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TASK task about Art


SAHARANI WAHYU KRISNA SIWI ; 2106091042 ; Rombel 42

1. When did tren under western style appear?
 A trend toward westeren style painting appeared in the 19 th

2. What does the term “Indonesia painting” refer to in Netherland?

 the term Indonesian painting is the term used to paintings
produced by Dutch or other foreign artists who lived and worked in
the former Netherlands-Indies.

3. Who is the most famous native painter in the 19 th century?

 The most famous native 19 th century Indonesian painter is Raden
Saleh (1807-1877)

4. What Style was heavily effected in the 19 th century ?

 The style that was very influential in the 19th century was the
Romanticism style.

5. What doses “romanticism” mean ?

 Romanticism is a genre that tries to present a painting with fantasy
and beauty. This genre displays about something romantic, such as
a natural scene, tragedy, or history

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