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While a lot of people might say that technology distracts us and has a rather bad influence than a good

one, in my opinion I think that technology is very useful and can be used for many positive things,
including helping us maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I’ve seen diet apps that shows us what food is the best for your health. Also, such apps tell you what
you have achieved by doing this diet. You can also learn cooking healthy food because the app gives
different kind of recipes.

Another very good kind of apps are exercise apps. They show you daily routine training exercise that
help you gain muscles or lose calories. After a month you will be like a new person. Most of those kinds
of apps show your improvements over the days or weeks or months. From the start many people give
up but you shouldn’t.

Other apps I’ve seen are for your sleep time. Mostly smartwatches have such options to track your
sleep time. It shows you how much you sleep. It’s very important to know how long you sleep if you
want to have a healthy lifestyle. if you want to have a healthy lifestyle. It’s good to have at least eight
hours of sleep.

In my opinion this helps a lot to have good lifestyle and to learn new stuff.

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