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is a necessary mineral. It helps build strong bones and is necessary for other functions, such as
muscle contraction and nerve transmission. Dairy products are a good source of calcium, and this is one of the
main reasons that the USDA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend that people consume
dairy. Dairy also contains other important nutrients for bone health, such as
phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D, and protein. Without enough calcium, a person may be at risk
of osteoporosis. This condition causes bones to weaken and leaves them prone to breaking. The National
Osteoporosis Foundation explain that people need adequate calcium and vitamin D to prevent bone loss and
osteoporosis. Although dairy products may contain n m more calcium than many other foods, evidence
suggesting that consuming dairy can prevent bone fractures seems conflicting. For example, one systematic
review and meta-analysis suggests that as dairy intake increases, the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture
decreases in some studies. However, this was not the case in all the studies included in the analysis. It is also
important to explain that many other factors can affect bone health, including exercise, smoking status,
alcohol use, and changes in hormone levels during aging. One long term Swedish study that involved more
than 61,000 women and 45,000 men found a potential link between higher milk intake and higher mortality
and higher incidence of bone fractures. However, this association does not indicate a “cause and effect”
relationship. For example, the women who had hip fractures and higher milk intake may have been drinking
more milk because they were at risk of hip fractures. The study authors caution that the results do not take
into consideration other lifestyle factors and health conditions. Another long term study of 94,980 Japanese
people found the opposite association, with a lower risk of mortality tied to increased milk consumption.
Overall, the majority of research on dairy suggests that milk is beneficial for bone health and cardiovascular
health. One thing that is clear is that calcium and the other nutrients that milk provides are necessary for bone
health. Those who cannot or choose not to consume dairy should consume other calcium-rich foods or speak
to a doctor about whether they need a calcium supplement. Learn more about 18 nondairy calcium-rich foods
here. ust produce an enzyme called lactase. Without enough lactase, a person will not be able to digest dairy
products that contain lactose. This leads to symptoms of lactose intolerance, which may include:

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