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Written By :
NIS 6864



Name : Salsabila Maulidya Zaini

NIS 6864
Class : X-1
Advisor : Drs. Usman, M.Si.
Title :The Impact of Online Learning on The Psychology on
10th Grade Students of SMA 17 Palembang

Palembang, May 2022

Examiner, Advisor,

Marwiyah, M. Pd Drs. Usman, M. Si

NIP 196901081997032003 NIP 196708201997031003

Approved by:
Principal of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang,

Dra. Hj. Purwiastuti Kusumastiwi, M. M.

NIP 196805291994122001


I praise and gratitude pray to the presence of Allah SWT, because of His
mercy and grace, this research report entitled “The Impact of Online Learning on
The Psychology on 10th Grade Students of SMA 17 PALEMBANG” was able
to be completed on time. This report was prepared to fulfill the task of the
BUGEMM (Budaya Gemar Membaca dan Menulis / Culture of reading and
writing) activities at SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang in the academic year
2021 / 2022.
With the completion of this report, i would like to thanks to Drs.Usman,M.
Si, as my supervisor who has provided guidance during the writing of this
report and as my homeroom teacher who has provide motivation in writing this
report. The author also thanks to Dra. Hj. Purwiastuti Kusumastiwi, MM, as the
Head of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang who has provided facilities in the
form of administration and facilities that the author needs. Hopefully this report
will be useful for students, and teachers in Palembang.

Palembang, May 2022

Salsabila Maulidya Zaini

NIS 6864

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ iii
TABLE LISTS .............................................................................................. iv
APPENDIX LIST .......................................................................................... v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Formulation .............................................................................. 2
1.3 Purpose of Research ............................................................................... 2
1.4 Significance of the Study ........................................................................ 2
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................... 3
2.1 Impact ................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Psychology ............................................................................................. 3
2.2.1 Child Psychology ........................................................................ … 4
2.3 Online Learning 4 ................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER III RESEARCH PROCEDURE ................................................ 5
3.1 Operational Definition .......................................................................... 5
3.2 Population and Sample ........................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Population ........................................................................................ 5
3.2.2 Sample ............................................................................................. 6
3.3 Research Method .................................................................................... 6
3.4 Techniques for Collecting the Data ......................................................... 6
3.5 Techniques for Analyzing the Data ......................................................... 7
4.1 Data Description ..................................................................................... 8
4.2 Data Interpretation ................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................ 14
5.1 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 14
5.2 Suggestions .......................................................................................... 14
REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 15

Table 1.Population ..................................................................................................... 6
Table 2. Sample…...................................................................................................... 7
Table 3. Analyzing the Data ............................................................................ ……. 7
Table 4 Sample ............................................................................................ …… 9
Table 4.1.1 Knowing Whether Respondents Feel Stressed Because of
Assignments Given at Online Learning ............................................... …….9
Table 4.1.2 Knowing Whether Respondents Understand The material That
Teachers Give ...................................................................................... ……10
Table 4.1.3 Knowing What Respondents Do if They are Stressed Because of
Online Learning ................................................................................... ……10
Table 4.1.4 Knowing What Respondents Do if Their Mood is Disturbed by
Online Learning ................................................................................... ……11
Table 4.1.5 Knowing Why Respondents Feel Stressed When Online Learning
............................................................................................................. ……11


Appendix 1 : Bugemm Questionnaire

Appendix 2 : Bugemm Consultation Card


1.1 Background
Broadly speaking, psychology is a branch of science that studies human
behavior and mental functions scientifically. Meanwhile, an understanding of
children can be found in the 1989 Convention on the Right Of the Child which
states that a child is anyone under the age of 18 years. The Indonesian government
has ratified this statement through Presidential Decree No. 39/1990.
Therefore, it can be said that child psychology is a branch of psychology
that studies the growth and development and behavior of anyone under 18 years of
age. In practice, psychologists who study child psychology specialize based on
what is learned. In general, child psychologists themselves are divided into
educational psychologists who focus on providing support to children in the world
of education, and clinical psychologists who focus on providing support to children
who have obstacles or disorders in their development process.
The impact of prolonged online learning causes psychological pressure on
students. Debriefing that is right on target for students is a solution, especially
before school exams.
For those who are easy to adapt, online learning is not a problem. Unlike
students who find it difficult or do not adapt quickly, instead of being effective,
online learning can be stressful for them.
Psychologist Intan Erlita said that the problem cannot be separated from the
position of children themselves as social beings, where they need to interact and
socialize with other people. In this case, not only parents, but also peers, teachers,
and the environment. "Because logically, children, whether in kindergarten,
elementary, junior high, or high school, need a fairly high level of contact or
socialization. They learn to recognize their environment, learn to recognize how to
chat with teachers, older people, andhow to adapt to their peers said Intan.
"This pandemic has made them lose the time that is said to be their human
relationship. The relationship is how they adapt. Now, this creates its own stress,"

she said.
Online learning activities can cause psychological disorders in children.
Psychological disorders are very often found in students of SMA Plus Negri 17
Palembang. This happens for various reasons such as, too many assignments,
material that is difficult to understand due to online learning.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. How do we as students to overcome online learning so as not to disturb our
mood or become saturated with online learning?
2. How the positive impact of online abuse on the psyche of students 10th grade
SMA 17 Palembang?
3. How to overcome the impact of online learning on the students of SMA 17
Palembang psychology and its solutions?

1.3 Purpose of Research

1. To know how to deal with online learning so that we as students are not
saturated and understand the lessons in school well.
2. To know the positive impact of online abuse on the psyche of students 10th
grade Sma 17 Palembang
3. To know how to overcome the impact of online learning on the students of Sma
17 Palembang psychology and its solutions

1.4 Significance of the Study

This research has the following benefits:
1. For students : Students are expected to be able to overcome online learning on
their psychology
2. For readers : Readers will know how online learning gives impact to their
friends in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang
3. For teachers : Teachers are expected to help overcome the negative impacts
of online learning on students.


2.1 Impact
According to Suharto dan Retnoningsih (2005:116) the definition of
impact is a collision, an influence that has both positive and negative
consequences. Influence is the power that exists and arises from something
(people, things) that help shape the character, beliefs or actions of a sescorung.
Influence is a condition in which there is a reciprocal relationship or a causal
relationship between what is affected and what is affected.
Impact can simply be interpreted as an effect or effect. Every decision
taken by a superior usually has its own impact, both positive and negative
impacts. Impact can also be a follow-up process from an internal control
implementation. A reliable leader should be able to predict the type of impact
that will occur on a decision to be taken.

2.2 Psychology
According to Yudrik Jahja (2011:7) psychology (from ancient Greek:
psyche = soul and logos =the word) in the sense of being free, psychology is the
study of the soul/mental. Psychology does not study this soul / mental direct
because of its abstract nature, but psychology limits on the manifestation and
expression of the soul/mental that is in the form of behavior and processes or
activities, so that psychology can be defined as a science that studies behavior
and mental processes. So, the meaning of psychology is literally the science of
the soul.

2.2.1 Child Psychology
According to Nani Pratiwi and Nola Pritnova (2017:17) suggests the
forms of children and adolescents presenting themselves to interpersonal
situations on social media including ingratiation, competence, intimidation,
exemplification, and supplication.

2.3 Online Learning

According to Oktafia Ika Handarini (2020:498) online learning is a
learning system that is carried out not face to face, but uses a platform that can
help the teaching and learning process that is carried out even though it is far
away. The purpose of online learning is to provide quality learning services in a
massive and open network to reach more and wider interest in learning spaces
(Sofyana & Abdul, 2019:82).


3.1 Operational Definition

1. Impact is an influence that has both positive and negative consequences.

2. Online Learning is a learning system that is carried out not face to face but use a
3. Psychology is the study of the soul/mental

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population
Population is the entire object of research. This study will take 10th grade
students of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang as the population to represent students
in general and 10 students from each class of X Science 1 until X Science 9 and X
Social 10 until X social 11 will be taken as samples.

Table 1. Population
No 10th Grade Class Number of Male Number of Female Total
1 X. I 14 22 36 students
2 X. II 8 20 28 students
3 X. III 14 21 35 students
4 X. IV 11 24 35 students
5 X. V 12 24 36 students
6 X. VI 13 23 36 students
7 X. VII 10 26 36 students
8 X. VIII 13 23 36 students
9 X. IX 9 18 27 students
10 X. X 11 20 31 students
11 X. XI 10 26 36 students
Total Number 125 247 372 students
Source: Tata Usaha SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang

3.2.2 Sample
Sample is a group of people that taken from a larger population for measurement
of the research. From 371 students of 10th grade in the academic year 2021/2022,
110 students will be the samples of this study. Which is explain in table 2 below.

Table 2. Sample
No 10th Grade Class Number Of Student Total
1 X. I 10 10 students
2 X. II 10 10 students
3 X. III 10 10 students
4 X. IV 10 10 students
5 X. V 10 10 students
6 X. VI 10 10 students
7 X. VII 10 10 students
8 X. VIII 10 10 students
9 X. IX 10 10 students
10 X. X 10 10 students
11 X. X1 10 10 students
Total Number 110 110 students

3.3 Research Method

This research is a qualitative research done by using questionnaire. The
questionnaire is given to the 10th grade students as representative of students in
general. The result is going to be analyzed to find out the impact of online
learning on the psychology on 10th grade students of SMA 17 Palembang.

3.4 Techniques for Collecting the Data

This research use questionnaire using Google Form as the method that
will answer the problem that related to 10th grade online learning that impact to
their psychology. In distributing to the questionnaire 10 students from 11
classes will be chosen randomly.

3.5 Techniques for Analyzing the Data
The data will be analyzed from the respondent’s opinions towards the
questionnaire. The result and the conclusions will be accorded to the collected
data from 110 students, hoping it will be useful for the students, teachers, and
also readers.

Table 3. Analyzing the Data

No. Question Option Respond
Number Percentage
1. Do assignments given
 Yes
at online learning make
you feel stressed?  no

2. Does online learning

 Yes
make you understand
the material that  no

teachers give?
3. What do you do if you
 doing
are stressed because of
online learning?
activities to

 stop for a
moment in

 nothing
4. What do you do if your
 doing
mood is disturbed by
online learning?
activities to
improve the
mood to

 stop for a
moment in

 Nothing
5. Why do you feel
 A lot of
stressed when online
learning ?

 I don't like

 I can't meet
my friends

 I don't
the material
that's being


In this chapter, researchers will discuss the results of research conducted using
the method of distributing questionnaires regarding analysts on " The Impact of
Online Learning on The Psychology on 10th Grade Students of SMA 17 Palembang”.

4.1 Data Description

Based on the answers to the questionnaires that have been distributed, the
following results are obtained:

Table 4.1.1
Knowing Whether Respondents Feel Stressed Because of Assignments Given
at Online Learning
No. Statement Option Frequency percentage
1. Do assignments Yes 78 70,9 %
given at online No 32 29,1 %
learning make
you feel
Total 110 100%

Based on the respondents answers, 70,9 % state yes with the statement that
assignments given at online learning make them feel stress, and 29.1% state no.

Table 4.1.2
Knowing Whether Respondents Understand The material That Teachers

No. Statement Option Frequency Percentage

2. Does online Yes 85 77,3 %
learning make you No 25 22,7 %
understand the
material that
teachers give?
Total 110 100%
Source: Questionnaire
Based on the respondents answers, 77.3% of respondents stated yes with the
statement that online learning make them understand to the material that teachers give
and 22.7% state no.

Table 4.1.3
Knowing What Respondents Do if They are Stressed Because of Online
No. Statement Option Frequency percentage
3. What do you do if doing relaxing 81 73,6 %
you are stressed activities to reduce
because of online stress
stop for a moment 25 22,7 %
in studying

Nothing 4 3,7 %
Total 110 100%
Source: Questionnaire
Based on the respondents answers, 73.6% of respondents stated that they doing
relaxing activities to reduce stress if they are stressed because of online learning.
22.7% of respondents stated that they are stop a moment in studying if they are

stressed because of online learning. 3.7% of respondents stated that they don’t do
anything if they are stressed because of online learning.

Table 4.1.4
Knowing What Respondents Do if Their Mood is Disturbed by Online Learning
No. Statement Option Frequency percenta
4. What do you do if doing relaxing activities 68 61,8 %
your mood is to improve the mood to
disturbed by study
online learning?
stop for a moment in 37 33,6 %
Nothing 5 4,6 %
Total 110 100%
Source: Questionnaire
Based on the respondents answers, 61.8% of respondents stated that they doing
relaxing activities to improve their mood to study if their mood is disturbed by online
learning, 33.6% stated that they are stop a moment in studying, and 4.6% of respondents
stated that they don’t do anything if their mood is disturbed by online learning

Table 4.1.5
Knowing Why Respondents Feel Stressed When Online Learning
No. Statement Option Frequency percentage
5. Why do you feel A lot of school 38 34.9%
stressed when assignments
online learning ?

I don't like online 18 16.5 %


I can't meet my friends 20 18.5 %

I don't understand the 34 30.1%

material that's being
Total 110 100%

Based on the answers from the respondents, 34.9% of respondents stated that they
feel stressed when online learning because of a lot of school assignments, 16.5% of
respondents stated that they feel stressed when online learning because of they don’t like
online learning, 18,5% of respondents stated that they feel stressed when online learning
because of they cant meet their friends, and 30.1% of respondents stated that they feel
stressed when online learning because of they don’t understand the material that’s being

4.2 Data Interpretation

Based on the results from table 4.1.1, about knowing respondents feel stressed or
not because of assignments given at online learning, it can be concluded that 70.9% of
respondents said they feel stressed because of assignments given at online learning. These
results indicate that more than half on the the respondents are stressed because of
assignments given at online learning.
Based on the results from table 4.1.2, about respondents understand or not the
material that teachers give at online learning, it can be concluded that 77.3% of
respondents said they understand to the material that teachers give at online learning. These
results indicate that more than half on the the respondents are understand to the material
that teachers give at online learning
Based on the results from table 4.1.3, about what respondents do if they are stressed
because of online learning, it can be concluded that 73.6% of respondents said they doing
relaxing activities to reduce stress. These results indicate that more than half on the the
respondents are doing relaxing activities to reduce stress if they are stressed because of
online learning.
Based on results from table 4.1.4, about what respondents do if their mood is
disturbed by online learning, it can be concluded that 61.8% of respondents said they doing
relaxing activities to improve the mood to study. These results indicate that more than half
on the the respondents are doing relaxing activities to improve the mood to study if their
mood is disturbed by online learning.
Based on results from table 4.1.5 about why respondents feel stressed when online
learning, it can be concluded that 34.9% of respondents said that they feel stressed because

of a lot of school assignments. These results indicate that less than half on the respondents
are feel stressed because of a lot of a school assignment, in other words, half of the
respondents indicated that they were stressed because they dont like online learning, they
cant meet their friends, or they dont understand the material thats being taught.


5.1 Conclusions
Most of the X grade students of SMA Negeri 17 Palembang have experienced stress
such as psychological disorders due to online learning. The impact of online learning on
class X students is that it provides psychological disorders that occur due to the material
provided when online learning is difficult to understand, the number of school assignments
given by the teacher, students who cannot socialize directly with their friends because
online learning makes them unable to meet friends, and there are some students who do
not like the online learning method. Ways that can be done to prevent and cope with stress
or psychological disorders caused by online learning is to take a break from strenuous
activities, relax, do fun activities and entertain yourself
5.2 Suggestions
1. To students, suggestions for students of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang should be if
you can't do the task or catch up with the material, it's good to take a break and calm
yourself down to avoid stress. If students feel stress, they should deal with this stress by
do fun things.
2. To the teacher, the writer's suggestion for the teachers of SMA Negeri 17 Palembang, is
to give a little relief to students, for example, adding deadlines so as not to be too fast,
and lightening the task. Because of duty the students are not only one, so if there are too
many it will be burdensome these students.


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