any other medication — over the counter or

Reflux medications are a monster cash cow for the drug companies, but it’s
at the expense of the long-term health of the consumer, even if there is some
short-term relief because there is less secondary, putrefied acid to be
refluxed up the esophagus. The toxins are still being produced and the
damage is still being done to your sphincter.
Reflux Remedy: Cabbage to Encourage Normal Stomach Function
Your natural production of stomach acid can be stimulated and enhanced
easily, safely and cost-effectively with cabbage.

Yes — cabbage!

Cabbage is a reflux remedy as it naturally stimulates the production of

hydrochloric acid (HCL) to permit digestion to proceed normally without a
secondary wave of acid from paralyzing the sphincter and causing
putrefying stomach contents to erupt back into the throat.

You can juice it and drink some before eating or make yourself some good
old coleslaw (you know, the kind grandma used to make — or at least
someone in your ancestry if you go back far enough). Or, here it comes, just
eat some traditionally fermented sauerkraut. Not the canned or jarred stuff
on the shelf at the supermarket.

Cabbage and particularly fermented cabbage, aka sauerkraut, is a reflux

remedy that is about as simple as you can get!

Sauerkraut, especially, is treasured traditional tucker in various parts of

Europe. And now I understand why.

How to Put Cabbage to Work as a Natural Reflux Remedy Every Day

In order to have a comfortable digestive experience all day long, start the
morning by eating a quarter cup or so of sauerkraut or plain shredded
cabbage five minutes before your meal — Dr. Natasha’s orders!

Just be sure that first meal is a good one, such as soaked porridge, eggs
fried in butter with some cooked veggies or fruit on the side and maybe a
little homemade broth for good measure.
If you’re eating processed cereals with skim milk, pop-tarts or doughnuts
for breakfast, forget about the cabbage as nothing will help. Just take your
purple pills.
Simple Eggshell Tincture for Acid Reflux
You pay good money for those local free range, pastured eggs, so why in
the world are you throwing out the eggshell?

Some folks say to compost it, but another school of thought says this isn’t
such a great idea as eggshells don’t break down.

If you don’t really want to compost them, what is a good way to make use
of all that calcium and a bit of magnesium in those excellent quality
eggshells? My Mother in Law makes a mineral loaded tincture with used
eggshell and it’s very easy to make.

Eggshell Tincture
● Eggshell from 12 local free range or pastured chickens.
● 1 pint raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar

1. Remove the inner membrane from each cleaned, cracked and used
eggshell and crush lightly in a mortar and pestle. You don’t need to
crush the eggshell into a powder, just into small pieces.
2. Place eggshell bits in a one quart mason jar and add 1 pint of cider
vinegar and close the lid. Make sure you use a one quart mason jar as
the mixture tends to foam up so you will need the extra room in the jar.
3. Leave eggshell tincture on the counter or in the pantry. No need to
4. Use 1 tablespoon in a glass of filtered water up to three times per day
as a calcium boost and digestive aid.

Tip for Acid Reflux: 1 tablespoon of this tincture in an 8 oz glass of filtered

water is especially helpful for digestion after meals if you suffer from acid
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Coughs, Colds and Respiration
Chapter 2: Cuts, Bruises, Burns and Itches
Chapter 3: Skin, Hair and Nails
Chapter 4: Ear, Nose and Throat
Chapter 5: Feminine, Pregnancy, Nursing and Babies
Chapter 6: Gut, Digestion and Immunity

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