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UNIT IDeterminants of Morality tense, their muscles tighten, their lips dry and their

consciousness became alert. This response is triggered

by “fear” which people feel when they sense a potential
According to the Catholic Dictionary, there are factors in
threat or a hazard.
human conduct that determine whether it is good or
bad. Charles Darwin was one of the people to research
human feelings or emotional responses. According to
three determinants of morality
him, aside from survival, we also use our feelings to
communicate with one another.
the act itself means what the free will chooses to do--in
thought, word, or deed or chooses not to do.
Be end or intention is meant the purpose for which the three principles to consider in understanding emotions
act is willed, which may be the act itself (as one of as a response to an experience.
loving God) or some other purpose for which a person
The Principle of Functional Habits states that emotional
acts (as reading to learn). In either case, the end is the
responses are useful expressive habits based on
motive or the reason why an action is performed.
experience. They are functional. Examples of this are
Circumstances are meant all the elements that the lifting of eyebrows when stunned, the gnarling of
surround a human action and affect its morality without teeth when furious, and sneering when enraged
belonging to its essence. A convenient listing of these
The principle of Antagonistic-Thesis entails that the
circumstances is to ask: who? where? how? how
purpose of these emotional responses is for
much? by what means? how often?
communication clarity. It is the opposite of serviceable
habits. The gaping mouth shows wonder or lack of
understanding and the shrugging of shoulders indicates
To be morally good, a human act must agree with the
passive expressions are examples of this principle.
norm of morality on all three counts: in its nature or act,
its intention, and its circumstances. Departure from any the Principle of Involvement of the Enthused Nervous
of these makes the action morally wrong. System says that the nervous system needs to
discharge excess energy. The amusement is a
quasiconvulsive motion that explodes an overflow of
Feelings and moral decision-making nervous energy that was induced by either
physical/psychological tension.
“Human creatures are the most self-conscious animals”
which allows them to develop “basic emotional
responses” and generate more rational methods to help
them survive. (Simons, I., 2009)
In accordance with Philosophy Professor Jordi
Valverdu, The Role of our Emotions is for survival and
innate social responsibilities.
In accordance with Dr. Simons and Professor Valverdu,
the role of our emotions is primarily for the survival of
the species. This helps us and be on the most level of
the food chain for hundreds of years.

when our ancestors live in the desert without the

protective gear that we are experiencing right now, their
primary tool for their survival is in their bodies “fight or
flight” mode. In this mode, their bodies prepare to

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