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Student Reflection on the Test

Test: ______________________________________________________

1. How difficult did you find the test?

____ very difficult ____ a little difficult ____ just right
____ a little easy ____ very easy
Explain: What was difficult or easy about the test?

2. How did you prepare for the test? How many hours did you spend:
Reading your coursebook: _____
Reviewing exercises in your course book: _____
Reviewing exercises in iQ Online: _____
Reviewing your notes from class: _____
Reviewing vocabulary: _____
Studying with friends or classmates: _____
Practicing English outside of class (reading, watching movies): _____
Other (specify below):

3. Look at your test. Why do you think you made mistakes?

____ Did not read the question carefully
____ Did not study enough
____ Did not check your answer
____ Did not understand what the question was asking for
____ Did not answer the question fully
____ Ran out of time
____ Other reasons (explain):

4. What is ONE thing you can do differently to prepare for the next test? Use your answers from #2 and
#3 to help you, and give details.

5. What can your teacher do to help you improve your learning?

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