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A family is called a group of people who live together as two, three, or more

persons. Family relationships can be because of the variety of connections like

blood, marriage, adoption, etc. among members of the family. A healthy family
is the need of everyone, especially children and old people. Healthy family
relationships help in promoting good habits, cultures, and traditions in the
children. Family plays a very important role in preparing a modern and new
generation child mentality to live his whole life in this modern community.
Family is an essential part of our life as it provides life security for each
member of the family. It provides both financial and emotional support to all.

Family is the foundation of everyone who lives together. It is through a family

that we learn our first interactions with the world. It teaches us how to love
and be loved, how to offer and receive support, and how to respect others
while earning their respect. It provides a different point of view for our viewing
angles of the world. The socially acceptable version of family is the people
who are biologically related to you. Every person in a family has a special
personality to be unique in it. We need to connect emotionally with each other
for the well-being of the members such as mental and physical both. As we
have to keep our family safe, strong, and build a powerful emotion amongst
each other then we have to maintain a strong bond with each other. Also, the
interactions of having to be unique with other members of the family.

Notwithstanding, the interactions need to nurture and strengthen the bonds

between family members or the family will drift apart. Strong family
relationships mean better communication with each other. The members of
the family take out the time to talk to each other whenever they want to spare
time. No matter whether the conversations could be about small things or big
ones. They understand one another and listen to what the other person has to
say. Everyone feels the need to be appreciated. Stronger family bonds mean
that when a family member appreciates you, it heightens your self-esteem and
in turn makes it easier for you to express your appreciation.

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