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As the definition of family states that a family, being those people who are

biologically related to you, in real life, the term is much faster than that.
Families can come in certain formats – from the traditional nuclear family to
those in which children are raised by relatives to same-sex partners with their
children. Many people turn to their friends for love and support and, therefore,
consider them their real families. Regardless of what each one of us defines as
family, one thing is pretty certain – we need a family to survive happily. Human
beings are considered social animals living in groups called families. Family
plays many important roles throughout life.  A person without a family is not
complete in this world because family is an integral part of all of us.

A family can be a small family, small nuclear, big nuclear, or joint family. There
are many relationships in the family such as grandparents, parents, wife,
husband, brother, sister, cousin, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, In-laws, etc. My
parents love and care for my grandparents very much and always take care of
their needs. They give lots of needed things to them whenever we go to the
village. My parents talk to my grandparents with mobile almost every day by
taking out some free time from their busy schedules. I am so lucky and feel
very happy to have such lovely and careful members of my family. I miss my
grandparents when I get back home. However, when you look at what a family
means, you realize that family can be anyone, the people you were born to, or
the people you choose to be with. Love them or hate them, you cannot deny
the fact that your family is pivotal in your life and there are quite a few reasons
for that.

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