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1short course on safe driving

2At first it was unconfortable, then the woman came over to apologize

2 maybe yes , sometimes there are situations where one gets upset and does not know what
he is saying or doing , and sometimes we take it out on another person

A couple of years ago there was an accident where my mom and my uncles were, they were
returning to Santa Cruz from a trip to Vallegrande, I don't remember exactly, and the bus they
were on was going normally at a speed not so high, they were about the highway, which is a
double lane, suddenly they heard beeps from the bus and then they braked suddenly and felt a
strong blow. The driver got out and most of the people also went to see what had happened.

The one who collided had been a man who was on his motorcycle that was coming in the
opposite direction to the bus, the bus braked but it still collided with the motorcycle, for a
moment the motorcyclist did not seem seriously injured, he even spoke with those who
approached, Suddenly he took off his helmet, and fell unconscious to the floor dead.

when the ambulances came, the doctors said that if he didn't take off his helmet he would
have lived, because a certain area of his head had been broken and the helmet kept that tight,
once he took it off there was no longer that pressure from the helmet and died right away.

My uncles and my mom couldn't believe that, it seemed terrifying, because the man walked
and talked to many people until he took off his helmet and fell.

hace un par de años hubo un accidente donde mi mama y mis tios estuvieron, ellos estaban
volviendo a santa cruz de un viaje a vallegrande, no recuerdo exactamente, y el bus en donde
iban estaba yendo normal a una velocidad no tan alta, estaban por la carretera , en la cual es
doble via, de pronto escucharon pitidos del bus y luego freno de golpe y se sintio un golpe
fuerte. el chofer se bajo y la mayoria de gente tambien a ver que habia pasado.

el que choco habia sido un hombre que estaba en su motocicleta que venia en direccion
contraria al bus, el bus freno pero igual se choco con la moto, por un momento el motociclista
no parecia lastimado de gravedad, incluso hablo con los que se acercaron , de pronto el se
saco su casco , y cayo desmayado al piso muerto.

cuando vinieron las ambulancias, los medicos dijieron que si el no se sacaba el casco hubiera
vivido , por que se le habia roto cierta zona de la cabeza y el casco mantenia apretado eso, una
vez que se lo saco ya no hubo esa presion del casco y murio enseguida.

mis tios y mi mama no podian creer eso, parecia de terror , por que el hombre camino hablo
con mucha gente hasta que se saco el casco y cayo .

isabel told me that she had a problem when she went to pick up her mother from work, a man
approached her and yelled at her that a woman should not drive, she got scared, she can't
believe that there are people who still think those things
hello isabel, tell me what happened to you?

there are people who did not have a minimum education

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